Guarding His Heart

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Guarding His Heart Page 13

by Annie Seaton

  He squeezed her hand as they kept walking. He was beginning to love this dog.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A litany of swear words was running through Georgie’s head and she bit her lip to stop them from coming out of her mouth.

  Blasted dog.

  “Mutt, come here!” Her voice cracked as she attempted to call the dog back to them. They stood at the top of the cliff where the path ran down to the beach. She shivered as a trickle of cold water ran down the side of her face, and then she trembled again as Liam’s arm went around her waist to pull her close to him.

  “You should have gotten that umbrella,” he said.

  “I didn’t have time.”

  The rain pelted them more heavily as he spoke; it was as though the heavens were having a laugh at their expense. As she peered into the dark at the end of the path, a very wet dog slunk toward them, his tail firmly between his legs. Georgie reached down and looped her fingers though his collar. The smell of wet dog drifted up to her as he shook himself and water droplets went flying around them.

  Liam laughed. “Well, at least we’re already wet.” His arm was still firmly around her waist and he reached down with the other to hold Mutt’s collar. “I’ve got him. Where do you want to put him?”

  Georgie let go of the dog and straightened, blinking the water from her eyes as she looked up at Liam. The light from the car was shining directly onto his face and his eyelashes were clumped together in spikes as he stared back at her.

  “He’ll have to come inside because I can’t risk him getting out again tonight. You take him onto the porch and I’ll turn the car lights off.” Liam let his arm drop and ran across to the porch with the dog as Georgie headed to the car. She grabbed her bag and Liam’s sweater off the seat, and locked the door.

  By the time she’d followed them onto the porch, deep rivulets from the heavy rain were running across the lawn. Her feet sloshed through ankle-deep water and she regretted the ruin of her favorite pair of shoes. Liam was waiting at the top of the steps.

  “I’m glad the rain held off for the afternoon. I hope everyone got home safely,” she said.

  Liam grabbed for her as her wet shoes slipped on the top step and she almost fell. Mutt barked as she regained her balance and she frowned at him.

  “It’s your fault, you naughty dog.” She reached up and brushed the wet bangs from her eyes with the back of her hand, and wrinkled her nose as the cloying aroma of wet dog hair hit her. “Come inside and bring him, too. He can go in the utility room and I’ll dry him off.”

  The task of looking for Mutt had kept her mind focused, but as Georgie unlocked the door and turned the lights on, all the warm and trembling feelings came rushing back as Liam pushed the dog gently into the laundry room. Despite the moisture in the air, and her dripping hair and sodden clothes, her mouth dried at the sight of Liam bathed in the bright light.

  Oh, Sienna! Who needed Mr. Darcy on the big screen when she had Liam Wyndham standing here in front of her?

  Damn wet shirt. From the first moment she’d come across him lying on the wet sand, she’d known how good-looking he was. On top of the great looks, the sexy eyes, the muscular chest encased in the wet shirt that was filling her vision, she also knew what a nice guy he was.

  Thoughtful, funny, and kind. And a great kisser.

  Don’t go there.

  Gradually it dawned on Georgie that Liam was standing there grinning at her as she gaped up at him. The heat rushed up her neck and it was a wonder it didn’t sizzle the water on her face as her cheeks burned.

  “Have you got an old towel? I’ll rub him dry for you,” Liam asked.

  She took a step back and scrabbled through the cupboard, not knowing what was in there. Finally she pulled out an old drop cloth that they’d used to cover the furniture when they’d painted Ana’s cottage a couple of years back, and she handed it to Liam. “This will have to do. I don’t fancy using any of Ana’s good pink towels to dry him off.”

  She leaned back on the doorframe and watched as Liam’s hands rubbed the dog’s wet coat with the stiff piece of fabric. The cloth softened as he stroked him up and down gently, and if it was possible for a dog to have an expression of ecstasy on its face, Mutt was wearing one. She’d have one on her face, too, if Liam’s hands were moving on her body like that.

  Don’t think about it. She swallowed again.

