The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved

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The Life of Anna, Part 1: Enslaved Page 17

by Marissa Honeycutt

  I lay on the bed looking at the ceiling. Do I dare run? It never does any good to try and get away. I’ve never succeeded before.

  Before I could make a decision, Max was on top of me. He pulled my arms above my head with one hand and groped my breasts with the other, finding my nipple and squeezing hard.

  I cried out in pain and tried to pull away from him. He just grinned and pinched harder. He produced a knife and pressed it against my neck. When I stopped moving, he released my hands. He reached under me to unzip my dress and yanked it down, trapping my arms at my sides. He cut the center of my bra and pushed it aside, then trailed the knife around my nipples as I whimpered. The metal was cold and I whimpered when he dug the tip in a few times.

  He chuckled and pinched my nipple. He pressed the knife against my breast. “It would be a shame to remove such beautiful breasts. But I will if you don’t cooperate.”

  I nodded.

  His mouth closed around one nipple, biting it hard.

  “No, please don’t!” I cried. He pinched and squeezed and bit my breast, then moved to the other one, doing the same thing. I cried and begged him to stop, but he ignored me, continuing to pinch and bite as he pleased. I pulled away from him, trying to escape, but he sat on my hips and laughed at my tears.

  He cut my garter belt and panties and threw the ruined pieces onto the floor. His knees rested on my calves, digging into them. He ran his fingers along the outer lips of my pussy.

  I saw the man from downstairs walk up to the side of the bed.

  “Ah, Jim,” Mad said. “Check out this gorgeous pussy.” He thrust his fingers inside me and I groaned in discomfort. “Damn. Tight too.”

  “Beautiful, Max.” Jim squeezed a nipple and I cried out.

  Jim pulled my dress down further and yanked my arms out. He pinned my hands above my head with his knees and pinched my nipples.

  Max continued to thrust his fingers inside of me. Jack had trained my body so I could come with minimal stimulation. He’d trained me to come when being attacked. He’d trained me well. I grunted and groaned, my body betraying me with the beginnings of an orgasm deep inside.

  I pressed my head back, moaning and crying at the same time. I hated what my body what my body was doing.

  “Fuck, she’s gonna come.” Max laughed and looked down at me. “You like it rough? You like me shoving my fingers up your cunt? You must be a red girl.”

  I shook my head and groaned as he thrust in hard. The movement sent me over the edge. I arched my back and cried out, the unwanted orgasm hitting me hard. I heard them laugh as I came back down to earth.

  I saw Jim grinning at me through the tears in my eyes. “You are a little whore aren’t you? You like being fucked by complete strangers?” He looked at Max. “She’s going to be fun.”

  I gave up fighting and they continued to play with my body. Jim repeatedly pulled my nipples up far enough to pull my back off the bed. I sobbed at the pain and humiliation.

  Max opened his pants and started stroking his hard cock. “Fuck, I want my dick buried in this bitch.”

  He pulled his legs off me and grabbed onto my ankles, pushing my knees into my chest. Jim spread my legs apart and kept punishing my nipples.

  “Please don’t,” I begged softly. They won’t listen, Anna. They never do.

  “Why not? You like it.” Max laughed and shoved his cock inside me. I screamed out in pain. He laughed and rammed his hips against mine over and over again.

  “No, please, no,” I sobbed.

  He slid his hands down to my upper thighs and held so tightly I knew I’d have bruises this evening. He slammed his hips against mine, making my head slam back against Jim’s knees.

  I closed my eyes and felt another orgasm building. I screamed out again as I heard him cursing.

  “Fuck. Oh, fuck yeah!”

  He thrust a few more times even harder and emptied himself inside me with a scream.

  He sat there for a moment, chest heaving.

  “Fuck, you feel good honey. I might keep you here and not let you go back to the Manor. They wouldn’t miss you. They have plenty of other girls.”

  He grinned an evil grin, gave one last thrust and pulled out. He released my feet and they fell to the bed, my legs splayed apart. I hurt. I couldn’t move.

  “You gotta try her out, Jim. She’s fucking tight.”

