Glenn, Stormy - Cowboy Keeper [Blaecleah Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Glenn, Stormy - Cowboy Keeper [Blaecleah Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 8

by Stormy Glenn

  Rourke tossed Billy’s shoes over his shoulder then peeled his socks off. Billy groaned and leaned back on his hands when Rourke gave each foot a gentle massage. He didn’t realize until then that his feet even hurt. And Rourke’s touch was magical, drawing away every last ache and pain.

  “Lay back, baby.”

  Billy did as Rourke directed and carefully lay back on the mattress. His back ached a little when it pressed down on the bed but not enough for Billy to complain. He’d had far worse, and he wasn’t about to do or say anything that would stop Rourke.

  “Lift your hips if you can.”

  Billy lifted his hips, his face flushing furiously when Rourke tugged his jeans down his legs. Billy quickly reached down and covered his groin with one hand.

  “Sshhh, baby,” Rourke said as he tugged on Billy’s wrist, “you don’t have to hide from me.”

  “I just…” Billy felt flustered as he let Rourke pull his hand away. “No one’s ever…it’s, well…no one’s ever seen me like this and...”

  “And, I can’t even begin to explain to you how much that means to me.” Rourke grinned broadly.

  Billy trembled and inhaled a sharp breath when he felt Rourke’s hands stroke his naked skin, slowly moving up his legs toward his groin. Not only had no one ever seen him in his present state of undress, no one had ever touched him like Rourke was doing.

  “To know that I will be the only one to ever see you like this or touch you…” Rourke growled, the timbre in his voice getting thicker. “You really don’t understand how arousing that is, baby.”

  Billy almost jumped right out of his skin when Rourke leaned down and rubbed his face against the sensitive skin of his abdomen. Rourke seemed to be breathing in deeply as he rubbed his face over Billy again and again.

  “You’re all mine now, baby, all mine.” Rourke suddenly pushed away and stood to his feet, stepping back a couple of paces. “Watch me, baby, watch what you do to me.”

  Like that was a problem, Billy thought to himself. He could no more look away from Rourke than he could stop breathing. The fact that Rourke had started stripping off his clothes only made it more impossible for Billy to look away. Each bit of naked skin revealed added to every fantasy Billy had ever imagined about the man, only this was real.

  Billy was already semi-hard. He always got aroused when he was around Rourke. Watching the man strip naked put a whole new spin on the lust coursing through his body. Rourke was a work of art. Seeing him naked for the first time, Billy quickly realized that none of his fantasies ever compared to the man in reality.

  Rourke’s broad shoulders belied the trimness of his waist. The man was definitely fit. He worked hard for a living, and it showed in every bulging muscle and every bit of taut, rippling skin. He was breathtaking. He was certainly taking the breath from Billy.

  His skin was lightly tanned but unmarred by tan lines, giving Billy yet another fantasy to dream about, where the man sunbathed nude. Thick pectoral muscles graced his chest, leading down to a trim waist and ripped abdominal muscles.

  Billy’s eyes started to move below Rourke’s waistline when the man suddenly grabbed his cock. Billy groaned and arched into the air, the soft touch exquisite. “Rourke!”

  “Ssshh, settle, baby,” Rourke said as he gently pushed on Billy’s abdomen. “You’re still injured. We can’t do anything that will get us in trouble or cause you more pain. I just want you to lie there and let me do all the work. I’ll make sure you feel good.”

  Billy had no reason not to believe the man. Just the simple touch of Rourke’s hand on him was more than he ever thought he’d have. The rest was all just a bonus.

  “I want you to scoot up to the top of the bed and grab the headboard.” Rourke chuckled lightly. “And no letting go, baby, no matter what.”

  There was something in Rourke’s voice, a kind of fierce tone that told Billy holding on to the headboard was really important to the man. He was more than willing to try anything Rourke suggested.

  Moving carefully, Billy scooted to the top of the bed and lay back down. He reached over his head and wrapped his fingers around the white wrought iron headboard then looked back down at Rourke.

  “Like this?”

