Survival Games

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Survival Games Page 22

by J. E. Taylor

  “You need to eat,” Ty said.

  “As much as I hate to admit it, he’s right,” Tom said and handed her his plate.

  “Enough!” She shoved the plate away. “If I don’t feel like eating, I don’t have to.” She stormed into the bathroom, sat on the floor and started rocking gently.

  * * * *

  Tom got up to follow and Ty scrambled to his feet, grabbing his arm. “She needs time to think.”

  “You don’t know what she needs!”

  Ty grabbed Tom by the throat and slammed him into the wall. He leaned his arm across Tom’s chest, holding him in place. “She needs to think,” he growled and leaned closer. “She needs to hate me, otherwise what my stepbrother will make her do will destroy her,” Ty said softly in Tom’s ear. “Do you understand?” He clenched his teeth, locking eyes with Tom, loosening his grip and stepping back. “Let her think.”

  Chapter 56

  Jessica continued rocking with her head on her knees. How could he? The thought kept echoing in her mind as the events of the previous day caught up with her. She wanted to hurt him, she wanted to hate him, but she couldn’t and the slow realization of why made her stop rocking. She leaned her head back against the wall.

  “Oh God,” she whispered. “Oh God.” Her breath hitched in and out of her chest and the tears came as the terrible truth hit.

  I love him, God help me, I’m in love with a killer.

  The dream resounded in her head, his beautiful blue bedroom eyes looking up at her as he held the engagement ring waiting for her to answer in the cold snowy yard. The impossibility of that ever happening brought a new bout of tears, blurring her eyes, stinging her throat and it wasn’t because he raped her, it wasn’t because he was a kidnapper, it wasn’t because he was a murderer.

  The tears streamed because she wanted that vision, despite everything, she still wanted that vision and she knew they would never leave this place alive. She crawled over to the toilet and threw up.

  She pulled herself up to the sink and rinsed her mouth, brushing the vile taste from her teeth, still sobbing, still shaking and when she turned the water off, she dropped to her knees, leaning her head against the cool ceramic of the sink.

  Arms wrapped around her and she stiffened, glancing over her shoulder. Tom’s concerned eyes stared back and she turned away, feeling guilty for the sharp stab of disappointment. He rested his chin on her shoulder and said nothing, just squeezed a fraction tighter telling her he was there for her in his own way.

  Jessica turned to face him. She loved him for making her feel safe, but it wasn’t the same as the impulsive, all-consuming emotions that Ty drove in her. Tom was a good man and deserved so much better. The tears slid down her face pooling in the corner of her lip, the saltiness there gone with a flick of her tongue as she raised her eyes.

  Tom reached up, taking her face gently between his hands; he wiped her eyes with his thumbs and leaned in, kissing her gently.

  When his tongue ran against her lips they parted, tasting him, melting into the sweetness of his kiss. When his arms wrapped around her and the kiss progressed into the urgent zone, Jessica pushed him away. “Tom, I can’t do this right now.” Tears filled her eyes again and she put her hand on his cheek.

  “Okay,” he said and kissed her again, took a deep breath and slowly moved away from her. “I need to cool down, so if you don’t mind.” He nodded toward the door and stood turning the water on in the shower.

  Walking out of the room, she glanced over her shoulder, catching a glimpse of his backside as he stepped into the shower and out of sight. She ran smack into Ty.

  He had been standing just beyond the doorway and he grabbed her by the arms, swinging her around and slammed her into the wall. His sharp eyes penetrated hers, making her squirm under his blatant stare.

  “Let me go,” she said.

  “No.” Those bedroom eyes scanned her and he licked his lips, sliding his hands up her shirt as he dropped to his knees before her.

  She shifted, trying to skirt out of the way and he pushed her back against the wall.

  “Ty, please,” she pleaded as she swiped his hands away from the buttons on her shirt.

  “Please what?” His hands grazed her thighs and he parted the shirt, leaning in and rolling his tongue in her belly button.

