Sunday Funday

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Sunday Funday Page 8

by Annalise Wells

  “That’s a couple of strange events that can be explained,” Bell says. “So, they’re not so strange after all. Thank goodness for that.”

  “It looks that way. The most bizarre things are the note that Owen got, and his sister who is in a coma. She was checked out of the hospital,” I say.

  “Now, who would do that?” Brent asks, scrubbing a plate.

  “We have no idea at all. It's not as if my sister is going to make contact, so all we can do is wait.”

  “Or wait for the person who checked her out to make contact,” Brent says.

  “I can’t see any reason why they would take her. It's not as if she is any use to anyone.”

  “There is only one reason I can see that anyone would do that,” Bell says. “That’s simply… because they know her.”

  “You know, I'm not even sure if Owen has considered that as an option. If they know his sister, they must know him as well.”

  “We sort out one puzzle and then another one comes along which is even bigger,” Brent says as he begins drying some of his well-washed dishes.

  “We’re moving forward, though. That’s the main thing.” Bell says.

  “Talking about moving forward, I better get up to the roof and wait for Owen,” I say.

  “You can get to the roof from here don’t forget, there is no need to walk all the way around,” Bell says.

  “I forgot about that, it will save me ten minutes.”

  Bell begins laughing. “Come on, I'll get the door for you.”

  We walk to the bedroom floor, and Bell opens the roof door. She steps outside and admires the updated construction.

  “Almost finished,” she says.

  I look at her and smile. “I thought it was finished?”

  “Just a couple more things to do, the last one is the pool and the canopy,” Bell explains.

  “You’re having a pool up here?”

  “Yeah, just one of those pre-fabricated things, we can’t exactly dig into the roof.”

  “That will be so cool. I wish me and Owen had somewhere to live.”

  “Mark my words, before you know it, you will have a place.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “All the other couples got together and got a place, even if it wasn’t planned. It's only Joseph and Stacey that don’t have anywhere definitive… yet!” Bell laughs.

  I chuckle as we walk to the edge of the building. “If I get a place, it's not going to be in a club, this is the last one, I reckon.”

  “Like Shona told me, if you can handle the ride, it will all be worth it.”

  “I have no idea where they get the mental strength from. If you were to choose a group of people, you would never get a group like this.”

  “I know what you mean, it's as if we’ve all been gathered for a reason. I can’t see a weak link in any one person that’s involved,” Bell says, obviously trying to puzzle it out in her mind.

  We stand and peer over the railing into the back street. Headlights start to make their way up and slow by the large steel gate. Owen jumps from the passenger seat and pushes the gate open. The truck pulls inside the courtyard, and then silence comes again as the motor is silenced.

  “I think that’s my call to say goodnight,” Bell says. She gives a sly wink, knowing how much I like Owen.

  “Time for my daily updates and then some stargazing before bed,” I reply.

  “You watch the stars as well?” Bell asks. “I look at them through the balcony door. They look so heavenly, magical in a way.”

  “I know what you mean. Now all I need is a shooting star, and then I can make a wish.”

  “Janey, never stop wishing, stars or not. Just go for it. If it was meant to be, it will happen.”

  I begin laughing as Bell steps through the door to her apartment. “That is funny,” I say. “That’s the exact same thing Owen said the other night.”

  “I think we’ve all said it to each other over the past few months,” Bell says.

  “It must be what keeps us all going.”

  Bell shakes her head. “That’s not what keeps us all going.” She smiles at me. Her eyes are kind and sparkling in the light. “It’s love. Oh, and lust!!”

  “No one can do it for you, you have to do it for yourself.”


  “An exhibitionist is nothing without a voyeur or two.”

  I slip off my boots and walk up from Bob's office. I’m surprised not to see him glued to the screen. I wasn’t sure what he did half the time, but the guy sure can type fast.

  I would have to wait until the morning to see if he had a chance to patch himself into the camera network of the precinct. I got the feeling though, he was only going to be able to see the outside. I'm also quite excited to play back the video from Tina’s action cam. It would be the first glance of the councilors in the same location as the cash.

