Welcome to the Neighborhood

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Welcome to the Neighborhood Page 8

by Abshire, Mary

  “So, if we don’t wake her, can she…die?” Corey asked.

  “She’s already dead, wolfboy.”

  “Is she in pain?” Greg asked.

  “Are you in pain when you’re unconscious?”

  Annoyance snaked down Greg’s spine. Now he knew why he never spoke to Phillip. His neighbor’s arrogant and rude attitude made him a real asshole.

  Corey stepped around the coffee table and stood next to Phillip, who was still on one knee. “What can get rid of a vampire?”

  “If you want me to leave, just ask,” Phillip said.

  “I think he meant, what can kill, er, destroy a vampire?” Greg asked.

  Phillip shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m educating werewolves.”

  “Humor us, please.” Greg glanced at Alexi and hoped she’d wake up on her own at any given minute. Maybe their voices would trigger her brain to snap back to reality.

  “Decapitation and fire,” Phillip said.

  As he touched Alexi’s face, Greg watched him closely.

  “What about the sun?” Corey asked.

  “It could over an extended length of time. We can tolerate some rays, though it gives us a nasty rash and it’s very painful.”

  “How does she feel?” Greg asked.

  “Cold, and her lips are losing their color.” Phillip looked at Greg. “Do you want my help or not?”

  Greg stared at the vamp. He couldn’t hit Alexi or allow Phillip to, no matter how much he wanted to help her. There had to be another way to wake her.

  “Oh, hell.” Phillip slapped Alexi’s cheek with his palm, then smacked the other side of her face with the back of his hand. He did it so fast Greg didn’t have a chance to stop him.

  Greg’s rage erupted like an exploding volcano. He grabbed the vampire by his neck and tossed him across the room toward the staircase. “You fucking vampire. How dare you touch her!”

  Coughing sounds from the sofa stole Greg’s attention.

  “Holy shit.” Corey stepped away from them. “She’s awake.”

  Greg’s heart jumped as he watched his sleeping beauty. Her eyelids fluttered. Awake was good, but would she attack for blood? He’d soon find out.


  Alexi struggled through a thick fog in her mind. She’d heard voices, one of them Greg’s, and he sounded angry. Why would he call her a fucking vampire?

  “Oh my God, Alexi,” Greg said.

  Something warm touched her face and it felt damn good. She quivered with a chill. That’s when she realized her entire body felt frozen, achy, and cramped.

  “Alexi, it’s me, Greg.”

  Body stiff with pain and mind buzzing, she tried to lift her heavy eyelids. What had happened to her? And why did she feel like an ice cube?

  “You may need to give her another smack,” said a voice unfamiliar to her.

  “Touch her again and I’ll rip your fucking body into little pieces,” Greg grumbled. “I bet that’s one way to destroy you. Funny how you failed to mention it.”

  Harsh words usually led to trouble. Who was Greg speaking to?

  A thick darkness consumed her, pinned her down like a concrete boulder. Focusing on her pain and the hunger burning in her gut, she broke free. She twisted her head and slowly, very slowly, lifted her thousand-pound eyelids.

  “Greg?” she asked, her voice almost sounding alien.

  He smoothed his hand over her face. “I’m here, and I’m ready when you need me.”

  Ready for what? She blinked, trying to clear the haze. By the fourth attempt, she could see three forms near her. Why couldn’t she see clearly? Her vision had always been superior, same for her hearing and sense of smell. Had something happened to her? Her hand shook as she struggled to lift it. What was wrong with her? She rubbed her eyes and was finally able to see.

  Greg’s face hovered in front of her. His blue eyes captivated her and she didn’t want to look away. Then movement behind him distracted her. A tall man with sandy-brown hair and a brooding expression stood over Greg.

  “Who are you?” she asked the stranger. She’d seen his face before at the Welcoming party, but didn’t recall meeting him.

  “I’m your neighbor. You’re doggy friends asked for my help.”

  Doggy friends?

