Caught By The Dragon: Dragonhaeme (Beyond The Planes Book 1)

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Caught By The Dragon: Dragonhaeme (Beyond The Planes Book 1) Page 4

by Tara Gill

  Don’t be embarrassed. You are beautiful and a passionate creature. Indeed, I am lucky to be the recipient of your passions, little thief.

  “Not so little,” I panted out through my teeth, hands fisting in the furs as he added a third finger inside me.

  Drekk thought I was a passionate creature? This was a thought that boggled my mind. I decided to examine it later.

  Low laughter came from behind me.

  “Yes, little. See this little nub?” His one finger tapped on my nub of pleasure—or nub of displeasure as I had secretly called it having had no luck with it however much I tried to do what other giggling girls secretly told me about. I exploded again with a long moan, thrashing about on the furs. Only his hands on my hips held me in position.

  “Or this little passage. I bet nothing larger has entered it than my finger. I need to loosen you so that you can take a man for the first time.” Drekk breathed over my nether lips and something warm entered me. Was that his tongue?

  He kissed me there as he had my mouth and it wasn’t just a tasting; he devoured me punctuating it with appreciative groans. His tongue pushed deeper and deeper into me. He tried out different angles, he literally drank me in.

  It was overwhelming especially on my extra-sensitive body. I trembled, I cried, I tried to escape from beneath him. It seemed to only make him more frantic. His hands at my waist held me so tight, I would have bruises. I came again and again but he was unmovable and refuse to let me escape.

  Finally, after what seemed like hours, he pulled away. I wanted to collapse and sleep for a day. He however sounded exhilarated.

  “Oh, what a delicious pussy you have little one. I could spend an entire day devouring you.”

  Drekk kissed my nub and gently bit it as it he couldn’t help it. I shuddered again, mindless, existing in a murky realm of sensations where my brain had shut down. I felt drugged, yet highly sensitised. Parts of me felt cold and others warm and yet other parts tingled.

  “Are you ready for me, little one? Are you ready for my cock to split that little pussy open and push all the way in?” he asked huskily.

  Something hard and large touched my entrance. I knew it was his shaft. Knowing his size, I should have been apprehensive that he would tear me. Yet, I relaxed and pushed against him, instinctively trusting him.

  Gently, he pressed against me, muttering something under his breath. Spells, I realized as he entered me. A warm golden aura spread through me as something within dissolved—the female barrier against which he was pushing.

  I had heard the virginal barrier caused pain and even bleeding. While I wasn’t squeamish, the details I’d heard from other girls about the first time had made me queasy and for years, I’d had trepidation over losing my virginity. Eventually when I realized there were no candidates for intimacy who struck my interest I’d forgotten about it. But somehow the dragon had known and removed that worry for me.

  Thank you, I thought at him.

  You’re welcome, little one. I knew you were afraid of your virgin barrier being torn. Now you will feel no pain.

  Drekk kept thrusting shallowly within me, pushing deeper. He touched every surface within me and rubbed against sensitive walls, stretching them. Soon he moved beyond what was comfortable and filled all the space I had within. At one point he seemed to be pushing against my very womb, yet all of him was still to breach me and he continued surging into me.

  I wiggled in discomfort and some pain.

  “Drekk, it hurts,” I breathed out.

  A touch of magic passed through me and eased the tension in my channel. Drekk stroked against my sides. “Relax, Lena. You were made for me.”

  Trusting him, I relaxed completely. I focused on matching my breathing to his and tried to adjust to the intrusion into my body. He stilled, letting me find my comfort zone.

  Experimenting, I moved from side to side. I moved my hips up and down. I clenched on him and unclenched.

  He jerked. “Stop doing that! It tests my control. I am trying to go slow for your first time,” Drekk bit out.

  I peeked back at him. Drekk was on his knees, his erection halfway fed into my body’s opening. His head was thrown back, his face carved in harsh lines of desire and sweat pouring all over his body.

