Cole, Kaliana - Tag and Release [Liberty Springs, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Cole, Kaliana - Tag and Release [Liberty Springs, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 19

by Kaliana Cole

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure he heard you, sweetheart. Brody’s just electing to ignore you.”

  She tried to rip her hand away from where Luke held it against his leg but his hand didn’t even budge. Brody swung the wheel and headed up their drive. “I’m not staying here.”

  “I can pretty much assure you that you are.”

  Casey glared at Luke, but his unwelcome, lightly-spoken responses were better than Brody’s unnerving silence. There was going to be a big explosion there when he finally vented. Casey’s anxiety was climbing fast.

  “Look, it was probably some hunter with lousy aim.”

  “Sweetheart, around here no one hunts that forest with a .22. There’s too many big, unfriendly critters that need a lot more stopping power than a small-caliber rimfire. That bullet was meant for you or Marley. Until we find out who the target was, you don’t get out of our sight.” He turned toward her, his face eerily lit by the light reflected from the garage siding and pinched with anger. “Your safety is a hell of a lot higher on our list of priorities than your pride, your dignity, or your personal liberty, so don’t fuckin’ argue!”

  Casey flinched as is he’d slapped her. She’d never heard Luke sound so forceful. Brody wrenched the vehicle into park and glared at her briefly before climbing out. Luke didn’t give her a chance to linger. He stepped out and gave her no choice but to follow. Casey only had time to grab her phone and wallet from the dash as he removed her from the vehicle.

  Silence reigned as she followed Luke up the stairs onto the porch with as much dignity as she could muster. If she let them know they were getting to her it would be much worse. Brody opened the door and stood back while Luke led her inside. She felt the burn of his gaze as she passed him. Despite her trepidation, his barely contained fury awoke the part of her that his dominant streak called to, the part that just had to challenge him and absolutely reveled in the repercussions.

  She tried to quash it as Luke stopped and flicked the bright kitchen lights on, but he glanced at her and froze. His brown eyes fairly blazed. “Don’t even fuckin’ think about it. You have no idea what you’re playing with, Casey. You go there, and I won’t be stepping in, I’ll be right behind Brody all the way.”

  Oh, fuck! Two of them with an alpha bent? Her cunt wept at the mere thought.

  The stress of the day’s events weighed heavily on all of them. Pressures that needed releasing before it all blew up fast. If she’d been at home, Casey would have headed straight down to the shed for a session on the heavy bag, but here there were much more attractive ways to burn off the tension. A niggling little voice cautioned that she might be biting off more than she could chew, but she ordered it back in its box. She was a big girl, and she could handle anything these two could dish out.

  Her chin went up and her nostrils flared as she drew an empowering breath. Luke’s muttered “oh, fuck” fell sweet upon her ears as she turned her gaze on Brody. His face looked like a thundercloud bent on devastation. She jerked her hand away from Luke, and this time he didn’t even try to hold it.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” She stabbed Brody’s chest with a finger of her newly freed hand. “Not one fucking word from you all afternoon. At least Luke asked if I was okay. All you’ve been doing is making autocratic decisions on my behalf. Where I can go. Where I can sleep. Who died and made you king?”

  When Brody spoke his voice was tightly controlled, carefully even, as if holding onto his temper by a thread, “You could have been killed today. My heart damn near stopped when I saw that hole in your windshield, Casey. Nothing matters but keeping you safe. I don’t care if you hate me. As long as you’re alive at the end of it, nothing matters. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe, best you remember that.”

  “I won’t put up with you running roughshod over me. You can take your caveman routine and shove it clear where the sun don’t shine. I’m a big girl and I can look after myself. I’m going home.”

  “Take one step toward that door and I’ll have you over my knee quicker than you can blink. And I won’t be responsible for what happens once you get my blood up, Casey. You’ve been warned.”

  Excitement flared like a phosphorous grenade, burning bright and hot with no end in sight. Her whole body was afire with anticipation. She wanted this, needed release so badly. She hoped he didn’t see her excitement shining in her eyes. “Fuck you, Brody.” She made to step past him.