  Jim laughed and flipped me over onto my stomach before moving behind me. His finger strayed down to my ass. “Maybe I should try out her ass.” He pushed forward and forced a finger inside my tight ring.

  I whimpered, my voice muffled against the bedcovers. I clenched my ass muscles involuntarily and he laughed.

  “That would feel fucking awesome.” He took his finger out and shoved it in my pussy. “But it's been a while since I’ve had a nice hot pussy.”

  He pushed my ass up in the air and knelt behind me. My face stayed buried in the bed. I screamed as he shoved his cock inside me. My fingers clenched at the bedcovers.

  Over and over he pounded. He stopped for a moment and pulled out, and then pain ripped through my ass as he thrust inside me in one quick movement. I screamed against the mattress.

  He began pounding into me again, hard. I thought he would never come and it hurt so badly, tears were streaming into the fabric beneath my face. A couple extra hard thrusts and he was done. He pulled out and I fell sideways on the bed. I sobbed into the mattress and their voices faded away as they walked out of the room.


  I opened my eyes suddenly and looked around. Where am I?

  I remembered what happened and blinked back tears. How had I softened so much after being gone from Jack for only a few days? This sort of thing had happened all the time when I’d lived at home. I suppose it bothered me there too, but...things were different now. I felt different. I had met Kurt. And Wilhelm. They’d given me hope. Devin had promised things would be better.

  But they weren’t.

  I sighed and listened, but heard no sound. I moved slowly to look behind me. The room was empty and the house was quiet. Maybe they were gone. By the position of the sun, I could tell that it was much later in the day than when I’d arrived.

  I sat up and fixed my dress, zipping it as best I could. My shoes were still on my feet but I pulled them off so I could walk quietly. I tiptoed out the door and down the stairs. Both men appeared to be passed out on the couch with an ashtray in between them.

  I crept towards the door without taking my eyes off the men.

  What are you doing, Anna? They’re gonna wake up and beat the shit out of you.

  Maybe not. Maybe not this time. Maybe it would be different.

  My purse sat on the floor near the couch. I picked it up and turned back towards the door, which didn’t appear to be locked. I reached for the handle, turned it and slowly pulled the door open, glancing back at the men. They hadn’t moved. I slipped through the narrow opening and winced at a squeak, but the men didn’t stir.

  Once I was outside, I took two steps away from the house and then sprinted down the street along the back of the shopping center. I ran around to the front where the car was parked, pulling my keys out of my purse to unlock the car as I approached it. I had the car in reverse before my door was closed.

  I tore out of the parking lot and had driven for a mile or so before I realized I had no idea where I was going. I pushed the “home” button on the GPS, as Ian had instructed me to do when I was done, and it told me I was heading in the completely wrong direction. I followed the directions it gave me and was relieved when I finally made it to the freeway.

  Chapter 18

  I was still shaking when I pulled up in front of the Manor. Why hadn’t Ian driven me? None of this would have happened if he’d driven me. I felt beaten and defeated. I wanted to go upstairs, take a bath and crawl into bed. At least I didn’t have to worry about anyone using me tonight.

  I straightened my dress as best I could as I got out of the car. Ian waited by the do
or with an impassive look on his face. I kept my head down so he wouldn’t see my red eyes.

  I drew a bath as soon as I got to my room and sank into the hot water. My ass hurt. My pussy hurt. My nipples hurt. I felt ashamed. Now I understood why Devin insisted on me wearing my necklace...

  My heart sank. I still didn’t have my necklace. The thought of going back to the store made me sick to my stomach. But what else could I do? The only option was to call Devin. Would he be angry? Or understanding?

  I dragged myself out of the bath and wrapped my soft robe around me before crawling into bed, taking my phone with me. I pressed the screen over Devin’s picture and waited for him to answer.

  “Anna,” came Devin’s voice after a two rings. “This isn’t a good time.”

  “I...I’m....” I burst into tears. I prayed that he wouldn’t get angry with me, but I couldn’t control myself.

  “Anna, what’s wrong?”

  I couldn’t answer. I just kept crying.

