Cole, Kaliana - Tag and Release [Liberty Springs, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Cole, Kaliana - Tag and Release [Liberty Springs, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Kaliana Cole

  “You’re always good, Luke.” Casey wiggled her ass to try to entice his lips back. “Show me just how good you can be.”

  “This is so not fair.”

  “Hey, you guys made the rules, not me.”

  Luke gave a frustrated growl. “Brody is a fucking moron.”

  “What have I done now?”

  Casey turned her head to see Brody in the doorway with a couple of large carry bags in his hand and an immediately interested look on his face as he looked over the scene on the bed.

  “You promised her we wouldn’t be after sex. She smells like a wet and willing dream and I’m supposed to ignore it?” Luke sounded sulky and incredulous all at once.

  “Casey can have as much attention as she wants. You’ve just gotta keep it in your pants, little brother.”

  Brody dropped the bags beside the door and came to the bed. The smile that curled his lips was tender and warm as he picked up the bottle of oil forgotten on the bedside table. “I take it this started as a rubdown. Were you feeling sore?”

  “Just a little achy.” Casey stretched, writhing slightly. “Now it’s a different kind of ache.”

  “I bet. Do you want another set of hands to make it all feel better?”

  Looking up into his dark, dark eyes, all she could do was nod. His fingers danced down the line of buttons on the front of his shirt and Casey writhed in anticipation of feeling them upon her. Luke rubbing his stubbled cheek against the back of her thigh could have also had more than a bit to do with the anticipation wracking her body. It was an indolent need, though, selfish and lazy. She just felt like lying back and taking all the pleasure they could bestow upon her and giving nothing in return.

  “I like that little smile, baby. What’s got you so heavy-eyed and languid looking?” Brody leaned against the bed and flicked back a wisp of hair lying on her cheek.

  “I feel bone lazy. I just want to lie back and enjoy everything and do absolutely nothing.”

  “Then that’s exactly what you can do. Both our jeans are staying on and zipped. Lap it up, baby—we just want to make you feel good.” If Luke disagreed he didn’t say anything. His mouth was busy nipping at her derriere, taking teasing little bites, gentle but firm. The wet heat of his mouth followed the line where buttock met thigh, traveling ever closer to the slickness she could feel building between.

  “Roll over, Casey. We’ll take care of everything else.”

  Casey got as far as her side. Her thighs slid smoothly together, warm and silky where skin caressed skin. The feeling was indulgent and blatantly self-pleasuring. She pressed them together harder and lifted her knees toward her chest into a lazy sort of fetal position.

  Brody sank to his knees at the side of the bed. His big arm reached behind and pulled her closer. The way his gaze was fixed on her breasts made his intentions clear, but still, the feel of him nestling his head in against her cleavage closed her eyes.

  Luke grumbled until the hand he ran across her buttocks struck the shamelessly wet lips of her pussy, exposed by her raised knees. He groaned and wiggled and found a position that must have been right, because his next nip landed right next to her seat bone, in a place that was neither ass nor thigh nor more intimate flesh, but a sinful combination of all three. Casey could only moan softly as his rough hands joined the quest, gripping ass and thigh alike as he spread her wider to his mouth.

  The big hands cupping her breasts were reverent, absolutely worshipful, as Brody held her for his mouth. He had shaved this morning, and only the smooth glide of his freshly shaven jaw rubbed the swollen mounds, instead of the stubble that normally drove her wild, but the unholy heat and wicked suction more than compensated. Twisting at the waist, she offered more of her breast up to Brody’s mouth. Her hand rose of its own accord to thread her fingers through the short, thick strands on his head. She didn’t try to control his movements, just kneaded and caressed at his scalp, unable to hold back all reciprocal instincts. Brody hummed his approval beneath her touch and the vibrations played through the nipple deep in his mouth and headed straight for her womb.

