Light Bringer (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 2)

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Light Bringer (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 2) Page 26

by Power, P. S.

  Since that was a good enough description, he smiled. Then he had to hold it while a man meandered over to the device. It took so long that Dareg almost started calling out in case he'd been forgotten, but just before that happened there was noise, and a shuffling sound. Then a very tired man came into view. He had deep dark circles under his eyes, a thin build, and a slightly pallid, complexion. The fellow wasn't ancient, looking to be about thirty or so, but life had left an imprint on him. Not a good one either.

  "Sorvee here. What's happening?" The disjointed way he spoke showed that he was possibly drunk, and not just sleepy. Which might mean that he hadn't been woken up directly.

  "Hello! I'm Dareg Canton? I wanted to see if you'd come to Dorgal Sorvee's birthday party, next month? He asked after you, by name." He waited, the man listing a bit, as the handheld tilted. Just enough that he understood that the pink woman had been holding it the entire time.

  "Who's that?" Her voice was just questioning, and friendly enough, but Marco, if that was who he was talking to, seemed suddenly annoyed. It could have been his invitation, but it seemed different than that.

  "My cousin. We grew up together. I'd love to come, but I don't know if I can. Travel is a bit expensive these days, if you have to hire the Fast Transport system. I wish Tim Baker was still doing that, instead of just the owner. He used to let me ride around for free."

  Dare smiled, then let his shoulders lift a bit.

  "We have a couple of ways we can do that. The easiest one is that a group of Austran scientists will be going, since the party is going to be on my ship, in orbit around Jupiter. If you can meet them at the space port, you can just come along with us with no trouble. Will the people that have you allow that however? I was told that they'd fall all over themselves as soon as they learned that it was going to be that far off in space? My contact there said something like that." It was true, Jan really had.

  The man, who could use either a shave, or to let his beard to finish growing out, rubbed at his face. It was almost like he was trying to wake up, or maybe attempting to remind himself that the world was real.

  "That might work. I've heard something about that. I can get in free? If not, you mentioned some other way of doing this?" There was a tightness to his face, worry about an unknown thing flashing briefly. There was clearly a thing inside this man that was troubling him, and it was directed at the conversation, since he was focused too much for that not to be the case.

  Dareg thought for a bit, and finally guessed what the situation was. This man was wealthy enough, if the surroundings behind him were his, but Austran's cared about coin intensely. From his accent, this was a man of Noram, but around the edges he sounded just a bit strange. Like he'd lived in that far off place for a long time.

  "I can come and get you myself, several days early, if you need. I don't know if I'll have a lot of time, but I hear that we're related, so... You know, that's possible. As long as I don't end up having to run all over the place for others." He paused, then dropped some names, so that he would think Dare didn't care about family. "King Richard or Queen Tiera. They aren't demanding, but things do come up."

  That got a chuckle. It was a dry thing, meant to show he got the joke. Even if it wasn't one.

  "You can do that? Come here to get me? Do you... Have your own Fast Craft? I wouldn't credit it, but Tim Baker made his own, when he was a boy."

  It hit him that this fellow was doing his own name dropping. That probably meant he was close to Timon, and that he thought highly of the Austran Revered One.

  "I didn't do mine. I have a Jump Ship." He tried to be charming then. "Timon Baker gave it to me, actually. Um, my uncle? Tor is my father, as it turns out. Like I said, we're family, too. Dorgal mentioned that a few minutes ago."

  That got slightly narrowed eyes, and a nod. It was too knowing, for some reason. Like he'd figured something out.

  "Am I needed for the family business? On this trip, or... After?" He seemed willing enough.

  "Not that I know of? I'm really just setting up a party. Well, some other things, but you're just coming as a guest as far as I know. You might want to be ready anyway, since Dorgal asked for you, like I said. I can't tell you it doesn't mean something else." He observed the man closely.

  There was a bit of relaxation then, which showed by a sudden drooping of his shoulders. No smile came with it, however.

