What's Your Pleasure

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What's Your Pleasure Page 6

by Marie Haynes

  * * * *

  Vincent had just finished carrying in the last iced bucket of sparkling wine. Bruce, the groom and an old friend from high school, had sprung for a locally produced vintage so all the guests could toast the happy couple. When Joe walked into the bar, Vincent almost swallowed his tongue. Holy Shit! The woman looked phenomenal in a dress.

  “Hey, Boss Man, you already sipping the bubbly?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

  “What? Oh, no, it’s just that…you…um, you…well—” He broke off, cleared his throat and tried again. “You look beautiful.”

  She blushed.

  Vincent’s jaw dropped. Joe was actually blushing. Quickly, she turned away, straightening glasses and napkins. Vincent grinned. So the lady doesn’t know how to handle a compliment. Interesting.

  Joe busied herself behind the bar. Soon enough, guests began arriving. Vincent lowered the shades and put up the ‘Closed for Private Engagement’ sign. He manned the door, making sure only invited guests entered. At last, the place was filled.

  The groom, dressed in a black tuxedo, positioned himself at one end of the bar. Joe wondered why a square of uncooked white rice had been arranged on the floor in front of him. Vincent stood beside him, holding a black velvet box. The other forty or so guests stood in silence. Joe could practically see the excitement sparkle in the air as the office door opened and Beth, the bride, stepped out. The white velvet cloak she wore completely covered her body. With her head bowed, she slowly walked to stand before her groom.

  In one swift movement, he untied the beautiful garment, dropping it to the floor. Joe gasped. Wearing only a silver g-string, Beth knelt on the rice. Joe watched in fascination, not sure if she were more shocked by the ceremony or her own gathering excitement.

  Beth remained kneeling on the rice, her head bowed, motionless. After several long minutes, Bruce held out his hand. Vincent opened the velvet box and lifted out a beautiful silver choker necklace and placed the delicate collar in Bruce’s hand.

  “By accepting my collar, you are accepting my dominance over you. You are accepting me as your Lord and Master. With our friends as witness, you proclaim yourself not only my lawful wife but my willing slave. Willing to obey my word, willing always to be honest, willing to accept discipline, share with me all your fears, all your desires. You do this of your own free will.”

  Beth raised her eyes to look at Bruce. She said nothing. She smiled and lifted her hair off of her neck. Bruce nodded, his lips twitched slightly, betraying his pleasure at her gesture. He clasped the exquisite collar around her neck.

  Beth dropped her hair and held out her own hand. A woman whom Joe had not noticed before handed Beth a leather belt. Beth folded it and kissed it. She held it up as an offering to Bruce.

  “By accepting this gift, my Lord and Master, You are accepting Your responsibility to train me as Your willing slave. With our friends as witness, You proclaim Yourself not only my lawful husband, but my loving Master. Willing to shower me with patience, structure and love. Willing always to be honest, to share with me Your desires, Your dreams. Willing to discipline and teach me so that I may grow and we may share in a life of pleasure and joy. You do this of Your own free will.”

  Bruce reached down and accepted the belt. Beth kissed his shoes. Joe’s eyes widened when Bruce snapped the belt three times. Beth placed her forehead on the ground before his feet, her hands on either side of her head, and raised her bottom. Using the belt, Bruce administered five deliberate lashes to Beth’s backside. The sound of leather hitting naked flesh echoed throughout the otherwise silent room. Joe watched in fascination as five distinct red markings glowed on Beth’s white skin.

  “With the exchange of these gifts,” Vincent announced, “and the acceptance of the first markings, this collaring ceremony is complete. If you will all hold up your glasses and give toast to Bruce and his newly acquired slave-wife, Beth? Long may they find their joy in each other.”

  Joe raised her glass along with the others, catching Vincent’s eye, marvelling at how this unique ceremony touched her. She had witnessed a number of weddings, but none seemed as formal or heartfelt as this total giving of one’s self to another. She watched Vincent’s eyes darken. He tipped his glass in her direction before drinking his toast. Flustered, she automatically returned the gesture.

