Together Forever

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Together Forever Page 7

by Vicki Green

“Funny, mate. You know I have nothing going on. My ole man being dead and my ole lady in prison. Fucking funny,” he scowls.

  I pat his shoulder again. “Sorry, mate. Not a very good joke. You’re coming with me over to Jesse’s. We’ll meet Allie and her friend there in an hour and will be spending the night there. You’re invited. You’re our family too, ya know?”

  He smiles and pats my shoulder. “Thanks, mate. Can we stop by my house on the way to get some stuff?” I nod as I put my arm around his shoulder and we head out. Oh, this is gonna be fun.

  Chapter Six

  We are getting ready to head over to Jesse’s. Paxton can’t wait to meet Cassie and coo over the twins. Shane texted me that he invited Tuck. I’m really excited that he will be joining us. I hope Paxton doesn’t kill him before the night is over. Thank goodness Tuck will sleep upstairs in the extra room so that Paxton can sleep in the guest room downstairs by us.

  Dad called and said he wasn’t able to join us but would see us after the New Year. Thank God! I am not ready to have the big conversation about Shane and me with him yet. Besides, he’s still mad at me for moving here in the first place and now with Paul on the loose it will send him completely over the edge of no return. UGH!

  And mother, well, I think she was relieved she wasn’t coming but has threatened me she will be coming up in the next week or so. She said she must see my condo and the man that has taken me away from her. Oh, my! Can’t wait for that. Paxton is like a kitten compared to my mother’s claws.

  Paxton and I walk in the door at Jesse’s and hear laughter coming from the kitchen. We walk in to find Shane, Tuck, Cassie and Jesse sitting around the table drinking. Well, Cassie is drinking water to their beers. She is still breast feeding the twins. I’m sure after tonight, she may pull them off and give them store bought so she can have some drinks.

  I smile as I walk to Shane and sit on his lap, kissing him quickly. I see Paxton still standing in the doorway and I turn to everyone. “Cassie and Tuck, this is my best friend, Paxton. Paxton, this is my family.”

  The chair screeches when Tuck gets up and walks to Paxton, his hand out in the air in front of him. “Tuck here. You must be the gorgeous Paxton I’ve been hearing about.” I watch as her eyes roll and she walks right past him, not giving him the time of day. She walks straight for Jesse as he rises from his chair. He picks her up and swings her around as they hug.

  “Jesse! So good to see you! It’s been way too long.” He sets her down and they begin chatting.

  I see Shane, with his mouth open. I laugh and walk over to Tuck, putting my arm through his. “Don’t feel bad. She did that to Shane too. It’s just how she is. Maybe if you’re lucky she’ll actually talk to you before the nights over or tomorrow.” I snicker.

  His head turns to me with a cocky grin. “She’s fucking beautiful. I must have her.” He looks back to her and licks his lips. “I will have her. May not be tonight or tomorrow but some day, she will be mine.” I pat his chest and smile.

  We have a great night sitting around the Christmas tree, talking, drinking and sharing the babies. I can’t believe how big they’ve gotten in just seven days. I peek at Shane from time to time watching him hold one of the twins. How sweet and gentle he is. You can tell he genuinely loves kids. He would be a great father. I smile.

  Paxton only fake smiles at Shane and Tuck but talks up a storm to Jesse and Cassie. This is going to be a very interesting visit. The night after Christmas we will go to The Sweet Café and exchange gifts with Lana and all our friends who work there. I hope she is a little friendlier there. One can only hope, fingers crossed.

  Paxton is upstairs with Cassie helping her out with the twins. Jesse brought her bags down to the guest bedroom earlier. Yes, bags. Seriously, she can’t even spend one night without all three of them. Sigh.

  Before midnight Shane and I head downstairs to my old room. We share the bathroom, getting ready for bed. I had just put my toothbrush down when he grabs me, lifting me over his shoulder like a caveman. I squeak and slap his cute butt.

  “Shane! What are you doing? Put me down.” I yell as I am smacking him continually. He keeps walking until I hit the bed with a thud. “Oomph.” My eyes close with the impact. I open them to see Shane hovering over me, the look of lust filling his eyes. “Shane, no. We can’t. Not here,” I giggle.