  Greg slid his hand away from her cheek and stood. He balled his hands as he turned to face the man with shoulder length hair. “I thank you for coming, but we don’t need you here any longer.”

  Both men stood stiff, staring at each other. Alexi sensed anger, most of it perfuming from Greg. Her neighbor who remained nameless curled his lip and revealed two sharp canines.

  Fearing what might happen next, she braced her hand on the sofa and exerted all her energy into pushing her drained body to a sitting position. The blanket covering her front dropped to her lap and immediately she felt as if she stepped out in a subdegree temperature. Every inch of her ached, especially her right arm, leg, and forehead. She snuggled her arms back under the blanket and held it close to her. “Will somebody tell me what is going on?”

  Wanting answers, she looked at Corey, standing in the distance by the television, then to the two men facing each other. Past her tall neighbor, she spotted something dark on her carpet. “What’s on the floor?”

  Both her neighbor and Greg turned and followed her gaze.

  “Alexi,” Greg said, stepping toward her.

  “I thought her name was Alexandria,” her vampire neighbor said.

  “Since you’re in my home, can you please tell me your name?”

  “Phillip Weadon. I live across the street.”

  Greg stood near her knee. “You fell down the stairs. I wasn’t sure what to do and thought Phillip might be able to help. I asked Corey to bring him here.”

  “These pups aren’t familiar with vampires. But that one…” Phillip pointed to Greg. “Is willing to donate his blood to you. Given your current condition, I suggest you take him up on the offer.”

  Confused, Alexi faced Greg. He offered his blood to her? The werewolf barely knew her.

  “I’ll help anyway I can,” Greg said, worry holding tight to his blue eyes.

  Alexi stared at Greg. In all her years, a man had never offered his blood to her. Compassion and unselfishness were qualities she’d not seen in the opposite sex before. Greg amazed her.

  “You’re very generous, but…” she said.

  “I’m not afraid of being bitten or sharing my blood. I’ll do whatever I can to help you feel better.”

  One of Phillip’s brows rose. “Really?” He turned to Alexi. “If we were in Vegas, I’d bet my house the werewolf has more than a curious interest in you. Take him up on the offer.”

  A werewolf interested in her? The idea seemed preposterous. Yet Greg consistently gazed into her eyes with a look of admiration, respect, and something more. Was it love? She chuckled inside her head. How could a man, no–a werewolf, love a vampire? The gleam in his eyes had to be lust, not love.

  She scooted forward to the edge of the cushion. Even the smallest movement added to her misery. “I appreciate your willingness to help, but I’ll be fine.”

  “Alexi, you don’t look well,” Greg said.

  “Maybe we should go and let her get some rest,” Corey suggested.

  Alexi gathered her strength and rose slowly. A stinging pain shot up her leg. Wincing, she took a step forward.

  Greg drew close and gripped her arm. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m healing. I’ll be fine.” She hobbled past Phillip. Greg remained at her side, holding her arm. His warmth felt ten times better than the fleece blanket she carried in her arms.

  “What on earth are you wearing?” Phillip asked.

  Ignoring his comment, she stopped near the spot on the carpet and gazed down. From the corner of her eye, she watched Corey move closer.

  “I heard hydrogen peroxide is good at cleaning bloodstains out of carpet.”

  Greg and Alexi both turned to Corey at the same time.r />
  “I don’t know if it’s true, but I had heard that. You might try cold water first and see what happens.”

  Alexi glanced up at the stairs. One of her shoes lay on a step. She remembered rushing to get to her office. Her ankle twisted and she fell. Why was she in such a hurry?

  “Did you know you have a hole in your patio door?” Corey asked.

  Hearing his words refreshed her memory. “My safe!” She dropped the blanket and limped as fast as she could down the hall, heading for the door on the left. Behind her, she felt Greg’s warmth and heard his heart beating fast.

  “Maybe you should let one of us go in first,” Greg said.

