Venom (Dixie Reapers MC 1)

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Venom (Dixie Reapers MC 1) Page 5

by Harley Wylde

  “What do you mean they’re getting close?” I asked.

  “Ridley apparently had her cell phone with her for most of her journey. She stopped at a small town outside the panhandle, and that’s where the Bentons lost her trail. Now, normally I wouldn’t have thought much about it, but that unassuming little town is home of the Devil’s Boneyard MC,” Torch said.

  “Taught my girl everything I know,” Bull said. “She was smart and found a chop shop to ditch her Mercedes.”

  Torch nodded. “I called Cinder and asked if anyone knew anything. She took the car to their chop shop and their VP put her on the bike. He also helped her destroy her phone. Now the good news is that they can’t track her anymore, and I was assured that car has been taken care of. But the fact she was coming to Alabama is probably going to tip off her mom that she came here. Might not be long before they show up here.”

  “Has contact been made from her mom?” I asked.

  “Not yet. I’m hoping they don’t show up for a while. I’ve asked Wire to do a little digging for us. I want to know everything about Richard Benton III, and I want to know his connection to Montoya. Wire is going to start with Benton’s bank records and business dealings, and we’ll go from there. I’m hoping we can find some leverage,” Torch said.

  “So what do you want us to do for now?” Flicker asked.

  “Ridley has to stay at the compound,” Torch said. “Venom was chosen to protect her.”

  Bull’s face turned red, and his fist slammed down on the table.

  Torch raised a brow. “Obviously, Bull is reconsidering that decision.”

  “Ridley isn’t going anywhere,” I said.

  “The fuck you say?” Bull shot to his feet. “I won’t leave her under your care when you’re going to treat her like trash. You didn’t pick her up on the damn street corner. She’s not here for your amusement.”

  My chair scraped the floor as I stood, my body trembling from my barely controlled rage. That’s twice he’d compared Ridley to a whore, and I wasn’t going to fucking stand for it. Yeah, I’d pleasured her in my bed, but I’d done it to take care of her, because she’d asked me to make the memories go away. I never would have fucking touched her if she hadn’t asked. But now that I had, now that her taste was still on my tongue, I would be damned if anyone was taking her out of my house.

  “Ridley isn’t going anywhere,” I said, my teeth clenching from the effort to not lay Bull out with one fucking punch. I didn’t think Ridley would take it too well if I beat the shit out of her dad. And her opinion was about the only one that mattered right now.

  “Venom,” Torch said softly. “What is Ridley to you?”

  My jaw clenched tighter until I thought my teeth might crack.

  “Are you claiming her?” Torch asked.

  “She deserves better,” I muttered.

  Torch studied me a moment, then snapped his fingers at our enforcer, Tank. “Bring the girl here.”

  I sank into my chair and tried to calm my racing heart. Why the hell was he asking for Ridley? No one came to church except patched members. Had I put her in danger with the attention I’d given her? Torch was fucking stone-cold, and if he thought for one second that Ridley was going to cause problems within the club, I didn’t doubt that he’d boot her out. But if Ridley left, I was going with her. Brotherhood be damned, I wasn’t going to leave her defenseless when there were monsters waiting to snatch her up.

  Tank re-entered the room, his hand gripping Ridley’s arm and practically dragging her inside. I gripped the arms of my chair tight to keep from going to her. She stared at everyone, wide-eyed, and looked scared as hell. I wanted to wrap my baby girl in my arms and tell her everything would be fine.

  “Ridley, do you remember me?” Torch asked.

  She hesitantly nodded. “You’re the president of the Dixie Reapers.”

  “That’s right. And the man beside me is my VP.”

  Her glaze clashed with mine.

  “I understand that Bull sent you home with Venom when you arrived. Did you go with him willingly?” Torch asked.

  “Yes,” Ridley said.

  “And anything that happened while you were there was consensual? He didn’t force himself on you in any way?”

  “Venom would never hurt me,” she said.

