Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD > Page 6

by Shameek Speight

  “You little fucker, I’m going to teach you to cross me!” Black Ice yelled. He beat Michael for a half an hour. Leaving Michael on the floor crying and covered in blood and more welts added to the previous beatings.

  Black Ice returned to the living room looking at his son and decided that he wasn’t done with him. Black Ice walked in the kitchen looking for something else to beat his son with. He looked at the stove to see that Rachel left the hot comb on the oven.

  Black Ice grinned and grabbed the hot comb by its handle making sure not to touch the hot part. He walked back in the living room to his crying son and bent down and grabbed his left arm. Michael was to sore and weak to put up a fight. Black Ice placed the hot comb on Michael’s arm. Michael screamed as loud as he could and tried to pull his arm away, but it was locked in his father’s grip.

  The heat from the hot comb sizzled and cooked his flesh. It burned his skink deeply.

  Rachel regained consciousness when she heard the blood wrenching screams her son let out. She looked up to see that Black Ice was holding he hot comb and pressing against her son’s arm. Rachel jumped up and pushed Black Ice with all the strength and energy she had. She made him fall over to the side. He released his grip from Michael’s arm and dropped the hot comb to the floor. She jumped on top of Black Ice and punched away with everything she had left in her. “Don’t touch my baby.” She screamed while swinging wildly at his face.

  Black Ice punched Rachel in the temple knocking her right off of him. He got up and started to kick her in the ribs.

  Black Ice was furious. While kicking Rachel, he wondered why he was having so many problems with his own family. He looked down and saw that she couldn’t take any more. He knew she wouldn’t be putting up a fight anymore. Black Ice picked up the hot comb for the floor and reached for Michael and again put in on Michael’s skin.

  He grabbed his neck and started choking him. Tears were still running down Michael’s face as Black Ice moved the hot comb towards his face. “Mommy,” Michael said in a pleaded whisper. He couldn’t get all the words out as the grip around his neck grew tighter.

  “No! Stop please. Don’t burn him anymore!” Rachel yelled while holding her side unable to move. She knew she had to think quickly and do something before Black Ice killed her son. “I’ll smoke that stuff. I’ll do it!” she shouted.

  “What?” Black Ice asked as he

  stopped burning Michael and turned to Rachel.

  “I’ll smoke crack with you just don’t hurt my baby anymore,” she pleaded.

  Black Ice eyes opened wide while he looked at Rachel. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. After months of beating his wife to get her to smoke crack, it took this to get her to change her mind. She wouldn’t leave him. “If you’re playing with me Rachel I’ll burn this little mother fucker so he wished he was dead.” Black Ice said while shaking Michael’s neck around like he was about to snap it.

  “I’m not playing. I’ll do it. Please just let our son go?” Rachel said with tears running down her beautiful brown face.

  Black Ice smiled a devilish smile and knew in his heart she would do it. She’ll be too scared that if she didn’t that he would hurt the little punk. He dropped the hot comb on the floor and released his hand from Michael’s neck. He looked at Rachel hold her side. He bent down and wrapped his arm around her and picked her up. He carried her to the bedroom. Michael screamed, “Mommy, don’t smoke that stuff!” Those were the last words Rachel heard before Black Ice used the heel of his foot to kick the bedroom door shut. He put Rachel on their queen sized bed and walked over to the closet. He removed the floor board to his stash and pulled out two brand new glass pipes and a big piece of crack, the size of a baseball. He covered the stash back up and walked over to the dresser where a small glass mirror was. He carefully removed the crack from the glass jar and laid it on the mirror. He picked up a razor and started to cut small pieces of the crack. He stuffed the new pipes full of crack and walked over to Rachel. “Take it.” Black Ice said handing her a glass pipe and a lighter. Rachel nervously brought the pipe up to her mouth and lit the end and inhaled.

  “Don’t play stupid with me. You’ve seen me do it enough times. Rachel smoked the crack still in pain and in tears.

  Chapter 14

  For many years, Rachel had to stay away from drugs. Her mother used dope.

