Caught By The Dragon: Dragonhaeme (Beyond The Planes Book 1)

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Caught By The Dragon: Dragonhaeme (Beyond The Planes Book 1) Page 6

by Tara Gill

  I nuzzled against him dreamily. He smelled so good. “You’ve already showed me your treasures, this pool and passion beyond anything I’d imagined. What else is there for me to see?”

  “So much, little one. This world is filled with wonders and I have just started showing them to you,” he murmured in my ear and pressed his lips reverently to my forehead.

  A sigh shook me again. A part of me loved when this powerful man-dragon touched me so tenderly. “Very well. Show me.”

  "Hold on," Drekk said. He tightened his arms around me and flew straight for the opening in the mountain. Light blinded me as we broke through to the sky and cool breeze hit me.

  With a squeak, I clutched him tighter. Clothing covered the both of us again. I was in a simple white tunic worn on top of brown leather leggings while Drekk was back in his black outfit.

  You're safe, little one. I'll never let you go.

  I tried to ignore how it sounded a bit ominous the way he said it.

  Shadowed wings pumping powerfully, Drekk flew me across the land.

  Goblinhaeme was transformed overnight. I could hardly believe my eyes. Vegetation had always been lush here, but the land seemed to have enlarged and denominated into various zones.

  Enormous forests with giant trees towered out of the land. Red and brown and golden leaves, the kind I loved best, adorned them. None of the trees shed leaves though. As I thought it a wind shook the trees and a few leaves floated down.

  The mountains seemed larger too. There were now entire ranges, massive and tipped with snow. Evergreens grew along the slopes. Large streams flowed down to an enormous pristine lake that I was sure hadn’t existed before.

  I would love to go boating in that lake! As I thought it, a long boat formed near the pier, golden in color and shaped like a dragon.

  Past the mountains there were large grasslands with various shades of grass blending into the other. Herds of tusked mammals to striped and antlered herbivores to tree living creatures wandered. I could see predators who hunted these stealthily amidst the cover of grass.

  A large flock of swans flew past us, some of them almost close enough to touch and I laughed in delight.

  What did you do to this place?

  I mean to build a home here and so I made it a fit place for a Dragon.

  I could see that. This place was so much more majestic and built to a larger scale than before. When did you do all this?

  All in a mornings work. A bit of magic and the place became as it used to be.

  Used to be? Do you mean to say before the Goblins lived here the land was like this?

  Countless millennia ago this place was a Dragonhaeme. The volcano died and the dragon that dwelt here left in search of a warmer realm. The magic in the land dwindled with his departure, shrinking the place. Lesser creatures made an abode here. When it was time for me to Sleep, I searched for a suitable location and discovered that the volcano was coming back to life. I chose to situate myself here and lay dormant for many years. Now I'm awake the magic causes the land to revert to what it once was.

  It is magnificent. The place stretched beyond what my eye could see. Where does it end?

  Drekk smiled. Would you like to see our home?

  Our home? What do you mean—our—home?!

  Ah, little one, do you plan to abandon me? Will you not stay with this old dragon and end the loneliness of my interminable life? he asked in a teasing voice that held a hint of seriousness. After all, you did say you would be mine.

  The dragon wanted me to stay, to build a home with him? Did I want that? Did I not want that? If my stay so far was anything like the past two days I’d spent with Drekk, then of course I wanted to stay.

  Flying on dragon-back with the swans, swimming in a lava lake, physical intimacy that made me lose my mind, a soul deep connection with a tender dragon who could turn passionate in an instant…. what was not to like?

  His wings slowly flapped as he flew lower.

  I know your heart. Have you not yearned all your life for just this? To be adored? Have you not looked all your life for a mate of the heart—only no one else would do for you? Because they just did not want you enough to see through your guise?

  I want you enough—I would kill for you. I would conquer worlds for you. I would destroy every other creature for you because you are the most important thing in the world to me.

  I gazed up at him in awe. My heart missed a beat and a tear slid down my cheek at his earnest declaration.