  “Are you sick? What happened?” I could hear the impatience in his voice.

  I sucked in a deep breath and let it out through pursed lips. “I didn’t get my necklace,” I whispered, terrified of his reaction.

  “Why not?”

  So much was communicated in those two words. I trembled, imagining what he would do to me for my disobedience.

  “Because...they took me.”

  “Took you? What the fuck are you talking about, Anna?” He wasn’t hiding his irritation now.

  With a shaky voice, I told him what happened at the jewelry store.

  Devin didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Had he hung up?

  “This is why you need to wear your necklace, Anna,” he scolded in a low voice.

  I shivered. “I know that now, Devin,” I said softly. “I won’t go out without it again.” I took a shaky breath. “I’m afraid to go get it though. I’d have to go back there.”

  He didn’t answer right away. Would he make me go back? “I’ll have Ian get it tomorrow,” he said after a moment.

  I let out a breath of relief. “Thank you.” I thought for a moment. “Are you going to punish me?” I whispered.

  “No, Anna. I think you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “I have, Devin,” I whimpered. “I promise.”

  “Do you want me to come see you tonight?”

  The shock of his offer dried my tears instantly. “You’d come here?”

  “Of course, Anna. I care about you. I want to make sure you’re okay. But I won’t if you don’t want me to.”

  I didn’t answer for a moment. He wouldn’t come if I didn’t want him to?

  “Anna? Are you still there?” He sounded concerned.

  “I’m here,” I said quickly. “Yes, I’d like it if you came.”

  “All right. I’ll be there soon.”

  We hung up and I lay down on my bed watching TV until Devin arrived, about an hour later.

  The door opened. "Anna?"

  I sat up and saw Devin standing there in jeans and a button-down shirt. He walked over and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, desperate to be held. He lay down on the bed and held me tightly for a long time.

  When dinner arrived, we ate at my little table and Devin mentioned that his wife was pregnant.

  I smiled at him. “That’s a good thing, right?”

  He frowned. “I wouldn’t mind if it was mine. But it’s not.” He looked angry. He muttered something under his breath that sounded like “Fucking bitch.”

  “I’m sorry, Devin.” I couldn’t come up with a better response. Why would Devin’s wife desire any man except him?

  “I found out last week. Just before you came to the Manor.” He gave me a wicked smile. “I told her I was going to stay with my mistress tonight.” He stared at his plate for a moment. “I have half a mind to take the baby when she has it. Raise it in the Manor. I’m certainly not going to allow it to be raised in my home.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it would give the impression that I’m okay with what she did. She’s disrespected me. I don’t give a fuck if she sleeps around, as long as she’s discreet. But this is crossing the line.” He laughed. “Or I can make her get rid of it. But if it’s a girl, it would be a waste of a potential slave.” He frowned, looking thoughtful. “Which do you think would be worse?”

  I stared at him for a moment. “I...Devin, I have no idea. I’ve never been pregnant.” Jack had told me that the first time I was taken to the Manor they had done something to me to make sure I would never become pregnant. It had worked.

  “I’m glad you haven’t Anna. It would ruin your beautiful body.” He took my hand and kissed it. “I would hate for that to happen. You’re so beautiful and perfect.”

  I smiled, his compliment warming me to the core. He leaned forward and stroked my cheek, trailing his fingers down my neck. “I need you, Anna,” he said huskily.

  I nodded and he pulled me to over to my bed. I hadn’t finished my dinner, but Devin needed me. Devin wanted me.

  “Undress,” he commanded softly.

  I obeyed, untying my robe and letting it fall to the floor. I hoped Devin would be gentle with me; my body ached from what had happened earlier.

  He frowned when he looked at me and my heart leapt into my throat. “Have I displeased you, Devin?”

  He stepped forward and traced my hips. “You have bruises.” I looked down and sure enough, there were bruises on my hips where Max and Jim had grabbed on to me. “Ian will take care of them tomorrow when he retrieves your necklace.” He ran his fingers up my body to my breasts. I winced as he cupped them but didn’t say anything. I wanted to please him.

  “That hurts?”

  “A little, but it’s okay.”

