Welcome to the Neighborhood

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Welcome to the Neighborhood Page 23

by Abshire, Mary

  “Yes, I’m Gregory Holmes. Please call me Greg.” He paused as Alexi came to stand next to him, her hand hovering above her eyes. “And this is my girlfriend, Alexandria Cartwright.” He reached behind her, caught the waistband of her pants and pulled her close.

  The short man wearing jeans and a dark t-shirt strode down the steps and headed for them with his arm outstretched. “I’m Jerry Mullins. This is my house.” He thumbed the direction behind him while shaking Greg’s hand. “Chris left to check on the people you’re after. You’re welcome to come inside and wait for him. He might be gone for twenty minutes or longer, depending on what he sees.”

  Alexi shook Jerry’s hand while she squinted from the rays of the sun. “Thank you for your help.”

  “I’m not really helping much. Chris asked to stay here while he snooped around. I’m always willing to assist my pack brothers.”

  “I appreciate your willingness to help at such short notice. If there’s anything I can ever do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask,” Greg said.

  “It’s no trouble at all.” Jerry took a step back. “Shall we move inside the house?”

  Greg exchanged a glance with Alexi. She smiled while holding her hand above her eyes. Lips pressed together, she had a somewhat pained expression. He wondered if the sun was bothering her.

  “Yes, let’s go inside,” Greg said, his arm still wrapped around Alexi’s waist.

  “Follow me,” Jerry said, then led the way toward the porch.

  Greg walked next to Alexi as they followed Jerry. The temptation to ask her how she felt played on his tongue. She’d told him earlier she could last for a while under the sun’s rays. Of course, she never specified how long a while was. Could she withstand a few minutes or hours? He’d wished he inquired before leaving her house.

  They strolled along the front porch and the wood creaked under Jerry’s feet first, then Greg’s. Jerry opened the screen door for them and held it. The smell of beef stew flowed out of the home, rousing his appetite. “Please, make yourselves at home,” Jerry said.

  Greg paused to allow Alexi to pass in front of him, which she did with a smile. He followed her, and then they both stopped a few feet into the home and surveyed their surroundings. Brown furniture filled the large family room. A flat television on the wall faced the long sofa. Old oil paintings along with family photos decorated the other walls. Smaller individual photos took up space along the fireplace mantel. In the center, an old red-and-brown rug covered most of the hardwood floor. The home had a cozy feel, and the smell was delightful.

  “I hope we aren’t interrupting your dinner,” Alexi said.

  “Not at all,” Jerry said as the screen door smacked the door frame behind him. “We were waiting to see if you would want to join us.”

  Greg wondered whom “us” entailed. Hearing three more heartbeats and whispers of voices, he gazed past Alexi, down the hall. Two tall young men strode out from a room on the left. Teenagers by the look of their pimpled faces. A female with wavy, brown-and-gray hair followed them with a dish towel in her hands.

  Alexi slid her fingers between Greg’s and gently squeezed his hand.

  “These are my two sons, Paul and Michael,” Jerry said as the youths came to stand next to their dad. One said “Hi” while the other simply nodded. Behind the teens, the woman smiled as she came to a halt. “And this is my wife, Sarah.”

  “Hello.” She reached to shake Alexi’s hand. “I have beef casserole in the oven, with some biscuits. You’re more than welcome to join us.”

  “Thank you for the offer. I’m not hungry, but Greg…” Alexi met his gaze.

  “I appreciate the offer, but we don’t want to impose. We can leave, and come back–”

  “No,” Jerry and Sarah said in unison. “Chris informed us you were coming. It’s not a problem at all,” Jerry said.

  “I actually ate on the way here. If it’s no trouble to you, we can wait here for Chris to return,” Greg said. While the aroma did appeal to him, he couldn’t take advantage of Jerry’s hospitality any more than he had. Out of respect, the best option was to meet Chris, set a plan into action and let the family live their normal lives.

