Home > Other > CRUISE TO ROMANCE > Page 5

by Poznanski, Toby

  “Oh, no. It’s just that my customers look to me for advice on self-improvement, not just physical, but emotional. The hard truth is that most of these women will never see an exercise machine again, but they will visit spas for life. Forcing them to sweat over an exercise machine, no matter how intelligently designed, could only hurt their delicate self-esteem.”

  “Did I come at a bad time?” Jennifer asked, wishing there was something she could say. It worried her to see Helga looking so troubled.

  “Jenny!” Helga’s face brightened. “Of course not. You are always welcome. Come. Take a shower and dress. I have the clerk at the boutique holding some outfits that I picked out earlier for you to try on.”

  “Are you sure?” Even the excitement of new clothes couldn’t compete with the feeling that Helga needed to be alone to think things through.

  “I’m sure.” Helga sighed. “Please. I shouldn’t have talked so much. Truthfully, I am perplexed. I am going to have to try out the new gym equipment and I’m not sure that I want to do it alone. Perhaps it would be best if I took someone with me.”

  Jennifer wondered at the comment. It sounded as if some of the salesmen might be hitting on her. Maybe even Ryan, even though she’d denied it. “You might take a small class of women with you.”

  “What a good idea. Would you care to join us?” Helga asked.

  “Sure. There’s safety in numbers.” At Helga’s quick glance, Jennifer added, “I don’t want to look foolish all by myself on those computerized machines.”

  “Sounds like a plan. We’ll do it.” Helga smiled and handed Jennifer a bath towel. “I’ll be waiting for you at the reception desk.”

  Jennifer showered quickly and dressed. She and Helga headed for the shopping mall, but it wasn’t until they entered the ship’s central atrium, that Jennifer was able to dismiss her suspicions that Ryan was trying to catch Helga’s interest. Once inside the three-story-high atrium, all her distressing thoughts disappeared. Grandiose spiral staircases linked each deck. Glass elevators graced one side of the atrium, allowing passengers to view the ocean on one side and the atrium on the other. Chic boutiques with open French doors lined one side of the atrium’s shopping mall.

  Helga led Jennifer to the entrance to a small shop and paused. “Now is the time for you to shed your worries and think only about romance. I promise you will love the clothes here. They are made for love.”

  “I am so ready!” Jennifer crooned. If the dress in the window was representative of the clothes inside, she had just reached the gates of heaven. It was a slinky little black sheath, backless, with spaghetti straps of rhinestones, and a cutout midriff outlined in rhinestones. Jennifer sighed. Oh, to be thin!

  Helga smiled and pushed her gently into the store.

  Two short sets, three capri outfits, two calypso dresses, one formal gown, two bathing suits, one tankini and one cover-up later, Jennifer and Helga walked out of the boutique laughing. Jennifer felt empowered. She was coming into her own. Helga made her realize that she was selling herself short. She really was pretty, and funny, and worthy of love. Instead of hiding from adventure, she was going to grab it head-on.

  “That is some bet you made with Sheila,” Helga laughed. “I think that it is a very short time before you have Ryan Treymont in your bed.”

  “Really?” Jennifer certainly didn’t think so.

  “Oh, yes. Oh, yes!” Helga laughed again. “My but you are innocent. What has Sheila done to lure this man to her?”

  “Nothing that I know of. But then, this is only the second day of the cruise.”

  Helga gave her a thoughtful look. “Ryan Tremont is a successful businessman. It doesn’t hurt that he is also gorgeous. I suspect that few women are immune to his spell. Mike follows closely in his footsteps. Perhaps his brother has turned her head. Maybe Sheila can be content with Mike.”

  “You know Mike?” Jennifer asked.

  Helga stiffened. “Ah, yes. I have met magnificent Mike.”

  Jennifer laughed at the nickname. “It fits, doesn’t it?”

  “More than you realize, my friend. His arrogance and charm with women will be legendary, I’m sure. But enough of these creatures. You are looking more and more lovely. I am very proud of how well your makeover has turned out.”

  “It has, hasn’t it? Thank you, Helga,” Jennifer smiled. “You are truly a friend.”

