Jason's Dilemma: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 2)

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Jason's Dilemma: Vampire Fantasy (Bonds of Damurios Book 2) Page 22

by Nicki Ruth

  He needed to see Cade, needed his reassurance. Shit! He needed a doctor. He tugged at the thin collar around his neck and silently urged Davina to hurry. He needed to get back to the manor, to see for himself that everything was all right.

  “Jason. I thought you could try these on.” Davina waved toward the stylist, who’d just entered the room with several garments in her hands.

  “Davina, I don’t need any clothes.” He groaned. He wasn’t in the mood to be poked and measured.

  “Come on. At least try the white one.”

  Jason looked away and grumbled.

  “Please,” Davina’s eyes grew round and large with feigned innocence.

  Jason sighed. As if he could refuse that.

  “Fine. But only one, and you promise we head back after this.” Jason grumbled again. Why couldn't this whole affair have been done at the manor?

  Another hour later, they finally returned to the manor. Davina made Jason get the white silk tunic that was richly embroidered with gold threads and diamonds. It hung over white pants, similarly adorned. It was too rich for Jason’s tastes, but Davina insisted he wear it right out of the merchant’s shop.

  Tired, he could only focus on seeing Cade and having his presence soothe his frayed emotions.

  “Jason, before you run off, I want to talk to you about something,” Davina said. She tugged on his sleeve, halting his steps, and hesitated. “It’s about Cade.”

  Jason perked up. Davina’s gaze darted about, and he grew concerned. He rarely saw Davina nervous.

  “I see how you look at him. You care for him a lot. Do you love him?”

  Jason’s eyes widened. He would not have guessed this was where the conversation was going. His cheeks heated. Did he love Cade? More than anything!

  “I do,” he managed to say, his voice even, but his pulse quickened.

  Davina smiled. “He cares for you too. He told Alexios as much. I just wanted to know how you felt. You’ve both been through a lot these past couple months.” She paused, her eyes glowing.

  “I support you both, and I hope Cade will feel welcomed into our little family. Even if you guys decided to leave and be on your own, I hope we’ll always remain close.”

  What was Davina talking about? Did she want them to leave?

  “Uh, well, I don’t plan on going anywhere. I won't leave father with Marius still missing, and I haven't heard Cade talk about it. Do you think father doesn’t want Cade here?”

  “Oh no, no. Ah. That came out wrong. What I mean is we . . . I will support your decision, whatever you choose.”

  Jason frowned and was about to ask what decision she was referring to, but Davina cracked a nervous laugh and said, “Never mind, I’m rambling. Walk with me in the garden.”

  “Davina, I—” he protested. It had been a long day and he was anxious to see Cade.

  “We hardly get to spend time together anymore,” she pouted, her eyes rounded on her face. “Pleeease”

  He sighed. How could he say no to that?


  Jason listened to Davina ramble on about what he didn’t understand. She was confusing him with her babble, which was peculiar because she seemed nervous about something. She never babbled.

  They reached the landing that overlooked the gardens and his jaw dropped. Below, scores of yellow lights had been strung and hovered in the air, giving the garden an otherworldly glow. Hundreds of flowers from the garden, and others that had been brought in from elsewhere, decorated chairs and posts and tables. White petals and gold trimmings were sprinkled across the ground, glittering under the soft warmth of the floating lights.

  And everyone had gathered. He saw his father, Brandr, Albus and Valere, Deepa, Tyrus, and all the other vahanas. All the manor’s staff and inhabitants were there.

  And Cade, who was looking up at him.

  “Surprise,” Davina said mischievously as she bumped against his shoulder. “Everyone wanted to surprise you. It was all Cade’s idea. I, ah, needed to distract you today.”

  When he remained speechless, Davina nudged him. “Let’s join them, shall we.”

  As they slowly made their way down the staircase, silence descended over everyone. Jason didn’t know what to think. His eyes once again sought Cade’s and he noticed he was dressed in white and gold, similar to Jason.

  Cade smiled as they approached him, standing next to what resembled an altar; it was heavily covered with flowers and lamps.

