Undercover with the SEAL: Norse Security Book Two

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Undercover with the SEAL: Norse Security Book Two Page 10

by North, Leslie

  During the pandemonium, shots rang out and the four women still chained together huddled on the floor for survival. Alex rushed over to them, shoving through a crowd of flailing people to reach Bea, who was staring wide-eyed as Hunter bashed the sex boss’s face in with his fists.

  “Bea!” Alex dropped to her knees and pulled her best friend in for a tight hug. At first, Bea resisted and it took a minute for Alex to remember her disguise. “It’s me. It’s Alex!” She pulled off the wig. “I’m so sorry about what happened. If I’d had any idea you’d get taken I never would’ve let you come here that night alone.”

  “Lex?” Bea blinked several times before collapsing against her, head on Alex’s shoulder. “Oh my God. I was afraid I’d never see you again.”

  “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” Alex pulled back slightly to cup Bea’s cheeks. “Did they—” She couldn’t bring herself to say the word rape. Bea shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. “No. They wanted to save me for the Asian guy. If you hadn’t brought in the cavalry when you did, I don’t… I don’t…”

  She dissolved into sobs and Alex held her while she cried. Around them the action began to die down as Hunter and his team got control of the situation. The few patrons involved in the sex boss’s scheme were arrested as was the Asian dude. The sex boss was down for the count, his face bruised and battered as he sprawled on the sticky club floor. Hunter straightened and looked around, his expression desperate. “Alex! Alex, where are you?”

  “Here,” she said. “Right here beside you.”

  The emotion on Hunter’s face quickly morphed from concern to relief as his gaze flicked from Bea to Alex then back again. He slipped his arms around both of them and squeezed. “Is she okay?”

  “As well as can be expected under the circumstances.” Alex rested her head on his chest, taking comfort in his heat and scent. “She should probably still be checked at the ER to be sure.”

  “Yep.” Hunter gave Alex a quick kiss then released her. Pushing to his feet as the sound of sirens wailing filtered in from outside, Hunter began commanding his team like the true leader he was. Alex couldn’t have been prouder. He was going to get that promotion he wanted so badly. No doubt in her mind. And even if it meant he’d leave her behind and head back to the east coast, she was happy for him. Sure, her heart would be broken. She loved Hunter. But she also loved him enough to let him go, if that was truly what he wanted.

  Alex struggled to her feet then helped Bea up. They stood off to the side while the cops came in and took over the scene. One of the officers took Bea’s statement and offered her a blanket. Alex stayed by her side, watching Hunter expertly work the room. After Bea had answered all the police’s questions, they loaded her in an ambulance, along with the other women to take them to the hospital for treatment. Alex told her friend she’d meet her there.

  First, she had to say goodbye.

  Alone at last, she and Hunter walked to the door of the club together.

  “Well, I, uh. I guess this is it then, huh?” Alex tucked a stray lank of her blond hair behind her ear. “Case closed. Mission complete. Sayonara, sweetheart. Hasta la—”

  Hunter put a finger to her lips, silencing her. “I don’t want to leave you, Alex. I know it sounds crazy and I know things could never work out between us, but I care for you more than I ever thought possible in just these few short days. I wish there was a way we could stay together, get to know each other even more.”

  Alex’s pulse raced at his words. “You care for me?”

  Hunter nodded. “So much I ache.”

  “Oh, my.” Laughter bubbled up within her before she could stop it.

  “What’s so funny?” He frowned.

  “Not funny.” She bit back her giggles. “Joy. I care for you too, Hunter. In fact, I love you. I don’t want to leave you either.” Alex flung herself into his arms and held on tight. “And if you really want to be with me, we’ll find a way. I promise.”

  “We will?” He picked her up and kissed her hard. “Yes. I want to be with you. I want to give this thing between us a shot. But how can we if I’m working in Virginia and you’re starring in movies out here? I won’t have you give up your career for me. You’re too talented.”

  “Who said anything about giving up my career?” Alex squeezed him tighter. “More like branching out, trying new things.”

  “Branching out how?”

  She pulled back and grinned. “You’ll see.”

  “That sounds like trouble to me.” Hunter kissed her again. “And in case you were wondering, I love you too, Alexandra Valentine.”

  “I thought you said you only cared for me.” She narrowed her gaze on him. “Have a sudden revelation of the heart, did you?”

  “I’ve had nothing but since I started working with you. You’re funny, smart, kind, generous, loving—”

  This time it was Alex cutting him off. “You think I’m smart?”


  “Whelp, now I love you even more.” She kissed him again deeply then slid down to her feet once more. “Now, let’s get to the hospital and check on Bea. Afterward, we’ve got a future to plan.”


  Six months later

  “Cut!” the stage director yelled from the wings, and Hunter looked up from his phone. “Okay. Let’s break for lunch, people. We’ll continue rehearsals at two.”

  Finally. His stomach growled as he finished thumbing in his text to his second-in-command at the agency, then shut off his phone and stowed it in his pocket as Alex approached up the aisle from the stage.

  “Hey, sweetie.” She bent down and kissed him on the lips. “Ready to eat?”

