The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869

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The Visitor_Texas 1863_1869 Page 27

by Barbara Svetlick

  Dominic nodded. “He’s right but I don’t believe a woman is capable of being good at decision making. The fact that she is with us pretty much confirms that.”

  “I disagree. She has far more control over us than any one of us has ever acknowledged.”

  “Garnett, are you ever going to stop pining for her?”

  “Never.” He smiled so easily when thinking about her.

  Dominic shook his head. “Well, it is going to be a long night so may I suggest everyone remember that she is a married woman and her father deserves our respect while in his home. I am sure that James has caused enough gossip with the shopping trip.”

  “Would you like to define respect? And the last I checked, all of us preferred married women.”

  “Don’t seduce her no matter how much she goads you.”

  “Then she’s off limits?”

  “James, she just had a knock down fight with her mother over nothing. And just for clarification, she has always been off limits. Don’t give her mother ammunition to support her belief that we are horrible men.”

  “Aren’t we?”

  “Of course we are but that doesn’t mean Mirisa needs to be punished for it.”

  “I think her mother is evil.”

  Dominic knocked on the bathroom door telling her they would meet her downstairs. They were sitting in the lobby when she came down the stairs. Dressed in a deep red gown that was off the shoulder, it moved perfectly as she descended and flowed from her hips to the floor. She was wearing matching gloves and carrying her cape. Around her neck was the simple gold cross that she had worn all her life. Dominic took her cape and wrapped it around her before he kissed her softly.

  The wedding was so romantic that Dominic thought it made her more melancholy. Her father had relented to her wish not to sit at the same table for dinner as her mother though it caused a fight with his wife like none he had ever had. He wasn’t sure how his wife could be so unrelenting when it was so obvious that Mirisa was happy.

  She accused Richard of always being biased when it came to his only daughter and for being not only responsible for the ill gotten marriage but the bearing of children by a man with no scruples. “But what should I have expected since you have none yourself.”

  “And her happiness means nothing to you?” Richard walked to the window and looked out at the snow falling. “Your mother was right when she said there was nothing I could do that would give you a normal outlook on life. I have told you that I will never leave you but I will also not tolerate your sharp tongue with Mirisa. She doesn’t deserve your criticism and hateful words.”

  “She is my daughter.”

  “She is a grown woman with a beautiful heart and I will do whatever is necessary to protect her from what you spew in the name of your prudish properness.” His anger was growing as his hatred of her disease and his misplaced belief that he could cure her lay dead at his feet. “You will hold your tongue and opinions or I will commit you permanently.”

  She shrunk back at his threat and more at the look in his eyes. She reached out to pick up something to throw at him but knew he would keep his promise to institutionalize her. She turned and fled from his office as he waited to hear the slamming of her door. If he was guilty of anything, it was bearing children who would forever have to be at her mercy.

  Richard walked up to Mirisa after the bride and groom took to the dance floor and he took her out and for the first time danced with his daughter. The love on his face spoke volumes and Dominic realized that he had missed all those years when she was becoming a woman but more than that Mirisa had been robbed of having the wedding she deserved. Her dress clung to her with such grace as she rounded the room in her father’s arms. It was obvious that James picked the dress to highlight her beauty on the dance floor and to fulfill his own love of a woman in motion.

  There was not a lack of partners for the dance floor with so many single, widowed and married women attending the dance. Mirisa realized that they would disappear and would be back on the dance floor as though they had never left. She began to watch to see if she could figure out which women were leaving the room and sometimes it made her laugh and other times she was shocked but mostly she was envious.

  Toward the end of the evening, Garnett took her hand and led her out for a slow waltz. Mirisa made him laugh when she asked him if the Unit had a plan when they worked a room and she assumed that he was aware that most of the women who left the room were married. As the dance ended, James walked out and took her hand. She looked at him and asked if they intended to end the evening with scandalous behavior and he told her he had no idea what she meant because he just wanted to dance with her on her birthday. With that his hand slid down lower on her back and it brought a smile to the face of every man watching. James ended the dance by kissing her hand as Meeks took her hand from James. Meeks pulled her closer and she attempted to remain detached until he seriously propositioned her causing her to blush before she thanked him.

  Mirisa’s mother, at that point, was beside herself. Dr. Eppes looked at Dominic expecting a reaction but he realized that Dominic handled his daughter like he handled his friends. Dominic walked out onto the floor and Meeks whirled her into Dominic’s arms without breaking her rhythm. Dominic took her around the floor several times before he stopped and told her she was the most beautiful creature that ever existed and kissed her so passionately that everyone on the dance floor stopped. Her mother left the room and her father just smiled.

  Garnett retrieved Matthew from the nursery putting him in the carriage. Mirisa stood at the door in her father’s arms and he finally walked her down and helped her into the carriage. He handed her a box and said he hoped she had a happy birthday. Her brothers came bounding down the stairs and kissed her goodbye but said they would be coming to Texas in the summer to visit. Her mother never came to say goodbye as she had already taken to her beds. Mirisa looked up at her window as the curtain moved slightly before was still.