  The arm that wrapped around her was like a cold-forged iron band, hard and strong without an inch of give to it. She was tossed over a wide shoulder that was no more giving than his arm had been. Heat curled low in the pit of her belly at the blatant display of strength.

  “I tried to warn you, sweetheart. You are in so much trouble now.” There was a gleeful edge to Luke’s slow drawl. She got glimpses of his sock-clad feet as he followed Brody.

  He dumped her unceremoniously on the bed. Casey bounced once and came up swinging, but Brody was ready for her. He seized her wrists before she could make contact. “Use that knee and I’ll double your punishment.”

  Casey couldn’t resist trying. He twisted easily to the side and she only connected with his thigh. His eyes flashed and color rose on his cheeks. He bore her back to the bed and straddled her hips. She couldn’t get any leverage to toss him off her with her legs over the edge of the bed. Casey’s breath heightened as she watched his icy calm disintegrate.

  “Luke, get up here and hold these.”

  The bed sank down behind her and Luke’s hands wrapped around her wrists that Brody had pinned either side of her head. She tried to struggle but Luke’s grip wasn’t any more yielding than his brothers. “You can’t do this. There’s a law against this kind of thing.”

  “No one in Liberty Springs is gonna jump up and down because we spanked your ass, Casey. It’s just up to you whether this happens easy or hard.” Brody’s eyes bored into hers he sat back further, pinning her thighs.

  His hands tugged the tails of her work-shirt from the cotton drill trousers. “I think I owe you this.” He held her gaze as he jerked, sending buttons flying.

  Her pussy throbbed at his proprietary handling, and the flare of satisfaction in his eyes as he bared her lace-covered breasts clenched her womb. She was wearing the bra he had bought her.

  “Goddamn, that’s a beautiful sight.” Luke’s voice was gratifyingly husky.

  Brody’s hands were jerky as he went to work on her pants. She could see lust mingling with his barely controlled wrath. “Don’t even think you’re going to fuck me, Brody.”

  “Honey, by the time I’m finished, you’ll be begging me to put out the flames.” His hands jerked her pants over her hips, “Do you think I’m stupid? You engineered this little scenario with one thing in mind. You want us to fuck you so bad I can smell you creaming from here. You’ve got too much pride just to ask for it, haven’t you? You’ve got to manipulate and scheme so that you can hold your head high and say, ‘hey, it wasn’t me who started it.’

  “Well, you may have started it, honey, but we sure as shit are gonna be finishing it, and not until we’re good and goddamn ready.” He rose up and jerked her pants off, panties and all, while she was still spluttering in indignation.

  How dare he read me so easily!

  “Oh, look at them panties! I can see how wet they are from here. I think Casey likes the idea of getting her ass spanked.” Luke sounded positively gleeful.

  “Let her go.”

  Casey went to roll away, but Brody moved damn fast for his size. Her breath left her with a whoosh as she landed across his knees. She had just sucked in life-giving air when the first slap landed with a resounding smack against her bare ass. She kicked and struggled and, when that didn’t work, attempted to bite his calf. He moved it away with alacrity.

  “What is it with you and those teeth? Luke, slip that shirt over her head and bind her with it.”

  Luke was chuckling as he complied. He pulled the back of her long-sleeved shirt ove
r her head and half way down her arms. Fighting him did absolutely no good. He tied the tails of the shirt around the wrists that were still encased in the sleeves. She might be able to work them loose, but it would be happening no time soon.

  She snapped her teeth at Luke when he tried to caress her face but he only laughed. “She’s gonna fight like hell, Brode. I’m gonna slip this bra right off, I want to watch those beauties dance.” His nimble fingers made short work of the bra clasp. “Look at those hard little points. They’re sitting up like berries ripe for the eating.”

  Brody brought his hand down again, this time on the other side. “Ouch, fuck! I’m going to kill you, Brody.”

  “Who are you trying to kid? There’s cream running down your thigh.” He ran his hand over the fiery point of impact, and Casey held back a wanton moan of pure need. It was so fucking wrong that this made her hot. Someone had definitely misread the directions when they’d done her wiring. She tried to bite him again, but he grabbed her braid and held it in the hand he pinned her back with. Her face was tilted up whether she liked it or not.