  Rourke bit his lips and nodded. His green eyes started to darken right before Billy, turning a deep emerald green. Rourke’s face flushed, his jaw clenching as if he was holding on to his control by a thread. It thrilled Billy, excited him, but it also scared him. He didn’t know what to expect.

  “One of these days I’m going to handcuff you to my headboard, baby, and fuck you until you can’t walk.”

  Billy blinked, his eyebrows shooting up in shock. “You want to handcuff me?”

  “I do.”


  Billy’s breath caught in his throat when Rourke leaned over, his hands landing on Billy’s chest just over his nipples. He started to draw them slowly down Billy’s body, his eyes following the path his hands made.

  “Because you would look very sexy handcuffed to my headboard, displayed for my pleasure.”

  Billy licked his suddenly dry lips. “Okay.”

  Rourke’s eyes flickered up to his. “Okay?”

  Billy nodded. “Okay, you can handcuff me.”

  “Bil-baby, you don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “I do, too.” Billy frowned. He wasn’t that stupid. “You get turned on by the idea of having me handcuffed to your headboard.”

  “Baby, you really don’t know what you’re saying.”

  Billy rolled his eyes when Rourke gripped him tighter and repeated his words. He did know what he was saying. Granted, he had never been handcuffed before unless he was under arrest, but if it aroused Rourke as much as he thought it did, he was all for it.

  “Rourke, stop treating me like spun glass,” Billy said. “If you plan on handcuffing me later then there is no reason you can’t do it now. It’s obvious that it’s something that you want.”

  “Baby, you’re injured.”


  Rourke bit his lower lip again, his eyes moving up and down Billy’s body. He drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as his eyes met Billy’s again. “I’ll be honest here, baby. I do want to handcuff you. That’s something that arouses me a lot. But I’m not sure I can control myself if we do that. I want it, but not at your expense.”

  “You’ll stop if I ask you to.”

  One eyebrow on Rourke’s forehead arched up. “You think so, huh?”

  “I know so.” Billy had no idea how he knew that, but he did. Rourke would never do anything to purposely hurt him. Billy knew it deep down in his soul. “I trust you.”

  Rourke’s eyes fluttered closed. “You really have no idea what you’re saying, baby.”

  “Do you think I’m stupid?” It was the only explanation. Billy told Rourke he was willing to be handcuffed, and it was obviously something the man wanted a lot. Billy didn’t understand what the problem was.

  “What?” Rourke’s eyes opened, and he looked back down at Billy. “Of course I don’t think you’re stupid. What would make you ask something like that?”

  “It’s obvious that handcuffing me turns you on. I’ve said I’m okay with it.” Billy sat up, waving his hand a little in the air for effect. “Why are you trying so hard to talk me out of it? Don’t you think I know my own mind?”

  “I don’t think you realize what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “So, tell me then.”

  Billy almost wished he hadn’t said anything when Rourke’s shoulders slumped. He was always talking too much. He should have stopped while he was ahead. Rourke seemed more than willing to mess around until Billy opened his mouth and demanded more. He was stupid.

  Billy dropped his eyes, Rourke’s look too intense. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

  “Baby, I’m not upset. I just…” Rourke pushed a hand through his light brown hair. “I can be very intense sometimes, especially when it co
mes to the things I like sexually. You’ve never been with anyone, and I don’t want to frighten you your first time out. Does that make sense to you?”

  “Yes.” Well, sort of. Billy wasn’t exactly sure what Rourke meant by intense. “I still don’t understand what it has to do with this situation. If you plan to use handcuffs on me later then why won’t you use them now?”

  “Because you’re injured, baby.”

  Billy sighed deeply and lay back on the mattress again. “Okay, maybe I don’t understand. I feel like you’re talking in circles.”

  Billy inhaled sharply when Rourke suddenly moved up and hovered over him. His facial features were taut as if he were under a lot of strain. Rourke grabbed one of Billy’s hands and moved it down to his cock, pressing Billy’s fingers around his thick erection.