  Matthew loved the ride to Richmond in the big carriage with his mother. Dominic was glad that Mirisa had decided to leave early even though he knew she wanted to spend more time with her brothers. Dominic booked the top floor suite in the grandest hotel in Richmond. He also booked a nanny for the duration of their stay and had the front desk get tickets for the theater as well as reservations at several of the top restaurants.

  Mirisa got up early, pulled back the curtains and watched the snow continue to fall as the sun was rising. She missed the snow though the last thing they needed was bad weather for the trip home. She slipped on her jeans and one of Dominic’s heavy shirts and quietly opened the door as the server put a tray on the table with a beautiful silver coffee server and pastries. Meeks tipped him before closing the door. He was barefoot and only in jeans with his hair still uncombed and a slight shadow on his face. He smiled for her eyes were not only expressive but a window into her feelings.

  “Alexander, I find you absolutely beautiful when you first get out of bed which is why I love riding with you.” Mirisa walked over and poured a cup of coffee stirring it slowly as he walked up behind her. He started to respond but instead he took the cup putting it down and kissed her. “Thank you.”

  James came out dressed similarly and fixed a cup of coffee before Garnett joined them. She sat quietly sipping her coffee as they ravished the pastries. After observing them Christmas night, she wondered how their other appetites didn’t wear them down.

  James put his feet on the table watching her. “Mirisa, either you just left your husband’s bed or you are seeking a little variety for your eyes are beautiful this morning.” She blushed for sometimes she didn’t cover up her thoughts.

  “Good morning James.”

  Dominic came out with Matthew who was more interested in food and not wanting to be social. Dominic fixed a plate for Matthew putting it at the table and lit a cigar. “Mirisa, are you going shopping today?”

  “James is taking me.”


  “Because you and Garnett have business to handle and James promised to take me to lunch.”

  “I’m not sure whether you manipulate him or he manipulates you but obviously you are very similar.”

  “Dominic, I am not manipulative.”

  “Mirisa, you may not be aware of your ways but trust me when I tell you that you are not only manipulative but you are becoming very good at doing it without being obvious.”

  “Maybe you are just becoming rusty in those traits you believe are so sharp and cunning.”

  “Sweetheart, I am aware of you at all times.”

  She smiled because for some reason he was not in a very good mood. “Is your business this morning weighing heavily on you?”

  “Everything this morning is weighing heavy on me but I don’t particularly like waking up alone in bed.”

  “Daddy, I was in bed with you.”

  Garnett laughed because they all knew his inability to partake in their public social dalliances made him short tempered especially when he didn’t have access to his own wife. It was the downside to having children and the reason most husbands stepped out on their wives though definitely not the only reason.

  Mirisa waited for the nanny to arrive telling Matthew that Meeks would be back before lunch so that he could spend the afternoon with them. The shops were larger and carried far more variety. James began picking out dresses to be taken back into the dressing area as Meeks spent his time picking out silk under garments and stockings.

  She undressed to her camisole as they slipped on one dress after another. She listened as Meeks and James discussed the cut and fit as well as the color. She found their experience to be very titillating even though they were not trying to excite her. They finally agreed on three dresses for the evening. The one she was wearing to the ball was a very dark blue almost black but glittered in the light. They went to several stores picking out day dresses before Meeks went back to the hotel to get Matthew. They had lunch at a little restaurant across from the Capital building before shopping in a large bookstore allowing Matthew to buy whatever he wanted.

  When Dominic saw the number of packages in the room, he wondered whether allowing them to shop together was a good idea. They were going to the theater to see a new musical and to dinner. They were shown to box seats to see the Richmond opening of ‘The Black Crook's’ which told the story of the evil Count Wolfenstein, who tries to win the affection of the lovely Amina by placing her boyfriend Rodolphe in the clutches of Hertzog, a nasty crook-backed master of black magic. The ancient Hertzog stays alive by providing the Devil with a fresh soul every New Year's Eve. While an unknowing Rodolphe is led to this hellish fate, he saves a dove, which magically turns out to be Stalacta, Fairy Queen of the Golden Realm – she was masquerading as a bird. The grateful Queen whisks Rudolph to safety in fairyland before helping to reunite him with his beloved Amina. The Count is defeated, demons drag the evil Hertzog into hell, and Rodolphe and Amina live happily ever after.

  It was the first time Mirisa had been to the theater and she thought it was so wonderful. By the end of the week, she had experienced so many new things that they weren’t sure who was having more fun, her or Matthew. The boys spent most nights out late which gave Mirisa and Dominic a lot of time alone. She asked Dominic if they could spend more time coming east and he asked if she had opened her father’s gift yet.

  “No.” He got up went into the bedroom and brought out the little box. She opened it to find a key on a red ribbon. She took it out and looked at Dominic. “What is it?”

  “Your father deeded his apartments in Richmond to you for your birthday.”

  “You knew about this?’

  “He gave all the paperwork to Garnett to file while we were at the house.”