  She tilted her head back against the wall as his velvet hands slid over her body, his touch leaving a trail of burning skin in its wake. “Please,” she whispered. She wanted to say stop but she couldn’t, trembling under his touch. His mouth found her breasts and his fingers slid to the spot that drove her wild, slowly circling, easily setting her on fire. “Oh God, please.”

  “Please what?” He smiled up at her as he moved his hand expertly, arousing her to the point of no return.

  “Please Ty,” she gasped and ran her hands through his hair.

  He moved to kiss her, running his hands up her body until they held her face. When his lips grazed hers, she found the strength to push him away.

  “Please what?” he asked yet again.

  Jessica’s voice shook as she spoke, her hand firmly planted on his chest. “Let me go,” she whispered. In the bathroom, the shower turned off.

  “Not in a million years.” The words growled from his chest and his eyes hardened. He flashed the sadistic smile her way and she gasped. He hadn’t smiled like that since her first encounter in the electric chair.

  She slowly moved away from him. Her heart banged against the walls of her chest cavity. The heat he had created in her body rushed to her cheeks pooling there and resounding in a bright crimson. The reference he used was not lost on her as he casually leaned back against the wall crossing his arms.

  He blew on his fingers, shining them on his chest. “I still got it.”

  Her mouth slowly dropped. “You think this is a game?”

  Ty laughed. “Babe, I play games for a living, remember?” he answered.

  She stepped back and her eyes went wider. “But…”

  “But what? You actually thought I cared, that I loved you? That I would have let you out of this place?” Ty shook his head. “That’s just priceless,” he said. “This is the game I’ve played for years, babe, an elaborate ploy to tear you down to nothing, and from the look on your face—I’ve just reached my goal.”

  Jessica’s hands flew to her mouth, his words slicing a hole in her chest and she couldn’t breathe.

  He leaned forward a little. “As I told Mike, you’re just a really good fuck,” he added in measured tones.

  Jessica fled into the bathroom, passing by Tom and into the shower. She blasted the water on, turning it as hot as it would go. She wanted to burn the feeling of his hands off her skin as she tore the wet shirt off. She didn’t realize she was screaming until her breath hitched in her chest and turned to sobs. She slowly sat down on the shower floor, the water scalding her skin, but she didn’t care. She hated that bastard, hated him more than she hated Frank. He played her, took her will and crushed it as callously as a child crushes an ant.

  * * * *

  Ty slumped against the wall, every muscle in his body trembled and his legs gave out as Tom rounded the corner, her screams crushing him more than anything Frank could ever dream up. Their eyes met.

  “What did you do?”

  “I played the game.” His voice cracked and he put his head on his knees.

  Jessica went silent in the bathroom.

  * * * *

  Tom spun on his heels, bolting back into the bathroom and finding her on the floor of the shower, the water creating red welts on her skin. When he reached in to turn it off, he instinctively snatched his hand out of the scalding water and it turned red where the water connected. “Jesus!” He gritted his teeth and reached beyond the water, switching the handle to the off position.

  Jessica stared aimlessly into space, her face slack and her eyes distant. Jesus, she’s catatonic, what the fuck did he do to her? He wiped her hair out of her face and tilted her c
hin toward him. “Jessie?”

  His heart hammered in his chest and she looked right through him, not giving any indication that she saw what was in front of her or not. He grabbed a bath towel and wrapped it around her, scooping her up in his arms, he carried her to the mattress, setting her down and covering her with the sheet.

  Only then did he turn his attention to Ty. The transformation was incredible. Ty was leaning against the wall with his legs crossed out in front of him, his arms across his chest. He wore a small smile that sent a tremor of fear down Tom’s back. His eyes were dark and had no indication of warmth or mercy.

  He swallowed the dryness in his mouth. “What the hell did you do to her?”

  Ty nonchalantly shrugged. “I just played my final hand in the game,” Ty said and his smile widened. “It’s taken months but I finally got what I wanted. You know, it’s a hell of a lot of fun to watch what happens to people when they’re pushed over the edge.” His eyes sparkled. “It’s such a rush.” He hopped to his feet.