  “No, Anna. I don’t want to hurt you. I didn’t realize....” He paused. “It’s alright. We don’t have to make love.”

  Tears came to my eyes. “But I want to Devin. I want to be with you.”

  He smiled tenderly. “I’m not leaving, Anna. I’ll still stay the night.”

  I stepped forward, grateful he wasn’t leaving, and reached out to him. “I want to please you, Devin.” I tentatively placed my hand on his jeans over his cock and looked up at him. “May I?”

  He nodded with a slight smile on his face. “Undress me.”

  I undressed him quickly and then knelt before him, worshiping the man so gloriously naked in front of me. His cock was so hard. I ran my fingers over the silver balls that I so enjoyed.

  “Let’s get on the bed,” Devin said softly, helping me to my feet.

  He lay on the bed and I knelt between his thighs and took him into my mouth. I stroked him with my hand as I licked and sucked him. He groaned and buried his hands in my hair, guiding me up and down as he liked. I glanced up at his face and he smiled and pushed my head down. I swallowed him eagerly and he groaned as I did so. I repeated the motion several times and he cursed softly.

  “Oh, fuck, Anna. You feel so good.” I pulled back for a breath and repeated the multiple swallows. “I’m gonna come, Baby.” I pumped my fist at the base of his shaft and he pushed my head up and down. He cried out and stiffened and my mouth was filled with his salty fluid, which I eagerly swallowed.

  “Good girl,” he whispered. I lay with my head on his hip and his cock still in my mouth. He petted my hair gently. “Good girl,” he repeated. I played with his sac and continued sucking gently on his cock. He moaned softly. I was content. I’d pleased Devin. He was happy with me.

  We lay there like that for a long while, and then Devin suggested I go turn the lights out. I did and returned to bed, snuggling under the covers next to him.

  “I love you, Devin,” I said softly.

  “I love you too, Baby.” He squeezed me gently and I fell asleep in his arms.


  I awoke the next morning with Devin on top of me, kissing my neck. When he saw that I was awake, he smiled. “Good morning, Baby.”

  I sm
iled back. “Good morning,” I said softly. He kissed my neck again and nudged my thighs with his knees. I eagerly parted my legs for him. He positioned his cock at the entrance of my sex and pressed forward.

  I whimpered at the unexpected pain and jumped as he pushed into me.

  “You still sore, Baby?” he murmured into my ear. He stopped moving.

  I nodded. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  “Give me your pain, Anna,” he whispered. I felt dizzy suddenly as he said it and my eyes rolled back into my head. “Give me your pain and feel my pleasure.”

  He sank slowly inside of me and it hurt. I cried out but the moment I did, the pain became erotic. Something inside me knew I was pleasing my Master by crying out. His pleasure in my pain became my pleasure.

  “Yes, Anna, good girl,” he whispered. “Give it to me. Let me feel it.”

  I felt dizzy and euphoric with pleasure. His cock pressed forward into my abused pussy. I groaned and squirmed underneath him, wishing I had more pain to give him. His pleasure consumed me. He pulled back and I whimpered. He slammed back inside me and I groaned in painful pleasure.

  His movements became rhythmic, out and in, painful, consuming. Again and again he slammed into me, hurting and pleasuring me at the same time. He leaned down and bit my nipple and I screamed. He pulled back, keeping my nipple between his teeth. I hissed in pain and he groaned and released me.

  The eroticism became savage. The more it hurt, the more I felt his pleasure. In turn, his pleasure translated my pain into pleasure. He held my hands over my head and rammed himself into my battered pussy over and over again. I writhed underneath him, taking the pounding and allowing it to push me into higher levels of consciousness.

  “Come for me, Baby,” Devin shouted as he abused my sex. “Come hard for me.”

  The orgasm hit me with such force that I couldn’t breath. I screeched and struggled against his hold on my hands. He pounded even harder into me and I felt a painful pinch inside my pussy pushing me higher than I’d gone before. Stars sparkled across my eyelids and my body exploded with the intense sensations. Devin let out a primal scream as his cock throbbed inside me, shooting his cum deep inside my body.


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