  His mouth meets mine and it opens instantly, feeling for his tongue. I am not disappointed. His hand reaches under my night shirt and starts playing with my breast. His fingers’ rolling my nipple until it’s peaked and hard. I arch my back in an automatic response to his touch. His other hand slides down my body, pushing it through the top of my underwear until it finds my hot, wet sex. “So, wet. Fuck, you’re so wet.” He whispers in my ear. He rubs up and down my folds, then inserts a finger inside, then another. My hips move with his fingers, unconsciously. I am panting, my body sweating as my internal heat flushes me.

  Quickly, he removes his fingers, and I whimper from the loss. My panties are ripped from me, and his fingers are replaced by his throbbing cock. We both moan with the contact. My eyes roll to the back of my head.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight. I’m gonna fuck you so good, love.” God, I love when he talks dirty to me as he takes my body. His finger finds my swollen clit and rubs. It doesn’t take long for me to reach my limit. “Cum for me, love. Let it go. I wanna hear you scream my name.” My muscles constrict around him, and I let go.

  “Shaaaannnneeee,” I scream. As I float back to life, I find myself wrapped around Shane. I am lying almost on top of him. My arm stretched across his front. He is stroking my arm with one hand and my hair with the other. He kisses my head and lays his cheek there.

  “Love? You ok there?” He asks. I’m not sure I can speak yet. My heart is slowly returning to normal, the spots leaving my eyes.

  I turn my head up to look at him and nod. “I— I think so. That was truly fantastic. You amaze me, darling.” I kiss his chest and then snuggle my head into it. He tightens his hold.

  “I lost you there for a few minutes. Cleaned you up and you still just laid there lifeless. Even after I moved you up here and got us settled, you didn’t move. Fuck, woman. You scared the shit out of me.”

  I giggle. “Hey, it’s not my fault we have magic sex that takes the life outta me.” I look up again at his gorgeous face. “I’m so lucky that we do.”

  He grabs my chin and leans in for a kiss. As it starts to get heated he stops and lets me go. “Fuck! That was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. You. Are. Amazing. One of these days you’re gonna kill me, or I will kill you.” We laugh.

  I’m getting sleepy. As I begin to doze off I hear him whisper, “Merry Christmas, my love. Sleep now. I love you.”

  I stretch, my girlie parts sore but what a feeling! My breast is covered by my handsome man’s hand, again. Damn, he loves that and so do I. Warm air blowing my hair as his head lays next to mine. I love his closeness, his strength wrapped around me.

  I look over at the clock on the night stand: 6:00 AM. I feel so rested and loved. I turn in my lover’s arms, his arms squeezing me closer until I am flush against his body. His lips kiss my forehead. Ah, he’s awake.

  “G’morning, love. Merry Christmas.” He says in my hair. He sniffs. Is he sniffing me again? I squirm and giggle. I can’t help myself, that’s too damn funny. “What’s so funny? Are you making fun of me?” He asks as he starts tickling my sides.

  I am laughing so hard, I can’t tell him to stop. “Can’t br— breathe,” I choke out. He finally stops and hugs me. “God, Shane,” I laugh. “You’re killing me. I was laughing because that’s the second time I’ve caught you sniffing my hair.” I giggle again.

  He sniffs my hair, again. “Mmmmm, that’s because it smells delicious. Lilac’s?” He asks. Oh! My lilac shampoo. His nose makes its way down the side of my face, neck and into my chest, sniffing as it goes. “In fact (sniff) you smell (sniff) delicious (sniff, sniff) everywhere. I could just eat you.” I s
tart giggling again. He stops his travels and looks at me, one eyebrow raised. “Do I need to tickle you again?”

  We are interrupted by the sound of Jesse at the top of the stairs. “You all up, down there?” He says with a yawn. “Coffee’s ready if you are.” The door shuts.

  My mouth reaches Shane’s and I give it my good morning kiss, which lasts for a couple of minutes. Once he rolls me over and starts to provide more than kissing, I put a stop to our morning pleasure. It’s Christmas after all, and I’m too excited. Besides, we have plenty of time for sex. Ok, yes it was extremely hard (pun intended) to stop but we needed to get up and ready for the day.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  Fuck, my woman is fantastic. Not only is her body delicious during sex, but even more as I sniffed her. I reluctantly let her get up, but I will have her again soon. My cock is fucking ready to explode. I know. I’ll think of something to deflate it. Hmmm, let’s see. Cute puppies, no. The twins, no. Her mother and Paxton. Yep that did it. Allie told me we’d be meeting her mother soon. I guess she called Allie the other day and said she couldn’t see her for Christmas, so she would come this way in a week or two. Can’t wait.

