Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

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Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1) Page 3

by Samantha Britt

  Darcie knew it might sound crazy, but there was something unnervingly familiar about those green eyes. Her gut told her this wasn’t the first time she saw their unique color, but there was no way she could have met the gorgeous stranger and not remember him … right?

  Thane continued talking, seeming unaware of the intense interaction occurring between Darcie and his brother. “This is Des, my younger brother.”

  She found it hard to believe Des was younger than Thane. Both men had a mature look about them, but Des was physically bigger.

  Perhaps not by much, Darcie realized as she quickly assessed Thane. He was only about an inch or two shorter than his younger brother and looked just as muscular. Darcie wondered why she did not notice Thane’s size before. She returned her gaze to the brother, completely unsure of the thoughts whirling around her head as he continued to stare at her.

  “Hi, Des.” Marie spoke up, bringing Darcie’s attention away from the handsome stranger and the room came back into focus. She realized she must have been staring at him like an idiot.

  But he stared too, Darcie reasoned indignantly.

  The man did not verbally reply to Marie’s greeting. Darcie looked back at Des and saw him give a nod to her friend. She felt oddly disappointed to see his eyes no longer on her.

  Get it together, Darcie commanded herself, upset for feeling like some dejected school girl. You are better than this.

  “Nice to meet you,” Darcie added to Marie’s greeting. Des looked at her again. Quickly, Darcie forced her gaze away. She did not want to be caught in his snare again.

  “Where are you guys from?” Marie questioned, finding her voice and returning to her social nature.

  “Europe,” Thane revealed. Both Darcie and Marie were intrigued.

  “Wow, never would have guessed,” Marie commented. “I don’t hear an accent.”

  “Thank you,” Thane gave an award-winning smile. “We practice.”

  “Where in Europe are you from?” Darcie asked, making sure to only look at Thane.

  “Around the Mediterranean. Our family moves a lot, so it is hard to pin-point one place.”

  “What a coincidence!” Marie exclaimed. “Darcie was just in that area. Greece, right?” She turned to her friend, her expression urging Darcie to contribute to the conversation.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Mainly Athens.”

  “Really?” Thane’s smile grew. “Visit any of the smaller towns?”

  Darcie nodded. “A few. I went wherever my father needed to go for research. He is a professor of ancient cultures at a nearby university.”

  There, Darcie thought, that should placate Marie.

  “Thane,” Des finally spoke. The deep vibrato in his voice sent a shiver through Darcie.

  “Yes, yes,” Thane addressed his brother. He faced the girls. “It was nice talking with you both, but my brother and I have somewhere we need to be. I hope we see you around.”

  “Same here,” Marie returned, flirtatiously. Darcie nodded and waved as the two men walked back into the crowded room.

  Her friend waited three whole seconds before bombarding Darcie.

  “You have some explaining to do,” Marie pointed an accusing finger at her friend. “How could you meet Mr. Hot-tastic and NOT mention it to me?”

  “He was at the library this morning,” Darcie replied with a shrug. “I totally forgot to mention it.”

  “You do not forget to mention meeting someone like that.”

  “Someone like what?” Josh appeared, holding three sodas. Marie’s boyfriend handed one to each of the girls. “Someone like what?” He repeated. “What were you two talking about?”

  “Nothing,” Marie waved a dismissive hand. “I just met a new friend of Darcie’s. I was asking why she didn’t tell me about him.”

  “He’s not a friend,” she countered. “I just met him today.”

  “Where is he?” Josh asked, looking around.

  “He and his brother left,” Marie answered.

  Wanting to change the subject, Darcie held up her drink. “Thanks for the soda, Josh.” She took the straw between her fingers and took a large sip.

  As soon as the liquid hit her tongue, she almost spit it back out.

  Darcie covered her mouth and forced the drink down. “Oh my god,” she shook her head, trying to erase the horrible flavor from her memory. “What is that?”

  “What?” Josh asked, confused. “It’s just a Coke.”

