“Hey, what happened? Why don’t you move to next?” Mr. Duroder asked. He became busy to fight to other monsters.

  “I can’t do this. Gods didn’t ask me to punish you,” I said; you know well what will happen if I did the thing. In my case it is an impossible. “For the world, for your current life you will have to do this, my boy. We Tukzamosi are realizing for our old job. You will have to save the planet from evil powers. Earth needs to be slow, Stop the fastest evolution!” Mr. Duroder said on the contact with my co-member Dwayne. He was passing the video to me directly.

  “What are you thinking member? Do what he said,” Mr. D Johnson said. He is talking about protection of humanity. A civilization forms after death of first one, it is a law of gods that they have made.

  “Who am I to kill them?” I said; creators should do the work.

  “Maybe they sent you. They just needed a media and you became this,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Will it not harm members and bosors?” I asked. “No, they will be safe from the destruction,” Mr. Duroder said. It will make an impact on appliers who did use the time-machine, for their growth and development.

  “Your four members are already dead in the city. We have lost a lot. If you don’t stop it they will kill others. They will grow faster on remaining territories.”

  I didn’t late. I clicked these red bottoms at a time. It made explosion. Iowandians continued to vanish from the planet including their things. They did loss their energy.

  “I am so sorry my friends, I couldn’t be with you anymore,” Mr. Duroder said as he was dying. His generation too vanished.

  “Meet mobile-statues before your journey. They will give you strength.”

  It was his last words that I did remember. It was about his mythological facts. He wanted to say something more.


  (Day-2 before the trip) “You don’t need to apologize. They became martyred for the world. We respect them. Their work won’t go in waste I promise,” Mr. D Johnson said on the video chatting with me and fifteen other co-members and Mr. Umota.

  We came back to Carolus generation territories after the war. Bosor soldiers were watching the Ho-ship at the destroyed Zujic city. Yes we were out of danger now but trouble was not limited.

  “We did loss our supporters. Is it not our guilty?” I asked. They were our friends.

  “I understand, member. Thus we are sorry. We can’t make it possible to find them again,” Mr. D Johnson said and looked. “Nature decided their death and this is for goodness of humanity. They told you to do this because they know we need that ship. Without this we can’t go to Hovlef!”

  Goriila chief Mr. Umota came on the chat. It seems he was just serious about the situation going on.

  “Have you ever visited that second world?” he asked.

  “No,” Mr. D Johnson said. “We know nothing about Hovlef and its lives. We even don’t know the perfect direction to be there. Then how can we make our trip?” Mr. Umota said. It might be a lifeless part of the universe.

  “Yes I know, before Duroder’s death he was saying we need to meet mobile statutes. They are the gods and they made everything about the world. They can suggest us what you need during travel,” I said. I think it has a mystery.

  “Palace of gods, by the way the place is twenty miles far from the jungle. They choose good guys.”

  “And the journey is similar to death. They will eat us!” Nuro said.

  “What do you mean?” Uncle Gregor asked. “We will have to cross water- Bridge,” Mr. Umota said. It is about power of gods.

  “Where is problem then?” uncle Gregor asked. “This is the real test actually. You hear about rocky-bridge but this is quite different indeed. Dragons from water will come out, to eat us when we will walk over it. If they find us bad they won’t let us enter that palace. They will burn us in their fire,” Mr. Umota said. They have been there since many times, maybe when our forefathers were helping them to build the nature.

  “They search pure souls inside you. Thousand years ago when gods brought the heaven to the planet they thought we can avoid bad things. Earth can be home for them.”

  “And here, they can handle other worlds but it didn’t happen as monster characters arose slowly,” Guena said and looked to Mr. D Johnson.

  “We just hear about the palace from our ancestors. We didn’t visit it in real,” Mr. Umota said. They were saying it leads to the sky.

  “We will take you there. They know us well!” Iebo said. The male snake came there by his fly. Then his wife came to us.