  His father stepped forward to greet them.

  “Jason, my son . . .” Alexios stopped what he was about to say and simply squeezed Jason’s shoulders.

  “Could his eyes get any bigger?” Davina chuckled at his side.

  Alexios smirked and motioned Jason forward. “Come. Cade awaits. He wants this to be special for you.”

  Jason weakened at the knees.

  Cade had done this.

  For him.

  He heard the roar of blood in his ears and felt the nervous twitch in his hands. Cade had done this for him. He looked at Cade’s smiling face and felt one copied on his own. This was more than anything Jason could have expected. Cade’s smile grew wider when he stood in front of him, and Alexios waited off to the side.

  “Jason. I wanted, in front of all who knows and loves you, to declare my intentions and my feelings for you. So that no one, not even you, will ever doubt, could ever question, my devotion to you.”

  Jason’s mind went fuzzy. He prayed he wouldn’t swoon and bit his lip until he tasted blood to force himself to remain upright.

  “I want to claim you as my mate, here and now, and forever. If you’re willing.” Cade said the last part as if there was doubt.

  But there was no doubt in Jason’s mind what he wanted. And he wanted Cade to be his always. Jason managed to nod eagerly, still in a stupefied haze.

  At the corner of his eye he saw Davina motion to someone, and a hooded figure came out of the shadows. The hood was removed and revealed white hair on pale skin that was tattooed with red symbols. His scent was distantly familiar.

  “If the parties are willing, on behalf of our sovereign, I will conduct a Damurian bloodtie ceremony,” the pale-faced man said.

  Cade took hold of his hand and Jason’s gaze traveled to where they were joined. Cade’s hand on his, always strong and steady.

  He remembered that same hand on his, holding onto him as he took his first awkward flight, promising not to let go, and didn’t let go—not until he’d been ready.

  “This tie signifies the sacred joining of two souls in blood as partners and mates in the eyes of the blood gods. Blood represents life. Blood represents death. And it is in blood two souls may find each other through life or death. With this joining in blood, Cadeonidas, son of Draconias and Jason, bloodson of Alexios, have pledged to honor their bloodbond with friendship and love. Always.”

  The officiant presented a dagger to Jason to add his blood to a plain and ancient crystal bowl. Jason sliced into his hand and watched as a small stream of blood trickled into the bowl. Cade did the same.

  Then the officiant swirled the contents of the bowl. “The mingling of blood is the first physical representation of the bloodtie, the joining of their lives.” He motioned for both Cade and Jason to drink from the bowl.

  “The exchange of blood is the second and most important and will imprint each soul upon the other.”

  The officiant gestured to them with a slight smile, and Cade stepped closer to Jason.

  “I guess I’ll be having some of your blood now.” He grinned.

  Jason swallowed and tried to relax as Cade tilted his head to the side. He felt Cade breathe him in, his lips briefly caressing his tender skin, kissing and teasing, before Jason felt razor sharp teeth bite into his neck. He grunted; he’d never been bitten before—except for that one time Davina lost control. Not even his brothers had taken from him.

  Cade was his first. The significance of this clanged in the recesses of his mind, but he was lost to the
sensation of Cade’s nearness, too taken with him at his neck to acknowledge it.

  Cade drew back and eyed Jason. “Now it's your turn, babe.”

  Jason moved toward Cade’s bare neck, and bit cleanly into the offered flesh. Cade’s fiery blood burst along his tongue, igniting his body with a gust of pleasure. Jason trembled and felt Cade’s hands on him, steadying him. Jason drew away and bit back a moan.

  The officiant began again but Cade spoke out. “Before we conclude, there’s one more thing that needs to be completed. I’ve claimed Jason by blood. Now, I’ll claim him by fire.”

  Jason froze and stared into a golden gaze that flamed before him. “C . . . Cade. Truly?”

  “Yes, babe. I don’t want to wait, either. I know you’ll accept my fire, no problems. And, your sire and queen are here if anything goes wrong.”

