Real Love 6 (I'm Still In Love With You)

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Real Love 6 (I'm Still In Love With You) Page 7

by H. H. Fowler

  Having now made it through Airport Customs, Hunter and Kevin crossed to the lot where Hunter had left her Jaguar in short-term parking. Once they got to the vehicle, Kevin tossed their luggage in the trunk and slipped into the passenger seat with a huge smile on his face. Hunter was quick to notice it.

  “Why do you have that big old smirk on your face?” she asked.

  “It’s because I feel so liberated,” Kevin said. “Being back in Devin’s Cay and thinking about my brand-new prospects… these are special highlights for me. However, nothing beats sharing this moment with you, the woman who’s stolen my heart in a big way.”

  Hunter blushed. “Well, you haven’t officially moved back to Devin’s Cay as yet,” she said. “All of your things are still in Tampa.”

  “I am one step ahead of you, girl. I’ve already gotten a buyer for my car. My lease for the apartment is up next month. And as for my other material possessions, I’ll go back in two weeks to deal with them, or I’ll have them shipped here to the island. Either way, my season in Tampa is over.”

  “And you really don’t regret leaving such a lofty position behind?”

  “I don’t…” Kevin encased Hunter’s hand with his when he saw the uncertainty in her expression. “Seriously, I don’t regret what needed to be done. Brier and Sydney are scums anyway, who are only concerned about themselves. I’m better off without them. I have always been about what makes me happy. And I can assure you that leaving Tampa behind to create a future with you overrides every other desire that I may ever have.”

  Hunter’s response was hindered by the unexpected ring of Kevin’s cell phone. She stared at Kevin in a way that suggested to him that she would watch for how he would handle the call. Between the time they were on their way to Tampa International Airport and before they’d boarded the plane, Kevin’s phone had rung at least half a dozen times and each time the call had been from Shiloh Bethune.

  “It’s her calling again,” Kevin said.

  “You are going to be hit hard with roaming charges if you answer it,” Hunter quipped. “But of course, that she-devil needs to be put in her place.”

  Kevin suppressed his smile, because even though he found Hunter’s words quite humorous, he didn’t think she was trying to be funny. “Then my decision is easy,” he said. “I won’t waste a penny on someone who has disrespected our relationship in every way possible. Let her call until the cows come home. I’m about to change my number anyway. Until then, I will keep my phone turned off.”

  Hunter was expecting Kevin to go psycho on Shiloh, but his decision was good enough for her. She shifted the gear stick into “Drive,” but before venturing out of the parking lot, she offered Kevin a smile to let him know that he could relax. She was not going to fuss with him about Shiloh Bethune. After all, they were engaged now and she didn’t want anything upsetting her peaceful spirit.

  “So, where to now?” she asked.

  “Well,” Kevin stalled, as he got lost in Hunter’s blue eyes, “I was thinking we should visit my mother – to give her the good news about our engagement.”

  “I think that’s a very good idea, even though I’m not sure how your mother will react to it. I mean, she barely knows me.”

  “She knows that you’re Sasha’s best friend,” Kevin said. “And I can almost guarantee that if she likes Sasha, she’s gonna love you. You’re one of kind and I have faith that my mother will discern that right away.”

  Hunter gave a half-smile. “I hope you’re right, Kevin, because I get the uncanny feeling she will say that we are rushing things.”

  Kevin reached over and pressed his lips against Hunter’s cheek. “You let me worry about my mother. She isn’t half as bad as people perceive her to be.”


  Same Time

  Suanne was crocheting and humming ‘Amazing Grace’ when she noticed clips of Armando’s concert appearing on the afternoon news. It showed highlights of the previous two nights of a massive crowd being entertained by the energetic sway of Armando’s hips. His dreadlocks swung in unison with his wild gyrations, solidifying him as one of the sexiest soca artists ever to come on the scene. The song he sang, “Bend & Wuk Yuh Waist” was highly sexual in lyrics and suggestive in nature. Little was left to the imagination as Armando enjoyed making his music as intense as he possibly could.