  Marie took Darcie’s drink and took a sip. Her mouth puckered. “That is not coke.”

  Josh and Marie took tentative sips of their own drink. Theirs tasted the same as Darcie’s.

  “I swear,” Josh explained. “I asked for coke.”

  “Tastes like they gave us a rum and coke,” Marie replied and took another swig of the alcoholic drink.

  “What are you doing?” Darcie asked. “Stop drinking that.”

  “Oh come on, Darcie,” Marie said in her most swaying voice. “Josh already paid for them. We might as well drink them.”

  “Pass,” Darcie replied. Someone had to drive them back home.

  Marie shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

  Josh followed his girlfriend’s example and continued to drink the potent soda. Darcie didn’t mind too much, as long as that was their only one. She didn’t want to deal with intoxicated people in her own friend group. There were enough of those people around the club already.

  “Want to dance?” Josh asked Marie when a popular, upbeat song began playing over the speakers. Immediately, her eyes went to Darcie.

  “Go ahead,” Darcie encouraged, waving the couple towards the dance floor. “I’ll hold the table.”

  Marie jumped up and disappeared into the crowd with Josh in tow.

  Darcie pulled out her phone and started browsing the internet, willing the time on the clock to move just a little bit faster.

  Chapter 4

  After three songs and four strangers coming up and trying to start a conversation, Darcie gave up holding the table. Eager to escape the current guy attempting to gain her attention, Darcie excused herself to find the restroom.

  She squeezed her way through the crowd, hating when people brushed up against her. The moisture from their skin made Darcie’s own crawl.

  How can anyone enjoy this? Nothing about this scene is appealing.

  Once free from the mob on the dance floor, Darcie practically ran down the tight hallway to the women’s restroom.

  The room was surprisingly clean and uncrowded for the type of establishment it was located in. Darcie walked to the sink and turned on the cold water. Grabbing a non-absorbent paper towel, she dampened the material and gently patted her face. The body heat in the air made her feel hot. She couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable the dancers must feel.

  Slightly cooled, Darcie looked up and examined her reflection.

  Luckily, her blonde curls maintained their pretty form and framed her face as intended. Some of her foundation had worn off, revealing a few freckles on her nose. She reached into her purse and pulled out a compact to reapply the cover to her face. Darcie was vain enough to not want strangers to see the brown spots. She always hated them.

  Unwillingly, the image of Thane’s younger brother crossed her mind. Darcie refused to think anything of it.

  After reapplying mascara and lip gloss, Darcie ran her hands over her outfit before taking a fortifying breath. She stepped out of the bathroom. Once again, the loud music assaulted her ear drums.

  Cringing against the noise, Darcie walked along the right wall following it back to the club’s main area. She was about to take the final turn from the hallway when a masculine voice stopped her in her tracks. The voice came from around the corner, and its urgency and appeal had her leaning forward to make out its words.

  “What did I tell you?” He asked his unknown companion, sounding excited. “I told you it was her.”

  “Sorry to disappoint,” another man replied. “But you are wrong.”
br />   Darcie heard a loud scoff. “Come on. Do not be ridiculous. You must have recognized her.”

  Silence settled between them. Darcie held her breath, careful to not be heard eavesdropping.

  “Why are you lying about this?” The original voice finally asked.

  “I am not lying.”

  “I know you well enough to know when you are lying. What is wrong, Des? I thought you would be happy.”

  Des? Just his name caused her stomach to flip. If Darcie wasn’t already intrigued by the conversation, she definitely was now.

  “Nothing is wrong,” Des answered his brother. “And I am not lying. I am telling you, she is not her.”

  “But…” Darcie could hear the hesitation in what she now knew to be Thane’s voice. “She looks just like the others.”

  “Yes, many people can look alike, brother.” Des’ tone hissed with irritation. “That does not mean anything.”

