Swallowing His Pride

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Swallowing His Pride Page 3

by Serena Pettus

  Samantha took a moment to close her eyes and lose herself in the music, her body rocking, flowing and undulating to the song as she felt Lynn take her hand. Unfortunately, as she moved to step away, a thick arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back, bringing her flush against the hard male body behind her. And she meant hard. Her shoulders felt as if they were against his chest and that meant he was a very big guy and muscular, too. Too bad she wasn’t looking for any man who would manhandle a woman clearly trying to move away from him.

  One controlling man in a lifetime was enough. Never again.

  “Where you off to? Let’s hang out for a while,” he said, grinding his hips against her, his mouth by her ear in order to be heard.

  Samantha couldn’t help it. She froze, her body stiffening in his hold, any buzz she’d had gone in an instant as panic bloomed with the smell of booze thick on his breath. Her ex had been a rather heavy drinker, and she knew how lucky she’d been that he only abused her emotionally, when there had been times—usually when he was drunk—that he’d come scarily close to crossing into the physical too. She had never done well with pushy men. After being bullied for years, Samantha was in no hurry to become acquainted with another man who wanted to force himself on her.

  “Hey, back off my girlfriend!” Ah, her hero. Lynn had stepped forward and grabbed hold of Sam’s arm, even as the man behind her tightened his hold.

  “Now, ladies, I’m sure we can all manage to have a good time tonight. What do you say?” His breath was making her queasy.

  “No!” they replied in unison.

  “Really, I would just be happy to watch—”

  “I believe the ladies said ‘no’, and since you clearly speak fluent English, I’ll assume you understand what that word means.” The deep southern drawl came from her right, and Sam craned her head to find Liam standing mere inches from the man holding her, a calm, yet menacing look on his handsome face.

  “If you can’t manage release her in the next five seconds, I’d be more than happy to give you a hand.” This voice was to her left, and the smoothness of his accent did nothing to lessen the threat behind his words.

  Dylan offered Samantha his hand, and she hesitated long enough that Lynn actually took the arm she held and extended it to Dylan before Sam could process what had happened. Were they really here? Coming to her rescue?

  Why yes, it looked as if she had her very own set of southern saviors, and they were clearly prepared to defend her if necessary.

  Luckily, the guy behind her released his grip on her waist and moved on before she found herself in the middle of a brawl, and she nearly sagged in relief.

  Dylan took her shoulders in his large hands and stooped to see her downcast face. “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  His concern was touching. Hell, maybe there were a few good guys left after all. “No, I’m good, just a little rattled. I don’t like being grabbed like that.” A shiver ran through her, and Dylan must have picked up on it too. His hands rubbed up and down her arms.

  “Would you like to sit for a few? Maybe get a drink? I have a booth reserved, and if you ladies want to join us, you’re more than welcome.”

  A table? Samantha and Lynn had seen them when they’d first arrived and wondered at how expensive it must be to have one. Clearly, these guys were out to impress them. Normally, that would be a turn off, since she preferred a more down-home type of guy, but as she took stock of her now aching feet, she decided sitting down and resting sounded like a swell idea.

  “Sam, do you want to sit for a little while?” Lynn asked, clearly a little worried after what just happened. She’d witnessed Sam in a full-on panic attack before and probably thought another was on the way. Oddly enough, Sam’s unease had almost completely disappeared once Dylan and Liam had shown up. It was as if a part of her knew she would be safe with them, despite the fact they’d just met. These men were trustworthy; that’s what her gut told her.

  “Sure, that sounds nice.” After she tossed a reassuring smile to Lynn, Sam fell behind Dylan as he made his way through the crowd. They all followed easily in his wake as the crowd seemed to part for him to pass. Must be nice.

  “Quit staring at my ass, Liam,” Lynn teased, and Samantha heard him laugh. “While you are really fun to look at, you’re not even close to my type, Slick.”

  This time, Dylan laughed. How had he heard all that? It was hard enough for Sam to make out what Lynn had said, but with the noise level in the club, there was no way he should have picked that up.

