Destruction (Masters of Destruction Book 1)

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Destruction (Masters of Destruction Book 1) Page 1

by Rodgers, Salice


  Masters of Destruction Book 1

  By Salice Rodgers

  © Salice Rodgers 2015

  Published by Entertwine Publishing

  Cover by Entertwine Publishing

  All Rights Reserved

  License Notes

  Thank you for purchasing this book. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Thank you for your support.

  All character, places, and descriptions come from the imagination of the author. All are fictional and any resemblance to real life persons or places is purely coincidental


  I didn’t have a bad life. My mom is a college professor and my dad is a cop. In high school, I was the head cheerleader and in love with the football star who later became my best friend. Unfortunately, we just didn’t work as girlfriend/boyfriend. He had dreams of moving away and making a name for himself as a professional football player. I didn’t want to leave home. This was my home. This was what I have known my whole life. Starting over with new friends and a new life didn’t fit into my plans. . It didn’t make sense to him, which is why we broke up and he moved away. I still talk to him. Once in a while he calls to tell me how training is going and how life as the star football player is going.

  I work at our famously awesome police station with my dad. No, I am not a cop. I wasn’t cut out for that. I do paperwork and take 911 calls. We live in a small town of about three hundred people in the middle of bum fucked nowhere Alabama. The most exciting thing to happen in our town is a parade each Fourth of July. Everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everyone’s business.

  We have a motorcycle club that has been in our town since I was a child. I can remember my parents taking me to the parade and scrunching their noses as each biker rode past us. My dad would make comments about how they were trouble.

  “Those men ruin this town,” he would say.

  He would catch me staring and cover my eyes like you would if you were watching a horror movie and something gory happened and you didn’t want to watch it. The image was there but the sound stayed forever. That was what stuck with me – the sound of the motorcycles and the bikers with one hand hanging down as they drove by and waved at us.

  I wanted the thrill of sitting on a motorcycle and feeling it purr. Having my arms wrapped around the man I love in front of me, smelling the leather of his cut and knowing that when I go into town I was his. Nobody or nothing could touch me.

  Chapter One

  “911 what is your emergency?” I say into the headpiece leaning back in my seat.

  When you live in a town like Buckers and nothing happens my job can be a little boring. The line is open for a while with no one saying a word. I lean towards my computer screen and hope that maybe just maybe something might actually be going on that will be a little interesting. After a few seconds the line goes dead and I roll my eyes.

  The door to my office opens and in walks Officer Dad. He hates when I call him that but I feel weird saying Officer Malcolm to my own father.

  “Hey, Cupcake, how’s work in this busy town?” he says and sits down across from me at my desk.

  After the chief watched me struggle to hear a 911 call in a room full of police officers wanting to joke around with one another, I got my own office in the back of the police station. No we don’t get many calls but we would like to hear the ones that we do get.

  I am not a fan of macho men walking around talking about whose muscles are bigger while they wait for a reason to leave the station. You would not believe some of the conversations they have when they are bored.

  “It’s so busy I just don’t know how I am going to keep up, Officer Dad,” I say and smirk at him watching as he rolls his eyes and straightens his suit.

  He is one of the tallest officers on the force standing at seven feet tall with salt and pepper hair. He works out with all the other officers to keep in shape so his muscles push out of his suit making it look like he could have gotten a larger size.

  “You know I hate it when you say that,” my dad quips.

  “Yep, I know. Going on lunch?”

  “Yep, I wanted to come see if you wanted something? Mom made chicken fingers and fries, our favorite.”

  “Sure. Dad, I know this is a weird question but is there anything going on in town?”

  “No.” He quickly looks away from me and picks at fake lint on his jeans and I know that he is lying.

  I will hear soon enough. I am twenty-eight but for some reason he still tries to shield me from everything.

  “Okay,” I say and leave it at that.

  I don’t want to fight with him and I know that is what will happen. I am an only child and always have been daddy’s little girl. When I told him I would be working at the police station I think he lost a year off his life until I told him it would be working from behind a desk and not a badge.

  I watch as he stands from his chair and walks around to meet me leaning in and kissing my cheek.

  “I will be back in a few, Cupcake.” With that he walks out the door and the conversation is over before it even starts.

  My phone rings again and I hope that maybe just maybe this time someone will say something.

  “911 what is your emergency?”

  “My son joined that damn biker thing,” an elderly voice says on the other end of the phone.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. He is a prospect now, whatever the hell that means.”

  She tries to muffle the phone and I have to put my hand over my mouth so she doesn’t hear me laughing. I wanted someone to talk to me at the other end of the call but I didn’t know what she thought we could do. Masters of Destruction, MOD as most say, has been a motorcycle club, or MC club, here since I was little. They have people in town who love them and others who hate them. You know, the normal for any club. I personally think they are misunderstood and the MC name does nothing to help the ones who hate them.