  “When I saw her by the sea,” Thane’s voice grew quiet. Darcie stepped forward, straining to hear his words. “I swear I recognized her. Like… I felt it. She seemed so familiar.”

  “Interesting. How would Bella feel to hear you say that?”

  “Stop. You know what I mean. We are all connected. I thought I recognized her for you.”

  “Well, you were wrong. I felt nothing for the girl.”

  At that moment, a pair of intoxicated girls came fast around the corner and ran right into Darcie.

  The drunk girls let out squeals as they flailed and knocked Darcie onto her back. She banged her head against the floor, and the breath was knocked out of her when both girls landed on top of her body. She struggled for breath, trying to shove them off of her.

  Suddenly, the weight of one lifted followed shortly by the weight of the second.

  Darcie stared up, filling her lungs with much needed air. Intense green eyes popped into view. Des stood above her, examining her as she laid on the ground.

  “Are you alright?” He asked from above her.

  Darcie was mortified. Wanting to run away as fast as she could, she tried to sit up. Her head spun, and she placed a hand out to keep herself from falling backward.

  “Woah.” Des’ arm shot out and held onto her shoulder.

  “Darcie,” Thane came into view. “Are you alright?”

  “I think so,” she replied, blinking to see into the dimly lit room.

  Were there two of him?

  “She hit her head.” Des stated.

  Thane moved to stand behind her and knelt down. Des’ hand remained firmly on her arm helping to hold her up.

  “I am going to check your head for bumps,” he said before Darcie felt his fingers on the back of her skull. His fingers touched a tender spot, and Darcie hissed in pain.

  “You have a nasty knot on the back of your head. Are you dizzy?”

  A little.

  “No,” she lied. “I’m fine.” Darcie would say whatever she could to leave the embarrassing situation. She could only imagine how filthy her blue blouse would be after touching the club’s sticky floor.

  “Is she bleeding?” Des asked.

  Thane gently tilted Darcie’s head to the side, looking closely for any of the red fluid.

  Darcie’s eyes moved to Des, watching him as he watched his brother. Feeling her stare, Des turned and met her eyes.

  She wondered who he and Thane had been talking about. She opened her mouth to ask, apparently the bump to the head made her lose her common sense, but Thane spoke before she could get the question out.

  “I think you need to ice it. Maybe you should go home?”

  “I don’t know where my friends are,” Darcie replied. “I’m okay. Can you help me up?”

  Des stepped back, finally dropping his hand from her shoulder. Thane gently placed his palms under her arms and helped Darcie into a standing position.

  She wobbled for a moment before regaining her balance. Thane waited until he was sure she could stand before dropping his hold and stepping away. “You should sit down and put ice on the bump.”

  Darcie went to nod in agreement, but tilting her head forward sent a jolt of pain through her skull. She winced.

  “I will go find your friends. You need to go home.” Des said the words and abruptly left, disappearing in the crowd to find Marie.

  Thane carefully led her around the outskirts of the room and put her in a metal chair against the wall.

  A couple minutes later, Marie came out of the dance floor, rushing to Darcie’s side. “Are you okay? You weren’t at the table. We couldn’t find you!”

  Darcie held up a hand, silently asking her friend to slow down. “I’m fine. I went to the bathroom. When I came out, two drunk girls knocked me down and I hit my head.”

  “Oh my gosh! Do you have a concussion? Is your vision blurry? Are you dizzy?”

  “Marie,” Darcie gritted out. “Chill. I’m fine, but I want to get away from this noise. Can we leave?”

  “Absolutely,” Marie nodded, already reaching in her purse for the car keys. She also pulled out her phone. “I’ll text Josh that we’re leaving. He can drive himself home.”

  “Are you sure?” Darcie asked as she remembered the rum and coke the couple drank not even an hour ago.

  “Yes. We are both totally fine to drive. We didn’t get anything else to drink.”

  Placated, Darcie attempted to stand. Thane reached out to help steady her again.

  Darcie turned to him and offered a small smile. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope you feel better.”