  Tom roared and launched himself at Ty. The next thing Tom knew, he was face down and Ty had his arm bent at an alarming angle, pinning him to the ground.

  “Don’t fuck with me,” Ty growled and released his arm, stepping back.

  Tom stood and faced Ty. His anger raged through every fiber of his being. His hands clenched and unclenched. He turned as if he was going to walk away but instead threw a right hook. Ty moved back and he caught nothing but air, tilting off balance enough so that Ty was able to get an arm lock around his neck.

  “Stop,” Ty commanded and Tom threw his elbow into his side. He tightened his hold. “I told you not to fuck with me,” he growled. “I could snap your neck as easily as snapping a wishbone. So just cut the shit and leave me alone.” He shoved Tom away.

  Tom stood in the middle of the room glaring, his chest heaving with the fury. “You really are a sick son of a bitch.”

  “You have no idea,” Ty smiled.

  Tom shivered. He felt like he was looking at the Angel of Death himself. He moved closer to Jessica as a protective reflex.

  Ty disappeared into the bathroom and Tom let out a shaky breath. Still furious, but at least it was in control now. He knelt next to Jessica and wiped the hair out of her face. Fear gripped him, turning his stomach to ice. God I need her. What if she never snaps out of this? Her eyes closed, and she turned her head away. “Please Jessie,” he whispered in her ear. “I need you.” He pressed his lips to her cheek and she didn’t stir.

  Tom stood and started pacing like a caged animal, trying to reign in the fear and anger into something manageable. He didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what would snap her out of it and that terrified him. Time was running out, he knew it as well as Ty. Six to eight weeks was the normal healing period so Frank was due back any day now. That’s why the bastard did this to her. He glared over at Ty, sitting against the wall watching him like he was an exhibit.

  “Stop looking at me,” he finally burst.

  Ty laughed. “You’re the entertainment.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Nah, I’d rather fuck her.” He pointed at Jessica.

  Tom made a motion to go toward Ty and thought better of it. If he gave in to that urge, he wouldn’t stop until the man was dead. Turning everything over in his head, he couldn’t decipher which was the game and which was reality.

  Which was the act?

  He glanced at Ty and continued pacing.

  Marian opened the door and pointed the gun at Tom as he approached her. He stopped, watching as she put the tray down, her eyes never leaving him.

  “Mar,” Ty said, coolly acknowledging her presence from where he sat.

  “Shit for brains,” she said and closed the door.

  Tom stared at the door. If it were a game, they would have let him loose the second Jessica broke. His anger diffused a notch; the sick bastard must really love her.

  Tom picked up the tray and brought it over to Jessica. Putting it down on the floor, he gently shook her. Her eyes blinked open for a second and then closed again. “Come on Jessie, you’ve got to eat something,” he said.

  She opened her eyes and looked at him without moving. “Why? What’s the point?”

  Alarm drowned his hammering heartbeat and he leaned close. “Because I need you,” he said soft enough so Ty couldn’t hear him.

  Tears filled her eyes. She blinked them back and slowly sat up, holding the towel to her. She meekly took the plate and broke the sandwich in half. She ate slowly and didn’t look at either Tom or Ty.

  Jessica finished her part of the sandwich and looked at the remaining half. She reached down and picked up the plate, and then to the surprise of both men, she heaved the plate across the room like a Frisbee at Ty. It smashed against the wall where his head had been moments before. She took a sip of water, lay back down and closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  The silence in the room was deafening. Ty stared at the sandwich that was strewn on the floor amidst the broken glass. He wasn’t very hungry anyway. He brushed the glass and the sandwich into a pile with the back of his hand and left it there, retreating into the bathroom to get a drink of water from the sink.

  He glanced at the mirror as he wiped his mouth with the back of his arm. Eric stared back at him.

  “He’s coming,” Eric said and faded away.