  In a way, Drekk was right. This was everything I had longed for. For someone to connect with at every level, to belong to him as I had never truly belonged anywhere else in the world.

  Oh, I was falling for this dragon.

  Drekk smiled as he read my thoughts.

  I sniffed and composed myself. Does this mean I am your prisoner, Dragon?

  His smile widened, showing a glimpse of sharp inhuman teeth. This means you are my queen. Look.

  We were dropping down fast. I saw what his wings had hidden from sight. We had flown all the way back to our smoking mountain. An enormous castle rose from its side, made of the same dark stone and about two stories high. Metal work embellished the stone and especially the big open doors.

  When we landed, he gently placed me on my feet. The doors were right ahead of us. The sheer scale of the castle was intimidating. The doors were at least thrice my height and an army could pass through them.

  "Erm. Not sure I recall seeing a castle here,” I breathed out, my eyes round.

  "I built this today for us," Drekk said casually.


  I had borrowed the powers of many a magical creature. Some had been very strong. I remembered the witch who could make anyone immortal, the gargoyle who could cause the earth to tremble, the water sprite who could flood worlds but this—that he could construct a world, a mansion in such detail, all in a morning and not even appear drained a little bit—was impressive.

  As we walked to the steel doors, his arm still around my waist. I placed a hand on his bare arm and stealthily tried to suss him out.

  Wow, my mind swam. I was a tiny fly buzzing at the top of an immense, billowing whirlpool that was fathoms deep. The whirlpool crackled with agitated magic—rich, ancient, multifaceted. It was nothing like I had ever felt before. If seized by the eddy, I sensed it would be the end of me. Yet it called to me to dive in and lose myself in its depths.

  Years ago, when standing on the top of a very tall cliff, I had felt like this—equally terrified by the great fall in front of me and sickly fascinated—a part of me calling upon my body to throw itself down.

  I had found my feet inexplicably at the very edge. Divinity only knew what would have occurred if Father hadn't pulled me back. He had looked at me white faced and furious, but I had no explanation for myself.

  With a bit of an effort, I pulled away from Drekk’s mind. Leaning a bit on him, I wondered if he'd sensed what I'd done. I peeked at him through lowered lashes. He didn't seem to be aware of anything.

  "This is my home, my lovely Lena. Now it is yours. Do you like it?"

  The hall was huge with a roof that seemed very far away. Cleaning would be a problem – but not if magic was involved, I suppose. Shining black stone made up the floor. Silky black curtains and mirrored art decorated the walls which had curls of precious metals and gemstones mixed in.

  As I explored, I was delighted to discover crystal, lapis lazuli, gold, copper and rubies embedded randomly along the walls in arbitrary, swirly patterns. The surface of the wall seemed to exude energy and warmth. Maybe it absorbed heat from the adjoining volcano. This was a place that would never get cold even in the coolest nights.

  There were many rooms: kitchens, dining hall, a study which was utterly masculine, a visiting room to greet guests. Exquisite metalwork was everywhere on doors, windows, the banisters. The furniture was made of ebony and stone

  A grand staircase led upstairs to a corridor with doors that led to many room
s. Drekk led me to the large double doors straight ahead which opened silently without a touch.

  I stepped inside and gasped. The chamber was vast and followed the decor of the rest of the home. High windows, window seats and night-black carpeting embellished the room. The highlight was the roof made entirely of crystal through which you could see outside—floating cloud shapes and flocks of birds passing by against the backdrop of the blue sky.

  "It’s beautiful,” I breathed. Being in the room gave the feeling of being afloat amidst the clouds. An apt chamber for a dragon.

  "Yes, it is. When I'm not flying I often like to gaze on the stars before I sleep," Drekk said.

  Smiling softly at his admission, I wondered what other quirks he had. I liked learning about him. In fact, I was interminably curious about him.

  He smiled back at me. His wings had vanished completely, and he led me further into the center of the room. There was a magnificent canopied bed that had dark blue furnishings with small silver stars on them. An ebony dressing table lay next to it unlike any I'd ever seen before. A shimmer of magic came from it.

