Cruise, Samantha - Devil's Promise: The Garden [The Devil's Playground 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Cruise, Samantha - Devil's Promise: The Garden [The Devil's Playground 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Samantha Cruise

  If he managed to easily brush aside the obvious attraction between them, then she would as well. Never kissed by a man before, it was not as if she actually knew what she missed, and ravishment, who needed it? Her interest in sex was purely scientific. So what if Dr. Sin didn’t want to be her first? In a month’s time, men would pay highly for the privilege.

  In the most ladylike manner she could think of, she scooted butt first onto the padded table with her knees together.

  The black leather was cold, but far from cold enough to extinguish the inferno raging inside her. Unwilling to face him, she stared over his shoulder at a copy of his medical license hanging on the wall.

  “Lie back, please.”

  With her arms crossed over her stomach, she stretched out nude before him on the narrow table. She closed her eyes and tried to stiffen her body into an impenetrable cocoon.

  An eternity passed, or so it seemed. Still, he had not touched her. But she felt his eyes roam over every inch of her naked body. Her breasts grew heavy, and the ache between her legs intensified. The anticipation drove her mad, each breath a struggle in control.

  She gasped at the slight contact of his fingers on her wrist.

  “Does your pulse usually race so?” His voice was deep, low.

  Her eyes flew open to meet his. The darkened orbs softened to a deep blue gentleness that stole her breath. Dear Lord in heaven, Dr. Sin was having a most unusual effect on her. Then again, why wouldn’t a complete stranger granted acquiescence to her nakedness have an effect on her nerves? She replied, “Only in compromising situations.”

  He smiled down at her, reminding her of a mischievous little boy though the gleam in his eyes was that of a sensuous man with a disreputable soul.

  “Relax.” He reached across to place his hands on her shoulders. He seemed not to notice she flinched when his sleeve rasped against the knotted flesh of her areolas as his fingertips touched her neck. “I’m not the one who’ll be compromising you, Miss McKinley.”

  “You’re a man, Dr. Sinclair. Men are known for their base nature, lustful urges that blur their otherwise good judgment.” Her gaze dropped to the erection tenting his well-cut trousers, inches from her hand. Definitely aroused, it hadn’t just been her imagination. If she turned over her palm and moved her fingers a fraction, she could touch the mystifying appendage. The thought caused a sudden pool of moisture between her thighs.

  “While in the clinic, I’m a physician first, a man second.”

  She studied him. He didn’t appear the least bit embarrassed. In fact, he looked like a proud African elephant displaying his dominance with a raised trunk in an effort to find a mate. In the animal kingdom, she learned during her travels, elephants with the largest tusks bred most. Judging from what hid in his trousers, it was more than adequate to sire a sizable breed of offspring.

  “Remind yourself, Dr. Sinclair. The second man seems to have forgotten he’s at work today.” She heard him chuckle over another of her moans brought on by his fingers gliding up the pulsing column of her neck.

  “Ah, those baser instincts you spoke of. Do not let my present state alarm you. A man has little control over his body’s illicit response to stimuli. Ability to restrain our behavior is what separates us from animals. Trust me, Miss McKinley, your virtue is safe in my hands.”

  “It’s not your hands that worry me.” She closed her eyes to wallow in the feel of his soft hands on the sensitive skin of her throat. Oh, my, she could fall in love with such skilled hands.

  “Your pulse is racing, tension in your neck. May I listen to your heart?”

  “Ummm,” she moaned again.

  Without warning, his cheek suddenly touched her left breast.

  “Doctor!” Cassie exclaimed, shaken. Her chest bucked against him so hard he straightened, staring down at her with a censorious arch in a solitary brow.

  “Relax, Miss McKinley. I am a professional.” His voice was firm, more authoritative than before. “May I continue?”

  “You surprised me…that’s all. It won’t happen again. Please proceed.” Tied in knots, her empty stomach filled with warring butterflies. Thankfully, she had missed lunch, or it would be all over the floor by now. Senses heightened, she willed herself not to move.

  Once more, he pressed his right cheek over her left breast, his lips a mere fraction from her nipple. His breath warmed the troubled peak. “Inhale.”