  Luke stood back a little and Casey cursed her weaknesses when he rubbed the heel of his big hand over the growing bulge behind his fly. If he pulled his dick out and started stroking it, she was gone. The game would be over before it had a chance to begin. Luke must have read her mind. “You can drool to your heart’s content, sweetheart. My jeans are staying on until you start begging pretty, real pretty. I’m waiting to see how much of a blush Brody can work up on your lily-white skin. Course, it will be a whole lot more interesting once he plugs that ass and then beats on it.”

  Casey blanched even as her cunt wept anew. She’d seen that butt plug, remembered vividly hurling it at the door. But she’d never had one in her ass before, let alone been spanked with one in. “You’re not getting anywhere near my ass, Brody.”

  “That’s okay, hon. I was going to get Luke to put it in, anyway. He hasn’t had a taste of your hot little ass yet.”

  Luke’s smile was Lucifer incarnate. “God, I’m going to enjoy this.” He moved to the bedside table and she heard the opening and closing of the drawer.

  Electricity skated up and down her spine as the idea sent fissions of apprehension through her even as it aroused. She’d had anal sex with Brody and wasn’t scared of the actual act, but the intimacy of being openly exposed, of being on display and under the scrutiny of two sets of eyes, made her squirm.

  She felt another hand stroke across her cheek before it gave a light tap that had her involuntarily arching up for more.

  “You hit like a girl.”

  “But she likes it like that.”

  “Casey will take whatever she’s given. She brought all this down upon herself. You’ve got to at least leave a handprint.”

  “You son of a bitch!” Casey cussed Brody as he demonstrated, the sound of his palm impacting her ass resounding in the room. It was truly embarrassing how readily the sting morphed into pleasure as heat shot straight to her pulsing, wet pussy. Her clit was throbbing with a will of its own, crying out for direct stimulation. With the way he had her over his knee, she had nothing to rub it against.

  A hand followed the crease of her ass down, heading toward the pulsating bundle of nerves. She could feel how wet her thighs had become even without Luke’s groan when his fingers slipped in the slickness. Her legs opened wider of their own accord as he ran fingers along the seam of her thigh, caressing the superfine skin with his work-roughened hands. His intentions became clear when Casey tried to put her knees back together as he abruptly withdrew his hand. The bastard had planted his foot between them to stop her from closing her legs again.

  “Christ, she’s wet enough for a man to drown in.” Luke’s fingers slid through her juices and circled around her opening. She tried to wiggle to bring him in contact with her aching clit, but he chuckled and easily avoided her maneuvering.

  She could feel the bottle of lube pressed to her back where his other hand rested, a cold reminder of what he had planned. A little consternation traveled through her. How could he just go there without knowing if the way was clear? There was more than one reason people thought anal sex was dirty. How did one give voice to that fear? His finger passing over her desperately clenched rosebud galvanized her to action. “You can’t, Luke. It could be yucky.”

  His hand caressed her back soothingly. “There’s no reason to be all uptight, sweetheart. We weren’t born yesterday.” She gasped as he slid two long fingers inside her sopping cunt and stroked upward, along her back wall. “This is all it takes to know that everything is going to be fine, love. I can do this with absolute confidence.” One slick digit slid straight into her ass despite her defensive clenching. “Fuckin’ hell! How the hell did you get your dick in here? She’s so damn tight.”

  Casey’s back arched, both protesting and savoring the forbidden penetration.

  “With great fuckin’ difficulty. If you reckon that’s tight, wait ’til you feel this.” Brody’s hand came down where buttock met thigh and a cry sprang from her lips that was not pain or pleasure but a heady mixture of both.

  Luke’s finger felt like some great invading force, so much bigger than she knew it really was, as her internal muscles tightened all about it reflexively. The burn radiated not just to her pussy this time but encompassed her ass as well.

  “Christ almighty! It feels like the top of my finger is going to come clean off.”