  Bruce, rather than drinking from his glass, reached down to take Beth’s hand. He helped her to her feet and held the wine to her lips while she drank. Only then did he partake of the wine, draining the glass in one gulp. Shouting triumphantly, he scooped his bride into his arms and swung her about to the cheers of the guests. Joe, shaking herself out of her fog, laughed and clapped along with everyone else then got to work.

  * * * *

  Later, after Bruce had bundled Beth back into her cloak, whisked her away to begin their honeymoon, and the last of the guests had left, Vincent began wiping down the tables. Joe kicked off her shoes and joined him in the cleanup.

  “Ouch!” she cried, lifting her bare foot.

  Vincent looked up. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Guess I should leave the shoes on. Just stepped on some rice,” she answered, picking the grains from the bottom of her foot. “How on earth did Beth kneel on this for twenty minutes and not move or complain?” she mumbled.

  Vincent, who had moved behind her, placed his hands on her shoulders. “She’s disciplined,” he explained. “The physical pain is a testament. An offering, if you will, to her commitment to Bruce.”

  Joe paused as if considering his words before responding. “You know, until recently, if anyone had asked if I believed in all this submissive crap, I’d have called it just that—a load of crap. But after watching the folks at the last fetish night and then this ceremony, I don’t know.” She turned and looked up at Vincent.

  “I think…” She licked her lips before she continued. “I think I might be beginning to understand. I wouldn’t be honest if I said I wasn’t fascinated, watching today. When Bruce raised that belt, I thought I would be appalled, but I wasn’t.” She took a deep breath then plunged ahead. “In fact, I was wondering what it would be like to be in Beth’s place. Just thinking about it, well, made me excited.”

  “You don’t say,” Vincent commented quietly, his hand tightening on her shoulders. Keep her talking, he told himself. “What else makes you excited?”

  “A strong man,” she admitted. “Not just physically, but a man who stands up for what he believes in, takes responsibility for his actions. A man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it.”

  Slowly, not wanting to scare her off, Vince ran his hands down her arms.

  “Tell me more,” he encouraged.

  Her voice suddenly husky, she continued. “I haven’t been with a man in a long time. I mean, discounting the other day with you.”

  “Discounting that,” he mimicked, his hands reaching around to grasp her ass. Slowly, he lifted her skirt so he could touch bare skin.

  She sighed and leaned against him.

  His fingers probed around her silk panties, touching her outer lips. He hesitated, giving her time to protest. She didn’t. Encouraged, he explored her moistened folds, finding her hooded button. He felt her tremble and shift her weight, opening her thighs. Smiling, he flicked her clit then gently began to squeeze, tugging until it became engorged. With his other hand he explored deeper, rimming her tunnel. When he heard her sigh, he dipped first one, then two fingers into her honey. He massaged and manipulated until her juices ran down his hand, saturating her panties.

  Vince lowered his head, nipped at her ear and whispered, “I’m going to fuck you, Joe. I’m going to bend you over the bar and fuck you until you scream.”

  “Yes,” she murmured.

  He laughed, a deep rumble in his throat. He spun her around, put his hand on her shoulder and bent her over the bar. He held her there as he unhooked his belt and lowered his trousers, deftly stepping out of them. Still pinning her to the bar, he
grasped her sodden panties and pushed them to the floor. As if instinctively, she kicked them aside.

  “That’s it,” he said approvingly. God, she is beautiful. Her deep blue dress pushed up over her hips, he bare ass shining with her own wetness, her body trembling with desire. Still, he wanted more.

  “That’s my girl,” he crooned. He reached for the back zipper of her dress and began to tug. He wanted, needed to see all of her.

  Joe’s eyes flew open when she felt his hand on her dress. The icy water of reality washed over her, and she spun around, out of his grasp.

  “What the hell?” he shouted.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t do this,” she began.

  “Like hell you can’t!” he yelled, grabbing her by the arm.

  “Vincent,” she stammered, beginning to cry. “You don’t understand.” How could you understand? I don’t even understand.