  Her breasts swelled, her nipples tightened. She sucked air into her lungs and held it until he told her to exhale a moment later.

  He moved slightly. This time, his lips nearly touched the protruding tip. “Again.”

  As instructed, her lungs filled with a big gulp of air and held it. After what seemed like hours instead of seconds, a strange heat suffused her. She thought she was going to faint, blew the air from her lungs into his shiny, blond hair. If her eyes didn’t deceive her, the fine hairs on the back of his neck seemed to stand on end.

  “Once more,” he instructed, “just as before.”

  The drumming beat of her heart echoed in her ears. If he persisted, she would surely suffer a heart attack on his table. Out of rising agitation, she inhaled deeply, arching her back unconsciously. Her nipple bumped his bottom lip, giving her a shocking flurry deep in her most private parts. Afraid to move, she lay perfectly still.

  “Release, Miss McKinley.” Moist lips rasped against her nipple as he spoke. It made her bite her lip to stifle the shriek of delight caught in her throat.

  As he stood he met her gaze and held it. His blue eyes were inscrutable. “A strong heartbeat, surprisingly fast, though. Were you an anxious child growing up?”

  “Precocious, perhaps, but never anxious,” she admitted, more breathless than she wished.

  “Hmmmm. Let’s see if we can get you to relax before we continue. Shall we?” Instead of waiting for a reply, he began to gently massage the tendons along her throat, skillfully kneading the tension. The right amount of pressure to ease her head side to side.

  In no time at all, she shut her eyes and let him have his way.

  “Is there any history of heart ailments in your family?”

  “No,” she whispered. Her body grew hot from the blissful sensations that surged from her woozy head down to her tingling toes.


  “No,” she breathed in answer to his question, a glorious warmth gathering in her chest.

  If he asked additional questions, her brain was in no condition to comprehend, much less respond. Consumed by lust, her body wanted him before her mind realized it. Unsure how much time had passed, he spoke, disturbing her state of bliss.

  “Avoid falling asleep, Miss McKinley. I’ll not jeopardize my reputation due to a faulty memory.”

  “Uh hum,” she answered. Was Dr. Sin serious? As long as he continued, he would receive no further resistance. Whatever he was doing was beyond heavenly. Back home, the family physician prescribed a foul-tasting potion and sent her off to bed when she was ill.

  “For their size, your breasts are quite firm. Do you feel any pain?”

  Her eyes snapped open. When she looked down, it wasn’t the violent flush covering her throat, shoulders, and chest she noticed first. It was his hands on her breasts, long, thick fingers squeezing the twin mounds of flesh on top of her chest tenderly but firmly.

  Oh, heavens, it…it felt incredible. If she answered yes, would he stop, prescribe a remedy, and send her off? She didn’t want the exam to ever end. It seemed he didn’t either since he continued the enthralling caress while waiting for a reply.

  Her breathing grew heavier as she watched him cup her breasts together, his fingers molding her flesh almost possessively. His lips curled into a faint sneer as though aware he awakened a carnal desire unknown to her. Reluctantly, she shook her head and sadly watched his hands rise from her swollen mounds. Her body began to shiver as his fingers captured the once-rosy nipples that had somehow grown so incredibly solid and dark she hardly recognized them.<
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  “Any discharge?” he inquired, lightly pinching and rolling the distended peaks between his thumbs and fingers, sending a wicked thrill racing down her spine to the pulsing ache between her thighs.

  Slowly, she replied with a slight head shake.

  “Tell me if you feel any pain.” He tweaked and pulled and teased the plump beads of stone. When she didn’t respond, he increased the pressure, squeezed her nipples between his fingers until her tormented body quivered excitedly at the sharp bite of pain.

  She clamped down on a squeal at the shocking sensations. To prolong the marvel of the erotic flames devouring her body, she hesitated several heated moments before answering with another shake of her head.

  His hands skimmed over her torso, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Gently, he pushed down on the left side of her abdomen. “Do you ever feel discomfort here?”

  Her head rolled side to side.

