The Wrath of Sin

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The Wrath of Sin Page 8

by Melissa Andrea

  I didn’t want to touch her, but I couldn’t leave her like that. I wasn’t a doctor, but even I knew lack of circulation wasn’t a good thing. I pressed against her shoulder and leaned her back in the chair. Her head flopped back against the back of the chair, but she didn’t wake up.

  Her dark lashes lay against her flushed cheeks, her mouth slightly gapped, making her pouty lips look even thicker. Her breathing was hard and even, lifting her breasts and slowly pushing the towel away from her body. I didn’t try to catch it as it slipped, and I openly took her body in without fear of her seeing me.

  She was beautiful. Her Mediterranean skin glowed in the soft light coming from the kitchen. Her knees were closed and pushed to the side, and the black lacey panties she was wearing were pushed to the side a little, revealing the swell of her sweet round ass cheek. She was a handful for sure, and I wanted to fill my hands with her lovely skin.

  I couldn’t keep thinking that way. I shook my head to rid the sexual thoughts that were tightening my jeans. Sex should’ve been the last thing on my mind, but it seemed every time I pushed those thoughts from my mind, they came back even stronger.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt tired. For the first time in a while, I was sleepy. Go figure the one time I actually wanted to sleep, I couldn’t. Running my fingers down my face, I tried to clear the sleep from my tired eyes.

  When I looked back down, Emily was staring back up at me. Her knowing eyes took me in and I felt exposed again. How was she able to make me feel that way?

  I reached down and pulled the towel back up to cover her again.

  “My arms and back are killing me. I need to switch positions or something. Maybe let me sit on the couch again?” Her voice cracked with sleep, making it sound deeper and more seductive.

  Her words sent pictures of all the different positions I could put her in, and again my cock grew. Fuck!

  “Don’t try anything,” I said as I leaned over her and untied her arms.

  She brought them in front of her and massaged the feeling back into her fingers. She kept her head down, her exhaustion thick in her shoulders.

  “I’m too tired to do anything. At this point, I need sleep. Do you think maybe I could go to my bedroom?”

  It wasn’t an unreasonable request.

  “Fine. Come on.” I pulled her to her feet.

  She kept the towel close to her body as she tried to jerk her arm out of my hand.

  “Do you have to hold me so rough? That hurts, you know.”

  I hadn’t realized my fingers were digging into her soft skin. “Yes, I do. It’s your fucking fault,” I said, but I loosened my grip.

  When we got into her room, I tied her hands in front of her and shut the bedroom door in case she tried to run. She sat on her bed with tired eyes as I looked through her room and bathroom for weapons or anything she could use against me.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, eyeing me.


  “For what?” Her eyes glanced toward her closet briefly and then back to mine.

  “A single woman living alone. I’m making sure you don’t have anything hidden.”

  I walked toward her closet and she licked her lips nervously. Again, I reacted at such an innocent gesture and it made me angry all over again.

  “What makes you think I’m single?” she said, and I shrugged.

  “I haven’t seen you with anyone.”

  “How long have you been following me?”

  “Doesn’t matter.” I pulled open her closet and she gasped behind me.

  “Could you please not go through my closet?” she said loudly.

  Bingo! She was hiding something in her closet. A gun, maybe?

  I began pulling down shoe boxes and searching everything. Pushing clothes to the side, I dug through totes she had on the floor. Finally, I found a lacey pink box in the bottom of her closet. I picked it up and turned toward her.

  “Don’t open that,” she said forcefully.

  “Why? Hiding weapons, princess? Do you think I’m stupid enough to leave you in a room with something you could use on me?” I asked.

  With wide, panic-stricken eyes, she shook her head. “Trust me. There’s nothing in there I would use on you. Don’t open it.”

  I didn’t listen. Instead, I flipped open the lid of the box and it fell to the floor. She made a small noise and turned away. A grin tugged at the corner of my lips as I examined the contents of the box.

  There were absolutely no weapons in the box, at least not anything that would cause pain. Moving things around, I found the source of her embarrassment and pulled it out. A big purple vibrator. Heat ripped through my body as I imagined her alone in her bed, using it on herself. I could practically hear her cries for sweet relief.

  I dropped the vibrator back into the box that I quickly realized was full of sex toys and videos. I’d lost count of how many times my cock got hard in the short time I’d been around her. I wasn’t sure what it was about her that turned me on so much. Maybe being domineering was doing it for me. Either way, it was pointless. I’d just have to learn to ignore it and keep my head in the game.

  When I looked back up, Emily’s face was covered in a bright-red blush. She looked away from me in embarrassment.

  “You’re right. There’s definitely nothing in here you could use on me.”

  I threw the box back into her closet and shut the door tightly behind me.



  I could hardly believe what had happened. No way did the man who was holding me captive find my secret box. No way did he pull out my favorite vibrator, and no way did he get hard looking at it.

  Oh, it happened. I saw it happen, and I didn’t know if I could look him in the face again.

  Once he closed my closet, I sat there in shock. My cheeks were so hot I felt as if I were going to pass out from the embarrassment alone. Not even Ethan had ever seen my fun box. He didn’t even know it existed, yet the stranger in front of me had seen it, opened it, and got excited over it.