  “I will go with you,” Naifa said and looked at her husband.

  “Are you ready?” I asked my co-members. We will do fun.

  At first some of them feared. They were nervous as we had lost our four comembers in the war to Iowandians. They didn’t forget the incident. “I am,” Janie said.

  “Me too,” Dwayne said and looked me. “We all want peace and we will bring this at any cost,” a member said. Bosor chief Mr. Umota, including his top soldiers made the trip with us to the palace of gods. Iebo and Naifa took away to us in the blue sky.


  “Will any evil power follow us now?” I asked. I did watch this in movies. They do black magic.

  “It would be better if we live in reality,” a co-member said. Earthers do this for entertainment only, we enjoyed them.

  “What is the movie?” a bosor asked.

  “It is about modern world’s thing, I will explain you on this later,” I said.

  “I think it is like your computer,” he said me.

  “Yeah, you imagined rightly,” I said. We do watch them on screens. “Gods may send their servants to take report about us. They have magic. I think they are invisible,” Mr. Umota said. He was sitting behind me, on the back of Iebo. His wife Naifa was flying just close to us in the same direction.

  “I have heard they are like smog. They are thin and they can mix in the air,” female snake Naifa said. She turned her head towards us.

  “Did you go in?” I asked her. Hope you did try. “No, we saw the place from our flight. We didn’t dare to go just near of these dragons. We know they may kill us. They don’t wait for order. If they see danger is coming towards them they activate their protectors,” Naifa said. It seems they don’t like snakes.

  “Are you not from their family?” Janie said; they too fly as you do.

  “We are from lower cast. They live close to gods and angels,” Naifa said.

  We could see the area now. “We are going to land,” Iebo said.

  We arrived at the palace.

  “To enter the palace you will have to cross the water bridge,” Naifa said, we couple will wait for you here.

  “Who will walk over it first?” Mr. Umota asked.

  The bridge was just normal. We saw there was no dragon presented as they were saying.

  “Where are these saviors?” Dwayne asked. He just moved on; ensued to his first step. “You said they are treacherous.”

  We heard the terrific sound of someone. We saw these dragons came out from the water, one after another.

  “Don’t afraid, go on!” Mr. Umota said; they will search you just once. He was already on the bridge.

  “You too go, he alone can’t do the thing,” Iebo said.

  I raised my right leg, then my left one. A dragon came out as I was a meter away from the starting. He was noticing me just deeply. They were twenty in number.

  “Can you bring us to gods?” Dwayne asked a dragon.

  The beast concentrated on him for a while. Then he turned his face towards Mr. Umota and brought his head to the gorilla just fast.

  “What will we do now?” I said.

  I thought they are going to attack us promptly.

  “I know what I have to do, you don’t worry,” Mr. Umota said. “The dragons understand only language of gods. Don’t speak to them and calm down,” Iebo said him as the gorilla chief was just getting sca
red of the beast. Another dragon appeared in front me then. He looked my eyes closely. He was too big. He alone can swallow twenty people at a time. I challenged the thing at him. I opened my VLT screen.

  He continued to speak something in his own language which was not in my ability to get, easily.

  “Who are you?” the dragon asked me. I translated the language by using my technology.

  “We are from future. We need your help,” I said and my computer was translating the talk for him also.

  “But the gorillas are from Carolus generation. Years ago their forefathers were working for gods. Why did they make wrong with us?” the dragon asked. “They made monsters on the land which was not happening at all,” his co-dragon said as he was just behind me, four or five meters far from my standing. “Do you know what will happen if you cheat to gods? They are not guiltless.”

  “We intentionally didn’t the thing. Our brothers did and they are not anymore now!” Mr. Umota said and looked him.

  “Something made them vanish.”

  “Oh, are you talking about machine of evolution, device of time?” a dragon said who was near to the gorilla chief. “Yeah, the machine is essential for us now. We will have to arrange a trip to another world as soon as possible. Other evils are at future yet. They are like Iowandian generation. They have been planning wreck about the planet,” I said. We call them machines.