  Even in her weakened condition, she’d muster up strength if she needed to battle any attackers. Her maker had taught her to be ready to fight, always. It was one of the few lessons from him she took to heart. Feeling a new rush of energy, she shoved the door and hurried inside her office. She halted in the middle of the room and fixed her attention on the empty space at the bottom of the bookshelves. “I don’t fucking believe it.”

  Greg stopped at her side and she faced him.

  “It’s gone. I can’t believe it.”

  “What’s missing?” Corey said as he moved closer to them.

  “My safe.” She suddenly felt a million times colder and gravely empty, as if someone had stripped her soul from her.

  “Someone took your safe?” Phillip passed them, stopped near the bookshelves, and squatted. “What kind did you have?”

  “It was an antique, over a century old.”

  Corey whistled. “It must cost a fortune if it’s that old.”

  Phillip glanced up at her. “Let me guess, the contents are a hundred times more valuable than the actual safe.”

  She swallowed hard. “I had records, jewelry, currency from other countries and very personal items.”

  The vampire straightened. “If it’s birth or death records, I doubt anyone will find them valuable. It’s no longer a secret we exist.”

  Alexi lowered her gaze. Her concern wasn’t about her records, but rather the ones belonging to her maker and her clients. Her maker had saved the death records of the humans he’d killed and for the ones he turned into vampires. The documents were his souvenirs, and he prized them. Other documents detailed his entire financial assets. She’d stolen everything when she’d run away from him over two centuries ago, and not once did she consider claiming his assets or contacting the others he’d created. Greed and cruelty were qualities he possessed, not her. The records reminded her that she’d beat him, gotten away, and took what he valued most. Although the papers really meant nothing to her, she held on to them in case he ever found her. They could save her, but if they got into the wrong hands, they could damn her.

  And if her maker’s documents weren’t enough to cause worry, all the names and account numbers to her clients were housed in the safe. All someone had to do was create a fake identification and use the account numbers to steal millions of dollars. Her clients, especially the royal ones, would not be pleased. Her career as a financial advisor would be over, forever.

  “By the way, nice thong. Victoria Secret?” Phillip asked.

  The vamp stared at her body, rather, her lower portion. Alexi glanced down and noticed a gap in Greg’s shirt had exposed her. She quickly tugged the edges of the shirt and covered herself.

  Phillip moved toward her but came to a quick halt when Greg stepped in front of him. He glared at the vampire as if he were protecting her. Surely Greg knew a vampire’s strength surpassed that of a werewolf and he would lose in any battle against one.

  “I know who did this,” she said, hoping to ease the growing tension.

  “Old boyfriend?” Phillip asked, and Greg twisted to face her.

  “The movers.” She looked from Greg to the vamp. “I had trouble with them. They claimed their GPS broke and took a detour. Oddly, my safe was in the back of their truck.”

  “They would be the first ones I suspect,” Phillip said.

  Greg nodded. “I smell a light werewolf odor. They must be using the cologne that hides scents. I know you can’t pick it up, but we can.”

  “I smell it too," Corey said with his head tilted back slightly and his nostrils fanning. “It’s barely noticeable.”

  Alexi had seen commercials about the genetically engineered cologne that masked one’s aroma. It worked to an extent. If the person wearing the cologne was a different supernatural creature from the sniffer, the sniffer could not pick up the user’s scent, but those of the same race could.

  “The police should be notified immediately so they can investigate,” Greg said.

  “I’m sure they have better things to do than search for thieves who stole from a vampire.” Phillip snickered. “My advice, file a claim with your insurance company and move on.”

  If only she could, but no amount of money could replace her maker’s records. The information in the documents could bankrupt him, give him a bad reputation around the globe and cause anguish to those he created as well as to all the ancestors of the lives he took. Although her maker was not a kind man by any means, she didn’t want him to go through such an ordeal. He was, after all, the one who gave her immortality. If word got out she were the reason for his loss of assets and smearing of his name, she’d have to go into hiding. Without a doubt, he’d search for her and if he found her he’d probably bring a quick end to her time on earth.

