Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

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Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1) Page 10

by Samantha Britt

  “Even though Des says I am not his soulmate, your enemies will come after me?” She asked the question with little emotion.

  “Yes, and my family can’t take that chance. It might seem like it is impossible for others to overthrow us, but that is only because it has never been done before. There is something to be said about the fight of the underdog.”

  She kept her eyes on a knot in the wood. “What if Des publically announces I am not the one? What if I say I will never bond, or whatever you call it? Will they leave me alone?”

  His silence was deafening.

  Darcie looked back at him. “I don’t want any part of this.”

  “I know.” The two words were spoken gently.

  “I just want to go home.” Her voice cracked despite her best effort to keep any emotion in check.

  “I know.” He repeated and lifted his hand to her shoulder.

  Darcie held back her frustrated tears. She could see Thane’s resolve. She wasn’t going anywhere for the foreseeable future.

  She stepped out of his reach. “I want to go back to the room now.”

  Thane’s expression filled with sympathy, but Darcie refused to take solace from the one responsible for holding her prisoner. The immortal brothers might not wish her harm, but they were not her ally.

  She would not make the mistake of thinking they were.

  Chapter 13

  The only good thing about Darcie’s conversation with Thane? The leader decided he would grant Darcie access to the third floor of the house. She guessed her blatant unhappiness with him and his family motivated the gesture of goodwill. Bella smiled knowingly when Darcie shared the news with her the next morning.

  Only the brothers, Eshe, and Bella had access to the third floor. Bella convinced Thane their guest would be safe from harm among their private suites. Darcie felt sincere gratitude for the girl’s help. She felt even more gratitude when Bella told Darcie she could explore the third floor on her own. Darcie planned to take the opportunity to try and find a means of escape. Just in case…

  After almost an hour of unsuccessfully searching for a feasible exit, she decided to take a break from her plan and observe the new scenery on the isolated floor. It was full of artifacts and items appearing to be even older than the stuff she’d already seen.

  Darcie was bent over, examining an old stone masonry set, when a voice made her jump back in surprise.

  “Hello?” An accented female voice said.

  Darcie moved to quickly stand and bumped her head against an extended shelf. Rubbing her scalp, she stepped back and turned towards the source of the noise.

  “Hello?” She returned as she faced a woman she had not met.

  The young woman tilted her head and used her dark, round eyes to observe Darcie. Feeling uncomfortable with the assessing stare, she fidgeted from side to side.

  After several moments, Darcie cleared her throat. The stranger’s eyes moved up to Darcie’s face. “I’m Darcie,” she supplied, holding out her hand in greeting.

  The girl stared at Darcie’s hand. Thinking she wasn’t going to shake it, Darcie started lowering her arm.

  The stranger’s hand quickly shot out and grabbed onto Darcie’s.

  Her small palm gave Darcie’s one firm shake before releasing. “I am Eshe.”

  “Oh.” Realization dawned. She looked at Lome’s wife with fresh eyes. “Bella told me about you. Nice to meet you.”

  “Bella has told me about you, as well.” Eshe said the words coolly. Darcie wondered what Bella could have told her.

  “What were you looking at?” Eshe asked.

  “I’m not sure,” she finally managed to reply, recovering from the surprise of the situation. “They look like stone tools from ages ago.”

  Eshe moved to the side and peered at the shelf behind Darcie. “They are tools from the bronze age,” she supplied.

  The blonde’s eyebrows rose, impressed. Darcie gestured to the hallway on either side of them. “Does all of this stuff belong in a museum?”

  Dark eyes moved up and down as Eshe nodded but kept her gaze on Darcie. “Most of these artifacts are from each of the brothers’ travels throughout human history. Thane has been known to sell an artifact or two to further expand their financial portfolios, but most remain here.”

  Darcie found the information interesting. She didn’t think immortal beings would need to worry about money. Glancing around, she noted the large and well-furnished house.

