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by Shameek Speight

  “Ah, okay I’ll do it, I’ll do it. Just don’t hit me again.” The man turned around on to his stomach as his feet brushed up against his dead, friend’s body he felt the blood on his toes. Black Ice took the pillow and forced it on the back of the man’s head.

  “What you doing man?” the man

  cried through the pillow.

  Black Ice rose the 3.80 special and stuck the barrel into the pillow and squeezed the trigger twice. The bullets ripped through the pillow and tore through the man’s head and instantly the man’s body went limp.

  “Ahh, ahh, ahh!” Roxy screamed.

  “Bitch, don’t scream now! You

  weren’t screaming when you were getting fucked by these two fools. I’ll give you something to scream about you fucking whore!”

  Black Ice took off his belt. Roxy screamed and got her naked body that was covered in blood off the bed. She tried to run for the door, but Black Ice grabbed her by her neck and threw her down on the floor.

  He punched her in the eye then the jaw.

  “You want to fuck niggas in the apartment I got for you. And have nigga’s dicks inside you while your four fucking months pregnant with my baby inside you!”

  Black Ice yelled at Roxy while repeatedly hitting her all over the body with his belt.

  “Stop, please stop. I won’t do it again. I promise. I promise,” Roxy cried.

  He continued to beat her. Roxy tried to put her hands up to block the belt, but he just whipped her hands. She screamed and screamed while he proceeded to whip her and kick her all over her body. Black Ice was making sure he was not touching her little fat stomach with his baby inside her.

  “You stupid, bitch. I told you I was coming over to hit you off and you couldn’t wait to get high. Nah, you had to go fuck and suck dick.”

  Roxy pleaded with Black Ice to stop, but he wouldn’t. She could no longer defend herself as she was too weak and badly beat up. She just laid there on the floor as he continued to whip at her body.

  Roxy blacked out and still could feel him strike at her with the belt.

  Black Ice left Roxy unconscious, swelling, and bleeding body on the floor and went into the living room and picked up his cell phone. He dialed Ace’s number.

  “What’s good?” Ace answered.

  “I need you and Caesar to get over here and clean up a mess for me,” Black Ice demanded speaking in code.

  “Where are you at?” Ace asked.

  “I’m at Roxy’s place and make it fast!”

  “Yeah, boss. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  With that said, Black Ice hung up the phone. He sat on the couch and took out his pipe from his pocket and grabbed a glass jar packed with crack and poured some into the pipe and lit it up.

  Chapter 4

  Black Ice smoked and got high for a half an hour until her heard a knock at the door. He walked to the door with his gun in his hand and opened it.

  “What up, boss?” Ace said and

  walked in followed by Ceasar.

  “What the fuck took you two so


  “I had to find Caesar. He was on the block watching the workers.” Ace replied.

  Black Ice raised his gun and pointed it at the two men.

  “The next time I call you two and you don’t come fast enough I will put a bullet in your heads. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, yes boss,” Ace and Caesar replied.

  Ace and Caesar ran Black Ice’s drug spots. Ace was a fat, short dude with dark skin and did anything Black Ice told him to do. Caesar was a tall, slender man with short dreads in his hair and he hated when Black Ice punks him, but wasn’t foolish enough to open his mouth to Black Ice.

  “Follow me,” Black Ice said.

  The two men followed him to the bedroom. Once they got there, they felt as they wanted to throw up. There was blood everywhere. The two men’s dead bodies on the bed and Roxy laid naked on the floor covered in blood, bruises, and welts.

  “Stop fucking looking around and stuff these two niggas into the garbage bags.”

  Ace pulled out some black garbage bags. Caesar and Ace grabbed one of the man’s legs that were lying at the end of the bed. They pulled the dead body off the bed.

  The blood smeared down the bed and onto the floor. They wrapped the bags around the body and took another bag and wrapped it again. They went to the head of the bed to remove the pillow off the other dead body before wrapping it up. The pillow was stuck to the man’s head with blood that started to dry to the pillow. Ace pulled it off him and Caesar grabbed his stomach at the sight he just saw. The back of the man’s head was blown off with a baseball size hole in it.

