Sunday Funday

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Sunday Funday Page 1

by Annalise Wells

  Table of Contents

  Book 7





  Also by Annalise Wells

  About the Author

  Sunday Funday

  The Billionaires Temptations

  Annalise Wells



  Edited by

  Natasha Lind

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  1. Owen

  2. Janey

  3. Owen

  4. Janey

  5. Owen

  6. Janey

  7. Owen

  8. Janey

  9. Owen

  10. Janey

  11. Owen

  12. Janey

  13. Owen

  14. Janey

  15. Owen

  16. Janey

  17. Owen

  18. Janey

  19. Owen

  20. Janey

  21. Owen

  22. Janey

  23. Owen

  24. Janey

  25. Owen

  26. Janey

  27. Owen

  28. Janey

  29. Owen

  30. Janey

  31. Owen

  32. Janey

  33. Owen

  34. Janey

  35. Owen

  36. Janey

  37. Owen

  38. Bob


  Also by Annalise Wells

  About the Author


  “Why does the messenger always end up in the firing line?”

  After all the effort that had gone on, it was found that The Kingmaker (in the end) could have the last laugh.

  I look around and realize that this is no ordinary group, it is a group that had been born and molded from the will to come out the other side in one piece. Regular individuals yes, but ordinary people, not by a long shot.

  I look around the table and can see many surprised faces, but I don’t see scared faces. Maybe these feelings are being hidden, and if they are, they’re being hidden well. I also see this as a group of people who have to be divided. This is ultimately due to the wise opinion that says, “Too many cooks spoil the broth.” We have to divide.

  “Meeting adjourned,” I say to the shock of everyone. I whisper my thoughts to Beau. I say, “In truth, we have no idea who The Kingmaker’s daughter is… is she at this table now? I don’t think so. Is she watching us? That’s very likely, and most of all, does she know that we now know she is here? The answer to that question is, that none of us really know. We have to assume yes, but we have to act as if nothing has happened.”

  “Invite the dancers to have our dinner. We’ll go somewhere else,” Beau says as he pushes his chair from under him.

  Janey walks from the restaurant and approaches the stage where the dancers are sitting, recovering after their last performance.

  I hear her talking to all the girls. She says, “Dinner is on Beau this evening, and good job everyone.”

  I sidle up to Beau. “We have to leave Britney here, maybe she might hear something, or be our eyes,” I whisper.

  Beau nods as he glances through the glass panes of the restaurant. “I think you're right, but we have to prep her without being obvious.”

  “Tina, can you take Britney into the office and do her bandage please?” I ask.

  “Of course. Do we have a first aid kit in there?” she asks as she helps Britney to her feet.

  “I'll go and get one from the change room.”

  I make my way over to the stage and ask the girls if they’ve seen where the first aid kit is, not that I want to know. I just want everyone to hear me. One of the new girls that isn’t from the club pulls one out from the nearby closet. I peer around the change room to see who is doing what. No faces look as if they’re doing anything apart from getting changed. Saying that though, I'm sure The Kingmaker’s daughter is way too smart to fall for something so simple.

  “Is Britney’s ankle going to be okay?” Susan asks.

  “I wasn’t here when she did it, but I think a couple of days rest and she'll be alright,” I reply.

  “I know I'm new here, but who are you?” Susan asks plainly.

  “I just helped in the first club with Shona, I’ve been away since then, and I thought it would be fun to check in again,” I say smiling.

  “A lot of faces, new faces around here,” she says.

  “They’ve all come together for this place, what a perfect city to make an impression!”

  “Well, if you want to make people take notice, this is the place to do it,” Susan says as she pulls her top over her head.

  Great nipples, but not my type.

  I casually walk back toward the office. If I look back, I'll seem a little wary. We have to be very careful not to let on that anything is wrong.

  I close the door to the office and hand the first aid kit to Tina. “How is her ankle?” I ask.

  “Ouch!” Britney says as Tina begins removing the old bandage.

  “Just a sprain, a couple of days and she'll walk. But dancing, I think will be a week. So light duties for you my girl,” Tina says smiling.

  I stand with my back to the window of the office and look toward Britney. “Britney, don’t lift your head while I talk,” I say. “We trust you're not the person who is after us, so we are putting our trust in you.”

  “Okay,” Britney mumbles looking down at her ankle.

