Undercover with the SEAL: Norse Security Book Two

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Undercover with the SEAL: Norse Security Book Two Page 3

by North, Leslie

  “Of course I know who he is,” she whispered as they finally reached the doors and pushed out into the cool night air. The perspiration on Hunter’s skin chilled and made him shiver slightly. Alex kept a firm grip on his arm as she signaled the valet to have their limo pulled around. At least the maddening crowds had dissipated now, and things were calm and quiet once more. Well, as calm and quiet as you could get for downtown L.A. Car horns bellowed, tourists gawked and took pictures, and not one star was visible in the black velvet sky. Alex sighed. “I also know that Beatrix texted him shortly before she disappeared. I want to see if I can find the location that message came from.”

  “So you stole his phone.”

  “Borrowed it. I’ll have it sent back to him when I’m done. I’ll tell him I found it on the floor or something.” She gave him a side glance, her lips tight. “Since when did you become such a stick in the mud?”

  “Since forever.” He scowled. “Rules are there for a reason. Instead of committing a crime, why didn’t you ask him if you could see the phone, huh? Oh, wait. Maybe this is another part of your method acting. Trying out for a part as a petty thief next week?”

  Alex gave him a decidedly unladylike finger gesture then stepped forward as the driver came around and opened the limo door for her. “For your information, he wouldn’t have told me.”

  “Why’s that?” Hunter asked, climbing into the back of the luxury car with her, his large form sinking into the buttery soft leather.

  Alex waited until they’d pulled away from the curb and were merging into busy nighttime traffic on Sunset Boulevard before answering. “Because he’d never want his wife to know he goes to a sex club for kicks, that’s why.”


  “What do you think?” Alexandra asked, coming out of her bedroom in full costume. She’d chosen a slick new black designer cat suit and a brunette wig for the night’s adventures—namely visiting Club Xcite for herself to see if she could get the lowdown on what had happened to Beatrix. Especially since her hired muscle seemed perfectly content to sit around and fiddle on his computer all night. She slid her oversized sunglasses into place and walked over to slam his laptop shut. “Hello?”

  Hunter looked up slowly, as if paying attention to her was beyond tedious. “I was working.”

  “Yeah? That’s funny, because last time I checked I’m not paying you and your firm to play video games. How do you like my disguise?”

  “First, I was not playing.” His voice held a note of tension as did the faint lines at the corners of his eyes. “I was gathering information from the FBI database on missing persons in the area to see if anyone else fit Beatrix’s MO. And second.” He paused to give her a slow once over. Her pulse raced a bit faster despite her wishes to the contrary. This man worked for her, was here to help find her best friend, not end up in her bed. Once his gaze settled on hers again, her skin prickled with heat. “And remind me again what you need a disguise for? Nice hair, by the way. Most natural blondes couldn’t pull off going that dark, but it suits you.”

  “Thanks.” She tossed a long swath of fake hair over her shoulder then turned to grab her purse. “Since one of us needs to be actively looking for my friend, I’m going to the sex club to see what I can find out about Bea’s disappearance.”


  Alex turned back to face him, her nose scrunched. “What do you mean no?”

  “You’re not going to that club. It’s too dangerous.” Hunter stood in front of her, arms crossed like a veritable wall of nope.

  “Since you’re not doing anything to find my friend, I figured one of us should.” She gave him an impassive stare. “Besides, it’s too late. I’ve already set up a meeting with a known member of the trafficking ring Bea and I were trying to infiltrate. He’s expecting me.”

  A flash of something—anger, fear, desire—flickered across Hunter’s eyes before he hid it behind a staunch expression of annoyance. “Cancel it. And I am doing something. I’m filling in the holes in your research so we can go at this problem with a clear picture of what we’re dealing with. Security is my job. Let me do it.”

  She snorted. “Security is my job? That’s the worst line I’ve ever heard. And for your information there are no holes in my research. No one knows the details of what we’re dealing with better than me.”

  “You’re not going anywhere tonight, Alexandra.”