  They grabbed the man’s hands and pulled him off onto the floor onto his back.

  “Holy shit, ah shit!” Caesar shouted at the sight of the man’s face. His face was gone and was replaced with a big hole that you could see through. The only thing left to his face was his lips and chin.

  “Shut up! Finish wrapping that mother fucker! You two are acting like you never seen a fucking dead body before!”

  Black Ice scorned.

  Black Ice walked over to where the two men’s clothes were laying after getting naked to fuck Roxy. He emptied their pockets taking all the money, crack, and the two guns, a 3.80 and a 22 handgun, and put it in his pockets.

  Caesar and Ace were done wrapping the bodies and started throwing anything with blood on it in the bedroom in a garbage bag.

  “What about her?” Caesar asked pointing at Roxy’s naked body on the floor thinking she was dead too.

  “Nigga, if you touch her it will be you next being wrapped up in a garbage bag, fool,” Black Ice said looking him in his eyes meaning every word.

  “Yes, I understand,” Caesar replied as he and Ace took the first body to the car.

  They came back for the last one.

  “Dump that shit in Coney Island Ocean,” Black Ice ordered as Ace and Caesar left.

  They jumped in their car, unnoticed by the night sky. Black Ice walked back into the bedroom towards Roxy. He took out some jars of crack and some money and put it on the bed and looked at Roxy laying there on the floor not moving at all.

  “I’ll be back, bitch! I know you can hear me,” he said as he walked away leaving the apartment and headed for home to Rachel.

  Chapter 5

  Roxy lay on the floor and didn’t dare move to avoid the pain even more. She was coherent the whole time Ace and Caesar were cleaning up the bedroom and wrapping the dead bodies. She watched with one eye open as the other was swollen shut and as big as golf ball. She saw Black Ice come back in the bedroom to leave her some crack and some money on the bed before he left the apartment. Tears were rolling down her swollen face as she started to wonder how she ended up in the mess she was in. Six months ago, she was going to college and studying to be a nurse while living with her mother. All she did was smoke a blunt with Black Ice that fucked up her life. As a result, she started steeling from her mother to get high. She went from smoking weed to straight crack. Black Ice promised that he would take care of her once he found out that she was pregnant with his baby after her mother kicked her out of her house. Black Ice let her move into one of the apartments he had. After that happened, that is when the beatings started to begin. He’d beat Roxy if she took too long in the bathroom or if she took too long answering him. He punched her in the jaw and giving her black eyes on her light brown skin and a swollen face. Unable to get up, Roxy just laid there and just cried and felt so empty inside. She knew she couldn’t continue living the way she was. She wondered how she could quit smoking crack when it kept calling her and her body would start shaking from the actual cravings for it. And even if she found the strength to ignore the cravings, Black Ice wouldn’t let her stop. She started thinking of how she could get away from him. But, she knew that he would find her and kill her if she ran away. With that thought, she just bawled and tears were streaming down her swollen face.

  Chapter 6r />
  “Push that nigga over into the water,”

  Caesar said as Ace was rolling the body on the dock. They pushed the body over and into the water. Then went and grabbed the other body and pushed it off the dock and into the water. They watched to make sure that the bodies started to sink deep down into the ocean. It was like the ocean waves just opened up and took their bodies below.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here before someone sees us,” Caesar said. They jumped back into the 1990 Acura Legend in a hurry to get out of there.

  “Yo, that nigga is losing his damn mind!” Caesar hollered.

  “Naw, Black Ice, he cool. He just gets a little crazy now and then,” Ace replied.

  “Nigga, are you crazy? That fool just killed those two niggas over that crack head bitch, Roxy! He was crazy before, but now that he started smoking that crack he done lost his fucking mind!” Caesar said as they pulled up to a red light.

  “Yeah, you right, but what are we supposed to do?” Ace asked.

  “I think Black Ice is falling out. Look at all the weight he dropped. He went from being 230 pounds to 150 or 160 when he started smoking that shit hard up. Another thing, I’m not feeling him always pointing guns in my face. I’m tired of working for that fool. I say we take over the block.