  “Well, at least you got that part right,” he agreed, giving her a quick shake. “But I’m going to understand, because you’re going to explain to me,”

  “No, please, just let me go,” she begged. Joe cried in earnest now. She wanted to tell him. God knew she wanted to, but she just couldn’t risk it. Vincent had sparked her heart and brought her back to life. What would she do if he cringed away from her in horror?

  A loud banging on the door caused them both to jump, but Vincent did not let go of her arm.

  “What?” he shouted.

  “It’s me, Vince.”

  Vincent looked down at Joe before answering Nathan. “You will tell me,” he ground out. Keeping a good grip on her arm, he went to the front door, unlocked it and allowed Nathan entry. Then he shut and locked the door behind him.

  “You remember that intervention we talked about?” Vincent asked, ignoring Joe’s cries of protest.

  “Now’s the time?” Nathan asked.

  “Now’s the time,” Vincent agreed.

  “What are you two talking about? What’s going on?” Joe demanded. Fear caused her voice to tremble.

  “Looks like you lost your britches,” Nathan noted with a grin, completely ignoring Joe.

  “What can I say?” Vince answered.

  Joe’s struggles increased as the two men bantered back and forth. Whatever they had planned, she knew it couldn’t be good.

  Vince tried not to look at her. This had to be done.

  “You want to do the honours, or you want me to?” Nathan inquired. “Gotta tell you, man, I’m a lot less involved emotionally than you, so I’d probably be harder than you.”

  “Good point. Fine, you do it,” Vince agreed. Already he could feel his heart softening. He could see the fear in Joe’s eyes, and all he wanted to do was hold her, tell her everything would be fine. He knew, though, that she’d never go for that. She’d just pull inside herself again, and he couldn’t have that. He couldn’t help her fight off her demons if she kept them hidden.

  “Do what?” Joe demanded, her voice shaking with her rising panic.

  “What needs to be done,” he answered gently. “Joe, we can help you get over whatever demon is inside of you, but we need to know what’s going on in your head. Will you let us help you?”

  He watched her eyes carefully, noting the confused fury begin to subside.

  “I’ll fight you,” she whispered.

  He could see the longing, the uncertainty in her eyes.

  “Will you fight me—or fight facing the truth? I—we—only want to help you, babe,” he said. “Tell me now if you want this. Otherwise, I swear to you, I will never touch you again. I have never forced a woman to do anything, and I don’t intend to start now,” he promised quietly. Vince silently prayed she would agree to this intervention.

  After a full minute, Joe looked up at him. “I want to tell you, but I just can’t. I’m terrified,” she admitted.

  “Then trust me,” he encouraged.

  When she nodded, he kissed her.

  “Joe, you’ll be stronger and happier when we get through this. You’re not alone. Nathan and I are here for you,” he promised then glanced at Nathan.

  Nathan flexed his muscles and placed a straight-backed wooden chair in the centre of the room. He sat on it, spread his legs slightly and said, “I’m ready.”

  “Ready for what?” she cried, her voice squeaking slightly, her eyes wide with renewed fear.

  Rather than answering her, Vince dragged her over to Nathan. The man reached for her and pulled her across his lap, her skirt once again pushed up over her hips.

  “You can’t be serious,” she babbled.

  Vincent knelt in front of her, looking at her eye to eye. “You agreed to trust me, remember? If you really want us to stop, we will. But this is for your own good, and deep down inside, you know it.”

  “You bastard!” she yelled, kicking her legs wildly.

  But she didn’t tell them to stop.

  “What are you hiding?” he asked quietly.

  Resolutely, she clamped her lips closed. But he could see, beneath her defiance, her desperate desire to release demons, to confess, to be free.

  Somehow, Vincent knew the simple threat of a spanking wouldn’t be enough to help her break her silence.

  He looked up at Nathan and nodded. He watched her eyes widen as Nathan’s hand came down heavily on her white ass. She wiggled and squirmed, kicked and yelled, but Nathan’s strong arm held her in place, and his broad hand rained down blows. When he felt she’d had enough, Vincent again nodded to Nathan.