  Tina was in the same frame of mind as I was. We were both unsure if they paid a visit before every Sunday, or during a power outage. Or if they were just making a one-off visit.

  I make my way to the door of the roof and step outside. The wind picks up and blows it closed behind me. I pull on the handle.

  Fuck it’s locked.

  “Did you have a good day in the desert?” Janey asks.

  “It was very fucking hot, very fucking dusty, and to top all that, now I'm starving.”

  “We can go down and get something when you’ve cleaned up.”

  “The door just closed behind me. It's locked.”

  Janey walks to the door on Bell’s apartment side. She turns with a grin on her face. “This side is too.”

  “It looks like the fire escape then,” I say.

  “We can’t go climbing down the fire escape.”

  “I haven’t had anything to eat since we left here, I have to have something,” I say. I look over the edge of the building. “There, we can climb down to that balcony, it's open. I can see the curtains blowing.”

  Janey looks at me. “Just get cleaned up first. You stink like I don’t know what.”

  “At least the weather is quite warm. I'm not sure I would want a shower here in the middle of winter.”

  “It's okay, I had a shower this afternoon in there. Slightly chilly, but it will freshen you up,” Janey says.

  I walk between the large stone walls the construction crews have built. It's a great design and leaves you fully enclosed.

  “This is really private in here. Do you want to join me?” I call.

  “Next time. You enjoy it.”

  I hang my clothes on the far wall and step into the fresh water. Thank god, it's the middle of summer. My body shudders from the cool water. I feel my skin tighten as I begin to soap my body.

  “I think I need to find a good gym,” I yell.

  Janey walks between the walls and leans to watch me shower. “Why do you need a gym? Your body looks mighty fine to me.” She giggles.

  I turn to face the jets of water and wash the soap from my eye. “I just feel like I need a workout. So, if you're up for finding one, you can come with me,” I say smiling.

  Janey shakes her head. “God blessed me with one of those bigger-type bodies. I look better with an extra pound or two.”

  I wipe my hand over my face. “You’ll feel better for it as well.”

  “You are a cheeky man, Owen!” She rolls her eyes at me and then I remember that weight isn’t the best subject for women.

  “How was your dress rehearsal?” I ask.

  Janey nods her head. “It's hard to explain, you really have to see it,” she says. “The giant Alice and the Mad Hatter. Oh, then the lasers and the projections. It's mind blowing, like a full-on sensory attack. With sexy, naughty dancers!”

  “I thought you said it was better for me to see it,” I say laughing.

  Janey throws a towel at me. “Shut your sarcastic mouth and get dressed. You already get to have so much fun with me.”

  “Anything new from anywhere else?” I as

  “I spoke to Susan again. I don’t think she has anything to do with being The Kingmaker’s daughter. She's as lost as you are,” Janey says.

  “How so?”

  “I never asked her before. She explained she was dumped in an orphanage after she was abandoned in a Philly hotel, with two of her siblings.”

  “Who would leave three babies laying in a hotel?” I ask.

  “Shit like that happens all the time, you always hear of things like this,” Janey replies.

  “We’ve been assuming there was something funny or suspect about her, and there isn’t really. She's just a regular girl who has no parents that she knows of. Pretty much like me,” I say.

  “I found out she does weird shit because of her meds. Britney verified that to me downstairs, and that is how I had that weird dream,” Janey explains.

  I get dressed. I pat my rumbling belly and really have to get something to eat. “Are you ready to climb down the fire escape?” I ask.

  Janey nods her head and we walk to the edge of the building. We are lucky the construction workers pay attention to detail. Even the fire escape ladder has been restored.

  “Do you want to go first, or shall I?”

  Janey pushes me to the ladder. “You first, you're the one who’s hungry.”

  I step onto the ladder. The steel rungs dig into my bare feet as I slowly climb down. I place my hands on the ladder and descend one rung at a time.

