Worst Case Scenario

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Worst Case Scenario Page 4

by Chenell Parker

  “Your scary ass.” Remo frowned, pulling Jarvis away from his thoughts. He needed more legal income and Jarvis was acting like a bitch.

  “Nigga, fuck what you saying. Y’all need to stop chasing hoes and handle y’all business. Get your records expunged and build up your credit. I’m not putting nothing else in my name for y’all and neither is Latrice,” Jarvis said, speaking of his wife.

  The twins had been to jail several times but they were never convicted of anything. Most times they were locked up, waiting to go to court. None of the charges ever stuck and they never did any real time. They both had been arrested on murder charges, but the witnesses always mysteriously disappeared. Jarvis had been telling them to hire a lawyer to get their records cleaned but they never took his advice. His wife worked with lawyers every day and all she had to do was say the word. Both their cars and their motorcycles were in his wife’s name and Jarvis was fed up.

  “I told you not to ask this nigga,” Nas replied.

  “Yeah and you told him right. You got a wife, nigga. Ask her to do the shit for you,” Jarvis said while pointing to Nas. They were trying to open a hookah bar, but Jarvis wasn’t bending. He already had their strip club and four rental properties in his name for them. He had to draw the line somewhere.

  “Fuck no. I don’t want that bitch name on nothing that belongs to me,” Remo fussed.

  “Shit, me either. I don’t trust her ass,” Nas said, agreeing with his brother.

  “The fuck you married her for then?” Jarvis asked.

  “Because the bitch asked me to. Nigga, I was in jail. It ain’t like I had shit else to do.” Nas shrugged.

  He had only been married to Milan for a little over a year, but there was nothing blissful about it. He went to jail on a drug charge and ended up doing six months before the charges were dropped. He only stayed in there that long because he was going back and forth to court. He and Milan were kicking it before he got locked up and she used to come visit him every week. Nas spit the usual bullshit and promised to be with only her when he got released. Milan foolishly believed him and suggested they get married. Nas laughed her off, but she was dead ass serious. She called the prison to arrange it and even purchased the rings. He married her and went to the infirmary and fucked a female prison guard less than an hour later. The shit was a joke to him but Milan took their marriage seriously. She stopped dancing and was begging him to give her a baby.

  Nas tried to do right but the shit was just too hard. He was still kicking it with the prison guard and another chick that he’d recently met. Milan always complained, but she wasn’t giving him a reason to be faithful. She was spoiled and she wanted Nas to cater to her. He paid all the bills and barely had a hot meal when he got home. The only time he didn’t eat fast food was when he went to Gavin and Stori’s house.

  “Let’s just say y’all do open up a hookah bar. Who’s gonna run the shit? Y’all niggas don’t even trust nobody,” Jarvis noted, as Remo and Nas looked at each other. That part was indeed true. Besides each other, they didn’t trust a soul. They often reminded Jarvis that they didn’t trust him either. Their cousin, Bee, helped out at the club sometimes but he was just as nutty as they were.

  It was always eerie to Jarvis how much his little brothers looked and acted just alike. Remo and Nas had a bond that even he didn’t understand. They knew shit about each other without even being told. Their mother had a condition called Manière disease which affected her hearing over time. She was partially deaf and she made sure that all of her kids learned sign language at an early age. Over the years, Jarvis had forgotten most of what he learned but not the twins. They mastered the art of sign language and it was often their source of communicating with each other. They were smart as hell but they made some of the dumbest decisions. They didn’t think rationally and Jarvis was tired of thinking for them.

  “What about Kalani?” Nas asked while looking at his brother.

  “Nope. She’s good working at the club. I need my eyes on her at all times,” Remo replied.

  “For fucking what? Kalani is not your girl no more,” Jarvis reminded him.

  “Keep thinking that if you want to,” Remo replied.