  And when it got so bad for her, she left Rachel at Momma’s house one day. Her mother never returned for Rachel and never saw her mother again after that day she left her. Black Ice watched her like a hawk. She could feel him watch her as she placed the pipe up to her mouth. Her hand shook as she held the lighter at the end and lit the pipe. Rachel took a tiny puff, inhaling the crack smoke.

  “Rachel, don’t fucking play with me.

  Hit that shit! You better take a big hit better than that, bitch!”

  Rachel did as she was told. She sucked on the glass pipe as hard as she could. The crack smoke rushed down her throat and into her lungs. She began to cough from the hard hit. Black Ice smiled his infamous devilish smile as he watched her cough up smoke. Rachel felt lightheaded, but with an instant jolt of energy. Her eyes opened wide and the pain she felt earlier all over her body was gone.

  When Rachel looked up from coughing, Black ice looked in her eyes and saw the glassy look they had and he knew he had her. “Give me the pipe.” He said as Rachel passed the pipe to him. She prayed that the worst was over. Black Ice repacked the pipe with more crack and passed it right back to Rachel. “Hit it again.” He said. Rachel did what she was ordered to do. She hit the pipe again. They spent the whole night getting high together.

  A month had passed; it amazed Black Ice how fast Rachel got hooked on crack.

  She was smoking more than he was now.

  Rachel smoked the entire crack up in the house. She couldn’t fight the cravings. She needed to smoke every minute of the day.

  She lost a lot of weight. She went from 140

  pounds to 90 pounds. She wore the same clothes every day. The tip of her fingers turned black from the heat of the glass pipe burning them. Her lips turned black too.

  Michael watched as his beautiful mother started changing her looks from starting to smoke that funny smelling stuff.

  She looked like a stranger to him. She no longer made sure that he was fed or that he was wearing clean clothes. She didn’t even pay him any attention anymore. Michael was forced to look after himself with his father running the stress and his mother locked in her bedroom getting high. She left him to take care of himself at the age of six.

  That made Michael’s heart grow colder and hate his father even more. Michael lay on his pillow crying. He held in the tears. His stomach hurt and was in so much pain.

  There was no food in the house for him to eat. His mother only cared about smoking.

  She neglected to go shop for food. As Michael stomach growled, tears started flowing down his face and he prayed the hunger would go away once he fell asleep.

  The next morning, Michael awoke to the smell of food. He opened his eyes and saw a bag on his dresser. He hopped out of his bed and ran to it. Inside there was a box with four chicken wings and fried rice from the Chinese restaurant. He knew his mother had gotten him the food. She’d be the only one to think about him once in a while.

  Times like that, reminded him of why he still loved his mother so much even though she hasn’t been the same since she started smoking with his father. He quickly started eating his food to stop the hunger pains from his stomach making sure he didn’t miss a crumb. He ate so fast that he bit his fingers twice while eating the chicken and rice. He smiled and rubbed his little belly. He wondered what his mother was doing. He wanted to go thank her for the food she left him. But, he thought she was probably smoking that stuff again.

  Michael got up and walked to his mother’s bedroom. When he heard screams, he listened carefully. It was his mother. He ran to the door of her bedroom and opened it. When he saw what she was holler
ing about, he knew she didn’t need his protection. His mother’s legs were up in the air resting on his father’s shoulders as his father humped and pounded away on his mother. Michael had seen this enough times before to know that his mother was in no danger. He closed their bedroom door and walked into the living room. He covered his ears to diminish the sounds that were coming from his parents’ bedroom.

  After a half an hour, he blocked out the sounds all together. He sat on the couch staring at nothing. He thought to himself that when he gets older he would show his father while looking at the burn on his arm.

  It had bubbled up and dead skin was already starting to peel off causing itching and pain with the air on his skin. Michael swore he would kill him one day.

  Just then, Black Ice came out of the bedroom fully dressed. He walked into the living room and saw his son sitting on the couch just staring at the wall. A chill went down his back as he made his way to the door and left the apartment. Black Ice thought to himself that there was something wrong with that little mother fucker. He ain’t right. Shit wasn’t normal for a child to just be staring at walls. He knew in his heart that one day he would have to kill his son or his son would kill him.