  “You are most welcome.” Helga smiled back and held out her hand. “I will see you tomorrow, then. For the exercise class?”

  “Yes.” Jennifer answered, gently grasping Helga’s hand.

  Helga waited while Jennifer opened her cabin door. “I will try to set the time for two in the afternoon. I will leave a message for you.” Handing Jennifer the clothes she helped carry, Helga turned and walked down the corridor toward the stairs.

  As Jennifer hung her new clothes in the closet, she reflected on her conversation with Helga. At first, working on a cruise ship had seemed exciting to Jennifer, but she could see how terribly lonely Helga was. What a shame. Apparently, Helga enjoyed the voyages or she would have quit. What would happen now that her carefully structured world was being invaded by exercise equipment? Would Helga leave? Jennifer made a mental note to invite Helga to visit and stay with her for a while if she ever needed to.

  After slipping into one of her new bathing suits, Jennifer brushed her hair back and fashioned a pony tail with a pink silk flower. She needed to get away for a while and think about everything that had happened. At the moment she didn’t feel like staying in the cabin. The balcony was too private. Craving laughter and the company of happy people, she headed for the open pool instead of the solarium. With luck, the poolside bar and grill would still be serving a light lunch.

  When she reached the Lido deck with its two pools Jennifer realized it would be a miracle if she found an empty lounge. Everyone seemed to be out and about, enjoying the sun and the pools. The smell of chlorine and suntan lotion mingled with the scent of fresh baked pizza and hot dogs. Then from a distance, she saw Sheila waving to her. As she approached, she saw that Mike sprawled on the chaise lounge to Sheila’s left. The lounge to her right was empty. Way to go! She had a place to park in this sea of sun worshipers. “Hi.” Jennifer called. “Have you had lunch yet?”

  “No.” Mike smiled. “Sheila thought you might show up. Today’s specialty pizza is three cheese with pineapple, mango, papaya and coconut. Interested?”

  “Definitely! A couple of slices and a diet Coke.”

  Mike jumped up, winked at Sheila, and headed for the grill.

  Sheila patted the lounge to her right. “Glad you could make it. Feeling better?”

  “Much. Thanks for being such a good friend.” Jennifer sat down before leaning over carefully to her friend. “Helga helped me pick out some clothes this morning. Wait ‘til you see them. They’re beautiful.”

  Sheila smiled. “I’m really impressed with the makeover. You’re turning into a real heartbreaker, guaranteed to attract every man on the ship.”

  “Well, I’m trying,” Jennifer laughed. “I don’t have a man yet, but I think that I’m finally getting the hang of it.”

  “I thought that you and Ryan were an item,” Sheila replied, leaving a question hanging between them.

  “I don’t think so. Granted the passion is there, but I really don’t know the man well enough to encourage him to enter into a real relationship with me.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  “Time will tell.” Jennifer paused, then quickly decided to tell Sheila only as much as she felt comfortable with. “I still haven’t won the bet yet. I don’t want you to jump to conclusions about last night.”

  Sheila looked shocked. “There’s no way that I’m going to believe that, especially after seeing you this morning.”

  Jennifer flushed. “Believe it.”

  “So . . . I still have a chance?”

  Jennifer shrugged and turned to see Mike walking over with a tray of food and drinks. “S
et it on the foot of Sheila’s lounge. We’ll share.”

  Mike grinned and set the tray down. “Two lovely ladies. I can’t think of a better way to spend the day. What have you two been talking about? You have a conspiratorial look about you.”

  Sheila smiled and reached for a plate to hand Jennifer. “We were discussing your group. Such handsome men. Every one of them single. Is being single a requirement for your job?”

  “No. Not at all. We do have sales reps who are married, but because there is so much travel involved in the job, our company tends to attract single men.”

  Jennifer looked up from her pizza. “Sounds like a lonely life to me. Do you have someone waiting for you at home?”

  Mike laughed. “Not me, but I plan to change that just as soon as I get a chance.”

  “You haven’t had a chance?”

  “With all the traveling I do, it’s hard to meet women. Besides, I’ll be entering graduate school in the fall. So, I’m planning to put in for a job with the company that will keep me closer to home and school.”

