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9781631054631ChoiceAffairsSalisbury Page 15

by Jamie Salisbury

  “Senator Choice…”

  “Damn it! I said it ends now! We were lucky this time. Jacob was tailing her. Next time, they might actually take her. But there won’t be a next time. I won’t allow anyone to harm my wife.”

  I wouldn’t, either. Caitlyn was far too precious to me. I couldn’t—no, wouldn’t—allow a bunch of bungling agents slip up and make a mistake. That was part of the reason I hadn’t gone to the authorities in the first place. They mean well, are well trained and all, but sometimes in their enthusiasm…

  Finally, everything coordinated and in place, the men left. Jacob saw them to the elevator, while I remained behind in my study. I poured another glass of whiskey and walked over to the windows to look out at the city. Dusk was quickly engulfing her. I quietly wondered where my traitor of a brother was hiding.

  Taking a good stiff drink, I waited on Jacob to return. I wanted to make sure everything for Izzie’s visit was meticulously coordinated. I didn’t want the ladies to feel like they were in a fishbowl, but they couldn’t be allowed to roam the streets by themselves.

  Jacob finally re-entered, carrying a handful of papers. Saying nothing, he passed them to me. I quickly scanned them, looking at Jacob in disbelief.

  “I told you I suspected something odd, Apolo. Now, we have proof.”

  “This situation needs to be contained. Now. Do you think the two are related?”

  “I do. What do you suggest? I can send him with the two going on the pre-visit location scout for your trip in two weeks. That’ll keep him away from here and Atlanta for a few days. And it’s something he’s indicated he wanted to learn.”

  “Do it. Have the other two brought up to speed so they can monitor his actions. Christ, Jacob, what else?”

  “It’s already done, Apolo.”

  “We can’t risk him coming here. It’s obvious he’s using Izzie to get his foot in the door. Has been since around the time of Caitlyn’s and my wedding.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “What do you mean you know? Do you mean you’ve known about this and haven’t said anything to me?”

  “You’ve got more important things going on, Apolo. He’s nothing I can’t handle.”

  I finished off my drink, debating if I should go for yet another. “Has the world gone mad, Jacob? Or is it the fact that I decided to go into politics that brought out the absolute worst in people?” I walked back over to the whiskey decanter. I raised an empty glass in Jacob’s direction. “I think you’ve earned more than one of these.” I poured us both a good helping and handed one to him.

  “Thank you. To answer your question, I do think you going into politics has brought out the rats. Everyone assumed you wouldn’t pay as much attention to Choice Enterprises now.”

  “Guess I fooled them.”

  “Yes, thank God. Once we get these situations contained, I think it’ll be pretty smooth sailing.”

  “You’ve forgotten one situation, my friend.”

  “Oh, which one’s that?”

  “Caitlyn’s mother, Susan.”

  A groan escaped him. He shook his head, smiling. “How did I overlook her?”

  “That’s what I’m wondering. You’re not getting soft on me, are you?”

  “That’ll be the day.”

  I watched as he took a sip off his whiskey. I did the same, looking out at the skyline. “Tell me, Jacob. Whatever happened to family loyalty? Because it sure as hell doesn’t mean a great deal in either my family or Caitlyn’s. Seems everyone is out for themselves, no matter what the cost. No matter who they hurt along the way.”

  “Well, when you figure it out, senator, be sure to share it with me. Because I haven’t a clue.”

  Chapter Eleven

  There were a ton of things Izzie and I wanted to do in the limited time she had in Washington. This trip was about taking her around to get a feel for the city. I’d thought she was seriously interested in moving to the area. I had to do a double take when she told me that wasn’t the case.

  We were sitting in a corner of the living room enjoying our coffee. I had a legal pad with all things I thought Izzie would be interested in seeing on it.

  “Caiti,” she began. “Look, there’s something I need to come right out and say before we go any further.” She put her cup down on the table next to her.

  “Well, what is it? And stop looking so damn serious.”

  “I’ve accepted a job in Houston.”