  “Don’t mention anything that you’ve heard, and don’t look sharply if you hear or see anything strange. Just tell us,” I explain.

  “Don’t fret, I can keep my cool.” She chews her gum as Tina helps her.

  “The other thing is, keep away from any of us who aren’t dancers, apart from Bob, that way it won’t create suspicion that you're saying anything to us.”

  “I can do that, I'll be with the girls as they practice and then just see Bob at night,” Britney replies.

Good girl. I did hear Janey say that you can be trusted.”

  I help Britney to her feet from the desk. Tina opens the door, and I help her hobble toward the restaurant for her dinner with the rest of the girls. Some of the others have begun walking to the courtyard via another quick tour of the club, and the gaming tables.

  Janey had hung back to wait for me, and although this was the first time my eyes had fallen on Janey, that was exactly what was happening.

  “Have you seen the other clubs?” Janey asks.

  “I saw the first one, and then I vanished until now,” I reply.

  “How does this one compare?”

  “This one is as far different as you can imagine. Shona’s club has the spa and steam rooms for relaxation, and then the club is underground, and all made for privacy.” I say. “Very limited designs but highly opulent. A club for filthy rich men.”

  “I think this place will be a blast once we can open, these Alice in Wonderland figures everywhere are really going to freak everyone out,” Janey says.

  “I hope so, they still have to sort those corrupt councilors out on top of this person we’re looking for.”

  “As far as I can see, if that isn’t done then The Kingmaker’s daughter or whoever she is, will get suspicious,” Janey replies.

  I sigh as we make our way into the courtyard. She's dead right; one slight hold up with that, and everyone could be done for. In truth, no one has an idea what is in store. Not even me.

  “Where are we going to get food? Oh, and how are we going to get there?” Alex asks clapping his hands. He looks slightly anxious.

  “Mike has the old crew bus, and I can drive it,” Bell says.

  “And where are we going?” Stacey asks as she hangs from Joseph’s arm.

  Joseph looks into her eyes and then lifts his head. “We'll decide that on the bus.”

  Mike appears from the club after some loud shouting to one of the trade guys. I suggest to Joseph that he joins us because we have no idea what is really happening, yet.

  Bell pulls the bus by the large steel gate, and everyone takes their seats on board. The bus slowly pulls forward as Bell slams it into gear and heads to the end of the street.

  Joseph stands supporting himself between the seats of the bus. He sighs and clears his throat. “We all know we have two situations going on. Both have to run hand in hand with each other,” he explains. “We have to divide into groups. How many in each we can decide when we know exactly what we have to do.”

  Bell screams from the driving seat. “Not one to put a spoiler on anything, but where are we going? Since I’m driving, I might need to know!”

  Joseph turns his head to her. “You decide, somewhere out of the way.”

  “Out of the way. If you don’t want to be seen, I only know one place that is safe,” I hear Bell mumble under her breath.

  I sit listening to Joseph as he outlines everything he went through with The Kingmaker. I have to say, there are a few more surprised faces and open mouths by the time we get to our destination. A good half of the people on the bus sit in awe. It sounds like science fiction, really.

  Everyone now knew it was a wild ride. Shona had mentioned that to everyone along the way. But cloning and mile-long sniper shots, that’s the stuff of legends, or cinema storylines. Not real life, like it had been.

  “Are we at the chop shop?” Ty asks.

  “We are, it’s the safest place I know,” Bell shouts as she halts the bus behind the garage. Bell opens the doors, and everyone starts to step from the bus.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Drake asks.

  Bell walks up to Drake. “We’ve had a change of plan.”

  The guy called Drake looks at me. “Who the fuck is that guy?”

  “I’m Owen,” I say.

  “I bet you fucken are,” he says.

  “Why does the messenger always end up in the firing line?”


  “The butler did it. Those mysteries were so much easier to solve.”

  Drake stands before us all, and I can see he is drawing as many open mouths as the situation regarding The Kingmaker had done. Out of everyone here, almost all of us are scared of him. Bell is so-so. But Beau, Ty and Joseph, they don’t take shit from anyone, from what I can tell.

  “What are you all doing here? And I never believed it until now, the three identical triplets together. I thought it was bullshit,” Drake says.

  “You better believe it,” Ty says, or is it, Joseph? I find it hard to tell them apart.