  Suanne’s mouth fell open toward her chest. Up until that moment, she’d never seen her son being displayed in such a vulgar manner, which according to her was utterly immoral and an invitation for sin. ‘The devil’s music,’ she called it and rightly so. However, the mental rebuke she was building to unleash on Armando was interrupted by what she spotted at the bottom of the screen. A brief notification canceling that night’s event: Due to unforeseen family circumstances, Armando Beckford and the Shank Band will not be performing tonight as planned…

  Suanne put her crocheting aside and reached for the phone without taking her eyes off the TV screen. What sort of family circumstances are they talking about? She was Armando’s mother and she knew nothing of it. However, Suanne intended to get to the bottom of it right then and there. Armando picked up on the first ring.

  “I was about to call you,” he said without preamble.

  “Call me for what? Are you in some sort of trouble?”

  “No, Ma. Where would you get such a crazy idea?”

  Suanne was glad Armando asked. “From TV,” she spat. “Shaking your butt like some loose woman is not how I raised you. Where’d you picked up such a dirty dance? The devil is using you to incite lust and temptation –”


  “Don’t Ma me! Your hips were made to help you walk and to sit and to use the bathroom. Not to twirl around in the faces of those people, who had no business supporting that mess anyway and I find that very disrespectful, if you ask me. Then to top it off, this notice appeared on the screen saying that you’re not performing tonight, due to family circumstances. Do I live under a rock that I’m the last one to know what is going on?”

  The second Suanne took a break from her rant, Armando dropped the bombshell on her. “Annalise lost the baby…it was stillborn and they made her push it out. I was about to call you to inform you about it.”

  Suanne cleared her throat, as her anger quickly faded into concern. “I would have said good riddance if you weren’t my son and if that baby wasn’t part of you…but I told you from the break that I didn’t agree with that marriage. Maybe it’s God’s way of telling you –”

  “It’s not the time to chastise me,” Armando said. “Because whether you accept it or not, I sincerely care about Annalise. She didn’t deserve what happened to her.”

  “I didn’t say she deserved it. In fact, I’m saddened that both you and Annalise had to go through that tragic experience. But I’m saying God has a way of sending us messages. Who knows why God decided to take that baby back to heaven? But what I do know: Annalise is not the right woman for you and the sooner you realize that the better it will be for everyone.”

  “Well, it’s a little too late for you to say that, Ma. I’ve already married the woman and I’ve made up my mind to stay with her.”

  Suanne harrumphed. “You poor child. I’ve taught you boys that however you make up your bed, you had better lie in it. I may not be able to change your mind about Annalise, but I will continue to voice my displeasure. I see much evil in that woman and you had better wake up and see her for the devil she really is.”

  Armando kissed his teeth in irritation, an automatic reaction he regretted as soon as he’d done it. His mother didn’t stand for it and Armando knew she was not about to let him off the hook for showing such impertinence.

  “Who you kissing your teeth at, boy? I bet I jump through this phone and slap you one.”

  “Really, Ma? I’m a grown man.”

  “It doesn’t matter! But I pray for you, boy, that you find healing for your soul. Leave that devil’s music alone and start going back to church. Maybe then the Holy
Spirit will rub off on Annalise and run them demons out of her. Because for the life of me, I don’t understand what you saw in that woman.”

  “You are not consoling me at all,” Armando said. “I’ve just lost my daughter – your first grandchild and the only thing you are capable of is badmouthing my wife. I am disappointed in you.”

  “And so am I,” Suanne lashed back. “No son of mine is gonna disrespect me the way you just did and expect for me to shrug it off as nothing. But I speak peace over you, my boy, that the good Lord will give you the grace to deal with that woman and to overcome every one of your trials. However, I can’t speak the same blessing for Annalise; that demon will not accept it.”

  “Bye, Ma…I will call you later when you’ve calmed down.”

  Suanne grudgingly returned the phone to its cradle only to be greeted by the chime of her doorbell. She stood to her feet and looked through the peephole before opening the door for her son, Kevin, who was holding hands with a white woman she’d only seen once or twice.