  "That's impressive. Sorry, but I forgot your name already. That's rude of me, but I've got so many drugs in me right now that I'll probably forget this conversation later."

  That explained a lot, actually.

  "Dareg Canton. Um, Prince Dareg, of Harmony."

  There was a bow then, from Marco Sorvee, but words came from the pink lady.

  "Git out of here! This is the Boy Captain? No way!" The viewing screen in his own hand spun away from the musician, and turned to her. It was much closer to her face, and her eyes looked vast, suddenly. "Can you get me on this trip? I can't pay for it... I could warm your bed, or, go with Marco?"

  There was a growl, which sounded frustrated, instead of angry.

  "Fuck that, Bethy. You can't just ask royalty things like that! Especially the ones related to me. Give me that and go. Out. Now." There was a pouting sound, but no yelling in anger or anything. The device was shifted to the man, who shook his head.

  "Austran's lack manners in some areas. They aren't bad people, but they really do fear losing out on things too much for their own good. Sorry about this. She's a good kid, really. The younger sister of a band mate. I'm not sleeping with her." That got something thrown at him, from across the room. It looked like a shirt or tunic.

  "That's only because he's gay!"

  That was said, and got an eye roll from the man. Finally he glanced back at Dareg.

  "That's Austran for 'enjoys men'. Exclusively, and I don't, but she can't understand that it would be more destructive to my current life to strain things with my work partner than a few moments of pleasure with her is worth." He shook his head then. "Which is odd, since that's the Austran way. Work comes first. Anyway, I can get in with those scientists? I think I can make it to the new port for that. That's in the outback, which is actually thousands of miles closer to my location than the old port. Is it all right to get with you on this issue? Or... You mentioned having a secretary here?"

  Dareg shook his head a bit. That wasn't the relationship he had with Jan at all.

  "A work partner. Jan. She does media work, normally, but is setting up a lot of the Jupiter mission. You can get with her, or with me, at any time. I..." He nearly didn't say anything about his life, but then decided this man might need to know. "I really don't know a lot about having a family. So, I'm kind of making this up as I go along."

  That got a strained expression, and a head tilt that was nearly like a bow.

  "I understand. Thank you then. You can get in touch with me, as well, at need. Please let Dorgal know that I'll be attending? It's been too long."

  "I'll see to that. Talk to you soon. Goodbye!" He waved a little, and the other man stopped him, to get Jan's contact information, as well as take about a minute saying his own goodbyes.

  Just as the thing went dark, there was a rustling at the door to the space. He expected it to be Dorgal, having mentioned him, but it was Collette, who had changed her attire, into a soft looking powder blue tunic and trousers that hugged her body nicely enough to show her figure. It was clear that she wasn't doing badly that way.

  She stopped, seeing that he still had his handheld out, but moved in anyway, doing it quietly.

  He put it away, using two fingers to push it back into the pocket where he kept it most of the time.

  "Marco Sorvee is planning to come. He'll work in with the scientists at the port, so it shouldn't be too big of a difficulty. There might be some kind of problems with his people there, the ones that own him, but he didn't seem to think it would be the main issue. The travel costs would be, but that's free." Dare knew that he liked fre
e things, and that Marco wasn't only concerned with that.

  Collette lit up however.

  "That's news then! Dorgal has been trying to work out a visit for nearly two years, but it is a bit pricey. If this went on much longer, he was thinking of taking a slow boat to Austra, just to see his friend."

  Dareg didn't know if that was real or not. Still, he could see it.

  The others came in, almost all at once. Marvin Ward looked a bit bland, like he was schooling his face, and Maria Ward seemed both sour and like she was hiding a smile. The only one that looked like he was pleased was Dorgal, who explained why almost instantly.

  "Prince Gerent is coming along. That means we can have the whole crew. They're scrambling now. It will be about half an hour for everyone to get into place. I said that we'd meet them at the port?"

