To Crown A Beast (Blackest Gold Book 4)

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To Crown A Beast (Blackest Gold Book 4) Page 19

by R. Scarlett

  In little glimpses, she watched him turn his head and caught the sight of his parted mouth.

  His eyes met hers. “Sleep, dolcezza.”

  MOLLY WOKE TO a tender stroke on her belly and she blinked, confusion, and then realization flooding her.

  The light streamed through the sheer curtains of Tensley’s bedchambers and she looked down at her belly, lying on her side to find his large hand placed there.

  She gently, cautiously, felt over his wrist, the veins visible. When he didn’t jerk away, she placed her hand over top of his.

  Tensley grumbled behind her, his hot breath fanning against the back of her neck and she smiled to herself.

  In the bliss of morning, with the light flooding the room, her chest filled with a joy she never thought she’d feel again. Months ago, this was all she wanted and now, in his arms, in the morning, she felt whole.

  But she knew—she knew the beast warred inside of him. It would still be a battle, but this single gesture, this secret, private moment they were having together, she knew he was close to the surface.

  Molly traced one strong finger across his tanned skin a harsh contrast to her ivory stomach.

  Then she felt a swift thump, and then another one. Tensley’s body stiffened behind her as another kick bounced in her belly.

  She laughed lightly, shocked, but thrilled.

  The baby was kicking.

  “Looks like our little monster decided it was time to wake up,” she whispered, smiling at their hands joined, the faint movement continuing beneath their palms.

  Tensley’s fingers flexed, strong and long, and she almost cried out in happiness when he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

  Time passed slowly as the two of them stayed on the bed, not facing each other, but their hands placed on her stomach, feeling a faint kick every few minutes.

  Her stomach grumbled and that snapped Tensley out of his lazy state.

  Molly laughed lightly as she felt another kick from within, as if the baby agreed with her growling stomach.

  “You need food,” Tensley said and stood. She glanced back at him, his toned ass flexing as he grabbed his trousers and pulled them on. It was when he looked back, as if to check on her, her heart leapt into her throat.

  Their eyes met, the heat she had seen in them last night was still there, sizzling, but there was also something new. Like he now wanted something else as well, something only she could provide him.

  Something the man and the beast both craved.

  She wrapped the sheet around her and stood. “Actually, I should probably go back to New York.” She thought of everything she still needed to do and she had been gone far too long from Scorpios. The fear of another attack weighed on her, even when she tried not to think of the worst. The last few months Scorpios had become important to her and if anything happened, if any more of their men died under her watch, she’d feel responsible. Plus, the trial for Evelyn was today and the last thing she needed was to be late.

  She grabbed the cloak she had worn when she arrived at High Court, and draped it over her shoulders, tightening it so no one knew she was completely nude underneath. Tensley had shredded her dress to nothing the night before, so the cloak was her only clothing option.

  She turned to find Tensley standing stiffly by the door, his brows furrowed. “Stay here.”

  Molly frowned and moved closer. “I can’t, Tensley.”

  “Stay here,” he said again, clear and with gentle power. “Please,” he added, with a foreign look passing through his eyes.

  Molly shook her head and moved toward the door. “I’ll visit again in four days. Scorpios needs me, they need a leader. I’ll be back soon enough, just like we arranged, okay?”

  Tensley stepped in her path, his large frame towering over her, the look in his eyes fierce. “No,” he bit out. She blinked up at him, startled by his refusal. “I need to protect you and our son. I need you to be close.” His jaw flexed under his tight bite and he lowered his gaze, huffing out a harsh breath. She saw the struggle inside of him—to speak what he feared to say the words he dreaded. “Stay here with me. I can take care of you, I can provide for you.”

  Molly’s heart swelled to the point she felt it in her throat and she swallowed down her overwhelming emotions. “Tensley,” she whispered. “I can’t. Scorpios needs me. My whole life is there…”

  Tensley’s features darkened and before she could say another word, he stepped aside. She could tell by his behavior he was hurt and she realized her wording.

  My whole life is there.