  The rain was still drumming down onto the shingled roof and Georgie could barely hear Liam’s words as he turned to her. She leaned closer and heard him say something about getting warm, before he folded the drop cloth and placed it in the corner of the small room. Mutt flopped down onto it, curled into a ball, and promptly closed his eyes.

  Liam gestured to the door and she stepped out onto the porch and he followed her, pulling the door of the laundry room shut behind him. The wind had picked up and the rain was driving almost horizontally in from the sea, and the tang of salt came from the droplets that settled on Georgie’s face. She unlocked the front door and a gust of wind blew it open and it crashed into the wall.

  “Quickly,” she called to Liam to follow her and he pushed the door shut against the wind.

  “I guess you’re stuck with my company for a while.” He lifted both his hands and pushed his hair back from his face, and Georgie slowly became aware of how bedraggled she must look. Her hair was in wet tangles and her bangs were stuck to her forehead. She looked down. Her lace top was sodden and stuck to her chest, molding the curve of her breasts. Her silk pants stuck to her legs and her shoes were a pulpy mess of wet leather.

  “This was one of my favorite outfits.” She lifted her hands in the air and grinned at Liam. “But you don’t look much better.”

  Actually he does, but there is no way I’m telling him that.

  “You’re shivering. Go up and get dry. Put some warmer clothes on.” He looked over at the small fireplace that she’d set earlier in the week, knowing the cool weather was not far off. “I’ll get a fire going.”

  Georgie had a quick shower and dried her hair with the hair dryer before dressing in a pair of jeans and a warm sweater. The wind and the rain were still beating against the upstairs windows, so it was clear Liam wouldn’t be going back to his house any time soon. She grabbed a fresh towel and riffled though the spare room where she’d noticed some of Blake’s clothes on a shelf when she’d been making the room up for Sienna. A pair of faded but neatly pressed Levi’s and a soft sweatshirt filled her arms as she walked slowly downstairs.

  Tonight would be the perfect opportunity to make it quite clear to Liam that this attraction between them wasn’t going to go anywhere. Her breath caught in her throat as she reached the bottom step. He was standing in front of a crackling fire holding his wet shirt up to the heat. As he raised his arms, the muscles in his back flexed and rippled, and Georgie’s mouth dried. His long pants were still damp and molded to his legs. The firelight flickered and patterns of light danced across the walls and she knew as soon as he turned to her, the shadowed room would only enhance those high cheekbones and the planes of his face that were becoming very familiar to her. Straightening her shoulders, Georgie flicked on the light switch on the wall at the bottom of the stairs and the room was bathed in bright light, dispelling any romantic scene he may have tried to set.

  Liam turned slowly and a smile spread across his face as he spied the clothes and the towel in her arms. “For me?”

  Georgie nodded, still not willing to trust her voice. She walked over and stood beside him in front of the flames and cleared her throat. “If you’d like to use the bathroom upstairs, there’s plenty of hot water.”

  Liam shook his head. “It’s okay. I’ll just dry off and get changed. As soon as the rain lets up I’ll go home. I really must do some writing tonight.”

  “There’s a small room over there where you can change.” Georgie pointed to the door beside the kitchen, avoiding looking at his bare chest. “I’ll make us some coffee while you get dried off. Would y
ou like some pie to go with it?”

  “No, thanks.” Liam shook his head as he headed for the door. “I feel as though I’ve been eating all day.”

  “It’s Thelma’s pumpkin pie.” She smiled at him. “Trust me, it’s to die for.”

  “Okay, maybe just a small piece.”

  Great. So far so good. A normal conversation.

  When he came back out dressed in a pair of jeans that hung loosely around his legs, and the old stained sweatshirt, Georgie busied herself in the kitchen. Liam walked back over to the fireplace and spread his wet clothes on the fire guard.

  “Did you know that you can get a pumpkin beer in Half Moon Bay?” She placed the sugar and cream on a tray before she added one slice of pie to a plate. “And there’s pumpkin wine and pumpkin rum, too.”

