Welcome to the Neighborhood

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Welcome to the Neighborhood Page 27

by Abshire, Mary

  She squeezed her eyes closed. Damn it, why couldn’t he stop arguing with her?

  “I’ve seen you weak before. You don’t scare me. And that little act of I’m-stronger-than-you…It makes me want to throw you down on a bed and show you just how strong I can be.”

  Her lips tugged to form a smile. She couldn’t help it. The man’s charm always came through at the right moment, and it warmed her soul. The mere thought of him trying to prove his strength gave rise to another desire. How could she ignore him?

  Slowly, she turned to face him. He gazed directly at her. His loving blue eyes were the most gorgeous set she’d seen. She could stare at them forever.

  “The fact you are a vampire doesn’t frighten me, not for a second. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. If you love me, please accept me into your world. I promise I will make every day a happy one.”

  She considered his request as he turned onto the interstate. If she honored his appeal, surely all her days would be beyond blissful, and pleasurable. Without any doubt, his happiness would match hers. Yet, one thing concerned her. She’d have to watch him grow old, and one day, pass on. Could she do it?

  “I’d lov…” An intense pang shot through her, cutting off her words. She dubbed over and nearly smacked her head on the dash.

  “Alexi!” Greg yelled. He placed his hand on her back. “Tell me what’s happening.”

  She leaned sideways toward the door in her pained state. Her mouth hung open with her two pointed teeth fully exposed. Ringing in her ears along with the ungodly stiffness in her muscles consumed her thoughts. The agony was worse than when she’d fallen down the stairs.


  She heard him shout, but the world had started spinning around her. Her agonizing condition left her mummified. And thank God. She didn’t want to attack anyone. Better to pass out than leech from the closest person.

  He called her name again. This time he sounded distant. Head pressed to the door, she gave up fighting and succumbed to a peaceful state of unconsciousness.

  * * * *

  Greg held her cold hand as he sat next to her in the hospital. Her pallid tone had improved and her eye sockets no longer swallowed her eyes. Though she still showed signs of dehydration, two bags of blood had greatly improved her condition. She needed more to make a full recovery. He didn’t care how many bags it took, the expense, or if it took all night and morning, he’d wait by her side and ensure she received the treatment she needed. This was his mate. His woman. His love. Nothing could force him away from her.

  He inhaled a deep breath, wondering when exactly she would wake up. The last time dehydration had overwhelmed her was different. She hadn’t taken a bullet nor lost as much blood. He had no way of knowing the damage caused by the loss. Vampires were still a mystery to him. Could she have brain damage? Would she need continual medical care? Were her internal organs okay?

  His head began to ache as more and more questions filled it.

  “Lord, bring her back to me,” he whispered, staring at the love of his life. “I’d give you my own life if I could have another chance with her.”

  The soft clack of heels from behind forced his attention from Alexi.

  “How is she?” asked the thin doctor dressed in a white coat. She’d tied her long, blond hair in a tight ponytail, the same way Alexi fixed her hair. Her cold expression looked robotic.

  “I’m not sure. She hasn’t moved.”

  The doctor removed her hands from her pockets as she reached the side of the bed. She checked the bag of blood and followed the tube leading to Alexi’s arm. “This is her third bag, yes?”

  “Yes.” He glanced at the half-emptied bag. They’d arrived a little over an hour and a half ago. Greg had stormed through the entrance carrying Alexi. A nurse in a red uniform came running to help him. Ten minutes later, another nurse had inserted a needle into her arm and started feeding her through the IV.

  “She’ll probably need another two.” The doctor turned and started to walk away. “I’ll be back.”

  Hope lifted his heavy heart. Two more bags. Each one took around a half hour to consume. Maybe she’d wake up in another hour and a half.

  “How long ago was she shot?” the doctor asked as she strolled into the room carrying black device in her hand. She stopped on the side of the bed opposite of him and placed the device next to Alexi.