  The girls exchanged goodbyes with Thane before making their way to the exit. Darcie didn’t know what happened to Des. He never came back from finding Marie and Josh.

  The friends were two steps out the door when Marie’s phone buzzed loudly. She opened the device and read a text message.

  “Oh man, hold on. I have Josh’s wallet.” Marie searched her bag for the leather item. “Stay right here. I’ll be back in one minute.”

  Darcie nodded and Marie darted back towards the club. The bouncer stood just inside the door, trying to escape the cold Maine air. Darcie watched as Marie quickly told the bouncer what she was doing. With a nod he let her re-enter the building.

  Wanting to be as far away from loud music as possible, Darcie walked across the packed parking lot towards Marie’s car.

  The empty area was blissfully quiet. She glanced at her watch, realizing it was only half past midnight. People wouldn’t be leaving the club for a while.

  Darcie reveled in the fresh air. The pain across her head lessened more and more as the seconds passed.

  Darcie reached Marie’s vehicle and leaned her back against it while she waited. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the cold temperature as it cooled her cheeks.

  The sound of footsteps against pavement drew her attention. Darcie opened her eyes and looked toward the source of the sound. Three large figures approached from the back side of the club’s building.

  An uneasy chill crawled up her spine, and it wasn’t from the cold. The three men had a quick pace, and their path would bring them straight to Marie’s car.

  Darcie pushed off the car and faced them. “Hello?” She called out.

  None of the men responded.

  Nothing necessarily happened to put Darcie on edge, but she could feel in her bones something was not right.

  Why didn’t they say anything?

  She moved away from the car and stepped in the direction of the populated club.

  “I wouldn’t do that.” The ominous suggestion made Darcie look back towards the men. They were closer now. She could see their size more clearly as well as their clothing. They were not dressed for a night out on the town.

  Terror seized her mind, leaving Darcie at a loss for what to do. The men spread out and continued to close in. She was in trouble.

  Snapping out of it, Darcie threw down her purse and turned to run. Hopefully, the men would take her money and disappear.

ie was not that lucky. She heard footsteps increase in time as they ran after her.

  She ran through the parking lot, squeezing in between various vehicles parked close together. Pebbles on the asphalt caused her to stumble more than once as she twisted through the maze, trying to lose the men chasing her. Her tender head pounded with every quick maneuver.

  Darcie turned the corner of a large white truck and ran straight into one of the pursuing men’s waiting arms. She let out a startled cry and tried to push out of his hold.

  “There you are,” the man’s breath billowed in the cold air between them. It reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. She opened her mouth to scream but the man slammed his dirty hand over her mouth. He wrapped his arm around her upper chest.

  “I’ve got her,” he called into the parking lot once he secured his hold. Darcie tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but his arm locked against her. She couldn’t go anywhere.

  Two men appeared, and the trio formed a wall around her. She couldn’t see around their large bodies.

  “Let’s go,” the thinnest man said, glancing around them. “Before someone sees us.”

  Bad Breath jerked Darcie backward. The other men started to retreat back into the sea of cars with Darcie and her captor trailing behind.

  Darcie knew her chances to remain unharmed were not good. She’d seen enough crime shows to know the odds would not be in her favor if the men successfully kidnapped her.

  Refusing to go quietly, she opened her mouth and bit the dirty hand.

  The man howled, loosening his grip on both her body and mouth. Darcie picked up her leg and kicked backwards, making contact with a shin. Her captor bent over and hissed in pain.

  “You bitc-” Darcie cut off his insult when she threw her head back. She heard a crunch as her skull sank into the man’s face. The motion left her dizzy, but not enough to miss the opportunity his distraction gave her. Darcie spun out of his arms and ran back to the club entrance.

  “Help! Marie!” She cried into the air. “Someone help me!” Darcie prayed her friend didn’t return to the parking lot alone. The two girls wouldn’t stand a chance against these men. Maybe the bouncer would hear her.


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