1. That's What Friends Are For

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1. That's What Friends Are For Page 10

by Annette Broadrick

  "I wasn't lying, damn it!" he said, spinning on his heel to face her. "I've been telling you the truth!" Brad had finally been goaded beyond control.

  "Well, if it wasn't a lie, what was it? You said you'd break us up. I'd say that substituting yourself for the groom certainly managed to do that! You don't care that Gregory and I already had our future planned together. You couldn't stand seeing me happy, could you? Well, Mr. Crawford, this time you managed to get caught in your own trap. Because you are just as married to me as I'm married to you. And I don't want to be married to you. I want Gregory!"

  "You've made that good and clear. Believe me, there's nothing I'd rather see than you married to Gregory, damn it. Can't you understand that?"

  She crossed her arms, her mutinous expression making it clear that she did not find his remarks appeasing.

  "No, I can't understand it. Because you are here and he isn't."

  "That isn't my fault."

  "Isn't it?" she asked sarcastically.

  "Listen to me, you hardheaded, obstinate shrew. If I hadn't married you, you would have been left here this morning having to explain to everybody who showed up why your groom begged off!"

  His words were a verbal slap in the face and Penny flinched. "You mean that Gregory changed his mind?"

  "That's exactly what I mean!"


  "How the hell should I know?"

  "He must have told you. Otherwise you wouldn't have known."

  He nodded his head curtly. "He told me he had changed his mind. That he wasn't going to marry you. He said something about not really knowing you as well as he thought."

  The look she gave him was filled with contempt. "And you really expect me to believe that? There's absolutely no way of knowing what horrible lies you must have told him to cause him to change his mind about marrying me!"

  "Stop calling me a liar!"

  "Stop behaving like one!"

  They had made no attempt to keep their voices down. In truth, the volume of the argument was the last thing they had considered. The sudden silence as they stood glaring at each other seemed to bounce off the walls of the room.

  A soft tapping on the door made them look in that direction. "Come in," Brad commanded.

  Helen stuck her head around the door and looked from one to the other in shocked dismay. She stepped inside and firmly closed the door behind her, leaning on it.

  "I absolutely can't believe the two of you! You haven't been married five minutes and you already sound the way you used to as small children when your mother and I had to drag you apart and make you spend the day at home by yourselves until you could play together without fighting! Do you realize that you can be heard for a city block? Are you aware that the recreation hall is full of people waiting to greet the loving bride and groom and watch them open presents and cut their wedding cake?"

  They immediately burst into simultaneous explanations.

  "Mother, you don't understand. Brad—"

  "Helen, she's being totally unreasonable and won't even listen to me!"

  She put up her hand like a policeman stopping traffic. ''I don't want to hear it! Thank goodness I no longer have to play referee for the two of you. If you choose to kill each other, you no longer have to explain it to me. Now I want you both to go over to that hall with smiles on your faces and show all those people how happy you are. They expect to see some sort of love and joy in the occasion."

  "Love!" Penny repeated contemptuously.

  "Joy!" Brad said with a harsh laugh.

  Helen opened the door with a decisive turn of her wrist. "Both of you studied acting for years. Surely you have something to show for all the money we invested in your education." She looked at her watch. "I'm going over there and explain that you've been delayed. I'll expect to see your happy, smiling faces in no more than fifteen minutes."

  Brad and Penny stared at the closed door for an unnoticed elapse of time after Helen left. Neither of them had any desire to look at the other.

  Penny was the first one to break the silence. "What are we going to do?"

  He glanced at her, then away, once again walking over to the window. "That's up to you, isn't it?"

  "Why up to me?"

  "You can go out there and tell everyone that you never intended to marry me."

  "I don't understand why somebody didn't say something. I mean, everyone in the wedding party knew I was expecting Gregory to be here today."

  "I told them that we talked it over late last night. You discovered that you couldn't marry Gregory after all... because you loved me."

  "And they believed you?" she asked incredulously.

  "Thanks a lot."

  "You know what I mean. As Mother just pointed out, you and I fight as much as we're friends."

  "Your parents didn't seem to be as surprised as they were pleased."

  Remembering their rather strange behavior she asked, "When did you tell them?"

  "Early this morning, just as I told my parents. You probably didn't notice, but Dad was my best man."

  She shook her head and looked down at the small container she held in her hands. "As you well know, I couldn't see anyone."

  "I'm sorry. I had no right to hide your contacts from you."

  ''At least you admit it!"

  "I was only trying to help."

  "Fine, Brad. How do you propose to help now, go out there and announce the whole thing was a joke?"

  "Hardly. Our marriage was very legal. We have the license to prove it."

  "And that's another thing. How did you manage to get a license?"

  "Well, one of the benefits of having been raised in a small town is knowing everybody, including the county clerk. It's amazing what people will do when they think they're assisting true love. I explained everything to Reverend Wilder and he made the announcement before the ceremony began, with a few comments about love conquering all."

  So that was what she had heard just before her father escorted her down the aisle.

  Penny sat down, feeling as though she were a balloon and someone had suddenly let out all of her air. "So Gregory didn't love me, after all," she said slowly. "He certainly had me fooled."