  “You people yourselves form bad in the universe. Later you suffer their pain. Why didn’t you deactivate their works if they started crime to you seriously?” a dragon said and looked me.

  The beasts were reading our future and past. They knew everything about us. They could see that human civilization is in stuck.

  “They were making our works easily in few hours as we were taking years. Thus we built them. We didn’t uploaded secret data in their memory. We thought they can rule us better now because they obey what we say,” I said.

  “And then they ruled you without your suggestion. Robots became clever, you didn’t. Humans are idiots. I guess at first they praised you. They behaved softly. They became innocents in your presence and your absent made them genius.” The dragon said; you know they are calling themselves artificial gods these days. I clearly can watch them. Machines are having fun. You are their victims.

  “I too watch that your brothers and sisters are crying. They are in hurry to destroy cities one after another. Don’t they love Earth?”

  “Let me explain, you consider the planet your mother land and they never did this. They never feel that war is not important, peace is.”

  I wanted to show them something about my current world. I brought a video on my VLT screen.

  “No need of this guy, I know what you want to tell us. You want to meet my gods and that would happen!” a dragon said.

  “We got that ship. This is having the system of time-machine. We need to change this just,” Mr. Umota said and looked him.

  “People, they are going to choose one among you. Don’t hesitate to answer them what they want from you. They had already known about you,” Iebo said. “Will they kill us if they didn’t find we are not perfect?” a co-member asked as he was slowly walking over the water-bridge. He was looking the snake couple a bit.

  “Hope it won’t happen,” female snake Naifa said.

  The dragons came to us closely. I was nervous.

  “What is your name?” a dragon asked me.

  “Jasomine Tasan,” I said. He opened his mouth widely. “Dude, he is going to swallow you in!” Iebo said.

  I did afraid. I wasn’t expecting this kind of attitude from the beast. I thought he will digest me inside.

  “What will I do now?” I asked him loudly.

  “Run! Run man, run!” Iebo said and when I began to run back the dragon swallowed me quickly. * 11 THE UNSEEN COUNTRIES OF ERATH: STILL THEY ARE HERE FOR THE WISH OF GODS


  “Let me try.” “Who are you son? Could you remember something about your past?” the old man asked. I was relaxing in his home. He told his daughter to bring coffee for me as I was feeling cold.

  “My dad got you from Qulen forest. You were unconscious that time. Did you come there for haunt?” she asked me. She was young and beautiful.

  “No, I was at palace of gods, at the starting of water-bridge and my name is Jasomine Tasan,” I said. The girl came to me and touched my face.

  “What are you doing?” I asked her. I am a stranger for you.

  “You are very innocent. Maybe you ate forget-fruits in that jungle, mistakenly,” she said, I am Niti, a citizen of Ukenique town.

  “Excuse me, believe me I don’t know you before, not about the place. I am an unknown guy here.”

  “And where is the town? Is it in South-America?” I said.

  “You are on the planet earth. What are you talking about? Are you from other country?” Niti asked.

  “No, I am from future and I have proof also. I can show you everything about my country. I came with my friends!” I said. She gave me a cup of hot coffee.

  “Where are they now?” Niti asked. Do you mean you are from our tomorrows? “As I have remembered a dragon swallowed me and then I don’t know what happened.”

  “I am worried that how did I reach here? I was at old days, with these bosors,” I said. I am having headache after thinking this.

  “It is impossible. You can’t come back to past. I haven’t seen this kind of machine as you are saying,” Niti said and looked me.

  “It did happen!”

  “I am going to show you a video,” I said. I tried to open my VLT screen but it didn’t work. It made my things more complicated.

  “What happened?” Niti asked.

  “It’s not working!” I said and became upset.

  I showed her my hand-watch which was controlling the total system. “My dad works on this. He is a mechanist. Perhaps he can help you,” Niti said.