  “I need to get my safe back. Somehow, I have to get it.” And soon. Not only did she need to reclaim the items from her maker, she needed to protect her client’s assets and accounts. If she called them all and notified them of her loss, she’d look like a major fool. They’d probably terminate her and ruin her name. No, she didn’t want to risk damaging her career if she could get her safe back.

  “I might be able to help if you file a report with the police,” Greg said. “I can act as your attorney and press them to investigate the moving company quickly.”

  She slowly paced in the room while she considered Greg’s proposal. His continuous offer of assistance boggled her mind. He had to want something from her. Men always did, and they never offered help for free. From the memory in the bathroom, she guessed what he’d want. Damn, she hated having to use her body, but she needed her safe returned as quickly as possible.

  “I bet it was the movers,” Corey said, and she stopped. He moved closer to the bookshelves and looked down at the big empty space. “And they are probably professionals. No ordinary thieves could lift a big safe. Not to mention, that hole in the glass looked clean cut.” He twisted to face Alexi. “Unless someone who you’ve pissed off knows you live here, the odds are ninety-nine to one the movers took your safe.”

  All eyes turned to her. “My clients never know where I live. The only person who knows is my best friend, Cassandra, and I know for a fact she would never tell anyone.”

  “Any of your clients angry boyfriends?” Phillip asked.

  “No, I don’t have any…” She paused and looked at Greg. She’d almost said she never had a boyfriend. Men had used her to get what they wanted or when she needed help, and that was the extent of her relationships with the opposite sex. “None of them are or were boyfriends. I have a strictly business relationship with my clients.”

  “Sounds like an easy case, counselor.”

  Greg faced Alexi and smiled. “It’s up to you.”

  Alexi glanced at Phillip, the neighbor she hardly knew. She considered asking for his help and not filing a report. The two of them together could find her safe faster and if they had to fight a few werewolves, well, the fight wouldn’t last long. On the downside, if she requested his help, the vampire would undoubtedly want something in return and paying a debt to a vampire was far worse than owing any other creature. Immortality had a way of giving vamps the upper hand when they wanted something.

  “If you don’t need me, then my job is done here. I have business to attend to,” Phillip said.

exi chewed on her lip, trying to decide what to do. Ask Phillip for help or Greg? Owe a vampire, or a werewolf?

  “Thank you, Phillip,” she said, although she wasn’t quite sure why she was thanking him.

  “No need to show me out. I can find the way.” He walked past her and left without a pause, taking his cold aura with him.

  She twisted to face the blue-eyed werewolf. “Do you really believe the police can help?”

  “I’ll make sure they find your safe and the thieves get punished, either in a court of law or by the pack.”

  Greg’s firm voice gave her confidence she’d made the right choice. She didn’t care if a court or pack punished them. She simply wanted her safe. Moreover, all the contents returned.

  “All right. As my lawyer, I will trust you.”

  “Do you want to call, or shall I?”

  “You call.”

  Greg withdrew his phone from his pocket and tapped the screen. “You might want to change into some clothes. They’ll probably send someone out to investigate and take your statement.”

  Alexi’s body ached and she craved nourishment, not a sit down with police. Since she didn’t have much of a choice, she agreed with a nod.

  Corey moved away from the crime scene and stopped at her side. “He’s a real good lawyer, and he knows how to talk to people.” He kept his voice low while Greg spoke on the phone. “He’s very good at demanding action. Don’t worry, he’ll locate the movers who stole your safe and get it returned to you.”

  Corey’s confidence reassured her she’d made the right decision to accept Greg’s help, but trepidation still slipped into her head. Would the cops help her once they knew she was a vampire?

  “I’m going back to my house. If you or Greg need anything, call me.”

  “Thank you for driving my car back.”

  “Sure. Glad to help a neighbor.” He lifted his hand to Greg. Still holding the phone to his ear and talking, Greg waved back. Alexi followed Corey out of the room. When he stopped abruptly, she almost bumped into him.


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