  I felt exposed. Even more so than just sitting half naked in front of this guy. It felt wrong that he knew more about me and my desires than Ethan did. I had to get out of his eyesight and gather my wits.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” I said angrily as I stood.

  I was pissed. Not only had he done exactly what I asked him not to, but I was mad he’d seen that secret part of me.

  I refused to look him in the face as I marched across the room to my bathroom and he didn’t stop me. I knew I was being irrational. I was a therapist. I knew throwing a fit never got you anywhere.

  I slammed the bathroom door behind me, and then struggled to get my panties down with my hands tied together. I stayed in the bathroom longer than I needed simply because I wasn’t sure how I was going to look him in the face.

  When I opened the door, he was standing in front of my bed, holding up a thin white camisole. Looking toward my dresser, the first two top drawers were open and my never-been-worn-tags-still-on-because-Ethan-would have-flipped-sexy lingerie and lace panties hung over the sides.

  “I thought maybe you’d want to get into something more… comfortable.” He taunted and my face flamed.

  Apparently, he wasn’t done humiliating me or going through my personal things. Oh my God! My—

  “Tell me, princess. Do you always hide lipstick in your underwear drawer?” he said, holding up a tiny black tube. He walked toward me, uncapping the tube, and he held the smooth red, rounded surface up to me. “Your boyfriend must not be very satisfying if you have these all over the place.” He shook his head as he read the bottom of the tube. “Fuck me red? That sounds about right. An interesting name for this particular shade. I bet you love applying this one.” He chuckled.

  “You’re a— “

  “Bastard? Sick and twisted?” he threw out as he walked around me. He stopped behind me but made no move to close the distance between my back and his chest, an
d I sighed in relief. “You have no idea, princess.”

  “I told you to stop calling me that!”

  He snickered at my outburst and that only angered me more.

  “How about I call you… Red?”

  Automatically, my eyes flew toward them and I knew he was looking at the same thing. The red heels I discarded earlier sat at the end of the bed, mocking me the way he was. Stupid shoes!

  “It seems you like the color.”

  His arm came up around me and he held the small vibrator disguised as a tube of lipstick. I’d gotten it a couple months ago online and hadn’t had a chance to put it in my pink box. I was regretting that now.

  “Are you done?” I snapped. “And there’s nothing wrong with me having… with me…”

  “Pleasuring yourself?” he whispered into my hair, and the reflex to shiver was almost too much to control.

  Heat swirled low in my belly and I was angry with him and more with my body for betraying me. He was holding me hostage, my mind argued, but the rest of me was still having a hard time getting over my reaction to him prior to the last two hours.

  “There’s nothing wrong with it at all, Red. In fact, it’s fucking sexy when a woman knows exactly how she wants it.”

  My body finally catching up to my brain, I moved away from him and turned around, glaring at him.

  “I know what you’re doing and it’s not going to work. I make a living out of reading people and I can see right through you.”

  It wasn’t the complete truth, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “Is that so, Doctor?” he said with so much disgust it took me back.

  He moved toward me and I moved back until the backs of my thighs hit the bed. With nowhere left to go, I stood there trapped as he kept stalking toward me.

  He stopped right in front of me. If I hadn’t moved my tied hands up, they would have cupped him. The material of his jeans rubbed against the tops of my thighs and his stomach was hard against my fingers.

  “What is it you think I’m doing?”

  “You want the truth?”

  “Damn straight.”

  Game on. “You’re attracted to me and you’re angry at me for that so you’re trying to unnerve me by embarrassing me with my sexuality. It’s not going to work.”

  For a tiny second, he looked surprised, but it was gone before I could scream, Ha! And point at him while I jumped around and said, In your face!

  My victory was short lived, and he moved against me and it was hard to tell if there was one inch of us that wasn’t touching.

  “Bravo, Doctor. It looks like Daddy’s money got you a decent education. Must be nice, rich girl. But you’re right. I can’t stand that you’re able to get me hard. I don’t want to want you. Burying myself deep inside you isn’t what I had planned.” His eyes dipped down and slowly caressed my body. “But I think you forgot something in your evaluation.”

  I could barely breathe after the things he’d just said to me. Never in my life had any man ever talked to me like that, and his honesty was worse than his taunting.

  “And what is that?” I managed to ask with a steady voice. I felt like I deserved a freaking award for that.

  “You want me, too, and don’t fucking try to deny it. You wanted me before I showed up here tonight, and even though I’m keeping you here against your will, you still fucking want me.”

  His chest pressed against my breasts over and over with each hard breath he took, and I cursed my body when my nipples hardened in a rush. Heat flowed to my center, and as much I wanted to scream in his face that he was a liar, my body was on his side.

  “Can I get dressed now?” I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of calling me a liar. He didn’t need any more ammo against me.

  “Damn, Red,” he said, dropping his head slightly and sighing. His warm breath washed over my chest and my nipples hardened even more. I knew he could feel them against his chest, and I wanted to push him away and cover them with my hands.