  “I wanted to show you my friends, my people. You can talk to them by a video calling application,” I said.

  “Is your machine like this?” Niti said and brought a phone to me. It was very old and not in list of new technology.

  “Where did you get this?” I asked; you can just use this for voice calling and not for video calling.

  “We purchased this from city market, from a shop,” Niti said. Dad gave me this as a birthday gift.

  I explained all kinds of techniques about my VLT. I told her to bring a white paper. I drew a diagram of this machine with labeling.

  “We mostly use computers than the paper. This is so good,” I said. “I am not familiar about the device. I guess it is a new thing which you invented in your country. Maybe later we will get this here when you will export,” Niti said and looked me.

  “Are you sure that you got me well?” I said.

  “I think yes,” Niti said. She took a chair, just near to me. “I am saying you again that I am from future. I know about the map of Earth and truth is I didn’t hear your country and town before in my life. You are quite new for me. This is not real. I think I am in a dream-land!” I said. “And I am a part of the story.”

  “I too don’t hear about your country. Are you from another Earth?” Niti asked. It is an astrological thing where they drive planets, stars and galaxies.

  “No, my origin is from the planet. Do you have vehicle, I mean car or bike?” I asked.

  “Yeah, we have a car,” Niti said, do you want to go somewhere?

  “I just want to see this,” I said. We came outside of her home. There was a garden and a car parking area.

  “Oh god, it’s a 1950’s model. Don’t mind you also look very old and traditional, like a girl of history. Your clothes are not modern.”

  She was wondering for my opinion. One thing made me clear that they didn’t have TV. They enjoy theater drama. They live like communists.

  “We all use this kind of cars!” Niti said and looked me.

  “I am from the year of 2096,” I s

  “Man, the present year is 1957, April 13,” Niti said and smiled.

  “It means I am right and I want fact about my coming to the city,” I said. “Let’s go, dad is not here this time. Hope he will help you after his return from home-town. He does experiment about different kinds of strange things. He is a master,” Niti said.

  “Does he teach this in university?” I asked and looked.

  “No man, he works in his own shop as a mechanist,” Niti said.

  “Will I have to wait for him?” I asked. “Yeah, now you rest for a while,” Niti said. He will meet you this evening.

  * I did change my direction. Perhaps I reached here after that dragon’s swallowed. Did they knowingly send me? What might be reason behind this? We wanted just a machine and this was from gods, did they say through this that I am pure and I can meet mobile- statues?

  “What are you thinking man?” her dad asked me as I was in tense.

  “He is thinking about his arrival dad,” Niti said. He is pretending that he is from the planet.

  “Did you give him foods my dear?” he asked his daughter. His name is Adlof Ugare. “Yes, dad he is saying he belongs to future. I also can’t know what he is trying to explain actually. He showed me something,” Niti said and gave him the diagram of my VLT that I drew.

  “Hmm, it looks like a new invention,” Mr. Adlof said and looked her.

  “Can you help him?” Niti asked.

  “He needs to be very open minded at me. I know lots of people who treat dangerous diseases. It is simple,” Mr. Adlof said.

  “War is spreading everywhere and you are joking about me yet, this is funny indeed!” I said. I need to clap for you. You be happy after watching my troubles. “What are you talking about?” Mr. Adlof asked. “I am a soldier, a warrior on Earth. My seniors sent me to solve that problem. I am not the one, there are so many like me. We are on a mission and its late will bring death to billions. Please I request you, if gods told you about that device tell me. We need that urgently,” I said.

  “But rebels are too far from here, how can they kill us?” Niti said and looked me.

  “They are robotic leaders. They are machines who can do things like men. I know you didn’t meet them. They are monsters,” I said. “Son, I think we should meet my friend. He always says we have an invisible world and we may feel them. I thought he is a mad but now I don’t think he is; he can help you on this matter. We will go in the town. He lives there,” Mr. Adlof said.


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