  “Earlier this evening. Several hours ago.”

  The doctor tugged the blankets from Alexi’s shoulder and left them bunched below her navel. Alexi was practically naked with just her bra and underwear on. Shortly after the nurse had inserted the needle into her arm, another had torn Alexi’s shirt off her and removed her jeans and shoes. Together, they’d cleaned the blood off her deathly white body. After they’d finished he’d spotted the red circle near her ribs. Staring at the same spot now, he noted the pink tint, much like a scar.

  “Do you know if the bullet came out?” She pushed a switch on the device and a slight whining sound pierced his ears.

  “Came out?”

  “Did you see it the bullet fall out of her?” She slid an instrument from the side of the rectangular device. The tool looked like a magnifying glass and the curly cord connecting it to home base didn’t stretch far.

  “No, I didn’t.” He narrowed his gaze at her. “Was it supposed to come out of her?”

  “They usually do.” She held the tool over Alexi’s body, close to the pink spot near her ribs. Her gaze darted to the machine in her other hand.

  “What does that do?” he asked.

  “It’s a miniaturized version of a metal detector. If she has any metal or a bullet inside of her, this will tell me.”

  She held the instrument an inch from Alexi’s skin as she scanned her torso. The piercing sound continued and not once did Greg hear a signal from the device.

  While the doctor continued to explore for the bullet, Greg squeezed Alexi’s hand and stared at her tranquil face. She looked so calm and rested. He hoped her mind and body were healing.

  “You love her?” the doctor asked.

  “Very much.”

  She slid the switch on the side of the metal detector and the whining sound died. Greg assumed the bullet had left Alexi’s body since the doctor had given up searching for it.

  “I heard you earlier when I walked in.” She took the blankets bunched past Alexi’s navel and tugged them until they covered Alexi’s chest and shoulders.

  Greg inhaled a deep breath. “She’s my mate. I know it with my heart.”

  “Does she love you?”

  He met the doctor’s curious gaze. “I believe so. She told me she did.”

  The doctor tilted her head in a way suggesting she was studying him. “Are you going to join her?”

  For a moment, he didn’t know how to respond. She seemed a bit too interested in his life and feelings for Alexi. At the same time, he was curious to know why and what she meant by joining Alexi.

  “If you mean marriage–”

  “No. I meant becoming a vampire. In your case, you would become part vampire.”

  Greg felt his forehead tighten as he stared at her.

  She chuckled. “I can’t read your thoughts, but I see from your expression that you are confused.”

  “Is it even possible for a werewolf to become part vampire?”

  “It is. Since you are first and foremost a werewolf, that gene will continue to be your dominating one. With vampire blood, you won’t age and you will have increased abilities, along with a different kind of hunger. Human food will no longer satisfy you.”

  “I’ll have to feed from the living.”

  “Well…” She backed up, raised her hand, and pointed to the bag of blood. “You’ll need this to survive. I’ve seen private blood banks pop up across the states. You could order from one and have the blood shipped overnight. I do.”

  A new sense of joy flowed through him. He could spend eternity with Alexi. An eternity o
f holding her in his arms, kissing her and spending all hours of the night pleasuring her. He smiled at the thought. What reason did he have not to change?

  “How do I become part vampire?”

  “Once you are drained to the point of near death, she’ll need to give you a transfusion using her blood. It might take a couple days, perhaps a week to adjust. I have read a few articles about this and if you are seriously considering it, the best time to change is anywhere from three days to a week after the full moon. Your werewolf genes will be healthy and strong. They will help you adjust to becoming part vampire.”

  He stared in amazement at the doctor. Her knowledge about becoming a vampire seemed extensive. Perhaps it was due to her profession. At closer inspection of her features, Greg noticed her smooth skin appeared to have a pasty sheen compared a human’s. He sniffed the air, hoping to catch her scent. The predominant antiseptic and chemical odors typical of a hospital overpowered all others. He focused on sounds next. It only took seconds to recognize the beat of one heart in the room. His.

