The Visitor - New York 1871-1873

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The Visitor - New York 1871-1873 Page 6

by Barbara Svetlick

  “Because it makes my father happy to spoil me.”

  James took out another sheet of paper and handed it to her. “Do you want this discussed in front of everyone?”

  “You can read it if you want.”

  “Most of your expenses were for non-essential items or small purchases of which it seems chocolate is a recurring purchase when the children are with you and I have changed the bakery account to the household bills instead of it coming out of your accounts.” Meeks smiled because the chocolate was his weakness and she always had it in the bedroom. “Then there is the florist bill every month, the gifts for the birthdays and holidays, your education expenses and the monthly contribution to the church’s orphanage. That pretty much covers what you spend from your account. The Texas house is covered by Dominic and it appears you have requested very little for the boys in the way of support and the annual support from Dominic has been put into your stock account which thanks to having a great advisor is growing very fast. It has made a profit of over seventy percent this quarter. The Richmond apartments have been renovated and modernized which was taken from the trust and we have removed all the personal items putting them in storage so that the apartment could be leased while you’re not using it.”

  Dominic picked up the paper and looked it over handing it to Meeks.

  “What flowers?”

  “The ones Maggie puts on her grandparent’s graves.”

  He looked at her and struggled with his emotions though it was difficult to tell unless you knew him very well which they all did. “Dominic’s right, if you need money I can put it in your account. You don’t need to rely on the trust for everyday things.”

  “Obviously the four of you haven’t been looking at your bills lately.” They all smiled simultaneously.

  “I’m still trying to figure out who paid for your New Year’s dress.”

  “My father. If I want something expensive without having to explain it, I put it on his bill and he pays for it.”

  Dominic thought about it before he responded. "Do we make you explain the money you spend?"

  "Usually but only because all of you want complete control over what I do and sometimes I just need the ability to do what I want. Plus how can I ever surprise you if you know everything I do.”

  “Then what are you wearing to the benefit at the art museum tonight and who paid for it?”

  “You paid for it but it is something appropriate and conservative though I will be wearing black stockings and nothing else under it.” Meeks nodded because she just made sure the four of them would think of nothing else no matter how proper the dress. “Can we go riding after breakfast?”

  “Mirisa did you cut your hair again?”

  She looked at James. “I did. Charisse and I found a new salon along the Avenue that has an Oriental spa in the basement that pampers you and serves the best oolong tea with dragon tea cakes. But it is their massages that are so outrageously delicious.”

  “I think she’s having an undue influence over you.”

  “Probably though I believe the tattoos were my idea but in our defense we had been drinking rice wine all afternoon.”

  The room became utterly quiet. Mirisa told Meeks that she would get dressed so they could go out.

  “I need to go get a haircut this morning so if you don't mind we’ll do that before we go into the park.” She kissed him and headed upstairs.

  James looked from her to Meeks. “A tattoo?” Meeks just smiled and picked up the paper turning to the financial section. “Meeks?”

  “Let’s just say it compliments her birthmark.”

  “This town is having a bad influence on her and I really am surprised at your sister.”

  “Let me know what you think when you talk Mirisa into showing you.”

  Mirisa came back downstairs in a long sleeve blouse and carrying her jacket. Everyone had already gone out and Meeks was waiting by the back door for her. They mounted their horses and rode down to the barber shop. Mirisa told him that she would do some shopping while he got a haircut. She walked into the candy store ordering a couple of pounds of different chocolates and hard fruit candy for the children asking that it be delivered to the house. She talked to the proprietor for a while and when she turned to leave Louis Sampson was standing behind her.

  “Good morning Mirisa.” He took off his hat and nodded slightly.

  “Good morning Mr. Sampson.” Mirisa knew this wasn’t a coincidence at all because she knew someone had been watching her and the children since New Years.

  Louis was extremely handsome for his age, well built with snow white hair and deep brown eyes. He dressed with a slight European flair and he had the assurance of a man with obscene money. “Please call me Louis. You seem to have a weakness for chocolate.”

  “It’s for the house. I much prefer the hard candy.” Mirisa was putting on her leather gloves as she talked to him but she didn’t take her eyes off of his.

  “You are an extremely beautiful woman.” Louis reached up and touched a curl on the side of her cheek. “You cut your hair. I like it loose and around your face. I wish you would at least give my offer some thought.”

  “Mr. Sampson your wives only last what a couple of years? Why would I give up love for something that has no hope of doing anything except ending up in divorce court with a complicated and one sided pre-nuptial agreement? I’ve been there once and I don’t plan to ever do that again.”

  “Then I will take marriage off the table and just ask for a little time.”

  “Thank you, I’m flattered that you feel I am worth your time but I told you that I already have everything I could ever want.”

  He nodded and picked up her hand and kissed it. “I hope to see you at the benefit tonight. I understand that you have been sitting for one of the artists and the drawing will be part of the auction. Do you think your husband has enough to outbid me?”

  She laughed. “I didn’t sit for the artist, I married him.”