  They made it to the table, and Samantha was once again struck by the politeness of the two brothers. Both men stood aside and ushered the women into the booth before them. Sam felt a little awkward since the booth was large enough to seat at least eight adults. The four of them barely took up any room at all. It hardly seemed fair to hog such a large table.

  “So,” Liam began, “how did you learn to dance like that? Obviously, you’re not a stripper, otherwise a guy grabbing or propositioning you wouldn’t have been a trigger for you. I mean, that kind of thing happens in clubs a lot.”

  “A trigger?” Was it that easy to see how the stranger’s touch had affected her?

  “Baby girl, you were starting to panic, but once you set eyes on Dylan here, you calmed down. Is it just that the guy grabbed you? Because for a woman to react that strongly to a touch from a guy, there’s gotta be a story there.”

  “Liam.” Dylan’s low voice clearly delivered a warning to his brother, but Samantha knew Liam was just curious. These two seemed to be a pair of good ol’ southern boys, so she answered as best as she could without having to go into everything.

  “We all have demons in our past. We’ll just leave it at that,” she replied.

  “As long as they’re in the past,” Dylan said, waving a cocktail waitress over. “Let’s have a drink. You must be thirsty after all that dancing.”

  She gave him a quick nod to his offer. How long had they been watching her and Lynn dance? A quick sideways glance showed Liam whispering to Lynn, who shifted her gaze between Dylan and Sam. Now what was that about? When half of Lynn’s mouth quirked up in a little smirk and she smacked Liam’s arm, Samantha decided he must be flirting again. It was just too bad that Lynn hadn’t been kidding. Liam was not her type in the least. He was obviously a playboy, and Lynn longed to find a man who was more grounded and reliable.

  Hell, they both did.

  Samantha found herself wishing she had more time to get to know Dylan, because he seemed to be a pretty easygoing guy, someone she could see herself dating. Yeah, as if he’d be interested in her for more than a weekend romp. These gorgeous men probably had hordes of women lined up to jump in their beds daily.

  But what if she took Lynn’s advice? The whole “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” thing was sounding pretty good to both her and her hormones.

  Turning a smile to her friend, she saw that Lynn was rubbing her bad knee. Man, they must have really overdone it between the gym, the dancing and all the walking they’d done since their arrival the previous day.

  Leaning over, Sam asked, “Why didn’t you tell me your knee was hurting?”

  “Because you rarely cut loose, and you needed to,” Lynn answered matter-of-factly. “Besides, I can rest it at a slot machine once we’re done here. Then if it’s still sore, we can take a cab back to the hotel. Okay, mom?”

  “All right, smartass,” she conceded. Sam often found herself forgetting about the old knee injury Lynn had suffered as a teenager. It didn’t slow her down often, but they’d spent today and the day before walking all over the place, gawking at the sites just like the tourists they were.

  “You okay there, darlin’?” Liam drawled, leaning closer to Lynn, who leaned closer to Sam.

  “I’m good.” Lynn wasn’t one to show weakness, and especially not in front of strangers. “So, where are you guys from?”

  Dylan spoke up now, while Liam had an expression on his face that was a
cross between confusion and amusement. “We’re from Texas. How about you ladies?”

  Lynn glanced her way, and Sam could tell that they were thinking the same thing. What were the odds?

  “Um, I just moved to Texas. Just about forty miles past the Louisiana border actually,” Sam admitted. “I bought a nice piece of land, and I’m really looking forward to being out in the quiet of the country. It doesn’t hurt that I was assured that my only neighbors are very private.”

  She’d really lucked out on the property, and with the legal documents showing her coming assets, the bank had been able to give her the loan. After staying in Lynn’s apartment for the last sixteen months, with the constant noise of the city and the other tenants, Sam was ready for some peace and quiet.

  Having always wanted a pet, but never being allowed to, she vowed to have at least one out on the ranch. They would be good company when she needed it.