  In the darkness of the cave, a faint glow was about his body as if there was a fire within. I could see small illusions of scales too. Were his teeth longer? His hands clenched and unclenched on my hips and his sharp teeth were bared. Were the tips of his fingers now claws?

  Drekk was out of his mind for me.

  Watching him, I deliberately clenched again. I wanted to test his control. Maybe I was crazy, but I had never had this impact on any man and I couldn’t believe a millennia-old powerful magical being was near to losing his mind with passion for little old me.

  Not many had found a use for me beyond my thieving ability. Even if they had, I’d never have allowed myself to get close enough to any man to explore this kind of passion. Though something told me no man could have given me this.

  Drekk’s body jerked, and his eyes opened to spear mine fiercely. “You are playing with fire, little thief. You are mine and there is no place for any other male in your life. Not even in your thoughts,” he said through clenched teeth

  He reared back and slammed into me. I screamed as my body shook violently.

  “Or your body. Or heart.” Drekk slammed into me with every word. My body jolted, unable to contain all the sensations it was experiencing, not knowing whether to embrace or to fight it. After that I could recall nothing much, just Drekk ramming into me harder and harder, both of us out of control. I tore at the fur and the stone till my nails were bleeding, hair a tangled mess. My voice was almost gone as I moaned, yelled out, babbled incoherently.

  I even begged. I don’t know whether it was ‘Please, more’ or ‘Please, stop’. Maybe it was both. I pushed back at him with my hips with every thrust of his and he touched something deep within me that I didn’t know existed. Every time he rubbed against the spot, I lost my mind.

  My skin grew so sensitive that a single stroke of his fingers or brush of the fur against my nipples was too much. His hands moved from my hips to my breasts pulling and rubbing and rolling my nipples; they moved to the apex of my thighs pinching my nub carefully with the edges of his blunt claws. I came again and again for what seemed like hours.

  I was hoarse and limp when he clenched his hands, spewing his seed in me with a roar. His seed was scalding, but felt soothing to my heated insides. So good…I craved more of it.

  Afterwards things were a blur. Gentle hands wiped me down with a warm cloth. Then I was dried and placed in fresh new furs. A male body joined me, my hair wound tight over his one hand and his other one cupping my breast. A heavy leg was thrown over both of mine. Someone nuzzled me and very gently suckled on my nipple, his head on my chest.

  Safe and cared for, I slept. The dragon was still suckling on me when I went under.

  Chapter Four

  When I woke, it was still dark. I was alone on the furs and my whole body ached but in a most pleasurable way. I stretched only to find my arms free of those pesky chains. Energized I sat up and checked my feet. I was unchained.

  My body sighed in relief.

  I made my way to the lake shore, where an orb of light hung, to find bathing supplies. Looking around, I saw no sign of Drekk. Upon examination, the supplies turned out to be a small tub of my favourite mint tooth-cleaner, a plain soap bar, a simple cotton sleeveless shift, a dry cloth and a wide-toothed comb.

  A sooty arrow pointed to the right. I took the supplies and followed the arrow to reach a sizeable chamber with openings on two walls. The orb followed me. A little but fast waterfall flowed in and exited away from the lake. I did my ablutions in the moving water and dried myself.

  Though I expected to be tired after the activities of last night, instead I felt a surge of vitality that was unexpected but welcome. Upon examining my reflection in the water, I
couldn’t help but notice that my hair looked more lush and my skin more luminous.

  The hair between my thighs was gone and did not show any signs of growing. Did the dragon fire burn the hair off at its roots? If so why had my skin escaped unharmed?

  That was one question among many I had for Drekk.

  However my body was still singing. I’d wanted to experience passion and Drekk had shown me passion in spades. I’d had no idea my body was capable of so much sensuality. Dreamily I sorted through the memories of last night, hugging them close to me. I may not know what to do with this dragon, but he certainly appeared to know what to do with me!

  Wearing the shift, I spread the now damp cloth to dry on a convenient boulder, when I noticed a light shine off a large plate near the lava vents. Hoping for something to eat—I was ravenous!—I approached the vents.