  Brad heard the pain in her voice and could think of nothing to say.

  "I should have known," she said, not even aware she had spoken aloud.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I hadn't talked to him all week. That isn't like him. Not at all. I kept telling myself he was just busy, but something kept nagging at me, a little voice that refused to shut up." She glanced up, then quickly away.

  "It's funny, really. I was just thinking last night that I wanted to discuss what I was feeling with you, knowing you'd understand." Looking down at her hands, she added, "Oh, you understood all right. I just wished you'd explained last night."

  One corner of his mouth lifted in a half grin. "I tried, believe me. But you wouldn't accept what I said. I didn't want to go into all the details, about Gregory calling me and what he said. When I realized that you weren't going to accept what I was saying, I guess I used the situation to my own advantage."

  Penny didn't seem to hear his explanation or apologetic tone of voice. She had dropped her face in her hands. When he stopped speaking she cried, "I can't face all those people out there. I just can't."

  "I could take you home and tell them you aren't feeling well."

  The thought of returning home and trying to explain to her parents what had taken place was just as bad an idea as pretending to be happily married.

  She looked over at Brad. "I don't think I'll ever forgive you for this ridiculous situation, but since you got us into this mess, I don't see anything else to do but go out there and pretend we're happy newlyweds."

  "Happy?" he repeated sarcastically. "I don't think I'm that good an actor."

  "What about me? At least you had a choice."

  "So sue me!"

  "Don't worry. I intend to just as soon as I know how to go about it."
r />   He looked at her incredulously. "You mean you'd actually take me to court? On what grounds?"

  "Don't be ridiculous. I don't want any money from you. I just meant I was going to end the marriage as soon as I know what to do."


  She stood and began to brush the wrinkles out of the skirt of her gown. "I'm going to go put my contacts in so I can at least see who's here."

  "I'll wait out in the hall for you. We need to arrive together, looking properly blissful."

  Every time she thought of Brad's audacity she wanted to throw something at him. How was she going to be able to look at him with a loving smile all afternoon? She shook her head. Acting ability, indeed. It would be the performance of her life.

  Penny went into the ladies' restroom and replaced her lenses. Being able to see helped to boost her morale somewhat. She stared at herself in the mirror. Her face was white and strained, her eyes slightly puffy. It was not the face of a typically blushing bride.

  Their delay in joining everyone at the reception did not go unnoticed. As soon as they walked into the room everyone started clapping and some of the comments held sly innuendos of Brad's impatience to get her alone.

  Oh, no. Penny thought. She'd forgotten all the jokes and teasing that went along with a wedding. The only way she was going to get through the afternoon was by shutting her mind to the fact that she was with the wrong man.

  Her mother hurried them over near the table where a three-tiered cake sat waiting for them.

  "You can stand here and receive everyone. Then the photographer will start posing you for pictures."

  The photographer! Something else Penny had forgotten. She glanced at Brad, and unconsciously did a double take.

  She hadn't paid attention to him when she had come out of the ladies' room. It was only now that she saw what he looked like in his tuxedo.

  He wore the traditional black and a ruffled shirt. The clothes fit him as if tailored for his tall body with its broad shoulders, lean hips, and long, muscular legs. He looked magnificent. The dark suit enhanced his tan and bright hair. The small bandage gave him a rakish look that made him very appealing.

  "Well, if you aren't the sly one, young lady," Mrs. Fielding said, walking up and grabbing Penny's hand in a firm grip. "Letting us think you were marrying Mr. Duncan right up to the last minute. Of course you never fooled me a bit, you know." She winked at Brad. "But your engagement certainly served its purpose. It got Brad to come home so you two could work everything out."

  Penny couldn't look at Brad. She couldn't believe the woman and she couldn't think of a thing to say in reply to the outrageous comment.

  Brad spoke up, sounding relaxed and nauseatingly pleased with himself. "We're happy you and Mr. Fielding could come today."

  "Oh, we wouldn't have missed it for the world, even before we knew of the dramatic denouement," she said archly. "It must have to do with your theatrical background and all."

  Penny wondered how much longer she would be able to stand there and smile before she let out a scream.

  "It was the most romantic thing I've ever seen," Mrs. Cantrell said when she reached them. "Why, when Reverend Wilder explained how you two suddenly realized how you felt about each other and that nice Mr. Duncan agreed to release you, I thought I would cry. It was better than anything I've ever seen on television!" She leaned over and whispered to Penny, "Even though he seemed a very nice man, I thought Mr. Duncan was too old for you anyway, dear. Isn't it nice how everything worked out so well?"

  Penny wondered what all of these people would do if she suddenly started having hysterics? She felt very close to it at the moment. She had an absolutely insane urge to laugh and she knew the tears wouldn't be far behind. Already she could read the write-up in the local paper: "Bridegroom has to slap hysterical bride at wedding reception."

  Somehow she managed to get through the next hour without breaking down. Then the photographer took over.

  She would have been all right if she hadn't met Brad's eyes during one of the more soulful poses. The dancing light of amusement almost undid her. How many times had she seen the same expression on his face after they'd shared a joke?