  We’re the ones who got the little niggas out there slanging the rock. And he takes most of the money and all he does is smoke that shit,” Caesar said with anger in his voice.

  “Yo, are you crazy? If Black Ice even thought we were trying to cross him, it would be us dead in Coney Island Ocean,”

  Ace said.

  “Yo, fuck that and fuck that nigga! I say we kill his ass before he kills us and we take everything. Are you in or what?”

  “Yeah, I’m in.” Ace said. He did want more money and Black Ice was falling off maybe they could pull it off by getting rid of him he thought. “Drop me off at my house. I’m not going back to the block tonight. I’m going to spend some time with Lisa and my kids.” Ace said.

  “Man, your pussy whipped. You

  always want to be under your girl and kids, nigga. You should be watching the block and money with me.”

  “Nigga please, your ass was sweating Roxy before Black Ice got to her. I bet you’d be spending all your time with fucking her if you could,” Ace said. Caesar snarled up his face with anger because he knew what Ace said was true. He wanted Roxy for a long time too. She was one of the hottest women in Brownsville. He always tried to holler at her, but she didn’t want anything to do with a drug dealer.

  Caesar knew if he kept trying it would have been a matter of time before she gave into him. That was until Black Ice got his hands on her first and turned her into a crack head.

  Even as a crack head, Caesar still wanted Roxy. She was still beautiful. At that thought, a flashback ran through his mind and he remembered what he saw back at Roxy’s apartment an hour earlier. Roxy was naked and her swollen body on the floor nearly beat to death. He remembered that he thought at seeing her swollen body she was dead too. Her beautiful, light brown skin body was covered in blood and bruises.

  How could that nigga be so evil? Caesar had thought. “Yo, when are we going to knock that nigga out? I’m going to take Roxy and clean her up and make her mines,”

  Caesar stated.

  “Nigga, now I know you’re crazy!”

  Ace replied as he hopped out of the car. He shut the door and walked up to his building on Shutter Avenue. Caesar pulled off heading back to the block and making up the plans to kill Black Ice off and take everything he had.

  Ace went inside his apartment to see his wifey, Lisa on the couch watching TV.

  “Hey baby,” Lisa said when she looked up to see Ace as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. He sat down on the couch next to her.

  “Where are the kids?” Ace asked.

  “In their bedrooms asleep,” Lisa answered.

  Lisa was short and sexy. She had brown skin with long wavy hair. She only got with Ace because he had money. She didn’t like the fact that he was short and fat.

  However, he got her out of the Brownsville Projects. He took good care of her and their two kids they had together Aaron was 5

  years old and Mark was 3 years old.

  Ace was in love with Lisa and told her everything. So, he started telling Lisa the discussion that Caesar and Ace were having. “Yo, this nigga, Caesar is talking some crazy shit! He’s talking about killing Black Ice and taking over the drug spot’s and keep all the money for ourselves. He says it’s us that watch the little niggas that are slinging the rock. So, we should get all the money. Black Ice has been smoking crack and slipping. He thinks this would be the perfect time to get him. What you think, Lisa?”

  Lisa, being the gold digger she is, only heard the part about the money and seeing the dollar signs. “I think it’s a great idea. Shit, you and Caesar are putting all the work on these streets. You should be getting all the money. Shit, I want a house instead of an apartment. And I’m tired of you being the man under that nigga. Aren’t you your own man?” Lisa asked Ace. She knew what she was doing. She was fucking with Ace’s mind and making him feel less of a man.

  She knew that if she said the right things that would make him mad and push him over the edge to do whatever she wanted him to do.

  “Yes, I’m my own man. Why you

  even coming at me like that?” Ace questioned.

  “Nigga, I need more money for me and the kids. Shit, maybe I should have fucked with Black Ice,” Lisa said.

  “Yo, stop fucking playing. I’m the man around this mother fucker. Black Ice is dead,” Ace stated. Lisa knew what would motivate Ace. She got on her knees and pulled Ace’s jeans down and grabbed his dick and put it in her mouth.