  “Here?” He repeated the movement on the other side.

  In reply, she shook her head once more.

  His hands moved lower still, inching closer and closer to the apex between her thighs where a flood of moisture had permanently settled.

  “What about here?” His fingers slowly combed through the fine downy hair covering her mound until the tips of his fingers wedged between her tightly joined thighs.

  Her insides throbbed furiously, and a tremendous heat covered every inch of her tingling skin like a thick blanket. Stricken mute, no words formed when she opened her mouth to speak, only a contented moan escaped. Embarrassed, she shut her mouth. Dr. Sin had to have sensed the effect of his exam upon her body.

  He seemed to take her stifled moan as a cue to proceed, gently squeezing the intimate flesh with his palm. “Feel any tenderness, aches?”

  Good Lord, he had to be joking. Since she had climbed on the table, every inch of her body had become tender, sensitized to his touch. Still, she duplicated her response.

  “Very well, Miss McKinley.” He left to retrieve a notepad from a side table and started to scribble down notes.

  Thankful the exam was finally over, she took a deep breath of relief. Unable to move, she remained absolutely silent, wondering if her racing heart would ever return to normal or cease beating altogether.

  “It’s time for your vaginal examination. If you will, please bend your knees and part your legs,” he instructed while continuing to write busily upon his notepad.

  A tremor shook her. Dazed and frightened at her receptiveness thus far to his particular exam techniques, she was terrified of her reaction to further exploration.

  Without so much as a glance her way, he crossed the room to retrieve his stool.

  If she did what instructed, he’d learn she lacked experience in such delicate matters. His warm and pliant hands made her body burn and quake. Between her thighs was drenched with an unusual wetness. Was she sick, abnormal? Would he still give her what she sought?

  A need for truth put her in this bizarre quandary. She could hardly back down now. She glanced forlornly at the dressing screen. If only she could wrap the bottom half of her body with the robe left hanging in the back. Better yet, hide her reddened face in disgrace.

  “Come now, Miss McKinley,” he chided, glancing disapprovingly at her thighs, bound together with invisible rope. “Your cooperation is essential if we are to continue. Have you changed your mind?”

  “My mind remains unchanged.” She tried to sound emphatic, but even she recognized the trembling whisper for what it was.

  “Then I trust there is no need to remind you why you sought my services.”

  “No.” She bent her legs and dropped her knees slightly apart, a very suggestive posture, which unnerved her. Beyond uncomfortable, she stared at the ceiling and recited a silent prayer. She pleaded for a miracle that somehow he would fail to notice how much she yearned for his touch. His exam was the closest thing to sexual intimacy she had ever experienced. Come what may, she had to admit, part of her wanted the experience to continue, and another part, the more sensible Cassie, told her to make a mad dash for the door and never look back.

  Across the room, she heard him take a seat. The slight drag of wheels on the tile floor echoed in her ears as the chair rolled closer and closer. At the thought of those brilliant blue orbs studying her privates so intently, a new flood of fiery moisture leaked from her glands.

  “Before we begin, Miss McKinley, please slide down so your buttocks are on the edge of the table.” He snapped a footrest in place on each side at the end of the table. “Please place your feet here, Miss McKinley.”

  She bolted into a seated position, unconcerned that her breasts jutted out prominently toward his face, a sight he seemed to find amusing. “I swear if you call me Miss McKinley once more, you’ll have need of your own physician after I throttle you.” She waved a fist at him.

  He arched a brow.

  It irked her to no end the way he rolled “Miss McKinley” off his lips slow and deliberately, a constant reminder of her lack of marital status. After all, his privates were not out on display, at least not openly. Perhaps if his penis hung free, they would be on equal standing. A slight curl tilted her lips when she considered bringing up the naughty suggestion.

  It brought to mind when she had noticed the anatomical differences between her and her younger brothers while swimming. Much younger then but no less inquisitive, she went to her mother for answers. In short, her mother explained girls possessed a secret cave and boys had a wily serpent. A smart female barred the serpent entry into her cave until the nuptial chamber. Cassie was much smarter than most females.