  It was a good plan, so Dareg got them to follow him, and set up his craft out in the front yard, so that they could ride over. It would be faster to go around the city and land carefully than it would be to travel through the Capital, even that late at night. The streets would be clear, but the raw speed made a difference.

  That meant he had them to the port first, and while it was tempting to just leave them all to set things for themselves, Dare fought the urge to go to sleep, since none of them knew Hess yet. No one would have a problem with the Ysidril, but he'd proclaimed himself their protector, which meant that he had to actually do the job. Even if it meant he didn't get to rest properly.

  Really, it meant doing it even if he had to die to do it. Hopefully that wouldn't be needed, but he would, if he had to. Not that anyone had ever told him that was the case. Not exactly. Every story had that though, didn't it? You had to keep your word, and do your duty, no matter how much it cost you.

  It really did take a while to get done however.

  He stood there, in the cool night air, along with the others, for nearly an hour and a half, before everyone came into place. The first ship in was a brilliant green, and the second one a mint green color that was much lighter. That was Hess, who had made the ship plenty big enough for the ten who were going that night. Nine really, since it was clear that Dorgal had thought he'd be going when the count was made.

  When Hess got off the craft, he bowed almost instantly.

  "Ambassador Hess! Thank you for coming."

  He stood first, since he didn't think that Hess knew the rules for that. Really he wasn't certain what those were himself. No one would be, he bet, so Dare didn't worry about it. They could make it up on their own. To that end, he decided that it would be quick, and painless. Still bowing, but any return nod or bow was polite. That way if people didn't know what they needed to do, it would always be good enough.

  He moved in and patted Hess on the arm, then turned to notice that the others were mainly stiff and a bit frightened looking. Except Count Ward, who stared a bit, but managed to smile and step forward himself. The large blue circle was back on the center of his chest, marking him clearly.

  "Ambassador. I'm Count Marvin Ward. Let me introduce these others? Thank you for allowing us to travel with you. It's most kind."

  Hess bobbed in his direction, which was a strange thing to do. Alien, but clearly meant to indicate something kind.

  "It is I, and all the Allies, who must thank you for your consideration. We have been having some small issues using the food devices. We can turn them on, but doing more than pressing things at random is beyond us yet."

  Marvin nodded, looking more serious suddenly.

  "We can aid with that. It isn't difficult, but like with many things it's much easier to do once you see it done a few times. Would it be proper for us to go?" He seemed ready, himself, and the others had moved to merely nervous, instead of scared. There was a bit of sweating going on, and Collette was hanging back with Maria, behind the men, but they moved toward the Jump Ship that Hess had brought. Gerent and his people did the same, a large hand patting him on the shoulder as the fellow passed.

  "You aren't coming?"

  Dare shook his head.

  "Nope. I have training during the days. With Petra tomorrow, on Harmony. That's in about eleven hours, but I've been sleeping a lot lately. I could use Alyssa's awakening charm, but I'm still recovering from... Things."

  Gerent nodded then, as if he knew that had been the plan and was just checking to make certain Dare wasn't being silly about things. Insisting that he had all the adventure himself.

  "Good. I'll see you then, if we're back. If not... Well, set up coming to dinner with Petra and I?"

  He nodded, and glanced at the others, then whispered to the man.

  "Make sure to protect Hess? I should be going, but really can't. He looks fierce, but his people seem to be very gentle. I don't even know if they have the idea of fighting."

  That got a nod as the man walked off. It wasn't a promise, but hopefully things would work out. He stood there, and waited until the ship lifted off, actually following the take off protocols properly, even if Hess was a new pilot. Then, when the dot of light vanished, Dare walked to his little pod house, the light from the magical river showing him the way. The focus stone under foot was clean and tidy, looking darker and slightly purple tinted at the moment. That happened at night, near the outer edge of the port. In the landing areas they glowed in their own colors, which was faint, but a real enough thing.