  She glanced across at him as she carried the tray over and placed it on the low table next to the sofa. “You’ve got a good fire going there,” she said briskly. “I might go out and get Mutt. He’d enjoy it in here. Sit down, make yourself at home.” She plumped up the cushions. “So did you enjoy yourself today?”

  A normal one-sided conversation. She was babbling, but she wanted to fill the room with everyday conversation. All she could think of was the “later” that he’d mouthed earlier. As she turned to go and fetch Mutt, Liam’s warm hand gently touched her on the shoulder.


  “Mmm?” She looked down at his bare feet.

  “Forget Mutt…and stop talking.”

  Slowly she raised her eyes as he gently tucked a stray tendril of hair behind her ear. Her brain was slow to respond as her blood heated her faster than any fire could. “Stop talking?”

  Liam dropped his hands and took both of hers between his. She looked down at her small hands enclosed between his slender white fingers. She loved his hands; she couldn’t begin to imagine how much she’d love to feel them on her skin.

  “Yes.” He murmured as he lifted her hand to his mouth. “Just feel.”

  His warm lips touched the inside of her palm and Georgie closed her eyes as he spoke softly. “I told you I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Because I was teasing you?” She swallowed and opened her eyes and immediately regretted it. Liam’s sexy blue eyes were fixed on her face.

  “No. Because I want to sort out this…this thing between us.” He uncurled his fingers from around hers and raised his hand to cup her cheek. His thumb brushed her skin ever so gently. “I’m not ready for this, but I can’t get you out of my head. I want you to know how I feel but I want to be honest. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

  A little voice in her head was telling her to take this one night, enjoy being with him, and then she could worry about it later. What was the wrong idea?

  No. Georgie knew she had to be strong, but as she opened her lips to speak, he moved his fingers from her cheek and brushed them against the sensitive skin at the nape of her neck before he gently cradled the back of head. Her resolve disappeared like the smoke that was puffing up the chimney.

  One night. She could have one night. With a soft sigh she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, and their breath mingled as he whispered against her mouth.

  “You are so beautiful. You’ve bewitched me, Georgie.” She loved the way he rolled her name on his tongue. His whisper ran though her body as he pulled her close and his firm chest pressed against her breasts. Liam slid his lips across her cheek, his hand still cupping the back of her head. “Your green eyes, your gorgeous hair, your lips. I can’t take my eyes off of you.”

  For the first time in her life, Georgie felt truly beautiful. Liam was worshipping her body with gentle hands. She closed her eyes as he ran those hands down her shoulders and caressed lazy circles on her back as his mouth moved on hers. This time the pressure was firmer and she opened her lips to welcome him. She arched her body into his as the sensuality of the moment consumed her.

  They stood there for a long time, lost in a pleasure that was filled with soft breaths and deep sighs, until a log snapped with a loud crack in the fireplace. Georgie drew back slowly and reached her hand up to Liam’s cheek. He turned his lips and kissed her palm again as she spoke. “I want to talk to you tonight. I want to tell you about me. I want to be honest with you.” Her throat filled with emotion as he looked back at her with a gentle smile. No man had ever looked at her as though she was the most beautiful woman in the world, but she sighed. It was too late.

  She turned away from him, trying to put a brake on the feelings racing though her. “Our coffee will be cold.”

  Liam sat on the sofa and didn’t take his eyes from her as she picked up the coffeepot.

  “What do you want to tell me?” He patted the sofa, and she sat next to him after she poured the coffee. Both cups sat untouched as he looked at her.

  “It’s all right, Georgie. I’m not going to make you go anywhere you don’t want to.” She lifted her eyes to meet his. “But I want you to know—”

  “No, you don’t need to tell me anything.” Her voice caught on a breath and she cleared her throat. “I’m not good at relationships, and I’ve failed at them so many times I’m not going to risk it again. No matter how tempted I might be.”

  Liam picked up her hand and smoothed his thumb across the back of it. The jolt from his touch went straight to her heart. She had taken care of herself for long enough now to be able to resist a simple touch, and she closed her eyes as she fought the temptation to lean against him.