  The bites Luke took of her skin were interspersed with deep plunges of his tongue in her syrupy cunt and thick, fat, swipes fair up the middle of her pussy lips. Every time he passed over her throbbing clit, Casey jumped involuntarily and pressed her thighs even tighter together. His biting was driving her crazy. She wanted it harder, ached for the edge of pain. When he targeted the delicate skin on either side of her divide her eyes rolled back in ecstasy. She couldn’t believe the decadent pleasure evoked when he bit the inner face of each ass cheek, ever closer to her asshole but touching the tight pucker with nothing more than his breath. She wanted to trap his head between her thighs and make him give her the orgasm that was building larger and more devastating with every touch and caress in the base of her spine, but she made herself give in to the rare lassitude riding her and just took the pleasure Luke was so freely offering.

  Brody eased her upper body further onto the bed and Casey went willingly. From heavily lidded eyes she watched him lower his head back down over the pink nipples straining toward his mouth. His lips parted, the gleam of white teeth showing, and he sipped first at one and then the other. His black-hued gaze came to rest on her parted lids. “Watch me love them, honey. You look so fucking beautiful, all soft and sleepy and horny as hell. I want to suck them when I’m so deep inside you, you don’t know where you start and I end. I’ll feel every flutter my mouth causes in that tight little cunt as you squeeze tighter and tighter around my dick.”

  His mouth engulfed half of one snowy mound, laving the tight, darkened nipple, sucking deep, and Casey was lost. His dark words skated down her spine and pooled in the ocean of want Luke was causing to ebb and flow in her womb. The two pleasures met and mated, multiplying in intensity. Luke buried his face in her pussy and ravenously fed, every part of his face caressing a part of her wet, greedy sex. Sensation rushed inward from every extremity, racing along nerves to join the frenzied pressure building so deep within her hot molten core.

  A hushed stillness, born of fevered anticipation, held sway but for a moment, and then all hell broke loose. Ecstasy rushed along those same neural pathways, ever outward, in an explosion of molten rapture. Her body bowed and shook beneath the onslaught of unadulterated pleasure. She swallowed the cry that wanted to spring from her lips, unable to give in entirely with ebony eyes watching every nuance of her climax.

  A knowing smile lit Brody’s face and he laid his head between her breasts, right over her heart pounding so fiercely. Luke drew away from her swollen sex with one last suckling kiss and drew her legs down. He snuggled in against her waist, his arm splayed over her hips.

  “How are the aches and pains now, sweetheart?”

  “Better than yours, I’ll warrant.” Luke snuggled closer and she could feel the tacky mess she had left on his face. “That’s nasty! Go and wash. Your face feels like a glazed donut.”

  “It’s twice as sweet as any donut, sweetheart, but if it bothers you, I’ll get cleaned up.”

  Casey could feel Brody smiling against the delicate skin of her chest as his brother left the room. “Are you going to let me up, or am I to stay in bed all day?”

  “You won’t get any complaints from me if you do, but it will be all so much harder for us to keep our word if you stay there looking like that.” He lifted up and ran his eyes over her breasts. Casey watched in amusement as the relaxed nipples contracted sharply beneath the passage of his gaze. Brody shook his head as he watched the phenomenon. “Go and have a shower, wench. I’ll have fresh coffee waiting for you.”

  Casey took care to give her ass an extra twitch when she rose from the bed and walked naked for the bathroom. Brody’s whispered “God give me strength” fell sweetly on her ears, but Luke stole the show. His eyes damn near popped from his head as he staggered into the hall wall and stared like a slack-jawed idiot as she passed. She couldn’t resist giving him a smile over her shoulder as she en
tered the bathroom. Laughter bubbled up as he tripped over his own feet.

  High on the heady effect she had upon the brothers, Casey kept the thought that popped into her head safely inside. I must only use my powers for good…

  * * * *

  “How do they fit?” Brody put the steaming mug down on the kitchen table as she entered the airy, timbered room.

  “Okay, I guess, they’re just so new. They’ll take a bit of breaking in.”

  He watched as she wriggled and adjusted the fit of the new jeans he had bought her that morning. It wasn’t by accident they were one size too small. Luke fully appreciated his lapse in correct sizing, too, if the way he had his head cocked to the side sizing up Casey’s ass was any indication.

  “Does the rest fit all right?” He’d been unable to resist buying lingerie rather than the serviceable underwear Casey normally favored, although he had made sure the bra was supportive enough for her to be active in.