  “Mom,” the skinny boy with short, dark brown hair whispered as he leaned close to Sarah. “She doesn’t have a heartbeat.”

  “Paul, that’s enough,” Sarah said. “There’s no need to make our company feel uncomfortable.” She faced Alexi and Greg with apologetic eyes. “Can I at least offer either of you a drink?”

  “I’m fine,” Alexi replied.

  “Thank you, but I’m good,” Greg replied. “We’ll just wait here, if that is okay with you?”

  “Why don’t you take the boys and finish setting the table,” Jerry said to his wife. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Sarah agreed with a nod. “It was nice to meet both of you, and if you change your mind, we have plenty to spare.” She twisted to face her two sons and gave a jerk of her head toward the hall. “Come on boys.”

  The two boys followed their mom down the hall. Paul walked close to Sarah and whispered to her. He was without a doubt curious as to why Alexi’s heart didn’t beat.

  “Don’t mind them. They haven’t been around many other supernatural creatures,” Jerry said in a soft voice.

  “We hope to be out of here soon, and without any problems,” Greg said.

  “You two seem like nice people. I don’t sense any hostility. You’re welcome to wait here as long as you need to.”

  “Thank you,” Greg and Alexi both said.

  Jerry gave a nod, then strolled down the hall. He turned into the room where Sarah and the two boys had disappeared.

  Alone with Alexi, Greg stepped in front of her and gripped her arms. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fine.”

  He pulled her closer and leaned his forehead to hers. “Are you?”

  She placed her hand over his heart. “I want to get my stuff back and leave as soon as possible. I don’t want to put you or Jerry and his family in any danger.”

  “Don’t worry, this will all be over soon and no one will get hurt.”

  She gave a slow nod. “I hope so.”

  “Come on,” he said, nudging her toward the sofa near the window. “Let’s work on our options to get your safe. When Chris gets back we can narrow the list and decide what will work best.”

  Alexi sat at the end of the sofa and clasped her hands in her lap. Greg couldn’t help but notice the sadness in her downcast eyes. The urge to wrap his arms around her, hold her, and kiss her tenderly pressed upon his heart. He placed his hand over hers and squeezed gently. “It’ll be all right,” he said.

  Keeping her eyes lowered, she nodded. “Yeah.”

  She lacked confidence in her response, which made him wonder if she worried about something more than getting her property returned.

  “Greg, I’ve been thinking…”

  When seconds passed and she didn’t continue, he asked, “What about?”

  “I can handle the thieves on my own. I’ll knock them out, open the safe and grab my contents. You really don’t need to go with me.”

  He brushed the hair away from the side of her face. The soft strands felt good against his skin. His cock twitched while he fought the desire to run his fingers through her thick, brunet hair and take her in a deep kiss. Maybe it would enliven her mood. It most certainly would his.

  “I would never leave you to face danger alone,” he said.

  “I’m stronger than you. I can handle them.”

  “There’s at least three. You can’t knock all of them out without getting injured.”

  “I will heal.”

  He inhaled a deep breath. Gazing into her eyes, he saw worry and fear. Was she that afraid something might happen to him?

  “You should know by now I am a very determined and loyal man. I love you, and I’m going to help you as I promised. So let’s work together and make this happen because I’d really like to get you hom
e and in bed again.”

  She lowered her eyes as a smile touched her lips. “I like the way you think, but this is dangerous for you. I want you in bed in one piece and without scratches, bites or bullet wounds.”

  “Okay, if one of them has a gun, I take it and knock him out with it while you work on the other two. As soon as I’m free, I help you out.”

  “How about I go for the gun since I can heal? You work on the other two until I can help you with them.”

  Greg grinned. “Are we arguing over who beats up the armed thief? We could race for him.”

  “No, and that’s not funny. I think I should grab anyone with a weapon. You could die if someone shoots you. I won’t.”

  He released a big sigh. “And if none of them have a gun?”

  “Then we grab whomever we can and beat them senseless or until they pass out.”