  “Alexander did the piece? Well, then it should be exquisitely detailed. I will definitely look forward to taking it home for my library.”

  She excused herself and left the store as Meeks was coming out of the barber shop. Mr. Sampson came out behind her and shook hands with Meeks. They spoke briefly before Louis tipped his hat and walked away.

  “Guess he’s not going to give up easily.”

  Mirisa told him she loved his haircut and they headed for the park riding for a few hours before heading home.

  Mirisa came downstairs to find them all in the living room waiting. She was wearing a black taffeta dress that was very elegant and simple. She had tied her hair back with a black bow that matched the dress and she was wearing a cameo at her throat. Meeks told her she was stunning.

  “I’ve been shopping with your sister.”

  “Then it explains the elegance in your wardrobe.”

  As they walked through the door of the new museum the server offered them wine which they each took before they walked through the museum looking at the different paintings and sculptures. Mirisa found a bronze piece of a cowboy breaking a horse that she fell in love with and asked Meeks if he would buy it for her. He talked to the curator who came back with paperwork that he signed. Mirisa thanked him and they continued through the different rooms. At nine o’clock they started the auction which was a fund raiser for running the museum. Most of the work was by artists from the area and a lot of it was very good.

  When the auctioneer unveiled the drawing of her, Mirisa was really taken aback. It was her on the back of her first horse in the river during their first ride to Texas. She was leaning over with her arms around the horse’s neck and her face up against the horse. You could see the water clinging to both of them as well as the transparency of her dress. Mirisa thought it was so strange to look at herself through Meeks eyes. It was a pen and ink drawing but had a slight wash to put a touch of color and shadow in it like the one he gave her for Christmas. She wasn’t sure she wa
nted someone else owning it even if you could not see her face or know that it was her unless someone told you. She knew.


  He looked up from the auction program into her eyes and smiled. “It doesn’t have your soul in it.”

  “Are you sure?” Meeks squeezed her hand.

  The bidding started high and it was soon obvious that the man to the side of the room was an agent whose employer intended to own the piece. She looked around and saw Mr. Sampson standing in the doorway talking to several people. He wasn’t paying attention to the auction but he didn’t have to since he had instructed his agent to pay whatever it took to get it. Their eyes met and Louis nodded. Mirisa put her hand in Meeks and wrapped her fingers around his. He looked up at her and thought someday he needed to show her his journals of all the drawings of her that he had done over the eight years. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  The bidding was higher than anything the museum anticipated and as the auctioneer started to drop the gavel a bid came from behind them and the auctioneer pointed to the back. Mirisa turned but couldn’t tell who had bid. Louis looked across the room as his agent sought his nod before doubling the bid. The auctioneer looked over Mirisa’s head and she turned to see Dominic raise his hand upping the bid.

  Mirisa met his eyes and he smiled as her lip quivered just slightly. Louis nodded and the agent doubled the bid again which caused a gasp through the room as Dominic nodded merely upping the bid by a hundred dollars. It was hard to tell if he was bluffing or if he really intended to own the painting. It took several more rounds before Louis conceded and Dominic won the auction.

  They went out for a late dinner after the benefit and James had them bring a bottle of the best whisky to the table. Tomorrow night was going to be an extremely late night with the wedding so no one was planning on staying out unless something really provocative caught their attention. James looked across at Mirisa who was standing at another table talking to a couple who attended the benefit with Charisse and Jack. Mirisa was beginning to appear more relaxed with other people mostly because she spent so much time socializing in the daytime with the women and especially Meeks’ sister.

  Meeks sat down next to him and poured a shot. “I just confirmed that Louis is having her followed.”

  “Well, so far it has only been to approach Mirisa when she’s in public but his fascination with her is strong. I think tonight pretty much proved that since he rarely personally attends the art benefits. I was surprised he threw in the towel so soon.” He lit a cigar and continued to watch Mirisa.

  Dominic came over and sat down next to Meeks. “Confirmed?”


  “You want me to deal with it?”

  “Not yet but we need to make sure that she isn’t far from one of us. His money reaches too far.”

  They watched as Garnett talked to her a moment and she excused herself and walked away with him. They walked across the room and as they approached another table a man stood up and Garnett introduced Mirisa. They talked for a few minutes and when they turned to come back to the table Mr. Sampson walked up to them and spoke with Mirisa. They all watched but weren’t concerned because Garnett was at her elbow.

  Garnett pulled out her chair and Meeks got up and sat down next to her. They had a great dinner but she couldn’t tell if the tension was from her reaction to Mr. Sampson or their reaction to her reaction.

  “Was that his agent bidding the drawing?”

  Dominic poured a shot. “Yes.”

  “He’s been having me followed hasn’t he?”

  They all sat back and waited to see how much she would say before they interjected anything into the conversation but she didn’t continue.

  “Why do you think that?”

  “I’ve seen them several times but mostly I can feel it. He suddenly appears in odd places when I am alone or with the children. He much prefers when I am alone.”

