The Demon Legacy

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The Demon Legacy Page 9

by Robert Taylor

  Chapter 6: To Arms

  The four had been on their way for some time. The sun soared high on their right side. They traveled together with the single uncertain hope, that destiny was about to change.

  Raunst had barely spoken a word since the fight with Gaunich. His mind had not settled with the new voices within. The web of ideas and thoughts hung over his thoughts like a dense fog. With each passing minute, he felt more uncertain about the medallion at his chest and what it meant for him. He and his companions rode on through the morning, silently.

  Psydra interrupted the silence just short of midday. Her horse needed a rest. They stopped where a gentle brook crossed under a small stone bridge. After they dismounted, each took a few steps and stretched their limbs.

  “How do you feel? You don't look the same,” Psydra's voice shook.

  “It's dark in here,” Raunst turned to her and placed his hand over the medallion. His eyes now a contained a soft grey that swirled among the white like a forming cloud.

  “What can I do, Raunst?”

  "I can hear them. The demons caged within this pendant. It's chaos. The demons alone held this power. Aradeel caused great unrest with their kind. Its not just the greater demons that were sealed, there are plenty of smaller beasts that could ravage this world.”

  "Xero's army." Jake said.

  Raunst looked at Jake. The archer caught sight of the grey in Raunst's eyes. "Yes."

  “Are you okay?” Psydra reached out her hand and put it upon his shoulder.

  Raunst felt an easiness that he had not felt before. His body relaxed for the first time since placing the chain around his neck. He looked to her and his gesture softened. Raunst smiled. Psydra couldn’t resist forming a tiny grin. Raunst grabbed her hand and placed it over his heart. “I feel it burning inside me.”

  “Maybe you are not ready for this,” she stated grazing her fingers across the medallion. It was smooth and warm.

  Raunst closed his eyes and lifted his head to the sky, the sun drenched his skin. “It feels good out here today. Hardly believe that we’re about to wage war on a devil army.”

  “Don’t talk of it, now,” Psydra pulled her hand away. Raunst reached out and grabbed her hand. He shut his eyes and basked in the sunlight. He gave a gentle squeeze. It felt good to have her fingers between his.

  “I’m fine.”

  Jake took his horse up the creek for water. After a few steps he saw a sillouhete beside the water ahead. Jake slowed his pace. A few more careful steps and he could see Charles. Jake relaxed and approached the man.

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Jake whispered to the giant man beside him. "Did you see his eyes? I am not sure about this."

  “Come now, boy." Charles put his hand on Jake's shoulder. "You’re about to become part of a legend. Once the battle ends and we’re standing at his side, you realize we’re going to be part of those stories for years to come?” Charles asked.

  “You don’t seem like a fame seeker.” Jake scanned the hillside then turned back to Raunst.

  “You do,” Charles chuckled, he had spent plenty of time motivating young volunteers when he fought for Talin.

  Jake did even crack a smile. “Do you truly think one man can take out Xero?”

  “This kid’s great, great, great, great grandfather decimated an entire army of monsters. The legend says his kin would forever carry the blessed blood. That is some awesome power," it was no more unbeleivable to him than the magic he had seen from Xero.

  “Stories aren’t all they are supposed to be, Charles. Just remember everything you heard about me.”

  “You make a point, kid,” Charles raked his beard between his fingers.

  "So do you believe in all this?" Jake asked.

  Charles paused a moment. "Not sure," He kicked a river rock into the brook, "but I have a score to settle."

  The four companions continued their trek north and east. It would be at least another day before they would reach Sevastion.

  As they day pressed on, clouds had began to drift in from the south. Delicate light flickered in the distance and the sound of thunder rolled in behind them. In mid-afternoon as the four crested a hill a thick black plume appeared to the northwest. Against the darkened sky it was harder to be sure just how big it was, but there was little question of where.

  "Feltin," Jake said at last.

  The four looked on, holding their horses.

  "We must hurry to Sevastion," Raunst urged.

  They trotted down the hill, staying more east than north to avoid Xero's army. The sky turned almost completely black. The air thickened with humidity. Ahead of them a large bolt of lightning stuck down. A trashing, heavy roar of thunder exploded.

  The path grew thick with trees and brush. It became harder for the group to make their way on. After a time, they came across a trail going their direction and followed it. It was a relief to be out of the thick slapping forest branches for a bit. Minutes later they came upon the charred remains of a roadside inn. The small building would have burned quickly.

  Lying motionless on the trail was the body of a young lady in a white dress. Raunst dismounted and walked over to her. As he knelt down beside her lifeless body, he realized that she had been laid with her arms slightly out, her head aimed east along the road, pointing the way.

  “He knows we're coming,” Raunst stood back from the woman’s body. He looked to the east where she was directing them.

  “Why wouldn’t he just wait here for you? Or why not come looking for you?” Charles was disturbed by the lifeless arrow. “Why make you follow him now?”

  “Maybe he is scared of you,” Jake shrugged.

  Raunst closed his eyes and extended his arm to the east. He calmed his thoughts in an effort to feel the way. Nothing came to him.

  “What are you doing now?” Psydra asked with a small smile.

  “I am trying to see the way.”

  Jake studied while Raunst stood in concetration. With his outstreched hand, Raunst reamined in place for a long minute. Jake let a sigh. Psydra flashed Jake a scornful look.