  “Tensley,” she said and reached for him, but he turned his back and moved to his whisky cabinet. She stood still, watching his back muscles flex as he poured himself a drink. “I’ll come back in four days. I’ll be safe.”

  He didn’t give her a response and so she left, her heart heavy and her head filled with too many worrying thoughts.

  THE ROOM WAS silent as Molly walked inside, fixing her large sweater over her belly. She assumed most of Scorpios thought she had maybe gained a little weight, not a baby. She wouldn’t be able to hide it from Scorpios for much longer. Her only hope was to earn their trust and support before the secret was out.

  Evelyn Rose stood at the front of the room, her hands chained in front of her, her dark locks messy and twisted. As much as she looked exhausted and worn down, she still held a fierceness in her eyes, a challenge to anyone who doubted her strength.

  Mr. Rose stood along side of his daughter, a permanent scowl pressed to his thin lips.

  Each man seated at the long oval table turned their attention to Molly, a stern, reigning silence that brought chills to her skin.

  “Mrs. Knight,” Connor, or Pudgy, as Tensley liked to call him, said as he gestured to a seat beside him.

  Molly walked past the men and sat down, fixing her sweater around her front.

  “You’re late,” one man spat, Fredrick. He was older, aged well, but he had a mean streak and an even meaner temper. He shook, not much, but enough from aging that she knew he wouldn’t be in his position much longer.

  There was an air to him of power and even Molly felt the sting of it in his voice.

  “I had important matters to discuss with my husband, your Dux and king,” she said, looking the older man straight in the eyes. Then her gaze turned, acknowledging the others. “Proceed,” she told the assembly, voice strong, unyielding. She knew—just like Evelyn had said—she couldn’t back down. She couldn’t appear weak or little to these powerful men or they’d overpower her.

  Fredrick’s lip twitched and after a long, silent moment, he sat back, the leather squeaking under his weight.

  Molly took a deep breath and turned to face Evelyn at the front of the room.

  Molly nodded at Connor and he fixed the paper in his hand, clearing his throat. “We, Scorpios of High Court, are gathered here today to come to an agreement on the fate of Evelyn Grace Rose of Scorpios. She is on trial for poisoning the late Dux, Salvatore Knight, and committing the highest form of treason to our people.”

  Molly kept her gaze trained on Evelyn. She didn’t lower her head, she simply stared, her shoulders tensing every few seconds as if the words were like bullets hitting her.

  Connor folded the piece of paper and with a shaky hand, placed it on the table. He wasn’t shaking from nerves though. She could feel the entire room was flooded with aggressive pheromones. It stung the air, poisoned it until her lungs burned.

  But the woman trapped in the center of it all, no doubt being hit left, right and center by the aggressive feeling, stayed unmoving.

  “The assembly will vote on the adequate punishment after the accused’s final words are heard,” Connor added. “Ms. Rose, you may proceed. I will warn you to be careful with your choice of words, they might be your only hope between life and death.”

  Evelyn’s dark eyes shifted across the room, studying each member carefully. Her mouth twitched, the chains rattling as they swung between her wr

  As Evelyn parted her lips, about to start talking, the doors to the congress room opened and slammed closed. All heads turned as Daphne Knight made her way to where Molly sat with determined steps. Her gentle features were warped into something feral, something fuming in anger and all of it was directed toward Evelyn.

  “Mrs. Knight,” someone spoke. “We are terribly sorry for your loss, but I am afraid you are not allowed to be a part of the trial.”

  Daphne didn’t acknowledge them and kept moving with confidence, sitting down beside Molly.

  “Not allowed to my own husband’s murderer’s trial. I’ll be damned,” she whispered to herself, irritated, eyes staying firmly on Evelyn.

  It was the first time she saw the true life of a Dux’s wife shining through Daphne. Composed, deadly, and powerful. A woman who was now facing the traitor who had murdered her husband.

  Salvatore hadn’t been the best of men nor had he been the best of father, but somehow, Daphne had still cared deeply for him. Perhaps, Molly thought, behind closed doors he had been a good husband to his wife.