  There was no sign of the dragon—in his true form or in the male form he had taken last night. Maybe he was off hunting for his meal.

  Yes! There was a tray with a bowl of fruit and a jug of juice. Some of the fruits were unfamiliar but still delicious. I ate them with my fingers, relishing the exotic flavors and gazed at the fires ahead.

  Maybe, just maybe the fires wouldn’t harm me. After all…No, it would be an insane risk to take.

  My mind duelled over the problem.

  “Go ahead and reach out to the flames, little one. No fire can harm you, even dragon fire. But you already knew that didn’t you?”

  Starting, I glanced back. Drekk stood a few feet away from me. He wore black leathery pants and a full sleeved black shirt with matching boots. He was so large and muscled, he reminded me very much of those outsize wrestlers I had seen on the Earth or Demon dimension, only fully covered and much deadlier.

  As for the incident he was referring to, the only way he could know of that was if the dream I’d had was true and he had stolen it from my memories.

  That made sense in so many ways. It explained how familiar he felt. Still the recollection of that past event was one I’d supressed for many reasons, not the least of which was guilt.


  Lena fed the small fire carefully with bits of parchment. Father would scold if he saw her. Parchment was expensive, but it was lying there unused for months. Father wouldn’t miss one piece surely; if he did then he could take the worth from the small amount he gave her for buying honey cakes.

  Kayla was playing in the next room with the dollhouse her mother had bought her. They’d both been playing with it, but Lena got bored. She had gone to get a drink of water and had seen the White Candle in Father’s empty study located at the front of the house.

  White Candles burned whiter, for longer and could not be blown out by any wind. Lena found them fascinating. So, she had lit the Candle and now she was trying to make the mesmerizing flame bigger and change color.

  Once a visiting trader had brought firecrackers that burnt in blue, red, green and white flames. It had been truly glorious—the crackers had burst in mid-air and burnt in water making shapes that were out of this world—those of stars, rainbows, clouds, horses, dragons and unicorns.

  It had been so wonderful; she had begged Father to buy her some and he had promised to get her the firecrackers for her birthday. Lena thought those were so much more fun than dollhouses, though dolls were nice too.

  Lena also wished she could find a way to turn the White flame in to different colors like the trader. It seemed of the utmost importance right now. She brightened. Father had got a stationery kit with a wooden pencil that gave perfectly red shavings. Maybe those shavings would burn red.

  She went to her room searching for it.

  “Kayla, did you see my new red pencil?”

  Kayla was dressing her dolls. “No. Whatddaya want it for?” Kayla bit her little tongue in concentration as she placed a flower in the doll’s hair, her own pigtails mussed. “Don’t you wanna play dollhouse?”

  “I just wanna to see if the pencil shavings will burn red.”

  Kayla looked up in wise understanding. Lena had always been fascinated by fire, and Kayla had accepted it without question. Even though Kayla would much rather play girly games—or climb trees.

  Kayla’s mother even had a name for it. She said Lena was a spiro..Piro…pyro..something.

  “The pencils are outside, at the back of the house. Remember we were doing our coloring books outside this afternoon, dummy?” Kayla said.

  “Okay, I’ll get it and test that out and then we can have the honey cakes I got today,” Lena said.

  It was getting dark but there was ample moonlight and Lena made her way behind the house. Their books and supplies were lying near the pond, where they had left them. So, she arranged them all carefully—books in one pile and pencils in the pouch and carried them back to the front.

  Only to find the house ablaze.

  Lena gave a cry of fear and dropped her things. What had happened? She looked around. No other place was affected except for the front of the house which was on fire.

  “Lena,” Kayla’s small voice cried out. Through the open door, Lena could see her friend standing behind the fire, coughing. “I’m scared. Your father’s study is on fire and so is the front of your house.”

  Lena started to cry and shake. Sha was scared too. She wanted her father. But he was away as usual. Madam Estella, Kayla’s mother visited daily and made sure Lena was fine. Another woman came in for a few hours everyday to clean the house and cook.