  “Imagine having the head of your cock in there and laying a few good ones on her. Casey likes it when we play hard and dirty, she just doesn’t like that she likes it. Isn’t that right, baby?” He slapped her ass lightly.

  The traitorous bitch of her body reacted to the lust-roughened, heated words as much as the heavy pat, but the reckless part of her that couldn’t leave well enough alone had to goad him. “You’re hitting like a girl, Brody.”

  “Well, well, well. You haven’t given in after all. I was getting worried you were going to make this too easy. We’ll find out how sissy you think my arm is after Luke plugs your ass, honey.”

  She felt Luke move and then the cold shock of slick fluid running down her divide. His finger slid slowly from her body and she couldn’t hold back the groan of protest. He didn’t give her time to dwell on the loss, however. His finger pushed straight back in, spreading the lube it had collected. Again and again he worked her open as he lubricated her dark hole.

  The tight bite of the entry of a second finger made her buck and dance across the solidness of Brody’s thighs. One of her hands broke free of her makeshift bindings, but, to her disgust, she only clenched his muscled calf with it. The other, still wrapped in her mangled shirt and hapless bra, she rested on the floor, supporting her weight as she arched against him. She sucked in a breath as the pinch and burn became the wicked fullness that she loved too well.

  “Was that a moan or a groan, Brode?” Luke sounded amused, but the rough edge to his voice said he wasn’t immune to the depraved picture she was sure she made.

  “I don’t know. Slip that plug into her and well find out.”

  Teeth nipped her ass cheek as the fingers withdrew. “Relax, sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you.” Luke’s warm breath caressed the wetness left by his mouth.

  The kiss of cold, slick glass against her star made her tremble. Casey took a deep breath, steeling herself for the pain to come, but Luke surprised her. He held the plug with one hand and slid the other to her dripping folds. His big hand rubbed soothingly over her pussy lips, setting the nerve endings aflame despite his gentle touch. His thumb slid into her touch-starved cunt just as his fingertips circled her clit. Her whole sex was held in the tender strength of his callused hand. The tension fled from her body as he massaged so intimately. There was no pain as the thick plug was pushed through her quivering ring and the wide base lodged safely in the grip of her muscles.

  The weight of the glass was devastating. Every twitch and writhe of her body sent unholy pleasure streaking thr
ough her stretched tissue as the movement was magnified by the heavy presence in her ass. The guttural groan it drew from her was embarrassingly loud and shockingly sexy.

  “Look at that! Have you ever seen something so fucking sexy?” Brody’s tone was as worshipful as the finger she felt him trail around the clear glass impaling her ass. Sinful sensations followed in the wake of his diabolical caress.

  She loved being nothing but a vessel for pleasure, having the choices taken out of her hands and being the sole subject of their lustful attention. Her body cried out for their touch, pleaded for them to take total possession of her. She didn’t want tenderness or words of praise and love. She wanted unadulterated carnality, hot and hard sex and fleshly pleasures.

  “You gonna fuck it, or sit around looking at it all night?”

  “Look out! She’s found her tongue. That was a bit breathy to be convincing, Case. Wanna find your tough-girl voice and try again?” Affectionate amusement shone through Brody’s lust-clouded rumble.

  He slapped her rear, making her grip the plug with her innermost muscles and causing it to shift alarmingly. The resulting erotic blast along her spine had her groaning out her disbelief. She didn’t have a chance in hell of holding on to her sanity, let alone her bravado, once he started spanking her properly. She figured it was probably her last chance to goad him before she became a slave to her own body and the men who so easily made it their own.

  She took a deep breath and braced herself to endure the resulting maelstrom. She’d sown the wind. The whirlwind was hers for the reaping.

  “You’re all talk, Brody Marshall. You haven’t got the balls to tame me.”

  * * * *

  Shock assailed Luke and his gaze rose from the bounty before him to his brother’s eyes in disbelief. Did Casey have any fucking clue of the kind of hell Brody could rain down upon her if he was provoked? But he saw something on his brother’s face that was more shocking than Casey’s blatant provocation—completely unveiled amusement. He was all but laughing his ass off.


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