  His soft voice interrupted her thoughts. “That makes two of us. I’m not good at relationships, either. In fact, I’ve recently had a mammoth failure. So what do you say? Can you have a casual relationship? Can we do this?”

  No man had ever been so honest with her. And it was the first time in Georgie’s life she’d gone in with her eyes open, expecting nothing. Expecting no permanent outcome; having no dreams of dresses and wedding cakes. She slid across the sofa to him, and the coffee was forgotten as he opened his arms to her.

  “This?” she asked. “What is this?”

  “I’ll try to show you,” Liam murmured as he lowered his lips to hers once more.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A mournful howl woke Georgie the next morning and she opened her eyes slowly, wondering what the heavy weight on her leg was. She tried to roll but she was pinned to the bed with two firm arms wrapped around her.

  “I think Mutt wants to go out.” Liam’s lips were warm as he nuzzled them against her cheek. Georgie arched her neck and stretched her body as she sought the right words. She’d never been any good at the morning-after stuff.

  “I’d better go and let him out.” Self-consciousness flooded through her as she rolled over and reached for her jeans, which were in a pile of clothes on the floor. She waited for Liam to look away.

  He grinned at her. “You’re shy?”

  She nodded but he didn’t look away.

  “You’re beautiful.” His eyes moved slowly down from her face to her shoulders as she stood and grabbed the sheet to cover herself.

  This was crazy. How the heck did she ever get herself into this situation with Liam Wyndham—the famous Liam Wyndham—in her bed in Ana’s cottage?

  Grabbing her jeans and her sweatshirt, Georgie took off into the bathroom. She let the sheet drop and stared at herself in the mirror as she ran the faucets. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were heavy. They hadn’t had much sleep. Slowly, she let the smile that was tugging at her lips spread over her face and she nodded as she pulled her clothes on.

  A very satisfied woman looked back at her. Tapping into her newfound self-assurance, she sauntered back into the bedroom, her confidence buoyed now that she was fully clothed.

  Which was more than she could say for the sexy man still lying in her bed.

  Liam was on his back, hands tucked casually behind his head, which was resting on her lacy pillow cover.

  “Get up, lazybones. I have a job to go to up the hill.” She grinned dow
n at him as he rolled over and reached for his watch on her bedside cupboard.

  He groaned. “And I’ve got to go write. If I don’t get those chapters written today, I won’t have a house for you to build bookshelves in.”

  Before she could walk away, he grabbed her hand and pulled her down to the bed. “How about a good-morning kiss from you before you go see to that dog?”

  Georgie’s hand shook in his as she leaned down to meet his lips. This man was like a drug. No matter what her mind was telling her, her body was not listening.

  She giggled as another mournful howl reverberated from below. “At least Mutt isn’t disturbing the neighbors.”


  Liam looked around the small bathroom as he washed and dressed. There were little signs of Georgie everywhere, and that filled him with a warm glow. He had it bad. Never before had he grinned at a pair of women’s work boots on the floor and a pair of dirty socks hanging over the bath. By the time he’d dressed in the borrowed clothes and sauntered down the stairs, the smell of brewing coffee greeted him. Georgie was standing at the window looking over the ocean as she nibbled on a piece of toast. The sky was a brilliant blue and the sea was smooth after the storm. The world was washed clean and Liam watched as Mutt raced around the yard below with a piece of wood. Did everything look as bright as he thought, or was it the way he felt?

  He stood behind Georgie and put his hands on her shoulders. “Morning.”

  “Gorgeous day.” She leaned back into him.

  “It is,” he said as he lowered his head and nuzzled into the soft skin of her neck, disappointed when she moved away slightly.

  “Do you mind if we go now? I’ll pour you a coffee and you can bring it with you so you can unlock for me. I really need to get started.”

  “Can I have some pumpkin pie to go with it?”

  “Eww. For breakfast?” Georgie glanced down at her watch with a smile. “Come on, I have to get to work.”

  Liam laughed. “I’m the one with the deadline. I don’t mind how long it takes you to build my shelves.” He turned her around and looped his arms around her waist as an idea struck him. “In fact, when you finish them, how would you like to start work on the rest of the house?”


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