  When I stood before of it though, it showed me my reflection in an orange-red dress that made it seem as if I was wearing a flame. A tiara adorned my hair-do as well as other jewels I didn't recognize.

  Was it showing me a future version of myself? Perhaps what I would be wearing as the lady of this mansion if I chose to stay?

  "Is it true that dragons can know of the future from star visions?" I glanced at Drekk.

  "Oh, little one, you are asking for secrets that you still have not earned the right to know," said Drekk with a smirk. He was now lounging on the bed looking like the ultimate man of leisure, his legs crossed and arms behind his head.

  "You seem to know everything in my mind," I accused. “How is it fair that you don't answer my questions?" I examined his languorous pose, his body laid out for my appreciative gaze. I bit my lip, a curl of heat twisting around in my abdomen. The heat that had gone just a few hours earlier seemed to be coming back.

  How was this possible?

  Drekk had made me come so many times that I'd lost count. I could hardly walk after his assault on my senses and I could not forget that the dragon had not taken his own pleasure. I looked over him assessingly. Surely, he must be in need.

  You will not feel relief until you have my seed in you.

  He needed to come in me before the heat would go away?

  "How could that be true? You came in me yesterday and the heat came back today."

  "The heat is not as bad as yesterday, is it not? If I don't come in you again today, it will build until it will leave you as mindless as you were then."

  "What is the heat?" Drekk had said his fire had awakened me into the heat and it rang true but obviously there was more to the story.

  He sighed, “You are not ready to hear that yet, but let it suffice you to know that you’re exactly where you're supposed to be and the safest you've ever been."

  That felt right too. I decided I would raise the topic again later. I made my way around the room touching the furniture, the delicate metal artworks that depicted a dragon mating with a woman. Oddly the woman was chained as well. Others depicted dragons fighting. They fought each other or sometimes humans and other unusual creatures. Still others showed baby dragons playing together.

  The baby dragons looked adorable but were also disturbing. They were tiny yet fierce in demeanor. Shelves lined a wall with seemingly random knick-knacks on them. As I examined the shelf, I realized my small bag was there with other treasured items: a painting of my mother, pictures of family, a jeweled comb passed on from my grandmother, the necklace from my birthday, a feather from my pet pigeon, which I had set free.

  Drekk had got the few things I treasured and saved them for me? Touched, I fingered the small grey feather. The dragon deserved a reward.

  On my way back to the bed, I noticed that the dressing table held a jewelry box that had not been there earlier. When I opened it, a heavy diamond necklace glinted back at me.

  "Wear it,” Drekk said huskily from the bed. I looked at his reflection in the mirror before I slid it on. His lashes were lowered, and he was perusing my body. He seemed to be imagining me without my clothes on.

  Floating orbs of light illuminated the whole castle and one hung high above the mirror. The necklace on my neck dazzled me with reflected light. I blinked down at it. The diamonds were so large and pristine. I could tell that the necklace was probably worth a fortune.

  When I glanced in the mirror again, my reflection was naked. I wore only the neckpiece. Mirror-me was flushed, and my breath came in pants. My rosy nipples bobbed up and down with every pant. My thighs were damp, and I looked needy, my pupils dilated. As I watched, Drekk came behind my reflected version and wrapped his thick arms around my waist.

  "You look so beautiful, little one, wearing only my diamonds. I think I will keep you naked like this always. Changing only the jewels I choose to adorn you with every day."

  He nuzzled my neck and met my eyes in the mirror. His gaze seemed to devour me, a deep flame burning within them. My neck, shoulder, ear—he showered teasing little kisses all over them. He bit my earlobe and put his tongue in my ear.

  Aroused, I shivered all over. What strange magic was this?! On this side of the mirror Drekk was on the bed and I was clothed and yet I could feel that tongue in my ear.

  Unable to drag my gaze away, I saw Drekk slide his arms under the knees of my living image and lift my legs. He spread my knees wide so that I was completely exposed to the mirror. His eyes went to my mons that was spread open like a flower, the delicate folds and pink whorls opening around the hole of my passage. There was no hair to impede the view, so I was unprotected and revealed like I had never been before.