  While she was stronger than he was, he still disliked the idea of her facing a gun or even fighting. She was his woman, his love, and he wanted to protect her. Even if he explained how he felt, it wouldn’t stop her. She was strong and determined much like he was. Instead of trying to talk her out of facing the thieves, his best course of action was to work with her.

  “That sounds like a plan,” he said, smiling.

  “Then I open the safe, grab my stuff and we take off.”

  “I highly doubt they will contact the police.”

  “I don’t think they will either.”

  He reached behind her and pulled her close to his body with little effort. “We get your belongings, go home and spend the rest of the night together.” It sounded like a simple plan.

  She snuggled up to him. “But what if they have more people helping them?”

  “Then we fight them too.” Holding her tight in his arm, he pressed his lips to her head and kissed her. The soft scent of her shampoo drifted into his nose and the urge to bury his face in her sweet-smelling hair pressed upon him.

  “Let’s hope there isn’t too many more. The potential for injury increases.” She lifted her head gently as he lowered his, bringing their lips closer together. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Nor do I want anything to happen to you.”

  Their noses touched while their lips brushed each other’s. He longed to keep her in his arms. Forever. For eternity, if he could.

  She placed her hand on the side of his clean-shaven face and pressed her mouth to his. Her cool touch gave rise to the flame within him, hardened his groin and added beats to his heart. He slid his tongue along hers, caressing and gently playing. She responded by kissing him with equal tenderness and a whisper of a moan. He didn’t have to hear her heart beat to know she wanted him as much as he longed for her.

  The kiss didn’t last long. Footsteps outside alerted Greg and he tore his lips from hers. As if she heard the sound too, she turned to the window. Seconds later, feet stomped on the steps of the porch, and then a tall man strode by.

  “Chris?” Alexi asked, her brow curled.

  “I hope so.”

  The stranger opened the screen door and strode inside the home. Greg rose fast and locked eyes with the man. He opened his mouth to say something until Jerry came walking into the room.

  “Everything all right?” Jerry stopped a few feet from the stranger.

  “Just fine,” he answered as he ran his hand over his short, brown hair. A light coating of sweat coated his forehead. He shifted his gaze to Greg. “Are you Greg?”

  “I am.” He twisted to find Alexi coming to stand beside him. “And this is Alexandria Cartwright, my girlfriend and the owner of the property the thieves took.” He slid his arm behind her and brought her closer.

  “Some werewolves stole from you?” Jerry asked, surprised.

  “I moved from Chicago recently. The moving company I hired checked out. I found only a few minor complaints about broken items, and the company resolved the issues. I never thought they would steal from me. I guess once they saw what I had, they decided they couldn’t resist.”

  “What did they take, if you don’t mind me asking?” Jerry asked.

  “My antique safe. It’s three feet tall and quite heavy.”

  Jerry shook his head. “What a bunch of idiots. They have to know you’re looking to get it back. I’m surprised they didn’t return to their own territory where they would be protected by their pack.”

  “That would’ve been the likely thing to do, and everyone would’ve searched for them in Chicago,” Chris said. “Perhaps they stopped in Merrillville thinking nobody would look for them here.”

  “I don’t believe they would’ve came here and selected a house randomly to hide in, unless they are more than common thieves. One of them must know the owner,” Greg said, and he turned his gaze to Jerry.

  “Steve and Meredith Wilkens live there. We don’t know them well. They kept to themselves. They had three kids, all grown now. I see them on occasion. Never had any problems with the Wilkens, but as I said, we don’t know them well,” Jerry said.

  Greg turned to Alexi. “Does the last name ring a bell?”

  “No.” She gave a single shake of her head. “The guy in charge of moving my furniture and his superiors were the only names I had. I didn’t even get the names of those who broke my antique mirror.”

  “They broke a mirror too?” Jerry asked with his brows pushed up, causing the wrinkles in his forehead to stand out. “Sounds like you could own the company now if you wanted to sue them for breaking your property and stealing from you.”

  “I just want my belongings returned. I don’t need the safe, but the contents inside are priceless. I must have them.”