  Jason felt his head nodding along with Cade. Even though it was the Dāmming and his supernatural healing was lost to him, he’d been impatiently craving Cade’s gift. Cade tilted his neck again, and Jason saw the base of Cade’s throat glow fire. Cade’s teeth and mouth elongated, scales patterning his skin, and he struck quickly and decisively into Jason’s shoulder.

  A wave of heat overcame him. Pain radiated from his shoulder and down across his chest.

  Jason gritted his teeth, swallowing a cry. It was like he was on fire; it burned, singeing his flesh and charring his insides. The pain caused his eyes to tear while beads of sweat seeped from his pores, and he gasped, grabbing onto Cade, who pulled back.

  “You’re doing good, Jason. Just breathe,” Cade murmured as he held Jason close.

  The pain was intense threatening to snatch consciousness from him as he wavered on his feet. Eventually, the pain began to subside, and Jason realized the silence encircling them. Only the rustling of the trees defied the quieted breath that everyone seemed to be holding. Jason let his out slowly and straightened, still clutching Cade.

  “It’s beautiful,” Cade whispered, skirting his fingers across the skin exposed at Jason’s shoulder and chest. “Just as I imagined it.” A gentle breeze whipped golden strands around Cade’s grinning face.

  “I love you,” Jason said quietly as the breeze took his declaration up into the heavens.

  Jason closed his eyes, dizzy from what they’d just done.

  He was Cade’s. Cade was his.

  Something cool slipped up his arm, and he looked down to see that Cade had returned the golden armband—the same one he’d left behind on a ledge for Cade to find.

  “This is yours,” Cade said. “I still want you to have it.”

  Jason was about to unravel. He looked up to the sky, tears threatening to spill over, marveling over the wonderful mate he’d been given. The officiant said something or other about them being joined, and Cade crushed their lips together. There were cheers and applause and well-wishes.

  People came up to them hugging and kissing, but it was all a blur to Jason, who only managed to smile and nod. He was still intoxicated on Cade’s blood, which always left him in a state of heightened arousal. But now, as the celebration ramped up around them, Jason remained completely enthralled by the sensations tumbling within him.

  Who would have believed that when they woke this morning he would be joined with Cade, his mate?

  His shining flame.

  Chapter 32

  Cade stood off to the side under a tree and folded his arms over his chest as he watched Jason try to dance with Mira. He was off-kilter, swaying on his feet and slurring his words. Cade chuckled. It had taken some stealthy planning, but it had all come together. He had Davina and Alexios to thank for that. Cade wanted his formal pledge to Jason to be seen and attended by everyone, so it solidified in Jason’s mind that it was real, that their love was supported and acknowledged by everyone.

  He wanted Jason to have no doubt, no lingering fears.

  “Taking a break?”

  Cade turned to see Davina at his side. “Waiting on Jason to have his fill before we retire.”

  She gave him a knowing look. “I’m sure you can’t wait. You guys have loud and lively nights. I hear it all the way at the other side of the manor.”

  Cade sputtered, and the vampire queen laughed. “Don’t worry. I just have exceptional hearing.”

  Cade huffed and returned his attention to Jason, who was now smiling with a bemused Valere, which must be a first.

  “So, what are your plans? I hear you search for a new planet to settle. I want to let you know you can stay on Damurios for as long as you want. I can gift you some land in the mountains if you think it will be suitable. It’s quite remote.”

  “That’s generous, thank you. I’ve found one planet I want to check out. But there aren’t many options that meet our criteria,” Cade replied. “But the others seem to like it here. And the indoor sunlight domes provide a good break from the continuous twilight.”

  Davina nodded. “Yes, the feel of sunlight felt so real the last time I was there. There are so many marvels of this time I’m still exploring.”

  They lapsed into silence. Cade was always a bit unnerved by the vampire queen. He sensed she was incredibly powerful, but she seemed so young and inexperienced. His instinct was that she could be temperamental, so best not to get on her bad side.

  “He loves you,” she finally said, breaking the uncomfortable silence between them. “I know Alexios gave you the speech about hurting Jason, but I’ll add mine to that.”