  “What?” I shook my head in disbelief. “I thought we were going to use this weekend to plan out your move here. What happened?”

  “What happened was I was offered a job in the NICU at the trauma center in Houston. It’s management, and the money is incredible. I can’t afford to turn it down, Caiti.”

  “So, that’s it. You’re moving on, going off to Houston? I thought you were interested in coming here, you know, be closer? Now, you’ll just be further away.”

  “Caitlyn, your life is with Apolo now. That’s your future. My future is, well, it’s still in progress. Let’s use this weekend together to shop, drink wine, and be silly. Just like old times.” She looked around the room as though she was searching for someone. “Only this time, we’ve got body guards.”

  “You’re sure about this, Izzie? You’re one hundred percent sure this is what you want to do?”

  “Yes. I’ve researched the place. I’ve been there. It’s like the opportunity of a lifetime. I can’t pass it up.”

  I sat back, put my mug down, and stared into the face of my best friend. Our lives had been changing for months. I had met and married one of the richest men around then moved to Washington so he could pursue one of his dreams. “If you’re sure this is what you want, then go for it. When are you supposed to move?”

  “The end of the month. I’ve gotten the apartment taken care of. No worries there.”

  “I’m not worried. I know you. You’re too meticulous to do otherwise.”

  “Then, why is it I get the feeling you’re holding back. Like you’re happy for me, but you’re not? What gives?”

  “Nothing. It’s nothing,” I replied, attempting to keep my emotions at bay. “Life’s just full of unpleasant surprises, that’s all.”

  There was an uncomfortable silence between us for the first time that I can remember.

  “I’ll just be a phone call, text, or email away, Caiti. What’s going on with you? This isn’t like you.”

  “Nothing, Izzie. Can we just drop the ‘what’s eating at you, Caitlyn’ crap? Let’s get dressed, and get out of here. I’d like to have some fun with my friend before I find myself trapped in the fishbowl of a Washington politician, okay?”

  “And exactly what is this fishbowl?”

  “One where you have no friends. Not real ones, anyway.”


  “Drop it, Izzie. I have enough drama in my life so far. I know this is the direction you’ve been wanting to go. And yes, if I were you, I’d grab it and go.”


  “Nothing, I just need to get used to being the lone ranger. Eventually, things will calm down, and I’ll get settled in. No need to worry. You need to focus on this move, and your new life.”

  “I didn’t realize you were so unhappy, girlfriend.”

  “I’m not unhappy,” I snapped. “Can we just drop it?” I took the legal pad and tore off the sheets where I’d made notes about apartments and various hospitals in the area. I tore them up into tiny pieces, placing them on the coffee table in front of me.

  “Why’d you do that?” Izzie inquired, shaking her head.

  “Obviously, we don’t need to look at apartments or hospitals here. We need to go act like a couple of tourists and see the sights.”

  “Do you have anything written down on that pad of yours that’s interesting?”

  “Just the usual. Thought I’d leave it open for what you might want to go see.”

  “Would going to see Apolo’s office be out of the question? I’d love to
go there and the capital building. The Smithsonian would also be fun.” She giggled.

  “I’m sure we can go to Senator Choice’s office. The senator and I are quite close, you know. As far as the Smithsonian—you do know it can take days to see? But we could hit Apolo’s office and the capital building today. While we’re at his office, I can see if Renee can’t find out if there’s anything special going on over at the Smithsonian.”

  “See, we’re going to have fun after all.”

  “Bitch,” I replied, laughing. “You’ve always been good at turning things around for the better.”

  “Well, come on, the day’s a-wasting. Let’s get dressed so we can enjoy it.”

  “Yes, lets.” We hugged.

  While I knew she needed to make this move, I was certainly going to miss her. More than even I would think possible. It was going to leave me alone as far as people I could just pick up the phone and call. But I certainly wasn’t going to be selfish about it, either. Izzie’d worked hard to get here all on her own, and I wasn’t about to stand in the way.