  “Ma’am… Ma’am?” I yell into the phone.

  I can hear her yelling at her son Seth. She has yelled his name over and over and told him to take off the ugly jacket.

  “I am here. He won't take this thing off!” she yells.

  I know that there is nothing we can do but I have to offer to send someone to her home to at least calm her down so I do just that.

  “Yes I want someone here! They need to talk to him and let him know how stupid he is!”

  “An officer is on the way, ma’am.”

  She thanks me and hangs up the phone yelling. I can’t help but giggle as I put out the call with her address for the officers. Whoever gets this call is going to really love that woman.

  Chapter Two

  “I’m out, Mallory. It’s all yours.” I stand from my chair and let Mallory sit down.

  Mallory has been working here for a year and we have become fast friends. She is tall with long brown hair down to her waist and has green eyes. She either wears too much makeup or none at all. You can usually tell her mood by whether or not she is wearing any. Mallory is wearing an ankle length summer dress with flip flops and her hair is in a tight ponytail that still reaches way down her back. Since she started working here, I have been jealous of how long her hair is. Mine is blonde and reaches just below my shoulders. Her makeup is nonexistent tonight and I know she is pissed off.

  “Thanks, Britt.”

  She sits down in the chair and puts on the headset, her eyes locking on the computer screen.

  “Why so many hang-ups?” she says looking up to me.

  I shrug m
y shoulders and sit down across from her. I live alone with my cat Rose so I am in no hurry to go home to no one.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Hmm? Oh nothing just a long night.” She finishes her sentence by yawning and stretching her arms above her head.

  “Andrew?” Her eyes go sad at the sound of his name.

  Mallory and Andrew have been dating on and off for three years. He is the VP of MOD and neither of them can make up their mind if they love or hate one another. I thank my lucky stars to be single and try to be the friend she wants to vent to. I don’t know how you can have the kind of relationship they do. Just hearing about it makes me ward off men each time.

  “He is out of town. Club business,” she says and rolls her eyes.

  “You two make my head hurt.”

  She laughs and leans back in the seat. “Try living in it.”

  “No thanks that is all you.”

  “You can’t be single for your whole life, Britt. A woman has to have needs only a man can provide.”

  “Ha! In this town I can be. And my needs are just fine so you know.”

  “If you say so.” She shakes her head and checks her cell phone. I watch as she takes a deep breath and lets it go with a humph.

  “Checking your phone won’t make him call you know?”

  “Don’t you have other people to bother?”

  I smile and stand from my seat. Even though I didn’t do much all day I am sleepy. A shower and bed does sound like the perfect thing. I walk to Mallory and give her a hug telling her to have a good night. When I walk outside, the street lights light up the parking lot of the police station as I walk to my car.

  The sound of motorcycles pass by and I jump at the invasion of sound in the silence. I stop walking and watch them pass by. It brings me back to being a kid and always wanting to know them. They felt like the cool kids that no one liked only because they were jealous they didn’t make the cut. Once they all pass, I continue to walk to my car with my panties a little wet and my nerves a little shaken. My dad would be pissed if he knew that I had that kind of reaction to them.

  I live right down the road from my mom and dad. When I moved out I didn’t want to actually move far. I see the lights are still on at their house as I drive past. They are usually asleep this late at night so the fact that they are awake means that Dad is still reading the paper and Mom is sitting in her chair, probably mad, waiting for him to go to bed.

  It’s not that we have a lot to put in our paper it’s the fact that my dad wants to do each crossword puzzle he finds. I finally make it to my house and smile when I see Rose stretch from the windowsill. I walk in the door and set my purse down beside the couch. I sit down and let go of a sigh, Rose climbs down from her perch and curls up in my lap.

  “Hey, pretty girl,” I say and rub her head.

  She is solid black with white and brown spots. I have had her since my tenth birthday when my dad found her outside the police station and brought her home. She meows and jumps off the couch walking towards her empty food bowl. I walk to the kitchen and fill her bowl while I look for something to eat wishing I would have just gone to a café instead. That is the only downside to living alone. I feel like there is no point in cooking a full meal for myself even though I love to cook.

  I used to have a play kitchen set in my room and Rose and I would eat all kinds of things. I pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave and watch as the numbers count down. The sound of my phone dinging causes me to jump and let out a small squeal.


  “Hey, Britt,” Mallory says on the other end of the line.

  “Work slow?” I laugh.

  “You could say that. Want to do something tomorrow?”

  “Sure want me to bring something to cook?”

  “Sounds good! I’ll see you around three?”

  “Yeah that works. Don’t have any fun without me.”

  I throw away my empty bag of popcorn. I am starting to think she invites me over each weekend to cook for her. She and Andrew live together but every time I have gone to her house he is working late or has club business or they are broken up and he is staying at one of his friend’s houses.

  I go to my bedroom and lay across the bed. My eyes are no longer going to stay open so I strip off my clothes and vow to take a bath in the morning before I head to the grocery store.