  “That sounds smart,” Sheila replied. “Does Ryan want to stop traveling so much, too?”

  “Not really. Ryan sees business as the central focus of his life, not marriage.” Mike stretched out his legs and studied the pool before. “Ryan enjoys women, and was even engaged once, but Exercisetech is his only mistress.” He glanced back to them. “That’s definitely not my style!”

  “Not hardly,” Sheila answered dryly.

  Mike laughed and looked beyond her shoulder. “Here comes trouble.”

  Jennifer turned to see Ryan coming their way. Her breath caught in her throat. Clad only in black swim trunks with a towel swung over his shoulder, he looked like a male model for Abercrombie & Fitch. He walked with an easy gait, smug and confident in his semi-naked state. Then his eyes met hers and her world began to tilt. Oh . . . dear . . . What was a girl to do? Could she seduce him and keep her heart? Even as she asked the question, he was sitting on her lounge, smiling at her with that playful smile.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  His husky voice enveloped her, teasing her. Blushing, she finally remembered to breathe. “Hi, Ryan.” Feeling flustered, she wanted nothing more than to cover herself. Suddenly, she was very aware of just how much of her body was exposed to his view and it took all her will power not to grab her cover-up. His eyes quickly scanned her navy bathing suit with its pink trim. The French-cut to her suit made her legs look even lounger than they were and the bodice was fitted to enhance her bust-line. The fact that he didn’t miss one tiny seam didn’t thrill her as much as knowing that he liked what he saw. It was written all over his hungry face. Then his eyes lingered on her face, studying her eyes as if he wanted to memorize every detail. Much to her dismay, Ryan turned away when Mike, grinning like a Cheshire cat, cleared his throat.

  “Finish all of your meetings?” Mike asked.

  Ryan nodded. “I expected to see you at the first one.”

  “I was tied up.” Mike glanced at Sheila and laughed softly. “Literally.”

  Embarrassed at the picture she was visualizing, Jennifer jumped up and slipped on her shoes. “Sorry guys, but I have to go.” Without another word, she hurried across the deck to find the elevators. How could they joke so openly about such an intimate act? She was never going to get this romance business right. Just the mere mention of sex and she felt flustered and out of place. No wonder she found herself alone all the time. Who would want someone as naive and innocent as her?

  “Hey, Jenn,” a masculine voice called, “wait up.”

  But Jennifer had no intentions of waiting for anyone. She entered the elevator banks and rushed into the first elevator that opened. When she spun around to punch the floor indicator button, she found herself face to face with Ryan.

  Ryan grabbed her shoulders gently while the doors closed to keep her from running back out. He smiled at the pink flush covering her cheeks. “Please let me apologize for my brother. Sometimes he has a very big mouth even when he is only joking.”

  “Don’t apologize for him. You’re not responsible for his behavior. I just don’t care for men who kiss and tell.”

  “Hey, lighten up, beautiful. Mike was only kidding—trying to get a rise out of me. He enjoys baiting me, Jenny. He wasn’t serious.”


  “Really.” Ryan pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “Let’s get some coffee at the coffee bar.” At her smile of acquiescence, he loosened his hold enough to turn and hit the indicator button for Deck Six. When he turned back to her, it only took a moment before he released her. One more minute and he would be kissing her senseless. Or, at least trying to. Damn. He wanted to make her feel as desperate as she had made him feel. After seeing her lying there in her French designer suit with her long sexy legs and perfectly polished toes, he wanted to throw all of his platonic intentions out the window. He was hot and aroused, and he wanted her in his arms giving him back as good as he gave. Inwardly he moaned his disappointment just as the elevator stopped and the doors began to open. Reluctantly, he led her out of the elevator and over to the coffee bar where they selected a table by the window. After helping her into her chair, Ryan walked over to the bar.

  Ryan ordered coffee and selected some gourmet cookies from a tray sitting on the counter top. While he waited for the bartender to make the coffee, he wondered what in the world he was doing. He was considering pursuing Jennifer. The attraction between them was much stronger than he had originally thought. Even though he sensed that he would be playing with fire, he couldn’t seem to stop wanting her. He glanced over to Jennifer and saw that she was slipping into her cover-up. Maybe, if he was careful, he could enjoy a little romance on this cruise without it turning too serious.