  When at last, Raunst's eyes opened, his expression stayed blank. Raunst blinked a few times then shook out his arm and bounced his head from side to side releiving a tenseness in his muscles.

  "What?" Jake asked. He wasn't sure what to expect as an answer.

  "Nothing." Raunst extendened his arm east once more. He calmed his breathing and his thoughts. His eyes slowly drifted open, but the world before him was transparent. He was seeing through the hills and the mountains, the trees and the storm. In the distance he could see the outlines of Xero’s dark army. They marched steadily, intent on following their master. As he vision honed in on them he felt a sense of urgency among their mood. A large form walked among them, in the middle of the pack. The name neared the edge of Raunst's tongue. A sudden surge of energy shot through him, his vision ended. He took a step back and breathed in deeply.

  “I don't understand.” Raunt's mind wrapped around the memory of his vision as he spoke. "They are heading to Sevastion, that is certain." He trailed off.

  “What is it?” Psydra asked.

  A loud clash of thunder vibrated the air. Raunst's three companions looked at him in silent expectation. Rain began to fall, first as a few heavy drops, then steadily more and more. No one moved for shelter.

  Raunst turned to Psydra. The girl lifted her eyes to his. They were hard to see through the rain, but the gray smoke still drifted in them. Steam rose from his chest as rain fell upon the medallion around Raunst's neck. Psydra jumped down from her mount and rushed to him. Her hand went to the medallion. She grabbed it tightly. The metal burned her hand and she released it.

  “It’s burning hot!” She screamed.

  She reached out to it again for it. Raunst grabbed her hand in his. She stood in silence as he held her hand in the rain. The clouds se
emed to lighten in his eyes and a smile crept across his face.

  “I’m okay.” Raunst assured her.

  The two stood hand in hand as the rain fell.

  “We should get inside and wait for this to pass,” Charles yelled through the storm.

  Psydra and Raunst still stood, hand in hand, eyes locked.

  “What do you see?” she asked him.

  “More every time I open my eyes. I see your father. He loved you,” Raunst stared deeper into her eyes, Psydra wanted to turn away but she couldn’t.

  “Come on lovebirds,” Jake dropped off of his horse and led the creature under a thick patch of trees.

  Lightning flashed across the sky. Raunst and Psydra stood in the rain. Raunst’s gentle hold on her hand had become more solid. His other hand moved to her shoulder. His piercing glare intimidated her, but intrigued her more. She could almost feel him reaching inside her mind and twirling it gently with his fingers, reading the pages of her thoughts like an open book.

  "You were there when she died." Raunst said at last.

  Psydra's skin faded to pale. "Yes."

  "I can see her through your eyes. You were afraid and sad. I can see my father, too. And him, he is there."

  Psydra answered. "Xero would have killed us all that day."

  Raunst continued, steeped in visions of Psydra's memories. "She gave her life willingly." He could see the many warriors that had come that day, standing alive. His mother on the ground, bleeding before them. Xero standing over her mortally wounded body. Talin and Christopher rushed Xero together. Xero did not raise a hand to stop them. "Why didn't he fight?"

  "He fought ferociously. When Seline tried to perform the sealing rite, he could see no other target. They couldn't protect her." Tears form in Psydra's eyes.

  Raunst could see Xero's face. Even in another's memory their was clarity. The power within the medallion travelled through him. With the power came the whispers of the demons buried within. One voice spoke to him above the others. You belong with us demonboy. "He was only drawing out his real target."

  "I don't understand." Psydra lowered her head as the rain thickened.

  Raunst dropped her hand and stepped away. "At Enfirus, he told me. TecDemon, through the stones, through his spectre's words. Even Aradeel. Psydra they all knew it would be my place to stand in this fight. Xero knew, too. He has always been after me."

  "He fears his own death." Charles interjected.

  "In my vision just now, looking to Sevastion, I saw Gaunich. He is with Xero now."

  "How is that possible?"

  "Xero has found a way to bridge our two worlds. It is how he came here from banishment."

  "But how did he get here?"

  "Someone must have opened the door for him."


  "I don't know, but I believe the medallion can close the door." Raunst returned to his horse. "We must go to Sevastion. Jake, untie those horses, we don’t have time to wait this out,” Raunst ordered.

  “What’s going on?” the archer stepped out into the heavy rain. “What is it?”

  Psydra turned to him her face still white. “Xero is going to Sevastion. It’s the last outpost of the resistance.”

  “We must meet with him at Sevastion, it will be the only chance we’ll have to stop him,” Raunst spoke with a flat tone. “The black swords and armor were made to destroy the demons.”

  “Then why weren't we able to stop them before?” Charles had rejoined them.

  “They weren’t crafted to be wielded by human warriors. They will only work in the presence of a divine creature,” Raunst looked to his two male companions. They were staring, obviously they had not made the connection.

  “Like the one he’s got around his neck,” Psydra finished.

  The four mounted in the middle of the storm. The thunder rolled inward from the sea. Raunst looked back over his shoulder at the three who were about to follow him.

  “I want you all to know that you don’t have to come with me,” his words sank in the rain.

  Psydra looked to him, and said nothing. Jake readied his hands on the reigns. Charles looked to the other two and then back to Raunst. He tilted his head away a moment. He wasn’t sure that it was his place to speak, but he did anyway.

  “Yes we do.”


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