  I juggle all the bags in my arms and kick Mallory’s door. She finally opens it and I drop all the bags on her kitchen floor and bend over with my hands on my knees taking deep breaths.

  “Now that is what I like to walk into a kitchen and see!” a man’s voice says from behind me.

  I jump at the sound of his voice and spin around coming face to face with an arrogant smirk. I cross my hands over my chest and try to give him my best mean look. He smiles bigger and it only pisses me off more.

  “Boog, shut the hell up!” Mallory scolds and slaps him. She turns her attention back to me and rolls her eyes.

  “Britt, this is Boog. Boog, my best friend, Britt.”

  “Hi.” I turn my attention back to the bags on the floor trying to unload and set everything on the counters in her kitchen.

  “Wow, why so cold.”

  I ignore his comment and continue to unload the bags.

  “I bought the stuff to make burgers that okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry I didn’t know he and Andrew would be here. He got home early this morning.”

  “It’s fine.”

  Mallory has my dream kitchen. It is the size of my living room with sliding glass doors leading to a pool and patio area. I watch as Mallory takes two beers outside and sets them in front of Boog, and who I assume is Andrew.

  Andrew has short brown hair and arms full of tattoos. He is definitely not what I expected him to look like since Mallory talked about him all the time. He is wearing a white t-shirt with his leather cut on top and blue jeans. I turn my attention to Boog and notice that he too is wearing a cut that I hadn’t seen before. Their cuts each have a skull head resting on a bomb with a knife going through the skull. Then on the back, Masters of Destruction is across the top and Alabama is across the bottom. On the right side it says MC. Boog has black hair and muscles as far as the eye can see. He has a few tattoos but nowhere near as many as Andrew.

  “I see Boog is in the MC too?” I know that it is a stupid question but I can’t seem to keep from asking.

  Mallory nods her head and looks out the window watching them both.

  “He is the president.” She turns her suspicious eyes towards me and I lower them turning back to the hamburger meat.

  “You don’t want to get mixed up with him, Britt,” she states after a few quiet seconds.

  I lift my eyes back to the patio and feel my heart hit the floor as we lock eyes and he smirks. I quickly drop my eyes back to the meat yet again and feel my cheeks turn bright red.


  She takes the burgers to Andrew and he puts them on the grill while we cut the rest of the sides for the burgers. From time to time, I catch myself watching Boog through the window and wonder how he got the nickname Boog. Why would someone call him that? Is it short for something else? I stop myself from asking Mallory numerous times before the food is done.

  “Britt, you work at the police station with Mallory?” Boog asks. He makes it sound like a question but I have a feeling he already knows and I cut my eyes towards Mallory.

  She mouths sorry and shrugs her shoulders.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  He smiles and turns back to his food. His smile is arrogant like the one from earlier today and I want nothing more than to wipe it off his face. He is the type of man who knows he is gorgeous and thinks that any woman should be attracted to him, while I will admit that I am in my head, I won’t admit it to him.

  The rest of the meal is eaten in silence.

  I help Mallory gather up the dishes and take them to the sink. One thing my mom always told me was to
help clean up after you eat at someone’s house. Being around Boog makes my nerves feel like they are hooked up to a live wire. My hands are shaking and I can’t seem to form a sentence without making myself look like an idiot.

  “Babe, we have to go to the club house,” Andrew says walking up behind us as we wash the dishes.

  Mallory sighs and turns to give him a kiss.

  “It was nice meeting you, Britt,” he tells me.

  “You too.”

  I turn and watch both Andrew and Boog walk towards the door. When Boog makes it to the door he turns and winks at me then shuts it behind him, leaving me with my cheeks feeling like they are on fire and my mouth hanging open.

  “Britt, stay away you want nothing to do with them.”

  I cut my eyes towards Mallory.

  “You do know you are in it right?”

  “Yep and that is why I am telling you to stay away, far away.”

  “What is so bad about men on motorcycles? You sound as bad as my dad and the other half of this town.”

  “Ha! Listen to him and the other half of the town.”

  “I’m heading home. You got it from here?”

  “Yep, see you tomorrow.”

  I walk out the door and take a deep breath leaning against it to let it out. All those times that I dreamed of being the president of MOD’s girl and when I meet him, he is a complete and total ass. Well at least my dad would be happy to know I didn’t fall in love with a MOD. I shake my head and laugh at myself for even having the dream in the first place.

  Chapter Three

  I walk into my office and squeal when I see Boog sitting in the chair across from my computer.

  “How the hell did you get in here?” I ask once my heart rate slows down and I can breathe right again.

  He laughs at the sight of me jumping and leans back in his seat raising one leg on top of the other and his arms across each side of the chair. He says nothing as I shut my door and slowly sit behind my desk.

  “A nice officer told me where I could find you.”

  “And you came because?”


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