  “When am I not ready to eat?” He grinned and stood, taking her hand as they walked through the lobby of the historic Broadway theater. Turned out Alex had been right. She did have new things to explore on her career path. Like working in plays in New York City. It was still a couple hours away from Virginia, but way closer than L.A. And it gave them the opportunity to spend time together, which these days was not as often as he’d like.

  They walked outside into the bright spring sunshine and headed toward the deli on the corner. Hunter loved their corned beef while Alex was a diehard pastrami fan.

  “How’s the case going at the office?” she asked, slipping her sunglasses on as they weaved down the busy sidewalk, dodging tourists and other pedestrians as they went. “The human trafficking trial is coming up next month, right? They still want me to testify, yes?”

  “Yes.” He held the door for her then followed Alex inside the busy restaurant. The smells of fresh baked bread and smoked meats slapped him in the face and made his stomach growl louder. The guys behind the counter were shouting orders to each other and the customers were angling for any free tables in the joint. He cocked his head toward the dining area. “Why don’t you get us a table, baby? You want your regular?”

  “Yep. Thanks.” Alex sped off toward a newly opened table for two near the windows, flashing her trademark winning smile at a man who had also made a beeline to claim it. Hunter chuckled as the guy blinked then graciously bowed before walking away. Hunter knew how that guy felt. He’d been thoroughly dazzled by Alex himself. So much so that things had gotten way more serious way faster than he’d ever expected. Serious to the point that—

  “Next?” the guy behind the counter yelled, waving Hunter up to the register. “What can I get you, pal?”

  Hunter rattled off their order then stepped down the line to pay and wait for pick up. He patted his jeans pocket while he waited, feeling the small lump there. This wasn’t exactly the fairy tale location he’d planned for popping the big question, but sometimes you had to think on your feet. A lesson he’d learned all too well out in L.A. He’d gone in there, a solid plan in place. Then Alex had come along and blown all his ordered, neat ideas clear out of the water. And he loved her more each day for that.

  Loki had even complimented him on his ability to improvise under str
ess when he’d given him the promotion at the agency. Things had worked out fine in the end, even if they were different than he’d expected.

  He grabbed the brown paper bag of food when his name was called then made his way over to the table where Alex sat, looking beautiful as always. New York life agreed with her. Her hair was straight and pulled back into a simple ponytail. She had on minimal makeup and just a plain white T-shirt and jeans, yet Hunter didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so exquisite in his life.

  He took the seat across from her while she dished out their food. “Rehearsals going okay?”

  “Yep,” she said as she unwrapped her sandwich. “I thought Bea might have a hard time with the material, seeing as how it’s based on what we went through at that sex club, but I think it’s actually been good for her. Cathartic.”

  “Must be all that Method acting, huh?” Hunter winked as he bit into his corned beef.

  “Must be.” Alex wiped her mouth. “Word has it there’s already Tony buzz for her role in the play even though it hasn’t even opened yet. I pray that’s true. No one deserves that award more than Bea.”

  Hunter swallowed his bite of sandwich then took a sip of his iced tea. “No one but maybe you. You went through a lot too, to get her back safely.”

  “I already got my reward.” Alex reached over and laced her fingers with Hunter’s, her smile full of so much love it made his chest hurt. “I’m so happy.”

  “Me too, baby. Me too.” He took a deep breath then reached into his pocket to pull out a small black velvet box. “And I want to continue being happy forever after.” Hunter opened the box and set the sparkling diamond solitaire engagement ring on the table in front of Alex. “Will you marry me, baby?”

  Her gorgeous eyes widened and Alex blinked several times at the ring, her gaze darting back and forth between it and him. “W-what is this? W-what’s happening here?”

  Their conversation had drawn the attention of several tables around them and soon quiet settled over their little corner of the diner. Hunter cleared his throat and brought Alex’s hand to his mouth to kiss her fingers. “I love you, Alex, and I’m asking you to be my wife.”

  “Oh, God.” Tears slipped down her cheeks and she gave him a watery smile. “Yes! Yes, Hunter Odenson, I love you and I would love to be your wife!”

  He was pretty sure the cheers inside the diner could be heard all the way in Virginia.

  Hunter stood and pulled Alex from her seat, slipping his ring on her finger before tugging her closer for a passionate kiss—which drew more cheers and whistles from the crowd.

  “Best lunch ever, baby,” he whispered near her ear once their kiss ended.

  Alex held him close and giggled. “Best life ever, sweetheart.”

  End of Undercover with the SEAL

  Ride with the SEAL, July 19 2018

  Undercover with the SEAL, July 26 2018

  Battle with the SEAL, August 2 2018

  PS: Do you love handsome, strong SEALS? Then keep reading for exclusive extracts from Battle with the SEAL and In Safe Hands.

  Thank you!

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  About Leslie

  Leslie North is the USA Today Bestselling pen name for a critically-acclaimed author of women's contemporary romance and fiction. The anonymity gives her the perfect opportunity to paint with her full artistic palette, especially in the romance and erotic fantasy genres.