  “Come on, it's safe. Solid as a rock.” I say, now looking up at Janey.

  I stand halfway down the ladder as I see Janey swing her foot onto the first rung of the ladder. Her sexy ass makes its way closer to me. I take more steps and look down. The balcony with the open door is nearly there.

  I finally put my foot onto the cold tiles of the balcony and watch as Janey makes her way slowly down the ladder. I hear her panting for breath as she looks over the edge of the building.

  “Don’t look down.”

  “It's hard not to.”

  She finally gets close enough where I can put my hands on her hips and help her to step from the ladder.

  Janey gives a sigh of relief. “At least we won’t have to go back up that way.”

  We step closer to the heavy curtains. I slide my hand between them and part them as I take a step forward.

  I pause and step back onto the balcony. I turn to Janey and grin. “What’s wrong?” she asks.

  “This is Brent and Bell’s bedroom,” I say.

  Janey frowns a little. “Just be extra quiet then.”

  I chuckle to her softly. “What are you laughing at?” she asks, rolling her eyes at me.

  I push Janey toward the curtain. She pushes her head to the gap and peers inside.

  Her head pulls back sharply as she glares at me. “Crap, they’re not asleep.”

  “I had noticed.”

  “We can’t just knock on the door and say, ‘Excuse me, can we pass by?’” Janey says.

  I grin at her and use my sarcastic tone. “Oh, really?”

  Janey puts her eyes back to the curtain. “We'll have to wait.”

  “It looks like they might be a while. I think they’ve only just started.”

  “The only other option is to go back up then,” Janey says.

  This wasn’t an option. I had already pushed the fire escape back up into position out of the way. There was no way I could reach the bottom of the ladder, and if there was a hook or anything, it would be inside the bedroom.

  “Make yourself comfortable. We may be here a while longer than we expected,” Janey says.

  I put my head back to the curtain. I peer through. I turn my gaze back to Janey. “They do look hot though, don’t you think?” I say. I give her a huge grin.

  “They do. It's much better than watching a movie,” Janey replies.

  I feel Janey grab hold of my crotch. “What are you doing?” I murmur, trying to be quiet.

  “Just checking if you're getting turned on.”

  “I wasn’t really, but I think I will if I watch some more.” I giggle and she holds my mouth with her hand.

  “Sssh. Keep watching, but leave space in the curtain for me,” she says.

  “Why? Janey, are you getting turned on watching them?”

  “Fuck yeah. I'm wet already!”

  Janey rubs my crotch again, and I feel my cock warming under her caress. We now find ourselves in a really awkward situation. We’re horny and stuck on Brent’s balcony.

  “Keep rubbing me like that and we’ll be in bigger trouble,” I whisper.

  “I don’t care. I want to watch and feel this beast inside me,” Janey coos.

  “Just don’t scream then,” I groan softly.

  “Let me at the curtain for a few more minutes. I want to see what they’re doing now,” Janey says.

  We pull the curtains to our faces and spy through the gaps. Their bodies are gloriously lit from the dim sidelamps of the bed.

  I whisper into Janey’s ear. “Should we be doing this?”

  Janey looks deep into my eyes. “Of course not. But that’s why it's making me feel so damned horny.”

  “Damn, I’m so glad we met!”

  “Fuck, me too!” she adds, very breathlessly.

  “An exhibitionist is nothing without a voyeur or two.”


  “Women need a reason to have sex, men just need a place.”

  Owen and I stand with our eyes firmly locked at the heavy curtains. The ones that cover the balcony door of the bedroom. Luckily, we hadn’t made them aware of our presence as we watched them during their lovemaking.

  It appears they’ve just started and are in the midst of some steamy foreplay. Bell is straddled over the top of Brent and has hold of his rock-hard shaft. I can see the tip of her tongue teasing the head as he moans.

  Bell’s hips are lowered over Brent’s face, and he appears to be doing some serious munching ‘downstairs.’ I know he is a lucky guy, I have seen Bell’s pussy in the bike club and it looks really sweet. Delicious, I guess you could say.