  “Oh, come with me. I have to show you my obscene closet and bathroom first. Remind me when we get back to give you a tour of the place. We sort of got sidetracked last night.”

  * * * *

  Izzie and I stood waiting in the lobby for our driver slash security to pull up at the curb. I’d called Jacob while we were getting ready and gave him a time and where we’d most likely be going. Knowing Izzie and Bo had eyes for each other, I casually mentioned this to Jacob.

  “I made mention to Jacob how nice it would be if he’d send Bo as our shadow for the day,” I said to Izzie as we both peered out the glass windows.

  “Well, I guess we’ll see just how pumped up he is since our last encounter.”

  “Come on, Iz, you mean to tell me the two of you haven’t stayed in contact?” I eyed the black Bentley as it pulled alongside the curb. I headed out the door, not waiting for Bo to come escort us.

  “That’s for a lady to keep to herself, ma’am.” She giggled, immediately giving herself away.

  I did a double take and glanced over at Izzie as a very muscular, crew cut man emerged from the Bentley. “Hold on, Iz. That’s not Bo, and I don’t recognize him. Hold back a second while I call Jacob.”

  I hit Jacob’s number on my speed dial and waited for him to pick up.

  “What can I do for you, Mrs. Choice?”

  “Um, the car just pulled up, and I don’t recognize the driver. I was expecting Bo.”

  “Is he built like a tank with a crew cut?”

  “Yes, he is. Wearing shades and looking like he could spit bullets if you asked him to.”

  “That’s Marcus.”

  “So, it’s safe to go with him?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’d stake my life on Marcus, if I had to.”

  “What happened to Bo? I specifically asked you to send him.”

  “Uh, Bo is on an out-of-town assignment, ma’am.”

  “Yeah, I can imagine. Atlanta. I don’t know what’s going on, but you and my husband need to stop acting like this is an action movie or something.”

  “I can assure you, we’re not even close to doing that. Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “No!” I hissed. I was getting pissed off at all this secrecy. “But thank you.” I hung up, sure that my husband would be getting an earful later.

  “Well?” Izzie asked, as Marcus approached us.

  “He’s fine. Seems Bo is on some sort of assignment. Sorry.”

  “Well, he’s not so bad. If you can overlook the fact that he looks like he’s itching to beat the crap out of someone.” Izzie giggled as we settled into the back seat. “Sort of reminds you of a Rambo movie, doesn’t he?”

  “Now that you mention it.” I chuckled.

  As the Bentley made its way through the clogged Washington streets, I pointed out various buildings and points of interest to Izzie. I tried to lighten my mood, but I was still reeling in shock from Izzie’s announcement.

  Pulling up in front of the building that housed Apolo’s senate office, I shook off any feelings of anxiety I might be harboring. This was our weekend, our girls weekend. For the most part.

  “Wow,” I heard Izzie exclaim as we exited the car. “I would have thought his office would be in one of those old buildings. This one’s fairly new.”

  “Yes, well, Apolo’s a new senator, and you know how the game is played, Iz. He’s starting out at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak.”

  “And we both know Apolo does not like being at the bottom.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” I quipped. “I seem to recall when he’s quite enjoyed it.”

  Izzie, getting my meaning, burst out laughing. Glancing at her, I noted she was fifty shades of red. I’d managed to embarrass the unflappable, tough Isabelle. “Is that all the two of you do when you’re alone?”

  “No, not always. But as often as we can,” I replied. “Back to the building. This one’s probably nicer, anyway. More modern and the offices are pretty big. All his staff can work out of here. At least right now.” Marcus was standing next to the car. I turned to face him. “We’re going up to my husband’s offices. Are you coming with us, or do I need to let you know when we’re leaving?” Gosh, I shouldn’t be a smart ass, but I was entitled.

  “I’ll be right here, ma’am.”

  “Right then. We shouldn’t be too long. I doubt the senator is there, and I don’t want to keep the staff from their jobs.”

  We walked up to the front door. There was a definite chill in the air. Time to haul out the winter stuff. We signed in and put on our visitors badges. Catching the elevator, we stood in the crowded compartment until we reached the third floor.

