A Country Miss in Hanover Square

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A Country Miss in Hanover Square Page 25

by Anne Herries

  ‘Is everything all right, my love?’ Harry asked, turning his head to look at her.

  ‘Yes, perfect,’ she replied and smiled at him. ‘Even the weather is smiling on us.’ There was no need to tell him that she had seen the marquis, no need to cast a shadow over their special day. ‘I have never been happier.’

  ‘Then we must leave for the reception,’ Harry said. ‘Otherwise we shall keep our guests waiting and that would never do.’

  Susannah nodded, taking his hand as they ran to the waiting carriage.

  ‘You make a beautiful bride,’ Lady Elizabeth told Susannah a little later that afternoon. She kissed Susannah’s cheek. ‘My son was lucky to find you, my dear. Indeed, had you not acted so boldly, he might not be here today. He says that Northaven would not have killed him, but I am not so sure. That man hates him.’

  ‘Why do you say that?’ Susannah asked.

  ‘Oh, it is just a feeling I have,’ Lady Elizabeth said. ‘I have heard that he is in some financial trouble. His uncle left him a fortune, but he has run through it. He must marry well or come to ruin, I dare say—but I do not know if he will find an heiress to have him.’

  ‘Oh…’ Susannah frowned. ‘He was always well received in town.’

  ‘A handsome man is always good company,’ Lady Elizabeth told her. ‘However, I should not have allowed a daughter of mine to marry him, had I one of a suitable age. He will probably have to elope if he finds a girl foolish enough to run off with him.’

  Susannah was thoughtful as she went upstairs to change into her travel ling gown. Northaven had been watching someone before he became aware of her looking at him. Could it possibly have been Amelia? She had thought he was there to see her and Harry married, but she might have been wrong. Could he have been behind that kidnap attempt in the woods at Pendleton?

  Susannah felt a trickle of ice down her spine once more. She had dismissed the incident in Pendleton Woods, believing as the others did that it was by mere chance that Amelia had been attacked—but supposing someone had been trying to abduct her? Could it have been the marquis? Was he perhaps hoping that he might force her to wed him so that he could gain control of her fortune?

  Susannah was unsure what to do—should she tell Harry she had seen him, or Amelia? Perhaps it was best to say nothing to Amelia. She was being protected and she did not need warning against the marquis, for she had never trusted him.

  Susannah would mention it to Harry later, but not until they were alone.

  ‘I am glad that you told me that you saw him watching us,’ Harry said when they were in the carriage, having set out on their journey a few minutes earlier. ‘However, I was aware that he was in the vicinity. He is being watched, Susannah, and will continue to be for a while. Max, Gerard and I considered the possibility that it might have been he who tried to have Amelia abducted. We have no proof either way. Amelia is aware that her estate is being pa trolled by agents who would not hesitate to shoot any one who refused to answer a challenge. She does not think that Northaven would attempt it, but is prepared to be careful. When she goes to Bath, she will be more in the public eye and will not need so much protection. However, I have advised her that it would be best to keep one or two of the Bow Street men on for a while.’

  ‘How awful for her,’ Susannah said and frowned. ‘I do not like to think that anyone would want to hurt Amelia—or to force her into a marriage she disliked.’

  ‘When a woman is unprotected by a husband, especially one as wealthy as Amelia, it is difficult. The property laws may seem harsh as far as women are concerned, but in a way they do protect a woman from rogues and blackmailers. Once she is married, her fortune is under the control of her husband, though in many cases she is given an income and her money secured for her children.’

  ‘Yes, I do see that,’ Susannah agreed. ‘I should be happier if she were married, but I do not think she has considered it—not truly. At least, she will not marry unless she finds love.’

  ‘Perhaps not,’ Harry said and arched his brows. ‘Amelia is a capable lady and protected, as much as she can be. That bonnet you are wearing is very fetching, my love—but if you were to remove it, I should be able to kiss you more easily.’

  ‘Yes…’ Susannah laughed and untied the ribbons. ‘I do not think I need it for the moment—and I have been aching for you to kiss me all day.’

  Susannah sat before her dressing mirror, brushing her long hair. She was in the bedroom of her new home, and she was pleased to discover that it was a comfortable house. However, the décor left much to be desired, and the prospect of being given carte blanche to set it right was exciting.

  Her heart caught as the door opened and Harry came in. He was wearing a long dressing robe of dark blue cloth, and his hair looked damp, as if he had washed it. As he came to her, she caught the fresh scent of soap and cologne.

  ‘You smell gorgeous,’ she told him, smiling up into his eyes. ‘I am so happy…so very happy.’

  ‘I am glad,’ Harry told her. ‘I love you so much, my dearest wife. My wife…it seems an age since I first wondered if perhaps one day you would marry me.’

  ‘Yes, it does seem a long time since we first met,’ Susannah said. She was suddenly breath less as he put his arms about her, holding her pressed closed to his body. She could feel his heat through her fine night gown, and she lifted her face in anticipation of his kiss. ‘I love you so much.’

  Harry moaned deep in his throat. He bent to catch her up in his arms, carrying her to the bed and depositing her gently amongst the silken sheets. Abandoning his robe, Harry lay down beside her, feasting his eyes on her lovely face.

  ‘We do not need this, delicious as it is,’ he said and drew her night gown over her head, tossing it to the floor. ‘I want nothing between us, my love. I have waited for this moment so long and now I want to look at you…to touch every piece of your beautiful body…’

  ‘Love me, Harry,’ she whispered, looking at him with such longing that he moaned with need. ‘Teach me everything I should know to please you.’

  ‘You please me just as you are,’ he murmured hotly. ‘But I shall show you how we can please each other.’ His lips took possession of hers, his hand stroking the satin arch of her back. Susannah gasped as she felt the burn of desire and her body tingled with the new sensation that she knew was need for him, to feel one with him. ‘I want you so much…’

  Susannah gave herself up to the pleasure of his hands touching her in all the secret places where no one had touched her before, his tongue teasing and tantalising when his hands had done their work. She arched and gasped, moaning as he brought her to fever pitch, before entering her. At the moment of penetration she felt a little pain, but in another moment it had gone as she thrilled to his loving, bringing her such pleasure that she thought she might die.

  Afterwards, she lay at peace in his arms, sleeping.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0822-3


  Copyright © 2009 by Anne Herries

  First North American Publication 2011

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  *Banewulf Dynasty

  **The Elizabethan Season

  †The Hellfire Mysteries

  ††Melford Dynasty

  ‡The Horne Sisters

  ‡‡A Season in Town

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten




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