  They all waited again because so far she hadn’t said anything that they were not already aware of but she still hadn’t talked about any of the conversations that must have occurred during these meetings. Garnett sat back because after talking it over they decided that he was the best one to get the details from her. Garnett had spent hours with her before the benefit talking about Louis and the conversations. He found Mirisa very reluctant to give him the details.


  Mirisa looked at her husband before she responded. “His last offer was to take marriage out of the offer and just pay me to sleep with him.”

  They all just watched her and Mirisa realized that none of them were particularly surprised at anything she said. Of course, they wouldn’t be because they watched her like a hawk. She also knew that anything she said to one was usually shared with all of them if it involved safety or the children even if it was supposed to be privileged.

  “Garnett, who was the man you introduced Mirisa to?”

  “That was Mr. Sampson’s main solicitor. I wanted him to actually meet Mirisa since I served them today with papers to cease the surveillance of her and the children. I’ve also put them on notice that I will seek an injunction if necessary. I am not sure he cares at this point if I go to Court since the whole city knows he’s pursuing her despite her marital status.”

  “Mirisa.” She turned to her husband and he could see the disquiet in her eyes. “You didn’t cause this anymore than the incident with my brother in law. I think we need to go home early because I don’t want you even thinking about this when we have more important things to do.”

  Garnett picked up her hand and rubbed his thumb across the back of it before he looked at her. “He doesn’t keep other women when he’s married and being married is important to his business life. This is the first time he has offered to keep a woman without marriage and it’s the first time he has risked a scandal that is so public that it will be known everywhere. Every time he approaches you it is always in public because he is making a statement of his intent.” She curled her fingers around his hand so softly. “You really are turning out to be a full time job.”

  She looked down as they let her absorb it and when she looked back up she said she was ready to go home. They all stood up and Meeks pulled out her chair and she took his arm. Louis watched them as they left the restaurant. He didn’t think the President had as professional a team of security as she did which only meant that she was far more valuable than she looked. He loved the way she touched people without knowing she was doing it. Louis’ attorney came over to the table and talked to him briefly before leaving.

  Meeks helped Mirisa into the carriage as Garnett advised them that they were headed out for the night. Meeks just nodded but Mirisa knew by the looks between them that they were lying to her. Even though Garnett had sounded very convincing and confident in his speech at the table, Mirisa knew they were genuinely concerned but she didn’t know if it was a safety issue or whether they thought she would succumb to his advances.

  The solicitor came out with Mr. Sampson and they all walked across the street to a small club that was very exclusive. As soon as Mr. Sampson walked in the manager showed them to a private room which was set up for meetings. The solicitor poured shots of whisky for everyone then sat down next to his client.

  Mr. Sampson addressed Garnett first. "I find your legal tactics to be a bit over reaching as well as over reacting. I don’t believe I have been inappropriate or even had the feeling that Mrs. Meeks was upset with our infrequent chance encounters."

  "Then I’ll cut to the chase so that we don’t have to spend all night trying to determine your intentions towards my client."

  Mr. Sampson lit his cigar and picked up his whisky. "And who exactly is your client Garnett?"


  "Counselor, isn’t it a conflict to be sleeping with your client?"

  "No but then you are assuming that I am."

  "I was under the impression that she is sleeping with all four of you." He was attempting to sh
ake their confidence.

  "Louis, would you prefer to deal with me? As the mother of my children, I can assure you that the safety and protection of Mirisa and the children is foremost in my life." Dominic’s demeanor bothered Louis more than the other two but mostly because he always looked serious no matter what he was doing.

  "Fine, what is it that you want from me?"

  "Find another past time. Mirisa is happily married, is the mother of three children and is at this moment extremely upset that you would not only have her and the children followed but that you show up and make inappropriate solicitations for sex."

  "I think I offered to marry her."

  "She’s not interested in leaving her husband and especially not her children, she has shown absolutely no interest in your advances and has in fact told you specifically that she isn’t interested and she has given me complete authority to take any legal action necessary to stop you."

  "Then maybe you should think twice before you bring her into town and parade her the way you do."

  James leaned forward on the table. "Maybe you shouldn’t worry about what we do or where we do it."

  "Well, I can understand Dominic’s passion for the mother of his children and Garnett’s involvement as her attorney but tell me James exactly why are you sitting here?"

  "I’m just an independent observer." He kicked back and sipped on his whisky. Louis realized that he was wearing a shoulder holster under his jacket.

  "And why isn’t Alexander talking to me instead of the three of you?"

  "Louis, I am going to be totally frank with you since it appears you just don’t seem to grasp this meeting." Garnett leaned forward and slid an envelope across the table. His lawyer picked it up handing it to Louis without opening it. It contained verbatim the details and conversations of each time he spoke to her as well as a full report on his surveillance team. The second page contained information that only Garnett knew from having handled a confidential criminal incident that involved Louis Sampson. "If you so much as look in her direction, I can guarantee you that I will stop at nothing. Go back to your life and stay out of hers."


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