  “I’m not normally a gentle man, baby. I’m trying to be considerate because you’re injured.” Rourke shook his head. “But if you weren’t injured, I’d already be balls deep inside your ass. And I’d fuck you, baby, until you couldn’t walk straight. I’d handcuff you to my bed and not let you go until I was done with you, and that would take a very long time.”

  Billy’s mouth dropped open. He’d never heard words spoken like Rourke’s that aroused him so quickly or made his body tremble so much. He wasn’t sure he’d ever heard words spoken quite like Rourke’s, period.

  “And…and handcuffing me is bad because?”

  “It’s not bad, baby, but it would send me over the edge. It’s all I can do right now to treat you gently. If I saw you handcuffed and knew I could do anything I wanted to you, I don’t think I would be able to be gentle.”

  It wasn’t getting any easier for Billy to breathe. With each word that Rourke spoke, he was taking away another breath of air.

  “Just let me do this my way, baby. I’ll introduce you to my handcuffs in a few days.”


  “Oh, hell yeah.”

  Billy swallowed then nodded. “Okay.”

  Rourke grinned. “Okay, hands over your head again. Grab the headboard.”

  Billy reached up and grabbed the headboard again. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Rourke as he watched the man lean down and stroke his tongue across his naked skin. Rourke didn’t seem to be in a great hurry as he slowly licked and nipped his way across Billy’s chest.

  Each nipple was lavished, licked, sucked, and then nibbled on until Billy was squirming under Rourke, pressing himself up into the man. No one had ever touched him like Rourke was doing. Billy had no idea his nipples could be so sensitive.

  Billy’s mind seemed to fragment when Rourke moved further down his chest to his abdomen. They were simple abdominal muscles, a belly button. They shouldn’t need to feel Rourke’s tongue move across them quite like they did. Billy almost cried out when Rourke’s mouth left his abdomen until he felt hot lips wrap around the head of his cock.

  “Rourke!” he cried out.

  His fingers tightened around the wrought iron bars so tightly that they hurt. He bent his knees and planted his feet firmly in the mattress before driving his cock up into Rourke’s mouth. Nothing on earth had ever felt this good.

  Billy’s bubble of euphoria suddenly burst when he felt something hard and wet press against his ass. He stiffened, frightened and unused to anything touching him there. His cock was still in Rourke’s mouth, but Billy could feel it start to wilt at the strange sensation.

  “Rourke.” Billy swallowed, suddenly scared.

  Rourke’s head popped up and green eyes met Billy’s. “It’s okay, baby, it’s just my fingers. I won’t do it if you don’t want me to.”

  Billy drew in a deep breath and tried to calm his racing heart. “I’ve just never…”

  Rourke grinned. He seemed incredibly proud of that fact. “I know, but I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

  “Okay,” Billy said slowly. He still winced when Rourke began pushing his finger in deeper. It wasn’t exactly painful, more weird than anything. It took a few minutes, but Billy slowly grew used to the finger in his ass. He was just starting to let his muscles loosen, letting go of the tension in them, when he felt another finger push into his ass. “Rourke!”

  “Do you want me to stop, baby?”

  “Ho-how many do you plan to put in there?” Billy could feel his face flush with heat as he spoke. It got even worse when Rourke chuckled.

  “Three at least, baby, but more than likely four when we do finally get to really fooling around. Like you said before when we were out by the barn, I’m not exactly a small man.”

  “F-f-four?” Billy squeaked. He couldn’t imagine having four fingers in his ass. Sure, he’d imagined being fucked by Rourke. He just never really thought about the exact dynamics of the actual act itself.

  “Let me show you something, baby.”

  Billy had no idea what Rourke was talking about until he felt the fingers in his ass start to move around. Again, he found the sensation not totally uncomfortable, just weird. Rourke’s fingers moved in and out of him, going deeper each time.

  Billy kept waiting for something magical to happen, something that would make this seem not quite so odd. Then Rourke’s fingers suddenly curved and brushed against something deep inside of Billy. He stiffened, a loud wail falling from his lips as he arched into the air.