  “Then I suggest we head over there in a few minutes. They’re leaving to eat dinner.”

  Greg met Alexi’s gaze and he smiled. The good news came at the right time. With no one around, they could sneak in and she could get the items out of the safe. They no longer needed to worry about guns or one of the thieves shooting them.

  “Are you ready?” Greg asked.

  Her joyful grin revealed her answer before she said it. “More than ready.”

  “I suggest Greg and I change, and then I’ll lead the way through the cornfield. Not many vehicles pass on the road, so I doubt we’ll be seen.”

  Greg inhaled a deep breath as he turned to Alexi. Showing up naked was not part of their plan. It didn’t bother him, especially since the threat of violence was gone, but he feared his raging hard-on after the change might be a problem. His love for Alexi was an intense flame burning deep in his soul. One look and sniff of her would drive him wild. Somehow, he’d have to find the strength to control himself.

  “I assume we will need to break inside the house,” Alexi said, her attention directed to Chris.

  “Maybe not,” Chris replied. “The van is parked in a barn. I think we should check it out first. If your safe is as heavy as I think it is, they wouldn’t have moved it far.”

  She faced Greg. “We rush inside, find my safe, grab my items and leave.”

  “Simple enough,” Greg said, smiling. Too simple, he silently thought, but maybe life decided to play nice for a change instead of throwing curveballs at Alexi. In any event, he would be on guard.

  “Do you need a bag to take with you?” Jerry asked. “I can give you some plastic grocery bags. They’ll fit in your pockets probably.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Alexi replied.

  “How many do you need?” Jerry asked.

  “Three should be good.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Not wasting another second, he left them and strode down the hall.

  “We’ll have to be mindful on our way back to make sure nobody sees you carrying bags,” Chris said. “But we should be fine as long as we cross the road and hide in the fields.”

  “Since each of us has heightened senses, we should be able to get by undetected,” Alexi said.

  “I agree. We’ll know if someone is coming,” Greg said, then looked at Chris. “How f
ar is the next house?”

  “Far enough they won’t notice our heartbeats. This is the best chance we have to get in and find your belongings without causing problems.”

  Jerry walked with a brisk stride from the hall.

  “We should get going then,” Alexi said, and faced Greg. “You need to change.”

  “Here you go.” Jerry handed her the crushed bags.

  “Thank you.” She squeezed two in one pocket and the third in her other pocket.

  “Greg and I will meet you in the field on the side of Jerry’s house. Go ahead and start walking west. We’ll catch up to you.”

  Greg squeezed her to his body. He gazed into her strong, yet loving eyes and his heart thumped faster as he regretted he had to leave her for even the briefest of minutes.

  “Have you ever been in a cornfield before?” Greg asked.

  “No, but I’ve had to pass through worse places. I’ll be fine.”

  He kissed her forehead. “It won’t take us long.”

  She pressed her lips to his. The soft touch tempted him to embrace her for a deeper kiss, but he held himself back. He’d enjoy time with her later.

  “I’ll see you in the field,” she said.

  She passed between them and left out the door. Greg couldn’t remove tear his gaze from her, his woman. The one he wanted to love and spend the rest of his life with. No other could ever compare to her or replace her. His heart and soul yearned for her, and it didn’t matter she was a vampire. Werewolves chose one life mate, and she was his. God help anyone who dared to harm her. They wouldn’t survive long.

  “Ready?” Chris asked.

  “Lead the way,” Greg replied.


  Alexi stepped into the cornfield and the fragrant odor of fertilizer overwhelmed her. Easing the urge to vomit, she quickly cut off her sense of smell. She pushed aside the stalks of corn and they rustled as they bumped against each other. Bugs hummed and buzzed until she came to close to them. Some became silent while others flew up into the dusk sky. With each step, her feet sank into the soft ground and she was grateful she’d worn an older pair of tennis shoes. Without a doubt, they were going to be a muddy mess in serious need of cleaning when she returned home.


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