  My face heated in embarrassment. Every detail of my body was accurate. That small mole on the underside of my left breast. That freckle on my hip. The pink dye on my toenails. If Drekk was powering this fantasy with his magic, then he remembered my body with great accuracy.

  However, the woman in the mirror seemed more lush and beautiful than I had ever been. She was sensuous and moved her body against Drekk sinuously. Seeming not the least embarrassed at her wanton position, she writhed against him and murmured to him shamelessly, coaxing him to give them both satisfaction. “Take me, my love.”

  Suddenly mirror-Drekk was unclothed too and entered her body with a forceful thrust that made me wince. But she seemed to welcome it. I could see his male organ make his way in and out of mirror-me’s open nether lips. Drekk was so large that he pushed her lips in when he invaded. When he came out, he pulled her lips out, leaving her opening gaping open, his every thrust stretching her out, loosening her.

  At that erotic image, my lower lips clenched on empty space, aching to be filled.

  At first, mirror-me winced with his every penetration but soon every return thrust of his was met with enthusiastic moans for more and she ground herself against him meeting him halfway. Encouraged, Drekk slammed so fast into her that he was a blur. Her moans became breathless wails as she crested on continuous waves of pleasure. Pearls of fluid dripped on to her thighs from where they were joined.

  What was I seeing? Was that really me or how Drekk saw me?

  Oh, how I wished I could be that creature—so beautiful and lost to passion. The Drekk in the mirror had looked at mirror-me as if he couldn't breathe without having her—as if he would die without thrusting once more. His gaze had been adoring and covetous in turns. His hands had been tender and ruthless simultaneously. I glanced away from the mirror, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

  I was falling for this powerful being who desired me. Also I kind of liked who I was becoming when I was with him.

  Drekk seemed to know me in and out. I could even sense him in my mind, a very light but solid presence. He wasn’t trying to hide it. I sensed he knew all the good and bad things about me. Yet he wanted me. According to him, I was the most impo
rtant thing for him in the whole world.

  Could I let myself fall in love with this ancient, tender, magical being?

  To be honest I didn't see it taking that long.

  Biting my lip, I asked, “Was that your magic?"

  His eyes gleamed. Oh, he did know what I'd seen in the mirror.

  “No, little one that was yours. The mirror shows you what is in your deepest heart."

  So that wasn't real. It was only a wishful imagination of my mind. Remembering how adoringly Drekk had looked at her in the mirror, I was disappointed. My face fell.

  "That is not to say what you saw isn't real, my love. My job is to make every dream of yours a reality." Drekk got up as if to recreate what I had seen in the mirror.

  But for once I didn't want Drekk to be the initiator. I didn't have much experience, but I wanted to give him pleasure today. The woman in the mirror had received so much pleasure from Drekk’s efforts that she had lost consciousness.

  Well, I may not be able to do that to Drekk, but I wanted to try. I stopped a few feet away from him and looked down at my feet. Shyly I said, “There's something I've always wanted to attempt with a man. Will you let me try it? You could guide me where I fall short, so I can better pleasure you."

  In my mind, I showed him what I meant.

  In response Drekk swallowed. "Oh. Um. Of course. I'm all yours to practice on… where would you like me?"

  I motioned for him to sit up on the bed. Kneeling before him I undid his trousers. As I was used to wearing male trousers, it was a matter of seconds before I had him heavy and warm in my hand. I stroked him gently exploring the heavy veins and the golden skin. "Does it hurt if I do that?"

  "No, but do you see that little drop of liquid at the tip?"

  "Yes.” I touched it with the tip of my finger. It was viscous and warm.

  "That is my body crying for your mouth. Taste it."

  I bent and licked all over him till I reached the tip. I sucked the tip like I would a piece of candy. He jerked all over, his hands winding tight in my hair. That area must be especially sensitive. I backed off, exploring his member all over with little sucks and licks till I reached his base.


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