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  PS: Want sneak peeks, giveaways, ARC offers, fun extras and plenty of pictures of bad boys? Join my Facebook group, Leslie’s Lovelies!


  Loki is the type of man who can blend into any situation—the party boy, the wallflower, or the man who slips into the back room and steals information -- whatever is needed of him as a spy. Now, with his Wounded Warrior fund on the line, he’s been given a job that could save it: ferreting out a mole. But instead of a mole, he finds his perfect female counterpart: another spy on the trail. And she’s working against him.

  Mirabelle, “M”, is a master of disguise. A shake of her hair, a swipe of her lipstick and she can change from a secretary to a sex kitten. It’s a talent that comes in handy in her line of work as an agent. Plugging the leaker in a data breach could finally gain her the momentum she needs to advance her career. That is until she discovers a sexy spy working against her -- making her question everything she thought she knew.

  When M and Loki’s paths collide it’s only a split second gut check that sends them running for cover together rather than ripping each other apart. There’s more to their leaker than either of their clients are telling them, and the two top spies agree to band together. For now. Deep undercover and with ever-shifting personalities and priorities, M and Loki find themselves clinging to what they know: each other. What ensues is a battle of operatives as they reluctantly join forces to figure out who the mole is, all while trying to ignore an attraction that feels so very, very right.

  Grab your copy of Battle with the SEAL

  Available August 2 2018


  * * *


  Wandering around a cheesy, tourist-ridden airshow in the Midwestern United States wasn’t exactly Kevin “Loki” Low’s idea of a good time. Not that he didn’t enjoy huge plastic cups filled with too-sweet lemonade and absurdly awful fanny packs cinched tightly around too-plump waists as much as the next person. Honestly, he deserved a medal for the things he did to keep his company, Norse Security, afloat.

  Too bad he didn’t have a little vodka to spice up his lemonade. Then again, the type of guy who hung out at airshows like this probably didn’t know vodka from moonshine, so he supposed it was all part of his cover. And cover was his specialty. Any time, any place, any persona—he could do them all. Blending was his talent. In fact, it was how he’d gotten his nickname—after the Norse god of trickery and deception. No one was better at that than him.

  Still, he wished one day he’d get to pretend to be a rich dude instead of a redneck.

  With a sigh, he peered around the end of the food truck he was standing behind, the smell of deep fried meat and popped corn tickling his nose, and stared across the busy walkway at the woman he’d come here to track. Known only as M, her real name was so far under wraps even Loki with all his resources hadn’t been able to discover it. He had, however, been able to locate several pictures of her on the Internet, always with the same short pixie haircut—though the color changed often—and always with those same killer curves. Today, she was wearing a bright pink tank top to match her hair and a pair of denim shorts that should have been illegal in all fifty states.

  He shook off his inappropriate thoughts about what he’d like to do if he ever got her out of said shorts and instead concentrated on his mission. Loki was here because his company had been hired by a private contractor client with a major weapons deal about to go down in the United States. This client suspected a mole within their ranks, a spy who could ruin everything if the culprit wasn’t rooted out and taken down. If successful, the commission on this job could single-handedly fill the dwindling coffers of Norse Security and put them back on solid financial ground. Their last couple of ops had gone less than stellar—Cam and his bungled car and tech retrieval mission and, most recently, Hunter and his run-in with a sex trafficking ring in L.A. Although both guys had ultimately completed the jobs assigned to them, and found the loves of their lives along the way, none of it had been cheap. Loki, being the boss of it all, was left with a mess to clean up, money-wise. So wrapping up this job cleanly, smoothly, and quickly was of the upmost importance. And after
weeks of painstaking research and monitoring, Loki believed that said mole was standing right across the walkway from him now.

  Loki’s fingers twitched at his side as he considered just pulling his gun right now and marching over to the booth where M appeared to be admiring a pair of rhinestone-encrusted sneakers, and taking her into custody. Then she turned and looked straight at him, her gaze cool and calculating as she lifted the hem of her tank top to reveal a gun of her own.

  Well, fuck.

  So much for this mission being over without a snag.

  There were too many people around for him to risk a firefight here. There’d be way too much collateral damage. Instead, he tossed his Big Gulp in the nearest trash can before making a beeline toward her across the walkway. Surprisingly, she didn’t bolt as he’d expected.

  Instead, M grabbed his hand and pulled the shocked Loki away, rushing through the crowds toward the less packed parking area. Once they were clear of onlookers, M stopped and turned to face him, her hand still poised over the butt of her pistol, just in case.

  “Why the hell are you following me?” she asked, her gaze narrowed.

  Loki’s mind immediately went on high alert. She’d asked him why he was following her, not who he was. Which meant she already knew. Apparently, she’d been studying him too, same as he’d done her. Two could play that game, so he shrugged. “Why are you following me?”

  Something whistled past his ear. At first, Loki thought it was just another bee or insect, but then he felt warmth trickle down his neck. He reached up and his fingers came away coated in warm sticky blood. Shit. He barely had enough time to take hold of M’s wrist and tug her down to the ground beside him before another bullet shattered the window of the minivan they were crouched next to.


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