  “There we go,” Rourke whispered.

  Billy panted heavily as he lowered himself back down to the mattress. He’d never, ever, felt anything like it. Billy thought the sensation was like a combination of the one he felt when he kissed Rourke and kissing a light socket.

  “What was that?”

  “That, baby, is called your sweet spot.”

  “I can see that.”

  “It gets better.”


  Rourke’s mouth dropped back down over Billy’s cock. At the same time, his fingers began moving again, pushing in and out of Billy’s ass. Billy held his breath, overcome by the feeling of Rourke sucking on his cock and the anticipation of having his sweet spot stroked again.

  When it came, Billy cried out and instantly filled Rourke’s mouth with his release. White lights swam in front of his eyes as his brain seemed to short-circuit. He couldn’t think, only feel. And he felt everything from the way Rourke sucked on his cock to the fingers that continued to stroke him through his orgasm.

  Billy almost whimpered in protest when Rourke suddenly pulled away from him until he saw the man kneel between his thighs and lean over the top of him. Rourke had his cock in his hand and was stroking himself furiously.

  Billy was entranced. He’d never seen anything so beautiful in all his life. Rourke’s face was taut, his jaw clenched, and his lips pressed tightly together. And even though he stroked his cock rapidly, his eyes never once left Billy’s body. Billy let go of the headboard and started to reach for Rourke until the man’s sharp words stopped him.


  Billy instantly reached back up and wrapped his fingers around the headboard. He licked his lips. He could feel himself start to harden again even though he’d just experienced the most intense orgasm of his life. How could he not when the object of his every fantasy was jerking off over the top of him?

  “You’re really looking forward to those handcuffs, aren’t you? You want to see me all bound up for you.”

  Billy often wished he’d kept his mouth shut after speaking. It had gotten him into trouble way too many times. But when Rourke’s green eyes snapped up to his then suddenly glazed over as his head fell back on his shoulders, Billy was glad he had.

  The loud roar that filled the room as ropes of white shot out over Billy’s chest was worth everything. Billy kept his hands firmly wrapped around the headboard as Rourke dropped down to rest his head on Billy’s chest. He desperately wanted to hug the man, to touch him in some way. He just didn’t know if he could.

  “Rourke?” he whispered.

  Rourke slowly lifted his head, a small, sensuous smile playing across his lips.
“We’re definitely using the handcuffs next time.”

  Chapter 8

  Rourke chuckled as he watched Billy and Ma working in the garden. They seemed to be arguing over something, but he didn’t rightly know what it was. Billy was waving his hands around wildly as he pointed up and down the garden rows they had just gotten done hoeing. Ma was gesturing back.

  Billy had only been at the ranch for a couple of days, but each one seemed to bring out something new in his personality. Rourke had been mildly surprised by Billy’s humor, often finding himself laughing at something Billy said.

  What was even more surprising was how smart Billy actually was when he opened up. Rourke had been shocked into silence more than once in the last two days when Billy said something or commented on something. He might not have graduated from high school, but he wasn’t stupid by any means.

  “You better go save him before Ma feeds him to the chickens.”

  Rourke glanced over his shoulder to see Lachlan standing behind him, a small smile on his face. Rourke chuckled and turned back to watch Billy and Ma argue. “I don’t know. Ma might have actually met her match this time. Billy’s pretty stubborn when he wants to be.”

  “Billy?” Lachlan snorted. “We are talking about the same man here, right? Billy Thornton?”

  “Yes, we’re talking about the same Billy.” Rourke rolled his eyes and turned to glare at his brother when the man snorted. “Have you ever taken the time to actually talk with Billy?”


  “I understand that he has a bad reputation, but it’s not who he really is. Billy is kind and sweet. He wouldn’t hurt a hair on anyone’s head if Clem didn’t force him to.” Rourke waved his hand wildly in the air. “You try living what Billy’s been through and see if you come out of it as well as he has. Despite everything Clem has ever done to him, and even knowing that it could mean another beating or his life, Billy still tries to keep us safe from Clem. Let me see you try something like that.”


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