  But above all else, Molly knew he had been a good Dux to Scorpios.

  Their Dux.

  “Continue,” Molly said, her voice leaving no room for argument.

  The men cleared their throats and focused their attention back on Evelyn.

  Evelyn’s stance weakened, her shoulders pulling inward as she felt Daphne’s eyes on her. It was like a constant whip of anger lashing at Evelyn’s skin.

  “I did it to protect my family,” Evelyn bit out, gasping as the anger wrapped around her throat. “I did it to protect myself. They caught me. Fitz Senior caught me and told me he’d murder my family if I didn’t work for him.” She shook her head. “So I did. I fucking did it.” Her gaze of darkness lifted and all Molly saw was a fierceness that would never die. Never burn out. “And I’d do it again,” she added with a stern tone. Her eyes found Molly’s, then Daphne’s. “Look at me, and tell me you wouldn’t have done the same. For your own family. For your children or your husband,” she spat, a troubled look crossing her features. “Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same,” she said again, the words barely above a whisper.

  Daphne’s hand threaded through Molly’s fingers underneath the table. Molly glanced at her, only to find a stern expression, but she knew more than anything that they were both pretending to be fine. To feel powerful, and strong. Yet, felt anything but in this instance.

  But sometimes, pretending was enough.

  Daphne needed Molly, and so she’d be her strength.

  “We are your family,” Fredrick snapped, his entire face filled with blood. He pounded a fist on the table. “You fucking betrayed us.”

  Evelyn sneered at him, a dark laugh escaping her lips. “Scorpios was never a family to me. All of you, you’ve turned your backs on me when I needed it most. Looked at me from above, as if I was always nothing more than a dramatic bitch. I lost too much because of Scorpios. I lost the things that mattered because of this sick world we live in. All of you, you wouldn’t do shit to save the man sitting beside you. Or his family. You’d only save yourself. I only did the same. I saved myself and my family, damned be the consequences.”

  “That’s not true,” Molly’s voice wasn’t loud. If anything it was quiet, but clear and concise.

  It was the venom, the power of controlling those around her and everyone stopped speaking, turning their focus onto her.

  Molly squeezed Daphne’s hand and glared at Evelyn. “You saved me. When you could have saved yourself,” Molly said, and she heard a few gasps in the assembly. “You chose to save me, when Fitz Senior attacked. . You could have run, and never looked back. But you stayed. And you were stabbed…”

  Evelyn’s complexion paled, a deep frown marking her brows as if asking Molly if she really wanted her to tell the truth. Molly nodded almost subtly, and Evelyn licked her lips nervously, her answer taking too long for the men in the room.

  One of them stood up from the side of the room, face marred with anguish. “Yes, answer the king’s wife. Why!” he spat, voice booming. A few others joined in, wanting the accused to answer their question.

  Evelyn’s brows drew tight, hands shifting in her lap. “Because—” Evelyn paused and shook her head once. She steeled her expression and looked directly into Molly’s eyes. “Because you’re pregnant.”

  Dead silence took the room and Molly swallowed with difficulty.

  Each men glanced between each other and back at her.

  Molly felt her shoulders collapse against the leather chair and she tightened her grip on Daphne’s hand.

  It was out. The secret was out. And if the dead silence that had taken over the room was any indication, her next argument needed to be strong. She could see their trust disappearing by the minute.

  “Yes, I am,” Molly said and stood to her feet, letting Daphne’s hand go.

  Fredrick stood from the dark corner he had chosen to sit in, eyes fuming with unrestrained fury. “A pregnant woman. A pregnant human—” He laughed again, the sound like a snake ready to pounce on its victim. “Leading Scorpios. What a farce. What has become of Scorpios, my brothers? It all became an absolute mockery when the Knights took over the legacy. I say we should—”

  Before he could continue, Molly’s voice boomed, crushing his to nothing. “I vow, to all of you and the members of Scorpios who aren’t present in this room that a pregnancy will not affect the way I rule over Scorpios. I will not abandon Scorpios. I will not leave them now when we need to stay together and destroy Ares.” She straightened. “We must stay strong and we are stronger together. And I vow—I vow to make those bastards beg on their knees.”