  “I swear I don’t understand you niggas. Remo, you bought Kalani a house and you don’t even have a steady place to stay. Nas gets put out every other day but he’s the one who pays all the bills. I don’t understand why y’all gave up y’all apartment to stay with people who you can’t even be faithful to. Y’all are the dumbest, smart muthafuckers that I’ve ever met,” Jarvis fussed.

  “First off, fuck what you think. I have a place to stay. I just don’t stay there every night. And my heart is very faithful to Kalani. My dick might be disrespectful as fuck, but this is a part of me that another bitch can never say that she’s ever had,” Remo said while pointing to his heart.

  “Man, I’m good. If I could get a place in my name, I would have done it a long time ago. Milan needs me more than I need her. I’m ready to settle down and start a family,” Nas said like he made sense.

  “The fuck you mean? You’re already settled. You got a wife nigga,” Jarvis pointed out.

  “I’m not trying to settle down with no damn Milan. I’m probably about to divorce her ass anyway. Tell Latrice to call me so I can talk to a lawyer,” Nas replied.

  “Man, I don’t know where I went wrong with y’all bruh. I know mama and daddy are probably rolling over in their graves by now,” Jarvis sighed stressfully.

  He was surprised that he didn’t have a head full of gray hair by now. Remo and Nas drove him to the brink of insanity most times. Them being in the dope game was nothing new because their parents were deep in it too. Sadly, that was how they lost their lives. Instead of his brothers doing things differently, they followed right in the footsteps of their parents. Jarvis didn’t pray for much but he sent up a special prayer for his brothers every day. He was ready for them to calm down and relax.

  “Let’s go bruh. I’m trying to get on my bike and ride to the lake. Ole girl said they gon’ pass through. I told you that this was a waste of time,” Nas said as he stood to his feet.

  “Come run me home to get mine too. I need to take a shower and change,” Remo said as he too stood up.

  “Home? Exactly where is that these days? You be here and by grandma more than anything,” Jarvis noted.

  “Shut your fake ass up. Me and my brother are good as long as we got each other. We don’t even know you like that anyway,” Nas spoke up on Remo’s behalf.

  “Stupid ass nigga. Who do you think raised your crazy ass? I’m your brother too,” Jarvis pointed out as he often had to.

  “I don’t trust no nigga that I didn’t climb out of the pussy with. Fuck outta here,” Remo said, making Jarvis laugh.

  They had no problem letting him know that he was an outsider too. He knew that it was all bullshit though. The twins had a funny way of showing it, but they loved their big brother. They were the ones who paid off his house as well as the cars that he and his wife drove. They appreciated their big brother and his wife more than they would ever know. Jarvis fussed but he was the first one at the courthouse whenever they got locked up. Although he said no, they knew that they would have their hookah bar soon too. Jarvis did make a good point though. They would still need somebody to run it.

  “Don’t call your fake ass friend either. I want to be fuck boy free today. Leave that lame ass nigga right where he’s at,” Remo said when he and Nas got into the car.

  “Besides you, I don’t have no friends. Gavin is my associate,” Nas said as he pulled off and headed towards Kalani’s house where Remo’s bike was parked.

  “Yeah nigga, I hear you. The nigga letting you crash up in his house and shit. It sounds like he’s more than an associate if you ask me.” Remo frowned.

  “Stop acting all jealous and shit nigga. You’re my only bitch. Stop worrying about the next nigga. I only love you,” Nas said, making his brother laugh.

  “That bi
tch ass nigga better be happy that I love Kalani the way I do. I would have been went at Stori and had his punk ass sick,” Remo replied.

  “Loving Kalani never stopped you from cheating before,” Nas pointed out.

  “I know man but Stori is her best friend. I would never do my wife dirty like that. Besides, Stori is my girl. I would never go at her on no disrespectful shit. I got a nigga who I know be watching her on the low though,” Remo smirked.

  “Chill out with that shit bruh. Mad niggas be trying to get at shorty but she’s faithful as fuck to his lame ass. I told him that it’s fucked up how he got his lil sister-in-law babysitting his baby. That nigga foul for that shit. He dropped me off home yesterday and went fucked Misty’s ole dusty ass before he went to the shop,” Nas said.