  The color that tinged her cheeks delighted him. The woman who had walked brazenly past the pair of them as naked as a jay was blushing over wearing underwear he had bought.

  “It fits fine, Brody. Thank you.”

  “I was talking to Andy this morning while I was in town. The arson squad will be up on Thursday. You should be able to get back in there next weekend. He will meet us at your place later this afternoon so you can get the basics out, though. You’ll be needing your phone and the like for work.”

  “Thank God for that. I thought I would have to get a new phone. My wallet was still in the truck, but I can’t do business without a cell. I need to get a few other things, too.” Not to mention her birth control pills. Casey slid into the chair Luke held out. “Mmm, I don’t know what smells better, the coffee or the bacon. I’m starving.”

  Brody watched with amusement as Casey inhaled the food Luke laid before her. It was close to lunchtime and she hadn’t eaten for nearly twenty-four hours. The fire had interrupted any meal plans she’d had last night and sleep had robbed her of any later chance at sustenance. A body like hers would take plenty of fuel. He’d never known a woman who worked out as hard as she did for the love of it rather than chasing some magazine-perfect body. His preference had always been for soft, slender women who had never lifted anything heavier than a nail file, but Casey with her strength and stamina was a match for both of them. They didn’t have to be careful of their strength and coddle and protect her, no matter how much the dominant male in him screamed at him to do so.

  She sat back from the emptied plate and picked up the strong black coffee. “So, what have you got planned for today?”

  “We were headed over to a time-event jackpot day in Casper, but it would be half over by now.”

  “I guess the fire threw a wrench in everyone’s plans. I would have loved to go to that. I haven’t been to a rodeo in years. Were you two competing?”

  “Calf roping and team roping. We needed the practice, too, we haven’t done much lately.” Brody could see the interest in her eyes. “We could always run a few through our arena if you want to watch. It’ll be hot and dusty, though.”

  “That sounds great. Can one of you show me how to throw a rope? I’ve had a play-around before, but I could never get the hang of it.”

  Brody saw the smile that lit up Luke’s face and knew he’d get in first. “I’d love to show you. Grab a hat and meet us down at the barn. We’ll get the horses ready.”

  “Are you planning on getting her toes broken as well, Luke? I don’t think either of our boots will fit Case no matter how many pairs of socks she wears.”

  Casey had already solved the dilemma, though. “There’s a pair of ropers in the toolbox on the Kenworth. They’re steel caps, but they will do in a pinch. Can one of you grab them for me? There’s a pair of rigger gloves in there, too. Your gloves have about as much chance of fitting me as your boots do”

  “You’re letting us touch your baby?” Brody smiled.

  “Only the toolbox. Don’t even think about getting inside.”

  * * * *

  Her borrowed hat cast a big shadow as Casey swung a loop at the plastic calf’s head spiked into the bale of hay. The nylon rope hit the nose and slipped off before she could pull up the slack. Luke and Brody had headed off to get some stock in for practice, and Casey was determined to master the basics before they got back. She re-coiled the hard rope, going with the “memory” built in to the stiff braid.

  Her lesson with Luke had been full of esoteric terminology and a lot more physical contact than was strictly necessary. She gave the rope a twisting flick and built a loop from toe to shoulder and then grabbed the rawhide-lined knot-loop through which the rope passed, which was apparently called a “honda.” The “spoke” was the distance from that knot to where she had to hold both the loop and the tail end together, approximately from hand to elbow in length. Twirling the rope around her head was easy once Luke had told her she should be kissing the back of her hand with each pass, but it had resulted in a lot of laughter and her hat being knocked off more than once before she realized that it was the position of her hand that mattered, not the contact of lips to the back of her hand.

  She lined up the practice target once more and pointed her finger as she released, showing the rope the way. This time it wrapped neatly around the “neck,” and Casey yanked it tight, letting out a celebratory “Woo-hoo!” She quickly looked around, and sure enough, Brody was sitting there with a foot cocked across the front of his saddle watching with an amused grin on his face.