  Oh, Brad. No matter what, you manage to see the humor in every situation. Nothing in life ever really fazes you. How do you do it?

  Then the photographer asked Brad to kiss her. This time the intent look in his eyes held a question. Taking a cue from him and determined not to treat what was happening like some gloomy Greek tragedy, Penny lifted her mouth and closed her eyes.

  She felt his arms go around her and pull her tightly against him as his mouth found hers.

  This kiss was nothing like the one he'd given her at the altar. As a matter of fact, it was like no other kiss he'd ever given her, and Brad had kissed her often over the years—friendly kisses, exuberant kisses, teasing kisses, hello kisses, goodbye kisses.

  Penny couldn't compare this particular kiss with any of those. She felt a tingle in her body that started in her toes and shot up through her until she felt the top of her head seem to shoot off.

  His lips felt firm yet they were also tender. He took his time, as though they had nothing better to do, as if there weren't a roomful of people watching and a photographer whose flash periodically added a fireworks display behind her closed eyelids.

  Brad was kissing her the way he kissed the countless women Drew Derek pursued on television. No wonder they kept coming back for more!

  Vaguely Penny became aware of the general laughter and a smattering of applause around them and she stiffened. They were making a spectacle of themselves.

  She pushed herself away from him and glared up into his smiling face. ''You're supposed to look happy," he said just under his breath, never breaking his smile.

  Penny flashed him an equally brilliant smile. "You try that again and I will place my knee in the exact spot you instructed me to all those years ago to ward off unwanted advances!"

  He flinched in mock horror. Then he laughed—he actually had the nerve to laugh. "To think that you would use my own teachings against me," he said, still too low for anyone to hear.

  The photographer interrupted their murmured comments, convinced this was a couple who was counting the minutes until they could be alone. "Okay, now. How about some pictures with you both cutting the cake."

  Why not? Penny thought. Maybe I can stuff enough cake into his mouth to choke him. "Bridegroom chokes to death on wedding cake." Then she remembered the previous Sunday's accident coming on the heels of her dire wishes for his early demise. Penny hurriedly explained to the Fates that she didn't really want him to die and to please ignore her last suggestion.

  Opening the gifts brought back to her how differently this part of the afternoon would have gone if Gregory had been there instead. Brad seemed to be having a great deal of fun and the onlookers were relishing his reactions and comments.

  She had to admit that his quick wit often caught her off guard and she found herself laughing at his humor and antics—until she picked up the envelope that must have fallen off one of the gifts. The envelope was addressed to Brad Crawford.

  Very few people could have known that Brad would be there to open gifts. She handed the envelope to him in silence. When he opened it, Brad continued to stare down at the contents, his expression blank.

  "Come on. Brad, don't hold out on us," someone yelled. "Somebody give you a million bucks?"

  He glanced over at her and she noticed his color had faded.

  "What is it?" she whispered.

  Without a word he handed her two pieces of paper that looked like airline tickets. They were. She stared down at them in bewilderment. The tickets were for a round trip to Acapulco for Mr. and Mrs. Brad Crawford, leaving that afternoon from the airport nearest Payton, to return the following Saturday.

  Penny looked up at Brad in dismay.

  "Tell us! Tell us!" several people said, laughing.

  Penny cleared her throat. "Well, it's, uh," she glan
ced at Brad helplessly. Brad looked at her and shrugged. She started again. "It's round-trip tickets to Acapulco, leaving in a few hours."

  Her announcement created a great deal of excitement and speculation. "What a wonderful idea! Great wedding gift! Marvelous place for a honeymoon!"

  Honeymoon? Penny's heart seemed to sink in her chest. She leaned over and whispered, "We can't use these. Who in the world gave them to us?"

  "I don't think you want to know," he said, his expression deliberately noncommittal.

  "What do you mean?"

  He handed her a note that he had continued to hold. She stiffened when she saw the page with the name Gregory Duncan neatly imprinted at the top. His slashing handwriting read, "You might as well use these since they're paid for. The hotel reservations have been changed to your name." It was signed with Gregory's initials.

  The realization of his betrayal seemed to flood over her and for a moment Penny thought she would double over with the pain. Brad must have recognized how she felt because he leaned over and said, "You know, Penny, it might not be a bad idea to take him up on the offer. It would give us time to get away and decide what to do. If we don't go, what then? All these people are just waiting to see us happily depart somewhere or another. Why not Acapulco?"

  Acapulco. Gregory had remembered a conversation many months ago when she had commented that she had never been out of the United States. So that's where he'd planned to take her on their honeymoon.

  What kind of man would leave his intended bride on the eve of her wedding, then provide the honeymoon trip as a wedding gift when she married someone else?

  Penny realized that she didn't know Gregory Duncan at all. Perhaps she never had.

  "What do you think?" Brad asked.

  The problem was, she could no longer think. About anything. Everything had suddenly piled up on her and she felt that she couldn't deal with another decision. She looked at Brad and said, "I don't care at this point what we do or where we go. Just get me out of here."


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