  Once outside of the apartment, Black Ice walked down the block and walked passed his white Lexus and turned the corner. He walked half way down the block and stopped in front of a brown Ford Taurus.

  He took some keys out of his pocket and opened the driver side door and hopped in the car. He was going to check on the block and see how these fools are running his shit.

  He owned the Ford Taurus, but no one knew he had it. It had tinted windows and it was easy for him to creep around without anybody knowing it was him. He started the car and headed to Mother Gaston Avenue.

  He reached the block and slowed down and crept by slow. So he could notice everything that was taking place on the block. He smiled when he saw the young workers selling to the crack heads. He saw Ace standing by the project buildings watching every move that the workers were making. So, where’s Caesar? He thought to himself. He always sees Ace on the block, but Caesar is nowhere to be found. He pulled off down the neighborhood. He cleared his mind. Everything was in order.

  The block looks good. Rachel is hooked on crack and that means she’ll depend on him for the rest of her life. The only thing that he needed to do something about was that boy of his.

  Black Ice drove around in deep

  thought and hoped to see Roxy walking down one of these streets. He will beat her ass and snatch her ass up once he finds her.

  In fact, he would kill that bitch. In deep thought, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He was driving too fast to get a good look. So, he circled the block.

  He knew that the car he saw was Caesar’s.

  It was the only gold Acura Legend in the hood and no one else would be able to afford that car. When he rolled past the car again, it was his car. “What the fuck is Caesar doing over here?” he said aloud. He pulled up a long side of his car. His car was right outside of Ace’s apartment building.

  Why the hell would Caesar’s care be parked outside of Ace’s building? Black Ice wondered to himself with more questions to follow. He pulled forward and found a parking space ahead to keep in view of Caesar’s car and Ace’s apartment building.

  His mind was just racing with questions and not answers that he decided to sit up in his car and wait to see what was up with this scene. He pulled out a pack of Newport cigarettes. He took a cigarette out of the box and pulled out a jar of crack and stuffed some in the cigarette. After making sure the crack was nicely packed in, he lit it and inhaled. Taking in the entire smoke deep into his lungs he exhaled. The crack rushed into his system making his eyes open wide and got him nice and high. He kept his eyes on the apartment building and Caesar’s car.

  He watched a caramel woman walk up to the building and pressed the bell to be buzzed in. Black Ice sat up in his car seat to get a better look at the woman. He knew she couldn’t see him because of the tint on his car windows. He knew the woman. It was Shelly. He knew that fat ass anywhere.

  Shelly was a hood rat and a gold digger.

  Black Ice had fucked her a few times and kicked her to the side. She’d do anything to make a quick buck. Black Ice mind began to race with thoughts. If Shelly was over here, that meant that she’s about to watch Ace’s kids. Shelly only came over to Ace and Lisa’s place to make some money by babysitting while they went out. Black Ice took another hit of his crack laced cigarette.

  He watched Shelly get buzzed into the building. He started rubbing his eyes and rolled down the car window to let some of the smoke out. Ever since he started smoking this shit, he’s gotten so paranoid he thought to himself. He started to pull off after bugging, but saw Caesar step out of the building with Ace’s youngest son in his arms with Lisa following close behind. What the fuck is going on here? Black Ice wondered.

  Lisa, Caesar, and the little boy got into the car and pulled away. Black Ice decided to follow them making sure to stay two cars behind them. If Mark, Ace’s youngest son in the car, was with them that meant Shelly is only watching Aaron, the other son. He kept following them until they reached King Pizza Mall. He watched as Caesar got Mark out of the car and grabbed Lisa’s hand and started walking towards the mall. Black Ice parked his car and got out and followed them making sure not to be seen. He made sure to stay behind a few people who were shopping. He watched them enter the movie theater. They’d be there for a while he thought. Black Ice walked back out to the parking lot. He hopped in his car and pulled his glass pipe out and stuffed it full of crack and got high while waiting for them to come back outside.