  While she’s in the shower, I throw on my clothes, brush my teeth and run my fingers through my hair and head upstairs. Jesse and Tuck are at the kitchen table drinking coffee. I get a cup and sit down across from Jesse. “My mates, Merry Christmas.” I take a drink. Heaven. Just what I needed. “Hey, Tuck. Sleep well?” I smirk, and he laughs.

  “Yeah, once I got my fucking hard on to go down. Shit, man. What is with that fuck-hot Paxton? Since I met her last night, my cock just won’t stay down,” he says with a frown. He looks at Jesse. “And what does it take to get her to like you, or at least look at you and acknowledge you even exist?”

  Jesse looks up from his cup and laughs. “Well, yeah. She is pretty snooty but she is fuck-hot as you say. I dunno what to tell you. You just need to be persistent without being annoying.” He looks at me, with a grin, then back at Tuck. “Of course, everything anyone does is annoying to her.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Cassie is upstairs getting ready, while she can. The twins are still asleep.” He chuckles. “Makes it easier, that’s for sure. So Shane, how’s business?”

  I settle in my seat and take another sip of my coffee. “Business is great, thanks.” I set my cup on the table and look serious. “Ok, Jesse. What is it you really want to ask me?” I smirk.

  Tuck gets up and washes his coffee cup. “Well, on that note, I’m just gonna go up and take a very cold shower.” I watch him leave the room. Smart move mate. I would leave too, if I could.

  Jesse looks uncomfortable and seems to be trying to figure out how to say what he wants to ask me. Yes, Jesse, we are having sex. No, Jesse, it’s not unprotected, she’s on the pill. I know this is what he wants to know. Fuck, I can’t blame him.

  I turn my attention back to Jesse. “Look, mate. I know what you want to ask and the answer is yes.” My voice lowers to a whisper. “She’s on the pill. We’re being careful, mate. Is that what you wanted to know?” Jesse nods, his eyes wide. I laugh. “It’s ok. I understand. She’s your sister, you look out for her. It’s cool.” He reaches over and pats my shoulder.

  He lets out a huge sigh of relief. “Thanks for understanding. I’ve been protecting her all my life, it’s kind of hard to stop, ya know?” He shrugs. “She’s all that I’ve got. Look, I haven’t told you the worst thing that happened to her, just about the restraining order, but not the details. I figure that’s her story to tell, when she’s ready. Just know, it was pretty fucked up.”

  I nod my head. “She told me most of it, but not all. I hope she will, some day. But, I’m a patient man. I can wait however long it takes her. I love her that much.”

  Before we can get too mushy, Allie walks in, humming. She had brought her latte machine so she starts preparing her mocha latte. She looks happy and fucking gorgeous in her tight jeans and purple sweater that’s cut low to show off her cleavage. I could do a face plant right— My vivid thoughts are cut off by Cassie strolling into the kitchen. She walks straight over to Jesse, putting her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. She then walks passed me, kisses my cheek and heads to Allie for the same.

  Paxton walks in like a fucking queen and Allie makes her a latte too. Once they all have their morning drinks, they join us. Tuck returns but stayed a fair distance away from Paxton, leaning against the breakfast bar.

  We end up having time for a quick breakfast before we hear the sounds of the babies crying upstairs. The girls go up to get them ready, so we can begin our gift giving. Jesse, Tuck and I head into the living room, taking trash bags with us, to make sure all is ready in there.

  I watch Allie as she opens her presents from everyone. She then talks excitedly to Cassie when she helps open the twin’s presents from her and me. Purple clothes of all kinds with matching booties, bows and frilly head bands for baby Hannah. While Harley got clothes, with matching caps and booties all in blue. Baby toys, rattles, a little bat and ball. Damn, she must have bought out a store. I chuckle to myself. The girls all coo over them while I stare at my love. She would make a great mom. Where the fuck did that come from? Do I want kids? With her, hell to the yes!