  “How the fuck you cheat on a broad like Stori for a bitch like Misty? Bum bitch better be happy that it wasn’t my baby that she snuck off and had. Me and Kalani would have been raising it after I killed her hoe ass. Dumb bitch named her baby after mama like I was really the daddy. Gavin is a real fuck boy for that shit. That nigga ain’t even on Stori’s level.” Remo frowned, as Nas pulled up to the house.

  “We all know that but she obviously doesn’t,” Nas said.

  “Don’t get soft on me out here bro. My heart can’t take that shit. I remember at one time you didn’t give a fuck about nothing and nobody. It used to be fuck a nigga and his feelings,” Remo replied.

  “Nigga, you of all people know that ain’t nothing soft about me. I still don’t give a fuck about a nigga and his feelings, but I already told you what it was,” Nas replied.

  “I gave you a way in though bro,” Remo pointed out.

  “I know but I can’t fuck with it like that.” Nas shrugged.

  “Alright man. You know I got you if you need me to do anything,” Remo said.

  “I already know. Meet me uptown on Josephine St. so we can ride out together,” Nas requested.

  “You coming to the club tonight or is your wife still on her bullshit? I can get Bee to come through if you can’t make it,” Remo said.

  “Man, fuck what she be talking about. That’s my business too. I’ll be there,” Nas assured him before he got out of the car.

  Remo knew that Kalani was home because the BMW that he got for her two months ago was parked in the driveway. He was hoping that his key still worked because Kalani was always changing the locks on him. Remo always managed to get inside anyway and she never knew how.

  When he walked into the house, her music was the first thing that greeted him. He was quiet as he searched the first floor, but she wasn’t down there. Remo silently made his way up the stairs and found Kalani in the master bedroom. She was standing in the mirror messing with her hair while talking on the phone. There was nothing strange about that, but the huge smile that was on her face had him looking at her sideways. Remo was no saint but he wanted Kalani to be. She was sneaky as fuck, but he always gave her enough rope to hang herself. He stayed two steps ahead of her, but she still tried him.

  “Warn him about me, Kalani. That nigga better be prepared to die if he’s trying to fuck with you,” Remo threatened when he walked into the room.

  Kalani jumped at the sound of his voice and the phone fell from her hand. Remo could have easily snatched it up to see who she was talking to but he didn’t move like that. He had his ways of finding out what he needed to know and Kalani was well aware of that. She picked the phone up and ended the call without even saying anything. Remo smirked as he watched her discreetly mute the volume on her ringer. She was playing with him but he loved games, and she knew that better than anyone.

  “What nigga? I was talking to Stori,” Kalani said.

  “Yeah, okay. What you got going on today?” Remo asked as he admired her sexy body in her boy shorts and tank top.

  “Me and Stori might get some seafood and go to the lake,” Kalani replied.

  “Nah, I don’t want you on the lake. Too many niggas be out there,” Remo said.

  The chick that Nas fucked with was bringing her girl to the lake for him. They were supposed to be getting a room later that night before they went to the strip club. Although Kalani knew that he did his thing, he never disrespected her. He would never flaunt what he did in her face and she’d never seen him with anybody else. Hoes just talked too much and that was how he always got caught.

  “Your dog ass must be going out there, but so am I. We already made these plans last week and we’re not changing them. You’re not my man, so your hoes shouldn’t feel threatened,” Kalani fussed.

  “You always trying to fuss with a nigga. Fuck it. Go to the lake if that’s what you wanna do, but you can be prepared to post up right with me and Nas. You got me fucked up if you think you bout to smile in another nigga face,” Remo replied as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

  He had to send Nas a text to tell him to abort their previous mission. Unbeknownst to him, Kalani was texting her boo, telling him the exact same thing. She was going to the lake with Stori but that was just to throw shit off. Her boo was supposed to meet her there but she had to cancel. She almost got busted on the phone and she was happy that she didn’t say anything to incriminate herself. Remo was a different kind of crazy and she didn’t need those problems.