  Then again, the brothers never mentioned being created with money. They had to fund the lavish lifestyle somehow.

  “Would you like to see original da Vinci paintings Lome acquired during the Renaissance? They are his unknown works of art, but beautiful to see nonetheless.”

  Darcie’s jaw almost hit the floor. da Vinci? The brother’s had pieces of da Vinci’s work? She forced herself to nod.

  “They are displayed in the main parlor,” Eshe explained as she started to walk away. Darcie doubled her steps to keep up with the girl’s fast pace.

  “Am I allowed to go there?” Darcie asked, unwilling to risk the loss of her new freedom.

  Eshe’s steps did not falter. “No one will see you.”

  It wasn’t really an answer, but she figured being with Eshe would allay any worries Thane had about her safety.

  Instead of walking down the carved staircase she used the first day she arrived, Eshe led Darcie back through hidden stairways.

  Why would the brothers need secret staircases?

  As if sensing her question, Eshe spoke. “Sometimes the brothers like to keep their whereabouts hidden.”

  Darcie didn’t know what to make of the comment.

  After one more flight of stairs and a few sharp turns, the pair stepped out onto the familiar hardwood floor which covered the home. Darcie knew they must be on the first floor, but she did not recognize the area of the house.

  Continuing to move with a purpose, Eshe walked towards a normal sized white door which looked out of place in the grand home. The immortal glanced over her shoulder and moved her head to signal Darcie to follow. She took the handle and opened the door.

  As Darcie approached, she heard the distinct sound of a conversation coming to a halt.

  “Eshe, is something the matter?” Darcie heard the question as she stepped into the sunlit room.

  Looking back, Darcie couldn’t believe it did not dawn on her to stop walking the moment she heard another voice. Eshe told her no one would see her. The immortal obviously had not anticipated the room’s current occupants.

  Instead of using common sense, Darcie entered the bright space without hesitation.

  Almost immediately, a hush fell across the room. Darcie blinked repeatedly, momentarily blinded by the change in light.

  Finally, her vision cleared. About ten people stood in the center of the parlor, and twenty eyes were locked on to where Darcie stood.

  A slow, mocking clap reached her ears. Darcie’s eyes moved towards the source as a blonde, chiseled man stepped forward from the group.

  “Well, well, well,” the stranger repeated, drawing out the words. “And who might this be?”

  Eshe moved to her right and in front of Darcie, effectively halting the man’s approach. Despite her maneuver, the man’s deep blue eyes met Darcie’s over Eshe’s shoulder.

  Instead of speaking to Darcie, the man surprised her by quickly turning on his heel to face the group. Her eyes moved to the group of people and realized all three brothers were there, and not one of them seemed happy with her appearance.


  “You were saying?” The man questioned with a victorious tone.

  Lome and Thane exchanged looks while Des’ gaze remained locked on one individual… Darcie.

  The green eyes which she remembered being so bright and concerned were now engulfed in fury as they watched Darcie. He was livid.

  “She is not the one,” Lome said. His comment shocked Darcie.

  Since when? She had to
bite her cheek to keep the words from spilling out.

  “Yet, she resides in your home?” The blonde stranger persisted.

  “Darcie has been mistaken by our enemies as someone worth harming,” Thane straightened his shoulders while supporting his brother’s words. “It is our duty to see her protected.”

  “Since when is it the brothers’ duty to protect humans?” The chilling question came from a tall, thin woman in the group. “Last I remember, the three of you thrived on their pain.”

  “Be fair, Julisanna,” a third voice spoke up. Yet another attractive man stepped forward. “Besides, can you blame them for opening their home to such a beautiful creature?” The attractive man moved to stand not two feet from Darcie. Eshe stepped to the side, allowing him full view of Darcie.

  “Charmed to make your acquaintance. I am Eros.” He bent at the waist and held out a hand to her.