  “If you had your choice, would you want to remain with Venom? Or would you prefer to move to another house? I could even arrange for your dad to stay with you,” Torch said.

  Her gaze met mine again and held. It was like she was looking to me for answers, but I couldn’t say anything. This had to be her choice. I might wish that I could claim every sexy inch of her, but she was still a free woman. She didn’t wear my brand, or anyone else’s. And once the threat to her life was over, I imagined she’d move on and put the Dixie Reapers in her rearview mirror. And me. She’d walk away from me, and that’s why I couldn’t take things as far as I wanted.

  “Ridley, I’m asking you, not Venom,” Torch said.

  “I want to stay with Venom,” she said softly. “If that’s okay with him.”

  Fuck yes, it’s okay with me!

  “Ridley, I know you came to us because your father is here,” Torch said. “But I need to know if you plan to stay even after the danger has passed. There’s not a lot of room in our club for women. You’re either a club slut or an old lady, and right now, you aren’t either.”

  “If staying is an option, I think I’d like to,” she said. “But I could never be a club slut.”

  “You don’t have a problem wearing someone’s brand?” Flicker asked.

  “What’s a brand? Like you literally burn a brand into my skin?” she asked, her face paling.

  “This is ridiculous,” Bull said. “My daughter isn’t going to be a slut or an old lady. There’s a reason I didn’t fight for sole custody. I didn’t want her around all this shit.”

  “Not your decision,” Torch said.

  “A brand means you’re tattooed,” I said.

  “Tattooed with what?” she asked.

  “You’re marked as property,” Flicker said. “You can wear it on your arm or on your back. You’ll also be given a cut that says you’re property of the biker who claims you.”

  Ridley’s brow furrowed. “I don’t remember my mom having that.”

  Bull snorted. “Because I would have never made your mom my old lady. We were only together for a few days, then she came and found me when she discovered she was pregnant with you. But no matter what I think of your mother, I have always loved you. You’re my sweet girl, and I hate to think of you living this life.”

  Ridley focused on him. “You taught me about bikes and introduced me to different MCs whenever you would visit. You never kept this way of life a secret from me, even if I don’t know all the details. I don’t need to know them. You’re a good man, Daddy, and I’m sure you’re not the only one in this room.” Her gaze met mine. “I know you aren’t. I’ve known Venom all my life, even if I wasn’t around the last fourteen years. He would never hurt me.”

  Torch chuckled. “Are you laying claim to my VP?”

  Her chin jutted up. “Maybe I am. Does that mean he has to get tattooed with Property of Ridley?”

  Every man around the table roared with laughter, and even my lips twitched up in a smile. Girl had guts, I’d give her that.

  “What about it, Venom?” Torch asked, humor shining in his eyes. “You going to get a Property of Ridley tattoo?”

  My gaze scanned her from head to toe before flicking back up to her eyes. So, my baby girl thought to claim me? I scooted my chair back and crooked my finger at her. Ridley glared at Tank’s hand still gripping her arm and tore it free before walking over to me. I reached for her waist and lifted her onto my lap, her legs splayed on either side of me as her hands went to my shoulders.

  Her body trembled, and the need in her eyes made me want to bury my cock deep in her pussy and never come out. But before I claimed her, I needed to make sure she un
derstood what she was getting into. It was one thing to joke about it, but quite another to make her mine.

  “Baby girl, all kidding aside, we’re not talking about something temporary. If I claim you, it’s forever. You don’t walk away. You get pissed at me, we deal with it. I hurt your feelings, you tell me. But once you’re mine, your ass better be in my bed every fucking night. You’ll do what I say, when I say, because sometimes it might mean the difference between life and death. It will be my job to protect you, even if you don’t agree with my methods.”

  “If I’m in your bed every night, does that mean you’re only with me?” she asked so softly I almost didn’t hear.

  “Are you asking me to be faithful?”

  She nodded slowly. “It would break my heart if you were to ever be with someone else. I’d rather not have you at all than only have part of you.”

  She was fucking killing me.

  “If I’m yours,” she said. “I want you to be mine too.”