  “I tried to talk her into staying in the city, but Sam insisted on moving out into the wilderness. I just hope I don’t discover her mangled body one day when I go to visit,” Lynn groused. “Besides, haven’t you seen Texas Chainsaw Massacre? That was based on a true story, wasn’t it? I mean, just how balanced are the people who live out there?”

  “Hey!” Liam’s offended tone made Lynn wince. “Do I look like a crazy killer?”

  “Well, no, but neither did Bundy,” Lynn helpfully pointed out, and Sam heard Dylan snicker next to her.

  Turning to face him, she couldn’t help but smile. He had an easy, relaxed grin on his full lips, and Samantha caught herself leaning toward him.

  Luckily, the waitress stepped up to the table and Sam was able to pass off the movement as leaning closer to give her order. “Vodka and cranberry please.” Lynn gave her a thumbs up, so she amended, “Make that two, please.”

  Samantha was already reaching into her pocket when the waitress asked for her ID. Her height was a curse, making her appear so young. She handed it over along with her credit card, but when Dylan went to pass them over, he kept her credit card in his hand.

  “Just add all this to the table’s tab please,” he said, before sliding those golden eyes her way. “Is that okay? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but I’d love to buy you a drink. I did ask you out for one earlier, after all.”

  There was that dazzling smile again. Damn he had perfect teeth, too! He ordered drinks for himself and his brother, and she bristled a bit when the server proceeded to bat her lashes and simper before leaving. Wait. Had he just asked her something? “Um, what?”

  He chuckled, and Sam swore her ovaries did a little flip then she noticed him slide her credit card and ID in front of her. “Maybe, we should have water next,” he suggested.

  Damn it, he thinks I’m drunk! “Oh, I’m fine,” Sam replied while slipping her cards back into her pocket. “I just didn’t catch what you said.”

  “That’s all right. I just said I’d like to take care of the drinks for you ladies while we’re here, if that’s okay?”

  “Oh.” Turning to Lynn for guidance, only to receive a nod of encouragement, she faced a now frowning Dylan. Feeling the need to explain her, no doubt, odd behavior, she confessed, “I’m sorry, I’m not used to being in the company of men like this.”

  “Like this?”

  Oh, man, now she’d probably insulted the man.

  “Sam hasn’t dated since high school, so she’s not accustomed to having guys want to do things for her.” Lynn was trying to help, but her remark came out making Samantha sound a bit… Well, she didn’t really know, but it didn’t sound all that flattering.

  “Let me clarify things so that you don’t get the wrong idea. I married right out of high school and am finally finished with my divorce, so that’s why we’re here in Vegas. Celebrating.” There, that wasn’t so hard. “But let me clarify one more thing. This was all her idea,” she said, pointing at Lynn. “I would have been happy working on my new home and celebrating with a pint of ice cream.”

  “We cannot celebrate that man being out of your life with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s! After everything that bastard did to you and put you through, something as small as a sundae just wouldn’t cut it. You needed to see a little more of the world anyway,” Lynn said, waving her arm in a wide arc that had Liam leaning back to avoid being smacked in the head. “We’ll start taking vacations every year! It will be great, and maybe, we can even take a cruise sometime. They even have singles cruises that I’ve heard—”

  Geez, was Lynn still buzzing? There was no way, on a teacher’s salary, that Sam could do vacations every year and have enough to fix up the property. And a singles cruise?

  “No!” Samantha shouted over the music. “There’s no way I would want to be in the middle of nowhere with a boat full of men looking to shack up for the trip. Besides, I don’t think I can swing any extravagant trips on a teacher’s salary.”

  “But you got all that money from the douche bag,” Lynn whined. “He never took you anywhere, so it seems fitting that you should use some of it to go somewhere you’ve always wanted to.”

  Sam glanced between Liam and Dylan, who seemed riveted to their conversation, one that truthfully would be better spoken in private. What must the two of them think of her? Did they see her as a pathetic woman as she sometimes did? A woman who’d failed to make her marriage work?