  “You’re a vampire,” he said, slightly embarrassed he hadn’t recognized her as one earlier.

  “I am, and I have been a doctor for more than two centuries.”

  “Will she be all right when she wakes up?” The question flew out of his mouth before he’d understood why he asked. They’d been discussing becoming a vampire and now he wanted to know if the love of his life would return to normal. Clearly, his mind was a step behind, but his priorities were on track.

  “Yes, she’ll be fine. Her body pulled as much as it could to keep her alert. Once there wasn’t enough blood left, her brain shut down.”

  The night kept getting better. Not only had they retrieved Alexi’s property, they’d confessed their love to each other, Alexi would heal and return to normal, and now Greg had the option of spending all his days on earth with the woman he loved.

  “Are you going to join her?” the doctor repeated the same question from earlier.

  “I love her with all my heart. I’d very much enjoy spending eternity with her.”

  “You should think about it more first. Being immortal has many drawbacks.”

  He pressed his lips together, wondering what the disadvantages to vampirism were. He’d get to spend every minute with the love of his life. The drinking blood part didn’t bother him. He’d eaten enough rabbit and foxes over the years that the taste of the dark fluid seemed bland. So, what were the downsides to being a vampire?

  “I’m sure you have family and friends. You’re part of a pack. Are you not?”

  “I am.”

  “It will not be easy to see the ones you care about grow old and pass on. It’s also very possible your pack will ask you to leave. Your Alpha is your leader. Because you will be much faster and stronger, he might see you as a potential enemy.”

  Inhaling a deep breath, Greg thought about her words. Although Greg didn’t have much family, his brother and his brother's kids, Greg would still miss them. He’d spent time with the little ones since the day they were born. Watching them grow up and play always made him smile. He’d morn at watching them pass on.

  As for his Alpha thinking of Greg as a threat, the idea seemed ludicrous. Being different from the rest of the pack didn’t imply he was a rival to his Alpha or anyone. Greg never hurt anyone, never would unless someone endangered Alexi or his family. His loyalty to the pack should account for something. Would he miss his friends from the pack? Most certainly. But he wanted Alexi. Without her, he felt incomplete.

  “There’s no denying I will miss the ones I care deeply for, but I won’t pass on the opportunity to spend my time on earth with the woman I love. Werewolves settle with one mate in their lifetime. Alexi is mine, and it doesn’t bother me that she is a vampire. I don’t give a damn what other people think. My soul will wither away if I can’t have her.”

  The doctor picked up the metal detector and took a step back. “I can tell your decision is made. But have you talked about it with her?”

  Greg stared at Alexi. “I don’t know if she knew she could change me. She never mentioned it.”


  The doctor’s shoes clacked on the hard floor as she walked around the bed. She reached into her pocket and withdrew a card.

  “If she needs to talk to someone, or you have more questions about us, call me.”

  As he took the business card from her, he suspected the “us” stood for vampires. He’d learned more about vamps from the doctor in the last ten minutes than he had in his lifetime. Maybe she could help him or Alexi sometime down the road. “Thanks.”

  “Another doctor will be in to check on her later,” she said as she headed for the door while he tucked the card in his front pocket. When her steps suddenly became silent, he turned to look at her. She’d stopped in the doorway. “Good luck, to both of you.”

  She walked out of the room before he could thank her again.

  Alone once more, Greg faced Alexi and wondered if she would agree to change him. She loved him, and when they were together, everything seemed and felt right in the world. Love wasn’t an issue. Something else troubled Alexi.

  Earlier in the car, she’d thought of herself as a monster. She didn’t want him to look at her and hid as much as person could while sitting close together in a car. All night long, she refused to feed from him too, saying she’d already taken too much. And when they were planning how to retrieve her property, she insisted he remain at the house in case someone had a gun. Clearly, she cared for him and wanted to shield him from any danger. Her protective nature reminded him of a female werewolf, but without the demanding attitude and coarse hair. She had a good heart, yet it seemed she believed she was hideous and a potential threat. Would she consider bringing him into her world if she thought it would put him in a negative light?