  “Mmmm, I love it when you talk like that baby,” Lisa said as she licked his dick up and down, around the head of his dick, and then surrounding his dick with deep throat. Ace moaned and watched his dick disappear inside Lisa’s mouth. She slobbered and sucked his dick moving her head back and forth making Ace’s eyes roll back in the back of his head. “You like that baby?” Lisa asked in between his thighs and moved her mouth back over his dick like it was going inside her pussy.

  “Yes, yes, suck that shit,” he moaned.

  Ace felt the nut building up and couldn’t hold it any longer. He pulled his dick out of her mouth and jacked off all over her face.

  Lisa licked her lips and put his dick back into her mouth sending chills through Ace’s body.

  Chapter 7

  Black Ice opened the door to his family’s apartment on Picking Avenue. He closed the door. Everything was dark and quiet. At least Rachel keeps the apartment clean he thought, unlike that bitch Roxy. He walked into the bedroom and saw Rachel sleeping in a silk nightgown on their queen size bed. Black Ice walked over to a floor board in the closet and lifted it up. Inside was some of the money he had stashed, about $20,000, five ounces of crack, and 3

  9mm guns. He took out some of the crack jars from his pocket and put them with the rest of the stash as well as the rest of the money and guns he took from the two dead men he killed earlier that day. He put the guns, the chrome 38 revolver and the 22

  caliber revolver, carefully aside the other gun that was stashed. He covered it all back with the wood floor board. He came out of the closet and pulled his crack pipe out and filled it up with crack and lit it. He inhaled holding it in and then exhaled. He refilled the glass pipe with more crack and did the same. He repeated this taking three more hits of the pipe until his eyes popped wide open and felt revived with a bunch of energy. His dick grew hard. He looked down at Rachel’s sexy body with her dark brown skin complexion, lying on her side.

  Her ass was poking out of the sheets. He undressed and laid down on his side right beside Rachel. Then spit on his hand and rubbed it on his nine inch dick making it nice and wet for Rachel. He moved in closer to Rachel positioning his arm under and around her neck. He moved her panties to the side and rubbed hi
s dick on her clit.

  He couldn’t deal with no more foreplay he just rammed his dick insider her. “Ahhh,”

  Rachel let out a moan while his dick penetrated hard and deep inside her. Black Ice started humping her in and out giving her all of him. “Ahhh, ohhh,” Rachel moaned and began to arch her back poking her ass out even more. Even knowing Rachel hated that Black Ice beat her and her son and mistreated her, she loved him. She loved the feeling of his big black dick inside of her. “Mmmm, yes, yes baby, “Rachel moaned as Black Ice pulled her closer and tightening his arm around her neck. The crack had his dick hard as a rock. He raised Rachel’s legs in the air while fucking her from the side and pounding away. “This is my wet pussy! Mine!” he moaned with each stroke going deeper and deeper inside her feeling her ass smack against his thighs and his balls, driving him even wilder. “Yes, yes baby,” Rachel moaned.

  Michael stood his six year old frame by his mother’s door and watched his mother’s legs were up in the air. He watched his father pound away on her. He had heard his mother screaming from his room and ran to her door to protect her from whatever she was screaming about. When he saw what she was hollering about, he just stood by the door mesmerized and just watched. He told himself he would kill his daddy if he hurt his mommy. Then Rachel moaned again, “Ahhhh,” she opened her eyes and glanced over at the door to see her son standing there watching.

  “Black Ice stop” Rachel said to Black Ice. He was too busy pounding away trying to get control over the nut that was about to explode deep inside her. He felt Rachel trying to move so he squeezed his arm that he had around her neck even tighter and gave her hard, long strokes not realizing that Michael was the reason of Rachel’s attempt to stop fucking.

  “Let go of my mommy!” Michael

  screamed while running over to the bed.

  Black Ice looked over at his son while still humping Rachel’s warm, wet pussy. He came all inside of her with one last hard stroke. He pulled out of her and jumped up out of the bed. He stood there with his black, naked shining body dripping with sweat. “Boy, take your little ass back in your bedroom!” he yelled at Michael.


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