  “Like hell I’m not.” She started around him only to have him grab her wrist and haul her back around to face him. His grip was firm yet gentle, just like the rest of him. Not that she was paying attention. “Let me go.”


  “We’re back to that again?”

  He pulled her closer, the heat of him penetrating through her cat suit and the scent of skin—spicy aftershave and soap—surrounded her. “You have no idea how important this job is to me. If I can find your friend and complete this mission, I can finally get the promotion I’ve wanted. I will do everything in my power to find Beatrix. I promise. But you need to let me do it my own way. Please?”

  The last word took her by surprise. In show business, she was unfortunately used to men forcing their own way. This guy though, he never used his size to push his advantage, at least not that she’d seen. In fact, he almost seemed to want to shrink in on himself in public, hunching his shoulders slightly to make himself look smaller. Odd for an ex-military guy. It was just one of the things about Hunter Odenson that was unexpected and made her even more intrigued.

  Alex cleared her throat and shook off his touch, stepping back from him to put some distance between them. “Fine. But I’m not cancelling this meeting tonight. It was too hard to get in the first place and if I don’t show up the guy might not see me again. I think he might know where Bea is and I can’t risk losing the information.”

  “I’ll go in your place,” Hunter said, leaning his hips back against the table. He’d shed his tux jacket and shoes and had undone the top couple buttons of his white shirt, exposing a tantalizing glimpse of smooth tanned flesh beneath. She had the crazy urge to run her tongue along the side of his throat, to taste the salt of his skin, to see if he was as scrumptious as he looked.

  She shook her head to clear it. “No. You don’t think they’d have questions when a guy shows up in my place?”

  “But you’re wearing a disguise.”

  “Yes, but I still have these.” She cupped her breasts then instantly regretted it as his eyes dropped to her chest, masculine heat flaring in their gray depths. All at once her blood sizzled and molten desire pooled low and hot in her belly. This was so not good. Alex crossed her arms over her chest, hoping to hide her now-stiff nipples. “I mean, I’m still a woman. He’ll talk to me. You? Not so much.”

  “Then I’m coming with you.” He pushed away from the table and headed for where his tux jacket and shoes were sitting over by the sofa. “No way I’m letting you out of my sight in that place. We can stop by my hotel on the way to the club so I can change too.”

  Not exactly the way she’d planned things to go down, but they were wasting time arguing and she was tired. “Fine. But you’re only my pretend bodyguard, remember?”

  He grinned and her toes might’ve curled just a little inside her black patent leather boots. Damn. Did the man have to be so sexy all the time? He opened the door, then shrugged. “Consider it my own form of method acting.”


  “You want me to what?” Hunter asked, giving Alexandra a dubious stare from the backseat of the limo they were riding in to the club. Playing her bodyguard on this case was one thing. Playing a docile submissive to her whip-carrying dominatrix character was quite another. Not that Hunter didn’t enjoy a bit of kink in his bed play to spice things up, but he was used to being in the command position.

  “You heard me,” Alex said, tapping the handle of her purple leather whip against her palm. “It’s the only way this is going to work.”

  The longer he sat there, the more this whole idea of attendi
ng this meeting at Club Xcite seemed like an awful idea. “I don’t think so.”

  He faced forward and crossed his arms, staring out the tinted window beside him at the passing lights and scenery. Loki would be having conniptions right about now. Yeah, he was always pushing Hunter to move out of his controlling comfort zones and learn to plan strategically on the fly, but seriously. This could not be what he had in mind. Could it?

  “Look, these people know me as someone else, not Alexandra Valentine. They expect me to be a strong, powerful woman.” Alex flipped the long dark hair of her wig over her shoulder to reveal a steel studded dog collar that hadn’t been there when they’d left his hotel room. She must’ve pulled it out of her purse and put it on when he wasn’t looking. “If I go in there and act different than I usually do, they’ll suspect something. If we want to stay safe, you need to follow my lead.” She tossed something onto his lap with a grin. “Or leash.”

  Oh. Hell. No.