  Suanne pushed a hand into her side and remarked, “Lord, what sign are you boys presenting to me? The three of my sons are in Devin’s Cay, each with a woman in tow.”

  Kevin chuckled. “And I’m happy to see you too. Why the long face?”

  Suanne gave her eyes an impatient roll. “Boy, wouldn’t you like to know. Come in, both you and your lady friend.”

  “I believe you have met Hunter Rose,” Kevin said when his mother turned to face them. “She’s Sasha’s best friend and one of the most gifted jewelry designers on this side of heaven.”

  “Of course I know her,” Suanne said. “What is she doing here with you?”

  Hunter offered Suanne a warm smile, being careful not to speak out of turn. She would let Kevin do all of the talking until it was safe for her to do so.

  “Well,” Kevin said, turning to Hunter. “I’ve asked her for her hand in marriage and we’ve come to receive your blessing.”

  “Is that right?” Suanne moved her gaze from Kevin, locking it on Hunter. She seemed to stare at her for an eternity before twisting her lips into a smirk. “For a white girl, she’s very pretty…you mean to tell me that my grandchildren is gonna have blonde hair and blue eyes? Little white legs running around my front room? Well, Holy Ghost, what is this You bringing me into?”

  Kevin laughed and so did Hunter, although they still pondered in their hearts whether Suanne was pleased or not.

  “Come here, child,” Suanne said, beckoning to Hunter. “Let me get a good look at you...good form…good hair…intelligent eyes. How old are you anyway?”

  Kevin was about to protest but Hunter stopped him. “It’s okay for your mother to know my age…I’ll be turning thirty this coming January, if the Lord wills.”

  “If the Lord wills?” Suanne tossed her head back and laughed. “You keep talking like that, child, and you and I will be friends in no time.” She suddenly stared into the ceiling, counting her fingers as if she was trying to figure out the order of the alphabet. “So you’re ten months older than my son?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Suanne cocked her head at Hunter. “I don’t have a problem with it.”

  Kevin’s eyes widened with shock because he knew all too well that his mother had a serious aversion to women being older than their husbands. “Since when?”

  “Since when what?” Suanne reached over and pinched Kevin’s cheek. “You had better shut your mouth before I change my mind.”

  Kevin grinned. “So that means we have your blessing?”

  “Of course,” Suanne exclaimed, pulling both Hunter and Kevin into a bear hug. “I’m gonna throw you two the biggest party ever. Don’t worry about a thing; I’ll plan it all. You two just show up here on time…thank you, Jesus, for the good news…now keep ‘em coming, keep em coming!”

  Suanne released Kevin and Hunter and then took off down the hall, speaking in her heavenly language. All she could think about was how proud she would be, walking down the street, showing off her ‘white’ grandkids.

  Chapter Eleven

  Devin’s Cay General Hospital – 8:15 p.m.

  There was panic on the maternity ward as one of the patients had disconnected herself from the IVs and other medical apparatuses, only to check herself out of the hospital. A quick investigation revealed that the missing patient was Annalise Beckford – the woman who’d recently given birth to a stillborn baby. There was a small trail of blood, ending right outside the room where she stayed. Hospital staff, in particular those who’d been monitoring Annalise were running frantically trying to find her, because the last thing they wanted was a scandal or an unnecessary litigation brought about by her famous husband.

  The doctor attending to Annalise was livid to know that something like this had happened on his watch, considering he’d already held back pivotal information from Armando, which could be misconstrued that the doctor’s initial knowledge of Annalise’s condition showed a reasonable prospect that Annalise’s baby could have been saved. When she’d first been brought in and examined, the doctor recognized the signs of fetal distress.

  A quick delivery was necessary to relieve the baby’s distress and that of its mother. And even though Annalise reported that the baby’s movements had decreased from about ten kicks an hour to three, the doctor delayed his decisions so as not to act too hastily by performing a C-section. The baby had maintained a strong, stable heartbeat and Annalise was already seven centimeters. So in the doctor’s mind, vaginal birth was imminent. However, he hadn’t any idea that his decision would have come back to bite him in the butt.