  Unsure if it was a wise move, Darcie placed her palm in his, but remained quiet. He placed a quick kiss on the back of her hand. The contact sent a rush of blood to her cheeks.

  Eros’ lips turned up in a sensual smile.

  “Enough,” Thane’s tone brooked no argument.

  Eros released Darcie’s hand and gave her one last look before turning to face the eldest brother. “I do not mean to offend.” He moved back to the crowd and away from Darcie. She resisted looking at Des again, afraid of his reaction.

  “Say what you will, Thane,” the original blonde stranger spoke, “The resemblance is telling. Even if you say she is not the One, the overwhelming belief will be she is.”

  “It is a dilemma my brothers and I are working to rectify,” Des finally said. He tried to convey indifference, but anyone could see he was furious. “Do not concern yourself, Adir.”

  Darcie quickly tried to place the names of the immortals with the human conditions they thrived on. Julisanna was beauty, she was pretty sure of that. A quick glance at the woman was all Darcie needed to see. She was gorgeous.

  But what did the two men deal with? Was Adir war? She was pretty sure he was war. Mentally, Darcie chastised her lack of memory. Thane just told her about his immortal companions.

  “If you and your brothers are searching, I trust a solution will be found,” Adir lowered his head in deference to Des, not wanting to anger the volatile brother.

  “Perhaps it is best we depart.” Darcie watched as Julisanna dipped her head towards the brothers as well. “Until the next time we speak, farewell.”

  Numerous voices of group members, who remained silent during the conversation, stated their well wishes and goodbyes. One by one, they trailed out of the room. Instead of using the small, white door, the immortals departed through tall blue doors at the other end of the room.

  After the last occupant left, Lome shut the doors, leaving the brothers, Eshe and Darcie inside the room.

  “What did you think you were doing?” Des drew everyone’s attention. His fists clenched by his sides.

  With a start, Darcie realized he was speaking to her. “What?”

  “You were told to stay on the third floor.” He pointed an angry finger at her. “Do you know what you have done?”

  “Des,” Thane said with warning. “Calm down.”

  “Am I the only one who sees what is going on?” He questioned with wild eyes. “With every day that passes, the lie about Darcie being the One is spreading.

  “Do you want to be locked here forever?” He turned back to Darcie. “Are you okay with knowing the moment you leave your life is in danger?”

  “Of course not,” she whispered. How did the conversation turn to this?

  “Then why are you down here?” Des shouted causing dishes on a nearby table to rattle.

  “I brought her,” Eshe stepped forward. “I thought the room was empty.”

  Des turned his fuming gaze to the young woman. “How could you be so careless, Eshe? You are better than that.”

  Eshe crossed her tan arms. “I was not informed about a meeting with the Originals. Perhaps, if I was invited to such a significant event, this would not have happened.” Darcie could hear the girl’s frustration with being left out.

  “Eshe,” Lome tried to calm her. “It was a spontaneous meeting. Rumors of Darcie are spreading. We wanted to get ahead of them before they grew out of control.”

  “I am your equal,” Eshe said to Lome. Something told Darcie it was a recurring discussion between the couple.

  “You are not an Original Nine.” He returned.

  “Enough,” Thane interrupted before the couple’s argument grew. “Let us focus on what is important.”

  He turned to face Des. “So our siblings saw Darcie. They already knew of her existence. Where is the harm?”

  “Now they have confirmation of her existence, Thane. They know what she looks like.”

  “They would know that without seeing her,” Lome added. He was quickly silenced by Des’ death stare.

  “Our objective was to end the rumors and secure Darcie’s safe return to normal life,” Des stated. “Dispelling rumors is easier than erasing memories. I want Darcie out of here as soon as possible, and the immortals seeing her just made the task that much more difficult.”

  Darcie’s head swiveled from brother to brother. While she did not enjoy Des’ anger, she did appreciate his dedication to returning her to Maine.