  Oh, baby girl. I already am.

  My gaze held steady on hers, searching for any sign her feelings might waver. Her blue eyes were guileless, and seemed to promise me forever. I tore my gaze from hers and looked at Torch.

  “Call Zipper,” I said. “If Ridley’s mom or anyone else tries to take her from me, I’ll rain down hell on them. I want her marked now so every fucker out there knows she’s mine.”

  Torch smiled and nodded.

  Bull pushed his chair back and glared at me. “I can’t stop you from claiming her. Anyone else, I’d have kicked their ass, but you’re my VP. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. But you disrespect her, fuck around on her, or break her damn heart, and I will gut you like a fucking fish.”

  “I will protect her with my life,” I promised Bull. “And if I ever break her heart, I’m sure she’ll kick my ass before you get a chance.”

  Bull grudgingly smiled. “You might be right about that. I might not have been able to spend much time with her, but I made sure my girl was tough and not some rotten-ass socialite who cried over a broken nail.”

  I looked away from Bull and reached up to fist Ridley’s hair. Dragging her face closer to mine, I kissed her hard and deep, my tongue thrusting between her lips so she’d have no doubt who she belonged to. From this moment on, she was mine. I’d brand her, not only with ink and a cut, but I’d fucking brand her with my cum. I was going to fuck her until there was no doubt she was the property of Venom.

  Chapter Five


  Zipper had a room at the back of the clubhouse with a chair and everything else he’d need. I’d decided to get the brand on my arm, even though Venom had whispered in my ear how much he’d love to pound my pussy from behind while seeing his name on my skin. That was one fantasy he’d have to give up because I was deathly afraid of needles, so the smaller the tattoo the better. Maybe I could custom order some temporary tattoos so he could get what he wanted without me being in a world of pain.

  I sat on the leather chair, my body tense as Zipper rolled around the room on his stool, gathering everything he’d need. He’d explained the process to me and already gone over aftercare, but my nerves were shot. I wanted to be Venom’s, and I’d go through with this for him, but I was so damn scared.

  Venom stood on my other side, holding my hand. He gave it a squeeze and winked at me. I wondered if he could feel how badly I was shaking. There was a knock on the door, and Zipper rolled over to open it. The Prospect who’d been tending bar stepped inside and handed me a shot glass full of amber liquid.

  “It will help,” Venom said.

  “As a licensed tattoo artist, I can’t condone alcohol prior to a tattoo. Too much can mess with the ink,” Zipper said. “But as a club member, take the shot. Maybe one will be enough to calm you down.”

  I grabbed the shot glass and tossed it back. The liquid burned my throat and made my eyes water. I coughed and sputtered before handing the glass back. The Prospect left, closing the door behind him. Zipper had set out a cup of black ink as well as a yellow and teal one. Venom had pulled him into the hall when Zipper had first arrived to tell him what he wanted, but I was completely in the dark. Since it was going on my body, it would have been nice if they’d shared the plan with me.

  Zipper picked up the tattoo gun in his gloved hand and turned to face me. “You ready?”

  “If I say no, can we just pretend I got the tattoo?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “Doesn’t work that way.”

  “Then I guess I’m ready.”

  Viper held my hand a little tighter, letting me know that he was still there. I wanted to crawl into his lap and bury my face against his chest, but that hadn’t been offered as an option. The gun buzzed to life, and I forced myself to remain still and tried to calm my racing heart. The first touch of the needle against my lower arm felt like fire was licking at my skin. I winced and looked away.

  “It will be over soon enough, baby girl,” Venom said.

  Not soon enough in my opinion, but I’d agreed to be claimed by him, to live in his world, and I didn’t think my opinion mattered that much anymore. The fact I was being labeled as property told me enough. Venom had warned me I’d have to do what he said when he said to do it, but I trusted him. He’d never tell me to do something that would put me in harm’s way. And while I wasn’t thrilled with getting a tattoo, it wasn’t quite as horrible as I’d thought. The buzzing gun moved across my skin, and as the minutes ticked by, it hurt a little less. Or maybe I was just becoming numb to the pain.