  “Forget it.” He shoved the braided black leather leash and collar away like it was toxic sludge. “This is ridiculous. You shouldn’t even be going inside that place. When we get there, you stay in the car and I’ll go inside and meet this guy. End of story.”

  She snorted. “I can tell you exactly how that would turn out.”

  “Me too. I find out what we need to know about your friend’s disappearance and you stay out of trouble. Sounds perfect to me.”

  “No. You won’t even make it past the bouncers at the door. Please listen to me.” Alex leaned toward him, enough to give him a nice view right down the front of the open, unzipped front of her cat suit. Through the shadows he glimpsed creamy skin and scarlet lace and an unwanted flick of fire seared through his veins. He swallowed hard and stared down at his hands clenched tight on the seat on either side of his jeans-clad legs. “Bea and I spent months developing these contacts. These people trust me, as much as they trust anyone. Bea’s life is on the line here. Please don’t make this any harder than it already is, okay?”

  The word “harder” made his cock twitch against his consent. Hunter growled and shook his head. “There need to be rules, contingency plans in case something goes wrong. We haven’t had time to establish any of that. We’re attacking this problem blind and that goes against all my training.”

  The limo stopped near the curb outside a non-descript looking brick building in what appeared to be a warehouse industrial district. A perfect location for discretion or acts of the nefarious variety. Hunter’s growing unease burst into full-blown paranoia. On the pavement outside loitered what looked like an assortment of drug dealers, pimps, and mob thugs, with the occasional hooker thrown in.

  “No way. We’re not doing this tonight. You call your contact back and tell him something came up. We’ll meet with him later. Driver—”

  “No.” Alex’s commanding tone cut through the tension in the car like a scalpel.

  Shock, more than anything else, shut Hunter up. He glanced back at her over his shoulder. “Excuse me?”

  “I said no.” She gave him a hard stare. There went that tap-tap of the whip again and damn if he didn’t feel those soft, muffled hits straight in his groin. His traitorous cock was now at half-staff and Hunter felt more confused than ever. This was not him, not who he was. He was a leader, the guy everyone else looked to in tough situations. Yet this petite blonde, with her tantalizing curves and diamond-bright eyes, had him pounding with want and desperate to do her bidding with just a sharp word. Perhaps there was more to this method acting than he’d given her credit for. “Now open the goddamned door and get out of the car before I make you get out.”

  From the determined set of her soft pink lips and the glint of power in her gaze, Hunter had no doubt she’d make good on her promise. His pulse kicked up a notch, whether from adrenaline or desire, he wasn’t sure. But he found himself reaching for the door handle and opening it, climbing out onto the pavement then reaching back inside to help Alex out.

  Hell, he even stood still and bent a little to make it easier for her to fasten that damned collar and leash around his neck. What the absolute fuck was happening to him?

  “Come,” she said, walking several steps ahead of him toward the club, leading him around like the dog he now felt like. Thank God Loki and Camden weren’t around to see his humiliation. He’d never hear the end of it. Even so, there was something about surrendering his will, about letting her take charge of him, about allowing her—trusting her—to take care of him, that was infinitely seductive. And infinitely exciting. He was hard as a rock now, had been from the minute she’d put the leash on him, and he’d damned near embarrassed himself when she’d said the word come.

  They stopped at a black painted door and Alex looked up confidently at the hulking bouncer standing guard at the entrance. “Hello, Tim.”

  “Mistress,” the guy said, bowing his head slightly.

  Hunter raised a brow, but otherwise didn’t comment.

  “We’re here for a meeting with Louis.”

  “Yes, mistress. Go on through.” The guard eyed Hunter warily as he passed through the door behind Alex, but he didn’t try to stop him. Huh. Maybe Alex did have a special touch around here. Her “touch” certainly seemed to be working on him anyway.

  On the surface, the interior of Club Xcite was pretty much like any other nightclub Hunter had been in back in Virginia where he lived—black walls, black furniture, black floors to hide the dirt. Alternating strobe lights and disco balls hanging from the ceiling lit the space in a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors and alcohol flowed freely. Electronic dance music throbbed through the overhead sound system and the air smelled of warm bodies, piped in air freshener, and certain illicit substances.