  Greg lifted her hand and pressed the back of it to his cheek. Her skin felt cool, but not nearly as cold as it had earlier, and her skin no longer stuck to her bones. The healing process was slower this time, but he wasn’t about to complain. He simply wanted Alexi back in his arms. In his life. Forever.

  Resolve started to build within him as he held her hand to his face. Regardless of what she thought about her vampire nature, he wanted to become one with her. Somehow, he’d have to convince her she wasn’t revolting. A small chuckle escaped him. Maybe revolting was too strong of a word to use. She looked so smart and beautiful, young and headstrong. She was all of those things and more. Negative words about her made him want to laugh. She was far from anything ugly or evil, and he’d find a way to prove it to her.

  The fingers in his grasp twitched. He straightened and held her hand in front of him. Again, they moved.

  The beat of his heart sped. Anticipation fluttered in his gut. He rose and pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “I’m here for you, darling. I’ll never leave your side,” he whispered.

  Her eyelids moved. “Greg.”

  The sound of her soft voice soothed his aching soul. He kissed her cheek.

  “I’m cold,” she said as she slowly opened her eyes. At the same time, she gently squeezed his hand.

  Greg straightened and looked toward the open door. He considered calling a nurse to bring more blankets, but even more covers wouldn’t warm her quick enough. She needed pure heat.

  A thought came to his mind. His body radiated heat. Why not use his body to warm her? He let go of her hand and lifted his shirt off.


  He stepped out of his shoes as he unfastened his pants. “I’m going to lay with you.” He pushed his jeans down until they fell and left him with nothing but his boxers.

  She blinked repeatedly as if waking from a deep sleep.

  Greg gripped the covers and lifted them slightly. Sliding under the blankets, he placed his body next to hers. She responded within seconds, twisting to face him.

  “You’re so warm.”

  The tube connected to the IV jiggled as she mov
ed her arm.

  “Careful,” he said. “You have a needle in your arm.”

  He lay on his side with most of his body leaning on hers. Her skin felt good against his and as much as she wanted to snuggle and bask in his heat, he wanted to do the same to soak in the coolness of her flesh. He’d miss the soothing feeling if he became part vampire, but the minor detail wasn’t enough to persuade him against changing.

  She nestled against him with her face close to his. “I feel your warm breath.”

  The urge to kiss her, heat her lips and tongue grew. Under the covers, something else rose with life.

  “Are we in a hospital?”

  “Yes.” He brushed her soft hair back and breathed in its scent. Her hair always smelled of citrus and lime.

  “And the door is open,” she said.

  His cock stiffened as his fingers glided down her face. “Yes.” She was his, this soft, beautiful woman.

  “I think you should be more careful than me.”

  He couldn’t stop his lips from forming a smile. She moved slightly, yet enough that his protruding cock brushed against her stomach. A low moan rose from him.

  “I can’t help it. I’m in love with you. I want to spend my life with you. Eternity too.”

  She tilted her head to meet his gaze.

  “Before you reject the idea, let me first say I have thought about this. I know we will be happy together. I could never grow tired of seeing your lovely face, hearing your soft voice, touching you, kissing you and pleasuring you. I’d never stop pleasing you.”

  He inhaled a deep breath, then continued. “I understand there will be some changes. The doctor said I would stay a werewolf and become part vampire. Just like you, I would require blood to survive. I’m already familiar with the taste, so that part doesn’t bother me. As for my family and friends, I will miss them, but spending every day on this earth with you is the only way I will be truly happy.”

  “The doctor told you about changing?”

  “Yes, we talked about it. She seemed quite knowledgeable, said she’d been a doctor for several centuries. She gave me her card and gave us permission to contact her if we had questions.”


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