  Though, there was an odd pang of hurt as she acknowledged his eagerness to see her gone. She forced herself to ignore the feeling.

  “This was never going to be easy.” Thane looked at Darcie but continued speaking to his brothers. “It is going to take time to remedy the situation.”

  An overwhelming sense of hopelessness descended onto Darcie’s shoulders. Despite the objective words he chose, Darcie could see the resignation in Thane’s expression. He did not see a scenario where Darcie would be able to safely leave the home. The truth exposed itself right through the leader’s eyes.

  Unwillingly, moisture gathered behind her lashes. No matter what Des said or did –no matter how many times he would try to convince others she was not his destined mate, no immortal would believe him. Not even his brothers believed him.

  Darcie turned and looked at Des.

  The fundamental source of her imprisonment continued to exude anger, but behind his eyes, Darcie could see he came to the same realization. They were stuck.

  Darcie found herself entangled in a web of immortal history and destiny, and she could not see a way out.

  Chapter 14

  Darcie returned to her room by her own choice. She had no desire to continue exploring after the mess she found herself in. The bright surroundings mocked her as she sulked on the immense bed centered in the room.

  The home was beautiful, all the historical artifacts were intriguing, but none of it was enough to distract Darcie for long. She was a prisoner. She may be serving her sentence in a luxurious home, but she was a prisoner nonetheless.

  An unwelcome prisoner to some, she couldn’t help but think as Des’ scowling face filled her mind.

  Just when the elegantly adorned walls started to close in, a hard knock sounded on the door. Darcie hesitated for one second before moving to open it.

  She stuck her head out and frowned. No one stood on the other side of the door. She glanced from side to side and stepped back inside the room when her eyes trailed to the floor. There was a small black box sitting in front of the door.

  With another glance down the hallway, Darcie bent and picked up the package.

  Curiosity beating caution, Darcie shut the door and immediately opened the mysterious box.

  A wide smile formed on her lips when she laid eyes on the item inside – it was her cell phone.

  She quickly grabbed the phone and held it tightly in her hands. Darcie hadn’t thought of asking anyone for it. She assumed it was lost during the attack in the bathroom.

  Darcie swiped the screen and checked for reception. She didn’t have any bars, but the symbol in the top corner sa
id she was connected to some wireless network. Her fingers flew to an app which allowed internet calls. She pressed the first number in her favorite contacts list.

  Darcie sat on the edge of the bed and listened to the long rings as the app tried to connect to the number.

  “Please answer,” she whispered to herself.



  Darcie’s smile continued to grow. “Marie?”

  “Darcie?” Marie’s voice rose in excitement. “Is that you?”

  She laughed. “Who else would it be?”

  “I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to call anyone,” she explained.

  Darcie frowned, she never said that to Marie. Suddenly, she remembered the brothers could manipulate people’s memories.

  Her frown deepened. Darcie had no idea what the immortals made her friends and dad believe.

  “Oh yeah,” she tried her best to sound convincing. “I found an area with some internet. Turns out I’ll be able to check in.”

  “In Greece?”

  So they were honest about my actual location.

  “Yes,” she replied, bracing herself for her friend’s interrogation.

  Disappointment came swift and sudden when Marie jumped into a conversation with no further questions. It wasn’t like her. The Marie she knew would have probed deeper before accepting the information Darcie shared. She always thought her best friend would make a successful detective.

  Darcie’s hands clenched, suspecting the brothers’ manipulation was responsible for the change in her friend’s personality.

  Marie continued talking and caught Darcie up on what happened since she left a couple of days ago. Not surprising, there wasn’t much to tell.

  “Sounds like the same ol’ Brunswick,” Darcie commented when her friend finally took a breath.

  “Yeah,” Marie agreed. “The only thing saving it is Kevin being home. It’s actually nice having him here.”

  Just the sound of her crush’s name sent a flutter across her heart. “That’s nice.”


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