  Father said Lena was to be a good girl and stay out of trouble, so he could take care of his responsibilities as the man of the household without worrying about her. And she tried to be good. Lena really didn’t mean to be naughty. But she was pretty sure the candle in Father’s study had fallen and set the papers there ablaze and it had spread to the rest of the wooden house.

  Now Kayla was trapped in there.

  Fat tears fell down Lena’s chubby face.

  “Go get Mama, Lena. Don’t wait. I’ll try and open a window,” Kayla yelled through the fire that was becoming vigorous.

  Sobbing, Lena sprinted to Madam Estella’s home. Homes in this community weren’t close by. But she ran fast on her little legs, yelling for Kayla’s mom at the top of her lungs.

  Madam Estella was out of the door by the time Lena reached her place. When she explained breathlessly, Madam Estella and other guests who were visiting ran for Lena’s burning home.

  Someone also picked Lena up and carried her. She saw buckets of water from the pond used to douse the house. Men tried to break in through the windows at the back. Lena could have told them all the windows were barred. Father had put the iron bars up when they first moved in.

  Madam Estella was white-faced. Lena saw one man covered in layers of wet clothing preparing to go in and something made her dart in behind him, escaping adult arms and cries to catch her.

  She ran in to the burning building.

  There was heavy smoke, and she could barely see but she was so worried she didn’t notice the heat. Kayla was in the kitchen. She had pulled up a stool and was crouched in the kitchen sink. She was wet, and her shoulders were shaking, head in her small hands, knees to her chest. Lena tugged at her.

  Kayla lifted her head from her lap. “Lena it’s you! Did you get Mama?”

  “Yes, she’s outside. Come on let’s go.”

  Kayla climbed down and holding hands the two little girls ran out of the kitchen.

  The adult male in the living room made their way towards them coughing, eyes watering. He grabbed Kayla and reached out for Lena.

  “Let’s go girls, this house is set to fall on us.”

  A heavy burning beam fell down separating Lena from the others. Kayla shouted and so did the man. They both tried to reach Lena, but more things fell down and the male had no choice but to pull Kayla out before they also burned alive.

  There were yells outside but Lena didn’t notice. She was scared and alone and she wanted Father.

  The fire came closer and
closer. Things fell on her from the roof. She hid under the kitchen sink. But the fire still came—the floor was wooden after all—it touched her skirts. She sobbed and covered her face with her little hands, but the fire didn’t burn…

  The adults outside threw water on the burning home for hours till the ruins cooled down. Madam Estella waited worriedly. Kayla slept worn out by the shock of the whole event. While Madam Estelle never saw eye to eye with Lena’s father, she had agreed to keep an eye on the little girl and now it looked like the girl might die.

  Once the heat was reduced, a male went in, face and limbs swaddled in wet fabric. He soon made his way out yelling, “Got the child!”

  Along with the others, Madam Estella rushed to him to see a sooty, sleeping little girl with tear marks and finger prints on her face from clutching too tight. Her dress was charred in parts. But her skin was unblemished, and she was untouched by the fire.

  Marvelling murmurs spread as Lena slept on. They took her to Kayla’s home where she was bathed, changed, and examined for burns of which there was no sign. Lena drank a lot of water and had some bread and soup before she dozed off again.


  Even now I felt culpable for Kayla’s near death. With the innocence of children, she had forgiven and forgotten. But I hadn’t been able to do that so easily.

  “I know of the incidence of your childhood when you accidentally set your home on fire, endangering your best friend,” he answered my question. “Have you never wondered why you were able to resist being burned alive?”

  I had been too young to wonder overmuch. Father had wondered though. A few days after the incident, Father had returned to the small settlement and heard fully about the entire adventure. While magic users were few in the village, they were not unknown of. No one else had mentioned a word about the incident to me and things had soon returned to normal.

  But within our home, I was banned from being in proximity to fire—even from touching a match or candle. Cooking was forbidden, maybe that was why I was not a great cook. Father sent out feelers to trusted contacts and family members about what this possible ability to resist fire could mean.


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