  Three hours later, he saw them come back out to the parking lot. Caesar’s hands were full of shopping bags. They put everything into Caesar’s car and drove off.

  Black Ice carefully followed them making sure not to be seen. Caesar stopped in front of Ace and Lisa’s building again. Black Ice parked down the block and watched Lisa get out of the car with her son and went inside.

  A few minutes later, Lisa came back outside and got right back in the car and they left.

  Black Ice followed them to Pennsylvania Avenue to a hotel and parked. They got a hotel room. Black Ice knew that bitch was a slut. Once he was sure they were in their room, he hopped out of his car and walked over to Caesar’s car. He pulled out a four inch pocket knife he carried that he got from Rachel’s cousin, Brian that he killed and kept for himself. Black Ice stabbed both of the back tires of Caesar’s car. He had to buy time for his next move and that would definitely keep them busy after their done fucking he thought to himself. He got back into his car laughing his evil laugh as he made his way back to Ace and Lisa’s building.

  Chapter 15

  Once he got back to Ace and Lisa’s apartment building, he parked the car down the block. He walked up to the building and rang the bell.

  “Who’s there?” Shelly asked through the intercom.

  “Shelly, it’s me Black Ice open up.”

  He answered.

  Shelly was quick to buzz him in thinking about the money she could make.

  Black Ice walked into the apartment since Shelly was waiting at the door with it wide open. “Hi daddy, what are you doing here?”

  she asked.

  “I came to see you.” He lied to answer her.

  “It’s been awhile since you fucked with me, ever since you started fucking with Roxy.” She said.

  “I didn’t come here to listen to your comments. You know why I came here.

  Now, are you down or what?” Black Ice said.

  “Yes, I’m down daddy.” Shelly said moving to the side to let him in.

  Black Ice couldn’t help to look at Shelly’s ass through her jeans as he passed her. She had a banging body, but she had a butt ass looking face. Everything looked good on her body, but her face. That was one of the reasons Black Ice quit fucking around with her.

  “How did you get that scar on you
r face, daddy?” she asked as Black Ice covered his cheek with his hands.

  “Don’t worry about that,” he replied.

  “Where’s Ace and the kids?” he


  “The kids are in their bedrooms asleep. So that would give us more than enough time to do us.” Shelly said while licking her lips. Black Ice pulled out a cigarette and lit it while inhaling slowly.

  “Can I get a cigarette, daddy?” she asked.

  Black Ice handed her a cigarette and she lit it off his and inhaled. “This cigarette tastes funny.” Shelly said while exhaling the smoke.

  “But, that doesn’t stop you from smoking it.” Black Ice said with a smile on his face while he watched her smoke the cigarette laced with crack. All of his cigarettes were packed full of crack. He didn’t hesitate to give Shelly one when she asked for a cigarette. It was something about turning a woman out on crack that made his dick hard. Shelly felt light headed and horny.

  “Baby, you got another cigarette?

  That shit was good it got me high.” Shelly said. Black Ice handed her another cigarette and watched her smoke it while he smoked too. When she was done smoking, he knew it was time to put his plan to work. There was no telling how long Lisa and Caesar would be at the hotel, but he flattened the tires on his car.

  Shelly was sitting on the couch with that horny look in her eyes. She started to remove her clothes. Her shirt was the first to come off. Her tits popped out to show that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Then her tight jeans came off and she wasn’t wearing any panties either. Black Ice grabbed her by the neck and squeezed, choking Shelly. He pulled out a 9mm berretta and put the barrel to her face. “Open your fucking mouth.” He said to Shelly. She gasped for air and didn’t know what to do. Her head was spinning from the two cigarettes she smoked. She wasn’t any fool thought. She knew Black Ice got down and would not test him. She slowly opened her mouth. Black Ice placed the barrel of the gun into it. “Now, suck it.”

  He said. Shelly started sucking the barrel of the 9mm gun like it was a dick. She hoped that he wouldn’t pull the trigger. Black Ice watched Shelly work on the barrel of the gun, only turning him on even more.


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