  “This way,” Alex said, leading him through the melee of people toward a set of red-painted doors set in the back wall of the club. Hunter guessed that one of them led to the secret “party” rooms in the back, where VIPs gathered for fun and festivities. Or, in the case of this place, quickie sex and illegal shenanigans. The other door, though, he wasn’t so sure about. Could be a second entrance to the back, he supposed. But that didn’t make much sense. It was harder to keep track of two doors instead of one and control the flow of people in and out. If this club was a front for a sex trafficking ring, as Alex had said and the evidence suggested, then those in charge would want to keep as much control as possible. Which meant that second door wasn’t an entrance to a brothel. More likely it led to the offices of the manager then.

  They stopped outside the door on the right and Alex spoke to another beefy guard stationed there. It took all of Hunter’s willpower to remain docile and silent while she flirted her way into the room. His SEAL-trained instincts demanded he take charge, command this mission, put himself between Alex and whatever danger lay beyond that door. But given the malevolent looks the guard was giving him at that point, unless he also wanted a hard punch to the face, he’d best do as Alex told him to do and bide his time.

  Soon, the guard bowed slightly and waved them through the door, his gaze locked on Alex’s swaying hips as she walked into the office with Hunter following obediently behind her. The room was surprisingly well-lit and tidy, compared to the chaos in the club beyond. A portly bald guy with beady black eyes and tattoos clawing up his neck watched them from behind a desk. Still more guards flanked him on each side, dressed in leather and sunglasses, despite the late hour.

  “Mistress Alex,” the man said, his gaze running over her lasciviously. “To what do I owe the honor?”

  “I’m here to discuss a deal with you,” she said. “One that could be mutually beneficial.”

  “The only deal I’m willing to make is the one that lets me fuck your brains out right here on this desk, you bitch,” the fat guy snarled. “How dare you invade my personal space like this without an invitation?”

  Hunter started to respond, but Alex yanked hard on his leash, choking him and causing him to stumble, off balance as he coughed and hacked, Hunter crashed to h
is knees near her stiletto booted feet. Mortified, he caught his breath as all eyes in the room landed on him.

  Good thing the other guys weren’t here. He’d never hear the end of this shit.

  Alex stared down at him with a harsh glare. “So hard to find good slaves these days.”

  He wanted to tell her exactly where she could shove her comment, but the mission was too important to risk. Hunter kept quiet through sheer force of will, staring up at her with warning in his eyes. When they got out of here, there was going to be hell to pay.

  “Which is what I wanted to talk to you about, sir,” Alex said, continuing. She perched on the seat of a leather wing chair in front of the desk and tightened her grip on Hunter’s leash, keeping him on his knees. “I crave fresh blood.”

  “And I crave my face buried between your thighs,” the guy said.

  Just like that, Alex cracked her whip hard across the desk, the tail snapping through the air with precision, flicking the end of the guy’s nose. Seconds later a trickle of red blossomed on his ruddy skin. Wherever the hell she’d learned to do that, even Hunter had to admit it was pretty fucking impressive.

  The guards went to pull their weapons and Alex used her whip again, this time to disarm them and leave them gaping at her, astonished. The fat man blustered in his seat, dabbing the end of his nose with a tissue. “What the fuck is wrong with you? What do you want?”

  “Slaves.” One of the guards moved to grab his weapon from the floor where it had fallen and Alex stretched her whip tight between her hands with deadly promise. “Try it and you’ll regret it.”

  Hunter reconsidered his opinion that she needed his bodyguard skills. Honestly, any woman who could wield a whip like that could take care of herself and any problems that came her way. Despite the situation, he felt his body responding to her confident authority again. Damn. He’d always been a sucker for strong women.

  “What the fuck makes you think I know where to get you slaves?” the club manager asked, his words somewhat muffled behind the tissue blotting his nose.


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