  “Drake, we’ve come for dinner, and we sort of need your help, and in a way, we really have no idea if you're included in all of this,” Bell says, getting straight to the point.

  “Dinner, we can do, the motel we’re at has a good enough place to eat, and I need to hear more about the other part.” He looks at all of us with an evil glare. He’s still the scariest man I’ve ever seen in real life.

  Drake leads us all away from the chop shop to the motel he and his gang are staying at. All the old faces are nodding and winking at Bell, and me, too. Owen seems to be hovering around in a weird kind of way. Not that I mind. Bikers are confronting, that’s for sure. Drake specially.

  “Where is the pig on the spit and the barrels of beer?” Ty asks as we all walk into the motel dining room.

  “Who says I’m not a sophisticated son-of-a-bitch,” Drake replies.

  Drake gestures to all his men to place the tables together and then get the fuck out of the room. It was a nice gesture and one that his men followed without question. It was his place, and it was like he was taking over, or at least while we were having dinner. He loved the ego boost he got from being the leader of the gang, he always had.

  “Right. Cut the crap and tell me straight, what are we dealing with?” Drake asks Ty and Joseph.

  Ty gestures to Joseph. “You know more than me, feel free.”

  Joseph turns to Drake. “Before I start, I’ve never a had chance to thank you for what you did when you were looking for The Kingmaker,” Joseph says. Drake nods and grins, enjoying another ego boost. “Like us, Owen was in a group the same as my brothers and me,” Joseph says.

  Drake frowns, and his wrinkles look like ripples in the desert. “What the fuck do you mean, he was?”

  “An earlier group that The Kingmaker decided he wanted to get rid of. One of Owen’s triplets was a girl though, and she is in a coma, and the other brother died in the explosion.”

  Drake rubs his hand through his beard angrily. “Excuse my French, but what a fucking cunt he was.”

  “That’s only part of it,” Joseph says.

  “What can be worse than family being toasted or ruined?” Drake asks.

  “The Kingmaker has a daughter who Owen just found out is gunning for us.”

  “And you have all just fallen right into her hands by coming together,” Drake says as he holds his arms outstretched.

  Joseph shrugs his shoulders. “It does appear that way.”

  Drake tells the waiter to bring plates of everything because ordering will take forever. He picks up his fresh bottle of beer and takes a sip.

  “I'm not one for treading on anyone’s toes, but I have one question to ask. And I don’t want anyone to take offense at my terminology,” he says, looking at Beau specifically.

  “Go ahead, we’re all open ears here,” Beau says.

  “This daughter of his, is she real or did she come from an egg or wherever you three came from?”

  After a few giggles at Drake’s question, I give an outward exclamation, by accident. “Ah.”

  “Janey, is that it? Ah.”

  Joseph ignores my Freudian slip. “That’s something I was never told. I'll have to see if I can find out. Maybe there is a parent somewhere, or then again, maybe there isn’t.

  “It makes a difference, you never know, you might be looking for something you can’t explain, or something simple,” Drake comments. Drake finishes speaking before the waiter begins put
ting the plates on the table. “I'll check with my guys in Mexico. They’ll tell me where we found The Kingmaker, maybe there was a woman there.”

  Silence falls on the conversation for a while. The food is pretty good for a motel, and there is plenty of it.

  After we eat, the meeting starts again, this time without too much intervention from Drake. He has his role to fulfill and will only come back into it if he finds anything about The Kingmaker. That’s including any family ties he may have.

  “So, we’re all decided. We'll have two teams that will be split into two, half to deal with club issues, and the other half to deal with the other thing.” Joseph says.

  We all agree, and now we have our groups. Group one will be Bob, Beau and Ty, with assistance from Mikey who will be kept in the dark about the other part. The second group of band A is to be me, Cally, Stacey and Orlando. We will deal with all the dancers, and getting the club ready.

  Team two, we decide will be made up of Joseph, Tina, Shona, and Bell. They will be in charge of finding The Kingmaker’s daughter from hell. Alex, Brent and Brooke will be in charge of the gambling side.

  Poor Britney, for the time being she’s has had a promotion from being a dancer, to hobbling around on a sore ankle and making sure we’re all attended to. All that, and keeping her eyes and ears open for anything strange going on. The consensus of opinion is to have smaller meetings away from the club, somehow. How we can do this, we have no idea.


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