  My tattoo took not quite an hour, and when Zipper was finished, I finally looked down at my arm. In a pretty black script, it said Property of Venom. But there was a golden halo that dipped down over the word property and a set of teal angel wings that spread out to the sides of the words. The detail work on the feathers was incredible, but I looked up at him in confusion.

  “Always thought you were a little angel,” Venom said. “Even after all this time, your innocence and goodness shine from within. I imagine I’ll get you a little dirty along the way, but you’ll always be an angel in my eyes.”

  I pulled him down for a kiss, my lips gently brushing across his. Then Zipper was tugging my arm back down so he could put some sort of ointment on it and wrap it with Saran wrap. I probably should have paid closer attention so I’d know exactly what he was doing and why, but Venom had enough ink that I knew he’d take care of me.

  “What now?” I asked as I rose to my feet.

  Zipper smirked. “Now your man fights the urge to toss you over his shoulder and carry you back to his cave because I have no doubt everyone’s waiting to celebrate. And you can’t walk out on a celebration that’s meant for you. You’re not just Bull’s daughter anymore, now you’re Venom’s old lady. And when the VP takes an old lady, the liquor will flow like honey.”

  “Doesn’t it always?” I asked.

  Zipper gave a bark of laughter. “I like her.”

  I gripped Venom’s hand and let him lead me down the hallway and back to the bar. Music was blasting from a jukebox in the corner of the room, and bikers were sprawled in chairs with club sluts in their laps, or sitting on barstools getting shitfaced. My cheeks burned when I saw one of the girls sucking someone off right out in the open. I’d never seen this side of club life before, and I wondered if it would get wilder before the night was over.

  Venom led me to a table in the corner where Tank and Flicker were sitting. I scanned the room, but didn’t see my dad anywhere. I really didn’t want to think about what he might be doing. The words “dad” and “sex” should never be put together in my mind, but it was likely he’d taken a woman back to his room. Wasn’t that what the Prospect had said he was doing when I arrived?

  Venom sat, his legs stretched in front of him, and he pulled me down onto his lap. His arm curled around my waist, and he kissed the side of my neck. The brother getting sucked off was seated at the next table, and I could hear the woman slurping on his cock.
It didn’t seem to bother anyone else, but I was a little uncomfortable. Was that what Venom was used to? I’d never even had sex before, much less done something in public.

  I tipped my head back to whisper in his ear. “I know I said I’d do anything you told me to, but you aren’t going to expect sexual favors in a public setting, are you?”

  His arm tightened around me. “I wouldn’t disrespect you that way, Ridley. You’re my woman, not a whore. And you sure as shit won’t be undressing in front of anyone. Any of these fuckers lay eyes on your bare skin and I’ll have to put them in the fucking hospital.”

  His words made me feel a little better, even if the woman one table over was still making me uncomfortable. From the corner of my eye, I saw the biker grab her head and force his cock down her throat. When he was finished, he zipped up and sent her on her way. It baffled me why a woman would agree to that kind of life. Sure, I’d agreed to be claimed by Venom, but that woman had no sooner sucked off one biker than another had her unfastening his pants. Why would someone agree to be passed around like that?

  My confusion and revulsion must have shown on my face. Venom leaned in closer, his lips brushing my ear. “Those girls are hoping to become old ladies, thinking one of us will fall under their spell. They’re here for entertainment and spread their legs for whoever wants them. No isn’t a word they’re allowed to use, and they’re used every night by multiple brothers. Sometimes at the same time.”

  “And you enjoyed that?” I asked softly.

  He chuckled. “When I was younger and didn’t know better. When I became a Prospect, I did what all the guys did. Didn’t take me long to realize I didn’t want someone who had been passed around all night.” His nose traced the shell of my ear. “Which means you’re fucking perfect because no one’s ever touched you but me. And no one ever will. You’re mine, baby girl. I’m going to drive my cock into your tight little pussy and take that innocence you’ve held onto for so long.”


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