  She smiles at something Cassie says then looks down at Hannah in her lap. She kisses her cheek and talks baby talk to her. Fuck, yes, I want kids with my love. I want a daughter to look just like Allie. Of course, I would have to beat the shit out of any guys that look at her as she gets older, but I can handle that.

  Finally, I hand Allie a wrapped gift, her beautiful eyes lighting up when she smiles. When she opens it, her hand covers her mouth, and tears form in her eyes. I had found a shop that makes custom necklaces. It’s the everlasting emblem of her tattoo that I did for her. It has a diamond in the top center and is made out of fine gold. “Oh, Shane! It’s beautiful! Put it on me, please?” She asks so sweetly. She hands me the necklace and turns. My large fingers have a hard time with the clasp, but I finally manage. She hands Hannah to Paxton and turns back to me. She throws herself at me and begins kissing me. “Thank you! I love it so much!” She manages to say between kisses.

  She sits back again and hands me a gift. I open it slowly, being careful with the paper, and I pull out a photo frame. It’s holding two pictures, side by side. One is a picture of her that I’ve never seen before. It looks as though it was taken professionally. She’s sitting with her head resting on her hand and a beautiful smile on her face. The other is a picture of the two of us that she took with her phone one night. We had just made love and were sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace. The flushed look on her face, her freshly kissed lips, priceless.

  I lean over and kiss her. “Fuck, I love this! Thank you, where did you get the one of you done? You’re gorgeous.” I ask against her mouth. She kisses me back, full fledge and then sits back.

  “I had that made at a studio. It’s my professional author picture for my book. But I wanted you to be the first one to see it and to have it.” She smiles. I move over and throw my arm around her, pulling her into my side. I want her as close as possible. I kiss her head gently.

  “I’m honored, love. I hope to be the first of many things for you,” I wiggle my eyebrows. I get giggles and a punch in the shoulder for that. Go figure.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  We spend a lovely day together with my family and my friends who are becoming part of my family. While Cassie and Jesse take the babies upstairs for their naps, Paxton and I are getting all the food out and ready for my first Christmas dinner with Shane. Tuck and Shane are in the living room watching football.

  I can’t believe how romantic he is. My necklace is so beautiful. I hadn’t noticed until Paxton showed me he had it engraved on the back: To my love, Shane and the date April 5, 2013, the day we met. Swoon! I feel a nudge that brings me out of my thoughts.

  “So, Shane’s totally HOT,” Paxton says with her nudge. “And he wants to beat the shit out of P
aul. I like him.” I roll my eyes. Oh. My. God! Did I really just roll my eyes? UGH! Paxton brings out the worst in me. Sigh.

  “Yeah, that’s the best reason to like him,” I laugh while nudging her back. I look at her seriously. “But really. Shane is so wonderful. He treats me like a princess and would never let anything happen to me. I’m so in love with him, Pax.” I turn to her and grab her arms. “I’m scared.”

  She removes herself from my grip and hugs me. “Baby girl. I can tell he’s the one. Hold onto him, don’t let go. I told you, your knight in shining armor was out there. You just had to be patient.”

  I’m sniffling now as Shane walks in on our tender moment. “Hey, what’s going on in here?” Paxton lets me go as Shane takes me in his arms and dries my eyes. He looks over me at Paxton. “What happened?” He asks sternly. I turn in his arms, his arm staying around my waist squeezing me against him.

  Paxton crosses her arms, making her cleavage push up even more. “Oh, calm down. We were just girl talking, no need to get all over me.” Then something amazing happened. As she walks past us to get more food out, she pats Shane on his shoulder and smiles. “You’re all right.”

  Shane looks down at me and winks. “I knew I’d win her over.” I can’t help but laugh, but inside my heart swelled.

  We had the best time. Eating, drinking and laughing. My new family all together. After the boys cleaned up, since we cooked, we sat around the living room for a while and talked some more. I tuned in to Shane and Tuck’s conversation as we were wrapping up our evening.

  “I could use some help moving, if you’re up for it tomorrow,” Tuck says to Shane. He shrugs his shoulders. “I took your advice and sold my parents’ house. Buck said I could live in your old apartment over the shop, so I decided, what the hell. Can save up a ton of money and then buy a better house.”

  Shane pats him on his shoulder. “That’s great, mate. I’d be glad to help you out. Your parents’ house was falling apart anyway, no big loss there, right?”


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