  Oh, she knew she’d done her best, having walked on eggshells for so many years to keep from doing anything that might set her husband off, but she was still rebuilding her self esteem, and sometimes, she still heard his hateful, degrading remarks echoing in her head. That same voice was the one insisting she was only good to a man for one thing and not to get her hopes up for anything more.

  “If your ex-husband didn’t treat you like a queen, you’re better off without him, sweetheart,” Dylan whispered in her ear, pulling her back from that dark place in her head. “Don’t settle for anything less than your heart demands, and you’ll be fine.”

  His lovely words nearly melted her into a puddle on the spot. Who said stuff like that anymore? What her heart demands? Well, her body was all but insisting she take this cowboy for a ride. With any luck, he could buck like the broncos he probably rode back home.

  Geez! Where was that waitress? Maybe if Sam drank enough, she could just pass out then her body’s reaction to the hot-as-hell southern sweetie beside her wouldn’t be driving her to distraction. For crying out loud, her nipples were rock hard, her panties were wet and her mind was filled with erotic images that would make a porn producer blush!

  Right on cue the scantily clad server arrived with their drink-laden tray. “Here we go, guys!” she happily announced as she passed the drinks to everyone. “Just wave if you need anything, and I’ll check back with you soon.”

  “Thank you,” Dylan replied. “So,” he began, turning back to the group, “what would you ladies like to do? We could dance, though I’m not sure if my skills are quite up to par. We could check out the shows or go gamble for a bit. It’s up to you two.”

  Samantha and Lynn exchanged a look, not sure what to make of the two brothers, but apparently, neither of them were uncomfortable in the least with these men. Obviously, her friend would defer to her, so Sam needed to decide what she wanted to do. If she was honest with herself, she really wanted to talk to Dylan in a quieter setting. Too bad, the only place to achieve that would be a hotel room, and that was a bad idea.

  “If you aren’t up to it, we don’t have to do anything,” Dylan said, interrupting her thoughts. The poor guy probably thought she was about to give him the brush-off. Not hardly.

  “Oh, no, I’d love to hang out, I was just thinking about what we should do,” Sam explained.

  Realizing that Sam was game to keep the night going, Lynn finally spoke up. “I say we go gamble. At least that way, we can all still talk, and maybe get to know each other better.”

  “Perfect!” Liam exclaimed. “I’m usually a table guy, but those machines have been temptin
g me with their flashing lights and those bells that go off whenever you hit something good.” Sam couldn’t stifle her giggle when he began rubbing his hands together in anticipation. “Come on, ladies. Let’s toss these back and get a move on!”

  “You got it, cowboy!” Lynn exclaimed, turning her glass up and downing her drink in seconds before slamming it back down on the table. “Let’s go, you two,” she said, gesturing between Dylan and Samantha. “I’m feelin’ lucky tonight.”

  “Really?” Liam drawled, bobbing his brows at Lynn.

  “Aw, poor thing. I said I was feeling lucky, not that you would get lucky.”

  Dylan cracked up, and Sam nearly spewed her drink, but Liam just smiled. Seemed the guy liked a challenge. It was just too bad he didn’t have a clue what he was up against.

  Finished with her glass, Sam pushed it to the center of the table with the rest just as Dylan did the same. Their hands brushed for just a second, but it was enough for her to feel his warmth and for her body to sit up and take notice once again.

  “Let me sign for the tab, and we’ll be on our way,” Dylan announced, while waving the server back over.

  Twenty minutes later, the tab was paid and the group exited the club to make their way to the casino floor. The night before, Sam and Lynn had played at the hotel they were staying at and had been lucky enough to come back to the room with almost as much cash as they’d gone with. Tonight, they hoped to do the same, though neither of them had brought more money than they could afford to lose. After all, what was a trip to Vegas for if you didn’t gamble while you were there?

  “Oh, let’s play this one!” Sam pointed to a cluster of Wheel of Fortune slot machines just ahead and the group navigated the crowded room only to find the seats were all filled. “Damn. These machines were full last night too at the other place, too. They look like a lot of fun though.”


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