  “I was really hoping you were going to call me a liar. Because proving you wrong and showing you just how much you’d enjoy being wrong would be so worth it.”

  I held up my hands. “Give it to me.” He looked down at my hand and then at me, and a telling grin tilted his lips. “My shirt,” I rushed out. “Give me my shirt.”

  “Careful, Red. Next time I might just give you something you didn’t bargain for.”

  He held his hand up to the side and my camisole hung from his fingers. Turning my glare away from him, I went to snatch the garment from his fingers.

  “On second thought, it’s probably better if I do it for you.”

  “Why?” I demanded angrily.

  “Well, I could say it’s because I don’t trust you, which I don’t, but it’s exactly like you said, Doc. I like unnerving you.”

  “You realize I’m less likely to be affected when I know that’s what you’re doing, right?”

  “Then humor me. Besides, maybe I won’t unnerve you this time, but I can definitely get your blood pumping.

  I gritted my teeth and put all my strength into proving him wrong. I just hoped my body worked with me, not against me. Two could play this game… I hoped.

  Lifting my arms far enough, I let the towel slip from around me and looked up at him, holding his stare. It’s not like he hadn’t already seen me naked. I might have been fooled by his grin if I hadn’t noticed him swallow hard.

  Taking my hands, he untied them and opened the camisole so I could slip my arms through the straps. I shifted and maneuvered so he could slip it over my head, holding my arms in place as he pulled it down.

  As he tugged the shirt in place, the back of his fingers brushed my nipples and those backstabbing bitches tightened in response.

  A hiss steamed through my lips. Fuck! So freaking close. He didn’t say anything as he lowered his head and whispered against my cheek.

  “It was good for me, too, Red.”

  I’d never wanted to knee a man in the balls so badly. The sweet satisfaction of bringing him to his knees the way he continued to do to me was strong.

  “Get in bed,” he ordered, turning away from me, but I didn’t move.

  “What about bottoms?”

  “What about them?”

  “I need some.”

  “You’ll be fine the way you are. Besides, you’re less likely to try and run out of here wearing that,” he said, motioning to the thin, almost sheer material of my camisole.

  “I wouldn’t count on it.”

  “In that case…” He moved toward me and I knew what his intent was.

  “Fine,” I hissed, backing away from him and around the bed to climb in.

  At that point, I was so exhausted I didn’t care. The odds of me getting away from him anytime soon were not in my favor. Sitting down on my bed, I offered up both of my hands to him.

  “If you’re going to tie me up, do it now.”

  Walking over to me, he grabbed something off my bed. Stopping in front of me, he stretched the black material of my thigh-high in his hands before wrapping it around his fists.

  Pushing his way between my legs, he leaned into me. I didn’t back down and move away from him.

  He was inches from my face when he asked, “Are you going to be good and stay put?”

  “I’m tired. I just want to sleep.”

  “Not good enough, Red. Let me hear you say you’re going to be good.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Good. Because as much as I’d like to see you all tied up to the bed, I’m going to leave you untied.”

  “Fine. Whatever. I just want to go to sleep where I can pretend this isn’t happening to me.”

  He snorted as he walked away, which made me glare as his retreating back. But then he stopped.

  “Look… I didn’t know I’d find… I had no idea that’s what was going to be in the box,” he said as he ran his fingers through his thick hair.

; “Is that your half-assed way of apologizing? Because you really suck at it.”

  “Get some sleep. I’ll be right outside your door, Red. No funny business.”

  He was walking toward the door, but before I could sleep, I had to know.

  “I think I have the right to know what you’re going to do to me.”

  The words rushed from my lips. His back stiffened, and I had the feeling maybe I didn’t want to know what his intentions were.



  Her words stopped me.

  “You’re sadly mistaken, Red,” I told her over my shoulder. “You have no rights here. For the time being, you belong to me.”

  She didn’t respond, and for the first time tonight, she had no more fight left in her.

  “Are you going to kill me?” she whispered so softly I barely heard her.

  I refused to let myself feel sorry for her, but I could at least be honest with her.

  “I was. I wanted to, but I’m not a killer. So, no, I’m not going to kill you.”

  But I will destroy your life and your father’s, I added to myself. It was clear she loved her father, believing him to be the saint he pretended to be. When she finally learned the truth, it would destroy her relationship with him and it would destroy her. Then I could move on. I’d be free, and justice would be served.

  I listened as she slid beneath her blankets and pulled them up around her. Walking toward the door, I hit the wall and the light went out.

  I collapsed against the wall next to her door. That shit was harder than I expected, and I didn’t mean my dick. However, that was fucking hard, too.

  I rolled my head to the side. Listening to the soft sounds of her breathing, I knew she had instantly fallen asleep. It was late or really early, depending on how you looked at it.

  The sky was starting to turn a light shade of pink, and I figured I should probably get some sleep, too, if I expected to go through with my plan. Nothing was completely figured out, but for the most part, I knew what I was going to do.

  My plan to unravel the poised doctor at her seams had backfired majorly. I thought it would give me the upper hand, and I’d get a fucking grip on the school-boy attraction I had toward her, but it was all going to shit.


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