  Balancing the plate of cookies over one of the coffee cups, Ryan made it to the table. “You skipped out on your lunch.”

  “Oh, thank you. They look delicious.” Jennifer reached for a cookie and bit into its edge.

  Ryan wondered just what Jennifer was up to. He’d been watching different expressions cross her face as she nibbled her cookie. It looked as if she’d come to a decision because her eyes lit up and her sweet mouth curved in a slight smile. She was looking directly at him now, giving him a playful grin. When her little pink tongue darted out and slowly licked the sugar crystals from her upper lip, he felt himself go hard. Mmm, but he wanted that sexy little tongue slowly licking him, driving him out of his mind. Maybe a nice relaxing twenty minutes in the hot tub would ease the tension. “Finish up, Jenn, so we can go in the hot tub.”

  Ryan was down to his last few drops of coffee when he saw her eyes narrow slightly. Heat infused him. Suddenly he knew that the hot tub was going to be a lot hotter than he initially expected!


  Inside the air-conditioned atrium, in one of its secluded hot tubs, Ryan wondered if soaking in the hot tub had been one of his better ideas. Here he sat, feeling masculine and loveable, while Jennifer laughed and joked and appeared totally unaffected by his magnetism and charm. Most women would be all over him by now. Not that he minded. They just couldn’t seem to help themselves. But not Jennifer. She didn’t seem to have any problem resisting temptation. Not that he had tried to seduce her, of course.

  Up to his neck in bubbles and churning hot water, Ryan tried to relax while he listened to Jennifer explain the fine art of Caribbean cooking. From scouring the islands for ingredients, to cooking over an open fire, she made a chore sound like a grand adventure. Somehow she transformed the mundane into a zest for living. Surprisingly, he found himself wanting to share in the adventure. While she talked, he imagined himself in the kitchen with her, sampling her creations—and of course, sampling her. Jennifer would make a good mother, whipping up gourmet treats for the kids and serving it with an extra helping of love. It was almost enough to make him want to reconsider his ‘no commitment’ promise to himself. Almost, but not quite.

  Ryan smiled at Jennifer
when she paused and took a sip of her iced tea. “Coming up for air?”

  Jennifer laughed. “I guess I have talked your ear off. It’s just that I feel so enthusiastic when I talk about food. It’s such a challenge to create recipes that are appealing to the senses.

  “You can talk to me anytime. Your enthusiasm is contagious.” Ryan straightened and reached for his soda sitting on the side of the spa. “When have you planned the dinner with the Captain?”

  “Probably toward the end of the trip. I wanted a chance to pick up some special spices before the dinner.” Jennifer glanced around the atrium, taking in its lush plants and beautiful flowers. “I really should go see the chef soon. Maybe it will turn out better than the last time.”

  “What do you mean?” Ryan asked as he placed his glass on the coping.

  “Chef Commendatore Mario Ruscelli, the Corporate Executive Chef, has better ways to spend his creative time than to entertain a female dilettante in his galley,” she replied in a broken Italian accent.

  “You’re joking!”

  “Not hardly,” she replied. “While I agree that it is a bit of an imposition, the Captain did request this dinner.”

  “Perhaps I should speak with the Captain about the man’s attitude,” Ryan answered. “That is no way to treat a passenger.”

  “Well, I do want to try and win him over first.” Jennifer sighed. “If he just wasn’t so pompous we could have some fun creating and preparing the dinner.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, let me know,” he added.

  “That’s very sweet of you. Thank you.” Jennifer leaned and kissed his lips.

  Never one to miss an opportunity, Ryan returned her kiss while his arms slipped around her to pull her close. Pressing their bodies together, he leaned her back and kissed her deeply, wanting to create the same need in her that her unexpected kiss had stirred in him. Jennifer objected softly when he lifted his mouth from hers, leaving him no choice but to oblige. Ryan deepened the kiss, savoring her own special taste mingled with the delicate flavors of coffee and cookies. Ah! How delicious. Cookies and kisses. Ryan plundered her mouth while he stroked her breast beneath the surface of the swirling foam-covered water.


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