  Wiping away her tears, Vince questioned her again.

  “What are you hiding, Joe?”

  Maintaining her silence, she raised her head and glared at him.

  He saw her need, but he also saw her fear and the stubbornness in her eyes. Vince sighed and glanced at his friend.

  Again, the blows rained down on her now rosy ass. Standing up, Vince felt his cock harden. The sight of Joe’s kicking legs and red bottom could not have been more beautiful. He felt a twinge of guilt hearing her cries, but knew he had to get her to open up to him.

  “So what brought this on?” Nathan casually asked, continuing his assault.

  “We were, as one would say, ‘in the heat of the moment’ when she freaked out,” Vince answered.

  “Like the last time?”

  “Yeah, but more emotional.”

  “Interesting,” Nathan commented.

  When Joe’s squealing diminished to sobs, and her rosy pink bum had shifted to fiery red, Vince kneeled before her again.

  “Wanna talk yet?” he asked, his hand on her head.

  “No,” she whimpered.

  Vince nodded. “I knew those demons of yours had thrown up some pretty powerful barriers. But even if they won’t let you talk, maybe they’ll let you use your mouth for something.”

  Vincent stood, still grasping her hair. He felt her tense, readying her body for the next onslaught.

  Positioning himself in front of her, he and Nathan exchanged a quick grin. Rather than continue with the spanking, Nathan began massaging her nether lips, stroking the petals of her flower. Obviously surprised, Joe tilted her head back and opened her mouth slightly—just the effect Vince had hoped for. Quickly, he slipped his hardened rod between her parted lips. Too shocked to resist, Joe opened wider, accommodating his length.

  “I think she’s enjoying herself,” Nathan commented.

  “Apparently you are, too,” Vince answered, watching Nathan plunge first one, then two, then three fingers into Joe’s tunnel. Feeling the warm wetness of her mouth and viewing her reddened ass, seeing her squirm against Nathan’s legs, proved almost more than Vince could handle. He felt himself grow bigger, harder. He knew he would explode soon, and he knew it was too soon. He thrust himself deep into her throat, forcing himself to ignore the gagging sounds she made. Feeling her throat relax against him, he pulled out.

  Stoically, he stood over her, watching her head drop and tears splash the floor.

  “Talk to me, Joe. Tell me what you’re hiding,�
� he demanded.

  When she didn’t answer, Nathan pulled his hand out of her pussy and landed one hard, stinging smack on her abused bottom.

  “When asked a question, a lady should answer,” he admonished. “You ready to answer, or you want the belt?” Nathan asked coldly.

  “I’ll answer,” she whispered.

  Vince and Nathan exchanged looks.

  “Did you hear something?” Nathan asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Vincent replied.

  “I said I’ll answer, you bastards,” Joe shouted.

  Relief swept through Vince. It had worked. She’d finally been able to break down her defences.

  Nathan stood, grasping her around her waist, forcing her to stand, as well. When she looked up, her blue eyes awash with tears, Vince felt his heart melt. Only through supreme effort did he manage to keep his expression neutral.

  “Go on,” he encouraged.

  “I’m ugly,” Joe whispered.

  Vince looked at Nathan and knew his own expression mirrored his friend’s confusion.

  “Come again?”

  “I’m ugly!” This time she shouted it. “I’ve scared men away with my hideous deformity. There, are you happy?” She buried her face in her hands and wept.

  Vince reached for her, intent on giving her comfort, but she pulled away.

  “Not my face, my body,” she insisted. “I don’t want you to see me. I don’t want you to run from me. I like watching your eyes when you want me, when you look at me, both of you,” she sobbed. “But you, Vince, I think I could really fall for you. I don’t want to do that again only to have you see me and leave.”

  “Oh, babe. I’m not going anywhere,” he tried to assure her. What the hell is she talking about? He glanced at Nathan who, despite his first expression of confusion, seemed to accept what Joe was saying.

  “Strip,” Nathan coldly ordered.


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