  “Luke’s a better teacher than I thought. He must have been doing more than just the rubbing all over you I saw.” Casey flushed when she thought of the long, hard length of Luke pressed to her back as he showed her how to build a loop. “We’re going to start running a few, through. Come over and you can work the gate for us.”

  There was a plastic school chair fitted atop the forward-facing chute in which a steer stood waiting. “Climb up there on top of the box. All you have to do is pull the handle when I give the nod.”

  Casey climbed up into the seat and wrapped her hands around the rubber grip on the steel handle sitting up before the seat. She watched as Brody easily backed a coal-black horse into the corner of the box on her left. Luke was sitting Checkers on her right. Both animals sat back on their well-muscled haunches in the padded corners, eyes and ears locked forward, quivering with anticipation. Brody hefted his loop, his dark eyes intent and focused beneath the brim of his black cutter. He gave a nod and Casey pulled the lever. The steer tore from the dogging chute like a bat out of hell, but Brody held the black back before letting it explode from the box. Luke followed on his heels.

  Brody only swung the loop twice before it fell with devastating precision around the steer’s horns. His hand moved like lightning as he dallied around the rubber-wrapped saddle horn and turned his mount out to the left, with the steer forced to follow. Luke was swinging his loop with his typical lazy grace and, as soon as the steer was turned, sent his loop in underneath the animal. Casey watched as the steer brought both back feet down inside the rope. Luke pulled Checkers to a halt as he, too, dallied up. Brody swung the black around and they faced up with the steer stretched out between them, on its feet, but off-balance and helpless.

  Casey was amazed. They had accomplished it in a matter of seconds. They loosened the ropes, and the steer trotted off toward a pen at the other end of the sand-filled arena. Luke flicked his rope and it fell from the legs of the beast, but Brody had to wait until it entered the short race to lean down and retrieve his. They rode back toward her, coiling their ropes and looking like a Western wet dream. Casey clenched her thighs tight, more than a little aware of the seam of the ridiculously tight jeans pressing against her clit.

  Brody looked like the devil himself on the coal-black gelding, all dark, flashing eyes and a wicked grin. Luke was a study in gold. From Checkers’s glistening buckskin hide to the curls peeking out beneath his cream hat, even his skin held a golden sheen w
here his sleeves were rolled up to the elbows. The light and the dark, so very different, yet the set of their jaws and the half grins on their faces were identical. They were damn good, and they knew it. Alpha, arrogant, and more than a little conceited, but Casey found herself agreeing with Marley—what was a man without his pride?

  She managed to keep it together while they ran another two steers through, but it was tough going. Trying to concentrate enough to respond to the tiny nod Brody gave was damn near impossible when all she wanted to do was see if the slight regrowth of beard peeking through along his jaw was as rough as it looked. Luke had actually laughed when Brody had nodded not once but three times the last round.

  After they had released the last steer, Luke rode up next to the box and spun Checkers sideways. “Jump on. I’ll take you up to get Spot while Brody is running the calves in, and you can see how much you learned.”

  Casey took hold of his shoulders and slid her leg across Checkers’s wide rump. Luke moved him off before she settled, and she had to grab him tight around the waist and suppress an embarrassing squeal as he loped away. Brody just shook his head and held the gate wide so they could pass.

  Spot was already saddled, standing peacefully in the shady barn with one hip cocked lazily. Casey felt reluctant to disturb him, but Luke assured her the Appaloosa wouldn’t be doing much more than standing around anyway. They returned to the arena to see over a dozen fairly big calves in the pen behind the box. Brody was on foot waiting beside the chute. “Bring Spot around here and park him with his nose to the corner of the box. That’s it. Now, where’s your rope?”

  Casey found it hanging on the back of the seat next to her. “Got it.”

  “Okay, set a loop up the way Luke showed you.”

  Casey went through the motions and built a loop. “Not bad at all.” Brody approved. “Now, what you’re gonna do is drop your reins and stand in the stirrups. Spot won’t move now, no matter what you do. As long as you don’t pick your reins up, he’ll stand right there. He’s worn enough ropes up the back of his ears to know to keep his head down, so don’t worry about hitting him. Practice your swing, that’s it.


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