  Bell opens her mouth and slides the head of Brent’s large cock into her mouth. Her full lips tighten as she slides the full length of his shaft deep into her throat. I reach up and rub Owen’s crotch through his jeans. I feel his cock twitching and his arousal growing. I tug at the waist and pull them down to his knees.

  I wrap my fingers around his hot shaft and masturbate him slowly. I follow the bobbing rhythm of Bell’s head as she sucks hard on Brent’s hardened manhood. Owen sighs. A large gasp of breath falls onto the balcony. He looks down into my eyes and pulls me to my feet.

  Owen lifts my t-shirt from over my head and tugs at my jogging bottoms. I stand naked as the large curtains blow against my body. I peer back through the gap. Bell has moved from Brent’s face and is sitting against his hips. Her head is bowed, and her long black hair falls in front of her. I see her hand caress Brent’s cock. She puts a hand on his chest and lifts her hips. Her body inches forward, and she rubs the head of his shaft against her wet pussy lips.

  Owen’s shaft is almost a full-on, steel erection. I turn my head as he steps closer. I cup his balls and massage the soft skin of his sack. I pull on his pulsating shaft, his swollen head sliding gently into my hot mouth. Owen pulls on my hair as I slide the full length of his shaft into the hot sweet pleasure of my ready mouth. I bob my head down his pulsating shaft as I push my fingers against the moist lips of my arousal.

  I pull my head back and sigh as my finger runs over the tip of my throbbing clit. I push my head through the curtain. Bell has her back arched. I can see that her nipples are fully hardened and Brent is pulling on them.

  Brent thrusts his manhood up toward Bell as her body bucks wildly on top of him. Her hips are grinding against his. Her breasts are bobbing to the motion as he tugs gently on her nipples.

  Shit… I want to feel Owen fucking me like that.

  I pull Owen’s cock from my mouth and my soaked fingers from my own wetness. I stand
and push my breasts firmly against his broad chest. I pull his head back from the curtain and look into his eyes.

  “Owen, I can’t wait. You need to fuck me, right here and right now.”

  We step away from the curtain and I lift my ass onto the concrete wall of the balcony. I spread my legs wide as Owen steps between my warm thighs. He looks at me with wild intention. I grab hold of his shaft and rub the head of his perfect cock between the moist lips of my pussy. Owen inches his body forward as I try to remain silent.

  I tilt my head forward and rest it on his broad chest. I whimper with pleasure as his shaft slowly slides into the hot depths of my wanting pussy.

  “Fuck, Owen!”

  Owen pushes his hips hard. The steel railing pushing hard against my back as I wrap my legs around his waist. Owen drives his hard cock deep inside. My body surrenders to his mighty thrusts. I rest my head and dig my nails into his shoulders. My legs tighten around his waist as I pull his cock harder inside me.

  I hear whimpers coming from inside the bedroom as Bell begins groaning louder. I giggle as I pull my face closer to Owen’s chest. My teeth sink into his skin as his cock fills the very depths of my core.

  “Owen, I want to watch them,” I whisper.

  Owen lifts me from the wall and I step to the floor. I quickly pick up the clothes and rest them next to the gap in the curtain. I get to my hands and knees and poke my head through. I feel Owen kneel behind me and slide his large cock toward my pussy. The head slips between my lips. I cover my mouth as I sigh with ecstasy. His hot throbbing shaft stretches my pussy, filling the walls as he grabs hold of my hips.

  Owen increases his tempo, thrusting against my body. I watch Bell writhing with a burning caress as her body bucks wildly on Brent’s powerful arousal. Bell moans and groans and I see she is close to her final moment. Her body bucks and squirms as her hips grind down onto her man. He’s helping her move, to ready her for the orgasm she’s going to have.

  “Brent, fuck me hard, I'm close,” Bell says.

  Go on girl… fuck, this is more than good…


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