  Evelyn’s nostrils flared, but she didn’t say a word.

  Molly took a deep breath. “But I am indeed pregnant. With the Dux, the king’s child. A boy. So Evelyn Rose may have killed the late Dux, but she also saved the current Dux and king’s wife. As well as his heir to Scorpios. You may want to take this into consideration when choosing the fitting punishment.”

  Molly sat back in her chair and took Daphne’s hand again, breathing through her nose.

  Fredrick let out an unsatisfied sound but sat back down, without arguing.

  Connor cleared his throat, awkwardly. “Suggestions of punishment for Ms. Rose?”

  All the men were silent as they looked at one another and then back to Molly.

  Molly fisted her hand on her thigh and stared at Evelyn’s blank expression, but she saw her throat bobbing. “Which options am I truthfully presented with here? I have no doubt the options were narrowed down to a few before the trial ever even began,” she said with a pointed look in Fredrick’s direction.

  “Death,” Fredrick began. “Or imprisonment in High Court.”

  Molly bit the inside of her mouth and straightened in her chair.

  Just looking at the men in the assembly, nodding to each other as if those were the two options that seemed the most interesting, Molly knew she truly only had those two choices to choose from.

  She stared at the woman—the strong woman ready to kill for her family, ready to take the blow. A woman caught in a web of blackmail and lies. A woman wearing the same mask Tensley once wore around her and others. She knew that deep inside Evelyn, hid something good. Something worth saving. Evelyn wasn’t innocent, but she didn’t deserve death.

  She deserved a chance.

  “Imprisonment.” She watched as Evelyn’s shoulders relaxed. With the trust the demon’s had in her strength already fragile, Molly added with a powerful tone: “Let her relive what she did to Scorpios, what she did to a family, to his wife, to his children. Every day of her life, for a very long time. Death would be too easy.” She let the venom roll off her tongue and into the thick air of anger and tension.

  Evelyn stared at Molly for what seemed like a long time, as if she wanted to say more, but the men stood, one grabbing Evelyn’s elbow and taking her away.

  Molly stood with Da
phne, the men watching them as they left the room.

  Daphne opened the Dux’s office door and Molly went inside first. As soon as the door closed, Daphne collapsed to her knees.

  Sobs took over her entire body and she wept freely, uncontrollably. Molly bent and hugged her, letting her mother-in-law grieve, letting her show a moment of weakness.

  Because she understood her pain. As much as she had Tensley still in her life, she had lost him. He had been ripped from her and she knew that pain well.

  Minutes passed and Daphne wiped her cheeks, standing onto her feet.

  She calmed herself with another breath and took Molly’s hands. “I would have done the same thing,” she whispered and Molly frowned at her. “I would have killed to protect my family, I would have done anything to save my husband.” She dropped her gaze and squeezed Molly’s hands. “You made the right decision, Molly. And I know you did it to save her from death. And if what you say is true, if she did save you and my future grandchild like you say she did, then I support your decision,” she took another shuddering breath, hands shaking slightly with emotion. “I want to protect you, Molly. You are in danger. I know it’s hard to let others help you, protect you. But people are out to kill you, because you are the most important person in my son’s life. I know you’re powerful, capable. But please stay here with me. With the soldiers.”

  Molly furrowed her brow and went to open her mouth, but Daphne raised a hand.

  “Please, listen,” she whispered, her eyes still bloodshot. “I want to protect you and I think having you here with Scorpios will ease my worries. The soldiers won’t let anything happen to you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Molly lowered her eyes to their hands.

  “You hold our future, our power, my son’s baby,” Daphne said, her voice full of unwept tears, but she took a deep breath and held it in with a soft smile. “You’re part of my family, and I do not wish to lose anymore.”

  Molly paused and looked up, smiling back at her softly. She nodded.


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