  “Someone had to have seen Mrs. Beckford walk through these doors,” the doctor spat at the two nurses who were doing their level best to keep up with his hurried strides. “I left her under your watch. Where the hell were you two?”

  “We were watching her the entire time,” one of the nurses answered. “But we stepped out of the room for ten minutes to get something to eat. By the time we got back she was gone.”

  “That’s impossible!” the doctor roared. “The woman has lost a lot of blood and she would have been too weak to make more than ten steps. Do you realize her husband is a national celebrity? And as far as some celebrities are concerned, the potential repercussions for such negligence could be lethal for this hospital.”

  “We’re sorry…”

  “Don’t stand there trying to stammer out an apology! You two had better find Mrs. Beckford before her husband comes back and discovers she’s missing.”

  “But we’ve looked for her everywhere…”

  “She’s got to be around here somewhere,” the doctor insisted. “Don’t stop looking until you find her!”

  The doctor stomped away in the opposite direction, leaving the two nurses fluttering in fear. About fifteen feet away, there was an exit that led to an emergency stairwell. It was rarely used, most of the time forgotten. If the nurses had stepped back several paces and fastened their gazes near the exit, they would have noticed a spot of blood – the very clue they needed to apprehend the patient. Instead, they followed the path the doctor had not too long used for his escape to the smoking lounge.

  A few minutes later, the exit door eased open, wide enough for Annalise to peek out and assess her surroundings. She was in a great deal of pain, holding her form against the wall. But she was determined to remain hidden until the coast was clear. She gingerly stepped out into the hall and limped as fast as she could to the elevator. By this time, the blood that came from the spots where she’d pulled out the IVs had coagulated – as if that mattered. Annalise was prepared to bleed to death to ensure her escape from the hospital.

  She’d dressed herself in the same maternity pants and top she’d worn yesterday, a cruel reminder that her baby girl had been ripped out of her life without her even getting the chance to say hello. The loss was excruciating and the only reason that Annalise was able to maintain some measure of sanity, was because of the murderous plot she was intending to c
arry out against Rena – the person whom Annalise held responsible for her baby’s death. Had Rena kept her wayward hands away from Armando, her baby would still be alive.

  Ever since Annalise had stepped foot on Devin’s Cay, she’d been having a nasty experience. And Rena had made things worse. In fact, Annalise would go as far as to say that Rena had always created a problem for her – way before she’d even met that dumpy little heifer. Armando would occasionally mention his past with Rena, doting on the fun they’d shared as teenagers, eating baloney sandwiches under some stupid bridge.

  But each time Armando mentioned Rena, Annalise could see that Armando still cared a great deal for her – even though he hadn’t seen her in over twenty years. What was it about Rena that made Armando go cuckoo in the head? He was never again himself from the moment he realized Rena was on the same island with him. And now that they’d had sex with each other, Armando had gone completely over the edge trying to reconnect his severed roots with Rena. But she would show the both of them, Annalise harrumphed. How dare you, Rena, seduce my husband and expect to get away with it? Trust me, you short heifer, your own gun will put a bullet in your head. Your life for the life of my baby!

  With her resolve fully intact, Annalise exited the elevator, not even bothering with trying to be inconspicuous. Everyone appeared to be in their own world anyway and no one had paid any attention to her when she’d slipped through the main exit doors.


  Just as she’d predicted, Rena had missed her flight to Paris and would likely not be traveling there anytime soon if her handbag didn’t turn up. She’d reported her handbag missing at the front desk hours ago and now there was a thorough investigation going on amongst the hotel staff, trying to establish if Rena was indeed a victim of employee theft. And because Rena was a guest of the hotel and had alleged that her handbag had been in her hotel room, it made the matter all the more serious. Rena was up in arms with the manager, who was doing all he could not to lose his cool with this short giant of a woman.


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