  Renee greeted us as we walked inside. “Izzie, it’s so good to see you. Out sightseeing, you two?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “I thought Izzie would like to see where Apolo’s nerve center is now before we went and did the regular tourist thing.”

  “Regular tourist thing.” I heard his voice boom as he stepped through his private office door. “I’ve never known you to do anything that’s regular, darling.”

  I heard Izzie snicker, as though she thought she’d picked up on some hidden mode of communication between Apolo and me. “Well, we thought we’d start here. Then, the capital building for today.”

  “Would you care for a private tour of the senate floor, Izzie?” Apolo asked.

  “That would be awesome. But only if it’s no trouble. I don’t want to take you away from anything important, like how much to charge some unsuspecting contractor for a toilet seat.”

  Apolo shook his head, laughing. “No, you aren’t. We don’t meet until later this afternoon. I have about an hour and some change I can spare you. Then, I have a conference about said toilet seat, Izzie.”

  “See,” Izzie said, turning to me. “I knew there was a reason I liked this dude. His wicked sense of humor.”

  “Oh, you’ve only seen the surface, Izzie.”

  “If we leave now, ladies, I can give you the dime tour, plus take the two of you to lunch in the dining hall.”

  “I’m game, if Caitlyn is,” Izzie replied. “Oh, and by the way, Apolo, stop messing with my man candy. You just had to have Jacob send Bo on assignment? Really? For what?”

  Apolo glanced over at me then Izzie, the grin gone from his handsome face.

  * * * *


  My god, what is wrong with me? Caitlyn and Izzie come to visit my senate office. I give them a tour of the floor, take them to lunch, and all I can think of every time I glance at my goddess is fucking her again. Just remembering our marathon session last night makes me hard for her again.

  “Christ, Caiti. I’ve been fanaticizing about you all day.”

  “Really?” she teased. “In which position?”

  “All of them,” I growled. “As long as I can be deep inside that tight little cunt of yours, it doesn’t matter. All I want to
do is fuck you, baby.”

  “Then, we’d better continue on to the bedroom.”

  “Done.” I sealed my mouth over hers one more time, groping that fine ass with one hand as I did. It was a commanding, take charge kiss. “Come, before I fuck you right here on the floor.” I could have done it, too. That’s how turned on and hard I was for this woman.

  Quietly, I unzipped her pants and pulled them over her hips. Her beige lace thong followed, then her blouse, and finally, bra. She stood before me in nothing but her heels.

  I led her over to the bed as she watched me take off my clothes, our eyes locked. Then, I was on her. We rolled across the mattress as she touched me everywhere. It sent a charge through me, the likes of which I’d never felt. I could come simply from her touch.

  “I can’t get enough of you,” I whispered, my lips moving across her face. I kissed her deeply. Everything about her turned me on. “I’ve never wanted a woman like I do you.”

  “Then, fuck me, Apolo.”

  “Not yet. You’re not ready.” Licking and nibbling, I slid down to her breasts. Suckling on one, I plumped and played with the other. Reversing the process, I caught Caitlyn moaning.

  A shiver moved through her as I continued my trek and buried my face in between her legs. I growled faintly and went for the soft flesh. My tongue pushed into her, causing my goddess to almost come undone. Her hips rocked, wanting more. I rewarded her with one final, hard lick then sucked her nub.

  The orgasm shook through her as I thrust my tongue inside her cunt. I groaned against her swollen clit as she rode wave after wave of her climax. She thrashed against me as I thrust fingers in her, massaging a tender spot her, making her come again.

  In a second, I was over her, stretched on top, tucking her into me. Her face was full of lust, eyes darkened and dilated.

  I waited in anticipation then rammed into her. She gasped. The connection between us was intense. I was balls-deep inside my sweet Caitlyn.

  She clenched around me. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard.”

  Her hips ground against mine as we established our rhythm. Moving my hands under her ass, I pulled her tighter against me as I started fucking her. Pleasure soared through me again.


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