  Ty felt the weight of those two words crash down on his chest and he gripped the sink to keep steady. “I’m not ready,” he whispered at his reflection. Steel blue eyes stared back. He studied his face. He didn’t look that bad with a beard, it made the scar seem less severe. He wondered what he would be apt to look like if by some miracle he survived this. His eyes traveled down to the sink and then back up. “Game on,” he whispered and headed back into the room.

  The door opened and Frank stepped into the room.

  Tom was on his feet and charging within seconds of registering who was standing there. He didn’t make it too far. The Taser hit him and he went down mid-step. Frank hauled him into the chair, strapping his wrists in. He looked over at Ty and then at Jessica. She still had her eyes closed.

  Frank crossed and grabbed her by her hair, lifting her to her knees. “I have been waiting for this for eight weeks,” he purred and unzipped his pants. She looked up at him as if drugged, but kept her mouth clamped shut.

  “Leave her alone,” Tom bellowed from the chair.

  Frank turned and pressed a button on the remote he held.

  An electrical buzz filled the room, the lights dimming a fraction and Tom went rigid in the chair.

  Jessica’s face changed. “Okay—just, just don’t hurt him anymore,” she pleaded.

  Ty’s expression never changed, it remained neutral, even bored as Jessica opened her mouth. A far cry from the tumultuous emotions filling his body as he watched her service Frank. If Frank had been within reach, the man would be dead in a matter of seconds, but he was well beyond Ty’s grasp and the game had to be played, regardless of his fury.

  “Now that was worth the wait,” he said tossing her to the concrete floor in full view of both Ty and Tom.

  * * * *

  She gagged and fear left her shaking and nauseous and she attempted to get to her feet. Frank was going to hurt her, maybe even kill her today and all she could think about was Ty and his goddamned game. Was this part of it?

  Before she could consider the question, Frank grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her to her feet.

  “Is this part of your sick game?” she directed the question at Ty. The smile and half shrug he sent her way was worse than the fist that connected with her ribs, lifting her off the ground and knocking the wind out of her.

  Frank leaned close to her. “Make no mistake, my stepbrother is in love with you and this little façade he’s put on for the last couple of days is solely for your benefit.”

  Jessica saw the flash of emotion in Ty’s eyes before he suppressed it.

  Frank backhanded her sending he
r sprawling on the concrete. “And every single punch, every single cut, every single whimper of pain is killing him beyond words.”

  The chuckle that escaped Ty sent shivers down her spine. “Are you so sure about that?”

  Frank grabbed Jessica by the hair and swiveled in Ty’s direction, yanking her head back until she gasped in pain. “You really think it’s wise to test me right now?”

  Eyes devoid of emotion stared back. “I don’t give a shit what you do with her as long as you let me the hell out of here.”

  Frank laughed. “That’s not going to happen. I’ve got something special planned for you.” He looked at Jessica. “But in the meantime, this bitch owes me.” This time he snapped her toward the wall, smiling as she careened into it face first.

  “Stop!” Tom bellowed, struggling against the shackles that held his wrists in place.

  Dazed, Jessica crumpled to the ground, gritting her teeth so the cry of pain wouldn’t escape.

  Frank squatted in front of her. “Pretty boy wants to fuck you. Did you know that?”

  Jessica winced, shying away from Frank. Her gaze traveled to Tom and back.

  Frank stood, pulling a switchblade out of his pocket. “But that just isn’t in the cards right now.” He pushed a button and a long jagged-edged blade popped out.

  Jessica scuttled backwards until she hit the concrete wall. Her breath ragged with fear and her heart pumped so hard that the sound drowned out the shuffle of his footsteps as he approached her.

  “I’m wondering if either of them will want to fuck you when I’m done with you.”

  She tore her gaze away from the knife and met Ty’s. For a fraction of an instant, hot fury filled his eyes and then he blinked and the icy neutral expression returned. He inhaled and tilted his head, twisting his lips into a sadistic smile.

  Tom struggled to break the bonds holding his wrists to the chair, his roar echoing off the concrete. “Don’t you dare!”

  Frank turned, raising an eyebrow at Tom and then returned his attention back to Jessica, switching the blade from his right hand to his left. “Like you could stop me.”


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