  Cade turned Davina giving her his full attention, knowing what was to come.

  “He was the first to befriend me here and helped smooth my transition to this new time. He’s good and kind, and I’ll take personal offence if you harm him in any way.”

  Cade looked into her amber eyes. Everyone was giving him the speech today. He doubted the day would end without him getting another. It was a testament to how Jason was truly loved. If only Jason would believe it, too.

  “My Queen, I have no intention of hurting Jason. I wanted my gesture today to prove that I only wish to cherish him.”

  She nodded, satisfied by his answer. “And you’ll be one of my flock,” she said, winking as she patted his arm. “Welcome to our family.”

  She sashayed away just as Jason came up to him.

  “I’ve been looking all over for you. Why’re you hiding here away from everyone?” he asked as he draped his body over Cade’s. His eyes were still blown, dark and wide, but his smile was infectious. “Come, let’s go in. I want to feel all of you inside me,” he mumbled against Cade’s mouth.

  Cade grinned, nipping at his jaw. “Why don’t you head up, and I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  Jason pouted. “Fifteen minutes?” he slurred. “No. I need you now.”

  Cade chuckled and swatted Jason’s behind as he stepped around him. “Go on. I want you ready and on your hands and knees when I get there.”

  Jason moaned and swayed on his feet. Cade grinned at Jason, who palmed his crotch. Cade felt his own ardor rise, but he had one more thing to take care of before he buried himself deep into Jason tonight.


  Jason finally made it to his rooms after being waylaid by well-wishers. He wasted no time stripping from his rich garments and tossed some of the petals he had gathered from the garden onto the floor of his bedroom and bed. He dimmed the lights and went to settle in to await Cade’s return. He spied himself in the mirror and gasped.

  Cade’s fire brand was seared into his flesh, from his left shoulder diagonally over his pec and ending at the center of his chest. It looked like a red and orange tattoo, slightly raised like a keloid scar and patterned—looping and swirling.

  Jason touched it to find it no longer hurt but was still a little tender. He smiled as he admired it; the brand that would mark him as Cade’s forever—Cade’s flame now housed in him.


  He swiveled around to see Cade in the doorway.

  “What did I say? I want you on your hands and knees.

  Jason grinned, went to the bed, and assumed the position. He looked over his shoulder to see Cade’s hastily shedding his clothes and joining him on the bed.

  “Give me everything, baby. No holding back.” Jason moaned as Cade ran his hands over his back and down his thigh.

  “I want you in your gryphinx form, babe,” Cade said as he kissed a path up Jason’s spine.

  Jason released his wings, black feathers shimmering flecks of indigo in the muted light.

  “That’s not all, babe,” Cade said with a chuckle.

  Jason glared at Cade over his shoulder. “I told you—”

  “I know, but it’s who you are, and I want to see.”

  Jason let out a muffled curse, hating the reminder he was part feline, and allowed his tail to emerge from the base of his spine.

  “Mmm, beautiful,” Cade said as he tugged at the tufted tail. “You’re breathtaking.”

  That night they both gave as much as they got, and Cade gave Jason everything he demanded. He groaned and whimpered and cried as Cade stroked his pleasure within him. Jason’s skin got tight, stretching against him as he arched into his orgasmic release—the third, if Jason was counting.

  Still Cade persisted, whispering his love and sweet nothings while Jason panted vows of lasting devotion. At some point, Jason was flipped onto his back and Cade lowered his head into Jason’s neck and chest, licking and kissing the branded claim that tied them together.

  The flame flared in response, glowing in the presence of its master.

  Jason’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt another orgasm rolling over him.

  “Shit! Cade. I’m . . .” He detonated again, coating his chest and Cade’s with his release.

  “You’re beautiful like this,” Cade groaned as his thrusts fell out of rhythm and Jason felt Cade’s cock swell, widening and stretching him impossibly. Cade’s true thickness filling him.

  “Oh, that’s . . .a lot,” Jason whispered, claws digging into Cade, pulling him closer.

  Cade was about to erupt, and Jason wanted to take all of him.


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