  “That is your name, is it not?” he kindly inquired.

  Cassie seethed. “Yes!” Katherine McKinley was actually her late grandmother’s name—maiden name, to be exact. There was a very good reason for concealing her real identity. Dr. Sin needn’t know facts beyond medically necessary. Accustomed to getting what she wanted, she was willing to say or do anything to achieve her ultimate goal.

  “Which name do you prefer?”

  “Anything but that,” she muttered defiantly, thinking what a graphic sight she made seated naked in the middle of the table with her knees bent wide apart. She fought the urge to slam them together. He had seen all there was to see of her person. What else was there?

  An amused glimmer shone in his eyes. “Several names come to mind. However, you may find yourself opposed to what I’m thinking.”

  A short, tense laugh burst forth from deep in her chest, which seemed to surprise him even more. “I deserved that,” she conceded, relieved that the tension from a moment ago subsided somewhat. “Please, Dr. Sinclair, call me Katherine.”

  “Katherine, if it’s not too much trouble,” he said ever so sweetly.

  She smiled in return.

  “Move your bum toward the end of the table so we may get on with our lives in due course,” he ordered sternly.

  “Humph!” Her cheeks glowed hotter. Pulling her arms out from under her, her back landed on the padded table with a resounding plop. She wiggled her hips until there was nowhere else to go but smack-dab on the black-and-white-tiled floor. Her genitals were practically in his face. No one could remain unperturbed under these conditions. In a most unladylike manner, she plunked her feet on the footrests he snapped in place, opening her vagina indecently to his in-depth inspection.

  Her body stiffened noticeably when she felt his hand brush featherlight over the reddish fuzz covering her mound.

  She shut her eyes tightly when she felt a fingertip trace along her labia. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt him gently part the outer lips, opening the slick folds fully. Ever so slowly, he began to circle the quivering entrance to her body at a maddening, teasing pace.

  She gasped when the tip of his finger nudged at the tight hole.

  “Oh, no,” she shrieked, trembling at the single finger worming its way into the untried depths. Her inner muscles gripped the strange impalement, holding the very tip of h
is thick finger snugly in place.

  “Does that hurt?” The foreign invader stilled instantly. From between her parted thighs, his intense blue gaze met her hazy eyes, melting what remained of her once highly controlled resolve.

  Cassie shook her head, ashamed at the wanton lust swirling inside the waiting cuntlips of her womanly core. Unable to deny she desperately wanted him to go on, wanted more than anything to experience what lay ahead, she whispered, “Please…continue.”

  His moistened finger pressed its way inside her body, ripping a strangled moan from her throat. She squeezed her inner muscles greedily around the strange intruder. Hungry for more, she nearly cried out in protest when that thick, tantalizing finger halfway inside her body suddenly stopped. Its invasion hindered by the impeding barrier of her virginity.

  “You’re a virgin.” It was more a shocked statement than a question. He stared at her, seemed to be waiting for some sort of response.

  A strange need assailed her. She wanted him to…to…to do something. To put that strained serpent in his trousers inside her cave and…and…

  Then, as if he read her thoughts, he withdrew slightly then pushed his way up, through the tight, moist flesh, stretching the inner walls apart. He repeated the motion in a series of pumps, slow and steady, in and out of her innermost recess until his entire finger curled right up inside her body, making her squirm and writhe in blissful agony.

  She nearly screamed from the pleasure bombarding her senses. She could not prevent her hips from moving wildly against his hand any more than she could prevent the soft whimpers of unbearable yearning filling the medicinal, white room.

  “Your flesh is rather swollen, very crimson in color.” His voice was low, throaty. “Do you hear that, Katherine?” Each in and out movement made a vulgar, wet, slushy sound.

  In spite of her face burning even hotter, she didn’t want him to stop.

  “You’ve released a great deal of vaginal fluids. How do you feel?”

  Dear Lord, of all questions, why must it be that one? She tried to come up with an appropriate answer. Hot. Feverish.

  His long finger curled inside her, tickled the sensitive walls, causing her to sigh heavily and shut her eyes. “Do you feel an aching sensation?”


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