  “Is this his way of trying to get me closer to home?”

  “Probably but mostly it’s his way of making sure that no matter what happens that you always have a safe place to go with Matthew. He also set up a sizeable trust that you can live off of if you need to and which will pay all the costs of keeping the apartment.”

  “Does this bother you?”

  “No more than the fact that my friends constantly shower you in anything you want. I believe it is my job to take care of you and Matthew. Obviously everyone either believes I am incapable of shouldering my obligations or they believe you need to be spoiled more than I do.”

  She put her head on his shoulder and played with the key. Mirisa’s father used the apartments mostly when legislation was in session or during the social season when he would spend weekends in the city sometimes with but most times without the children.

  He reached up and poured a cup of coffee sitting back. “Do you think you can be on time tonight?”

  “If I go in and take a bath now, we might be only slightly late.”

  The nanny came about a half hour before they needed to leave. Mirisa came out of their room and stopped when she saw the four of them in tuxes. James walked over to her and turned her around, hooked the top like an expert before he straightened out the material so that it fell around her. It was a beautiful crepe that enveloped every curve when she walked.

  “Well Meeks for once I have to agree that it was probably the perfect dress.” James reached up under her skirt and pulled down the petty coat so that it lay perfectly. Dominic and Garnett just watched in amazement as he did it. She had her hair pinned up and James reached up taking out the barrette so that it cascaded down around her shoulders. He pulled the sides back and used the diamond barrette holding it away from her face as he fluffed the ends.

  “I am going back to my opinion that you are all voyeurs.” She went back in her room to check her rouge.

  “Who taught her that word?” Garnett was standing up against the mantle blowing smoke rings and smiling.

  “I don’t know.” Dominic picked up the matching cape and when she came back out he waited until James hooked her teardrop necklace. Dominic put the cape on her.

  When the carriage stopped in front of the Governor’s mansion, the footman opened the door and all four men stepped out before Garnett turned and helped Mirisa step down. She took Dominic’s arm as they entered the mansion where they were given a glass of champagne and started to mingle. Dominic introduced her to so many people that she knew she’d never remember a name. The Senator came up and shook Dominic’s hand and asked if he could borrow Mirisa for a moment and took her over to meet a group of politicians who were standing with her father. Dominic watched her from across the room and had to smile on how attentive other men were to her and how demure she appeared despite being so beautiful. The Senator seemed to be working the entire room with her on his arm. As they approached a group where Meeks and Garnett were talking, Meeks put his arm around her and handed her a fresh glass of Champaign.

  “Alexander, does Dominic know you are so friendly with his wife?”

  “Absolutely, though I haven’t been successful in luring her away yet.” They all laughed. The Senator told them to mind their manners in front of a lady. The Senator moved on and everyone’s eyes followed her with great interest.

  Dominic walked across the room to retrieve his wife. The Senator thanked him for being so generous and said that he would see them at the table since they were all sitting with him. They stopped by a large group of alumni and James took her glass and replaced it with a full glass. Dinner was fantastic and the orchestra was absolutely wonderful. James took her to the dance floor and his sleight of hand was more appreciated by this group than any other since his reputation was notorious with his classmates. She danced with a few men she didn’t know and then Garnett took her to the floor for a very slow waltz.

  “Dominic, do you always allow your friends such liberties in public with your wife?” The Senator was smoking an extremely expensive fat cigar that was his trademark.

  “I pretty much let her determine how much they can get away with and whether or not she’s in the mood for them.” He poured
a shot for the Senator and then himself.

  Meeks was cutting through the room and stopped to watch her on the floor with one of the men from their class. She was proper and extremely reserved with other men. When the dance ended, Meeks took her hand leading her to the center of the floor where he whirled her and then brought her right up to him. She loved that move so much that she laughed. He wanted to kiss her but instead held her respectively as they danced. He brought her back to the table and she sat down next to her husband as Meeks continued in the direction he was going before seeing her. Dominic finally got up and took her to the dance floor and spent the rest of the night dancing with her. She was propositioned so many times during the evening that she lost track. She didn’t understand what they thought their own wives were doing while they were so busy trying to entice someone else’s wife.

  Mirisa told Dominic she had to go to the powder room and headed for the sweeping staircase that led to the second floor. She met Garnett half way up and stopped to talk to him. He had his hand on the banister preventing her from passing and whispered something to Mirisa before he continued down the stairs. She stood at the railing and looked out over the room taking in the music, sounds of crystal and beautiful gowns that twirled around the large dance floor. The staircase was carved out of alabaster stone with lion heads on the banisters. It curved from one end of the room to a large landing that stepped out onto a balcony overlooking beautiful gardens with a cement pond. A small sigh escaped her when Meeks came up behind her bending over and kissing her neck right below her ear.

  “I love the dress. Thank you.”

  “Even your husband thanked me for your dress.” They both looked down and Dominic was watching them. “You know he loves to watch when someone else touches you.”

  “Is it your job to make sure he is happy?”


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