  Thankfully, he was able to get the door open, which did happen faster now than it used to, and get inside, almost falling into his soft and magical bed. When sleep came, it took him, hard and fast. He was a bit restless, since he'd just fallen asleep in the nice clothing he'd made for earlier. It wasn't until a bit after daylight that he noticed a shadow at his door, when he forced himself to open his eyes to look toward it.

  What showed was a person, backlit by the bright sun. When he looked at it, the man, a tiny one, stood there, his back to the door. As if he planned to wait and do nothing more than that.

  Dare stood up, cycled his clothing amulet, and moved to the door, since this was obviously a commoner, and the man probably wouldn't try to knock or open the door to let himself be heard. Hopefully it was just someone that needed directions, or possibly a job. Those were easy for him to take care of, really. Sighing, he shook his head and opened the door.

  He froze, however, when the man turned around.

  He was small, tan colored, young, and familiar.

  "Bill." Dareg got ready to move, reaching up to hit his healing amulet, knowing that without Tor there to save him, or Kolb being around to give his life to take the tiny fellow out, he was going to simply be dead, no matter what he did.

  The tiny man smiled at him and shook his head.

  "No, ser. Will, which is close? I was told that, if'n it be proper like to ask, that there might be work near here? Is that right? I can go... I don't want to press in."

  Heart pounding, Dareg nodded at him.

  "I see. Well, that might be worked out. Would you be willing to wait here for a few seconds? I think we have a place for you. You don't mind traveling a little, do you? I'll pay for it all. It's part of the job. Farming really, but a slightly different form."

  The man, tiny as he was, smiled and ducked his head, looking at the ground.

  "Thank you, ser. I know farming. Will Farmer be my name, truth be."

  Dareg closed the door, and gasped for a while, struggling to work out what to do. After all, the man had nearly killed him once already, and now, it seemed, he was back.

  Chapter ten

  Panic ripped through him. It was on two levels. The surface one which was due to mere concern and confusion, since the man was well and truly dead. Dare had seen him turn into dust. More correctly, he'd vanished into a stream of darkness that wasn't normal at all.

  The second part was more physical. Since he was shaking and starting to sweat already. That was just down to the fact that his body expected not to be living, very soon.

  Breathing deeply he focused, and tried to get himself under contro
l. It was kind of important, since he was nearly certain a full combat rage had started. That was comforting, because anger was easier to handle than fear, but it didn't fix anything. Looking up, the wall vanished, from his perspective, letting him see the small man. Standing there. Like he wasn't an inhuman killer.

  Which, Dare knew, might be possible. It could be that Will Farmer was the real human version, and that Bill had simply been a fake version all along. There was no rule as to how that worked yet, as far as he knew. In that case, killing the man would be wrong.

  Not that it mattered. He was either going to be a normal person, which meant he wasn't a threat, or he was going to kill him. If that part was the truth however, then attacking him there, alone, would be the best thing for the fellow to do. There was no real way that Dareg was going to win, or even survive, a fight against one of the Adversaries. Not alone.

  Freezing seemed like a plan for a moment, but after he mastered the rage, which took two minutes, he grabbed for his handheld, not knowing who in the world he was supposed to get in touch with. Almost without thinking he hit the first name that he recognized on the list. Alice Orange.

  She clicked into place about three seconds later, and glared at him.

  "Dareg? Why are you wearing your trickster face?"

  He nearly panicked again, but just hit his disguise amulet, which got her to smile at him.

  "Better. I thought you were going to try to get me into bed or something. Now, what's going on? I have the new jump ships crewed, about a quarter of the routs already running at half speed, and we're going live with the whole thing in... four days."

  It was funny, since Dareg couldn't feel his face in places, which was only partly due to the disguise he had on. Not that it made sense for him to focus on that for the moment.

  "Bill Humboldt... A man that is calling himself Will Farmer, his exact double, is at my door, looking for work. I said I had a job for him. He's either the real, human version of the man, or some kind of copy or something. I'm still alive, but..."


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