  “Fuck that! You must be trying to meet up with a bitch. That’s the only time you be wanting me to stay home,” Milan argued as she followed Nas around their bedroom.

  He was getting dressed to meet his brother at the lake and she wanted to go with him. Nas had cheated on her so much and her insecurities ran deep. Everybody told her not to get involved with him, but she didn’t listen. Not only had Milan got involved, but she fell in love too. Her and Misty were only supposed to be dancing at the club. Falling in love with the owners was not supposed to be a part of the plan. At least Milan got a husband out of the deal. Remo wanted nothing to do with Misty outside of her making his business some money. Although Milan and Nas didn’t get married the traditional way, she still honored her vows. Sadly, she took their marriage more seriously than her husband did. Nas was still the same as he was when they first met. He never fulfilled any of the promises that he made when he was locked up. Milan was still living in her three bedroom apartment because he had yet to buy her a house. Even starting a family seemed to be farfetched because he was never home. They still had sex quite often, but it was always a quickie because he was always in and out of the house.

  “I’m not in the mood to argue with you, man. A nigga can’t even enjoy his off days in peace,” Nas said as he continued to get dressed.

  “Yes, you can, but you’re gonna enjoy them with your wife. It’s fucked up that I have to make you spend time with me, but it is what it is,” Milan said as she started applying her makeup. Nas thought it was a game, but she was dead ass serious. They were about to be joined at the hip for the entire day.

  “I’m riding my bike today Milan. Damn man, this insecure shit is for the birds,” Nas fussed.

  “But, why am I insecure though, Naseem? How many bitches have I caught you with? Huh? Let’s not forget that I walked down on you and Remo fucking a bitch in your office. And you wonder why I have a problem with you being at the strip club,” Milan reminded him.

  “Why get in your feelings when I met you the exact same way though?” Nas inquired.

  “I don’t give a fuck. The fact remains that I’m your wife, not them other hoes. You put a ring on my finger!” Milan yelled as she held up her hand.

  “Nah, you put that ring on your own finger. I was locked up,” Nas laughed.

  “Everything is a fucking joke to you. You and Remo have had enough hoes to last y’all a lifetime. Y’all are too old to still be on the same bullshit,” Milan argued.

  “Stop speaking on my brother. My dude got who he want and it ain’t your hoe ass sister,” Nas said.

  “He got who he want, but he’s still fucking with other hoes. Kalani dumb as fuck if she wait for that nigga to get it ri
ght,” Milan spat.

  “You sound salty though. That’s all on them. That man gon’ settle down when he gets ready and so will I,” Nas replied.

  “The fuck you mean so will you? You’re a married man Naseem. You should already be settled. You don’t even know what it’s like to be faithful. All you do is cheat!” Milan yelled.

  “Give me a muthafucking reason not to then! Nigga pay all the bills and can barely get a hot meal up in this bitch. Another nigga’s wife feeds me more than my own. You want me to buy you a house but you don’t even keep the apartment clean. The fuck I look like trying to put a baby up in you when you still act like one,” Nas said. His honesty always hurt her feelings, but she was used to it by now.

  “I’m trying Nas, but you don’t even try to meet me halfway. I can’t even go nowhere without a bitch confronting me about my husband. I’m getting too old to still be fighting hoes over a nigga. A nigga that’s supposed to mine at that,” Milan ranted.

  Nas was over it and he was done talking. It would have been different if they didn’t have the same conversation at least three times a week. Remo told him not to do it but he married Milan anyway. Now, he needed to get with his sister-in-law to see how he could get out of it. He needed to take Jarvis’ advice and get his record cleaned. Then, he would be able to have more legal income and get a place of his own. Crazy as it may have sounded, Nas was really ready to settle down. Milan was right and he’d had his share of being with multiple women. She just wasn’t the woman that he could see himself settling down with.


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