Grounding Gracus (First Wave Book 6)

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Grounding Gracus (First Wave Book 6) Page 2

by Mikayla Lane

  She closed her eyes and breathed in the smell of the hot eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, hash browns and pancakes and her stomach growled loudly, demanding she start eating now.

  Blanche laughed and patted her shoulder. “You get to eating that, child, while I get everything else packed. Make sure you have enough food this trip, I swear the last time you came back you looked like you lost ten pounds and you can’t afford to lose that again. You’re already too thin,” Blanche said before she turned and walked back into the kitchen.

  Rebecca dug into her food and had managed to get half of it down before she was interrupted by Jake Morrow. “Hey Becca. You heading out soon?”

  Rebecca glanced up at Jake and nodded. “Tomorrow. When are you starting up officially?” She asked with a smile for the friendly man.

  Jake was another river guide and Rebecca knew that he was going to be taking reservations for tours soon as well. Jake and his family had started up their business before her grandfather had died and rather than see them as competition, Luke Carson had helped them build their business and remained good friends. Rebecca saw no reason to change that either.

  Jake nodded his balding head. “I’ve already got reservations in two weeks and I got a call yesterday wondering if we were open yet. Looks like it’ll be a good season,” Jake said with a smile, hoping that he was right.

  With the economy tanking and scarcity of full time jobs, the small business owners like Jake and Rebecca were getting hit really hard. Jake had a family to support, but Rebecca didn’t need to worry about it quite as much as the others because her grandfather had made sure that she had a really nice nest egg. It wasn’t a large amount of money, but the way Rebecca lived so simply, it would last her until she died if she wanted it too.

  Rebecca grinned at Jake. “I really hope it is as well. You have any changes in your packages that I need to be aware of,” she asked.

  Her grandfather had set it up with Jake that because he and Rebecca did multiday tours that they would send all the regular day tour business to Jake and in return he sent the multiday business to her. It had worked out really well for years and it helped to know what tour packages each was offering to help sell it to a potential customer.

  Jake chuckled, his deep voice booming around the small diner. “No way! I have enough with the ones I have. You got any changes this year?”

  Rebecca shook her head and grinned at him. “No, like you I have enough with what I have. How are those boys doing?” Rebecca asked politely.

  Jake leaned against the counter and shook his head. “Those boys are getting so damn big I’m not sure that the rafts will hold them much longer!” Jake joked while his face beamed with pride at the mention of his three sons.

  Blanche came back to the table with a large to-go bag that was packed full of food and set it on the floor at Rebecca’s feet. There was a lot more than lunch and dinner in that bag, Rebecca thought with a small smile before she stood and gave the older woman a hug.

  “Thanks Blanche,” Rebecca said affectionately as Blanched patted her back and hugged her tightly.

  “You listen to me girl, I got a bad feeling coming on. You better make sure your gear is good and you stay on your route. I want to make sure we can find you if you don’t come back on time,” Blanche said as she pulled away from Rebecca and used the bottom corner of her apron to wipe the tears from her eyes.

  Rebecca was a little stunned, Blanche had never acted this way before one of her trips before and even more surprisingly was that when Blanche had bad feelings, bad things happened.

  Rebecca thought about her planned detour on this trip and couldn’t help but ask, “Anything specific?”

  Blanche finished wiping her eyes and shook her head. “No, but it’s about you little girl, so you promise me that you will be extra careful this time,” Blanche demanded, one hand on her hip.

  Rebecca wanted to laugh at the older woman’s pose, but was still a little rattled about Blanche’s bad feeling. She nodded her head instead. “I’m always careful, Blanche. But this time, for you, I will be extra careful,” Rebecca said as she gave the woman another quick hug and grabbed her to-go bag to leave.

  Rebecca waved distractedly to a few people who called out greetings to her and jumped in her jeep. She sat behind the wheel for a minute, trying to think if she had missed something. Maybe forgot to pack something.

  Unable to come up with anything, she tried to shake off the strange feelings and started her jeep, pulling out of the diner parking lot and heading back to her cabin.

  Rebecca unpacked the to-go bag and sure enough there was a club sandwich, chips and a pickle for lunch. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner and Blanche had also packed four breakfast burritos that she could easily reheat before she left.

  She smiled at Blanche’s thoughtfulness and put everything in her empty refrigerator before heading back into the living room to recheck all of her gear again. Blanche’s bad feelings had given her pause and she was definitely going with safety first.

  But, bad feelings or not, she was still determined to try and find the cave system in her grandfather’s journals.

  Chapter Two

  Gracus stood outside of the cabin Grai T’Alq had arranged for him and he breathed in the fresh, crisp morning air like it was a balm for his soul. He had arrived that morning to what was a fully stocked cabin, in what was really damn close to the middle of nowhere, he thought with a smile.

  The best part for him was that all he needed to do was walk out of the cabin and into the woods and he could keep walking for hundreds of miles through the untouched wilderness if he wanted. And he had every intention of undertaking some major explorations.

  Gracus still couldn’t believe that he was here. That he was actually standing on real soil and breathing natural air. Not only had Ivint and Scaden come through for him as Scaden had promised, but Grai had considered it a personal project to see that every detail was seen to in order to prevent him from needing to interact with the local population if he did not choose to.

  The cabin was packed with every tool, gear or device he may need to navigate the area, survive the climate, or just relax by the water. There was food of all kinds, stuffed in every free space in the kitchen and refrigerator, along with a very well stocked liquor cabinet that had definitely gotten his nod of approval.

  Gracus admitted to a little curiosity over the humans and the local population that were lucky enough to live surrounded by such magnificence, and decided that he would go into town this morning and look around a bit. He had definitely seen a major revival of his appetite the moment he’d first smelled the fresh air and looked forward to having a human breakfast, prepared in a traditional breakfast location.

  Scaden, Amun and several of the other warriors who were familiar with the earth customs and the humans, had given him a major crash course in information. One of which was that he had to try food from a small eatery referred to as a ‘greasy spoon’.

  Although it didn’t sound the least bit appetizing to him, Gracus assumed that it was one of those strange human slang terms that generally confused him. He was looking forward to the trip, even if there was going to be people around.

  Gracus knew that sooner or later he would end up in town to get more supplies anyway and he felt better figuring out the lay of the land his first day. He and Scaden studied the maps of the surrounding area so Gracus knew exactly how to get around.

  What he was looking forward to was not what was listed on the detailed maps they had found, but all the places where no details could be found. Either no one had yet mapped the areas, or had not made it back from the effort to do so. Neither mattered to Gracus, because he knew those would be the places where he could be truly alone. Where he could reset his energy and recharge his soul.

  The many years of being contained in a city sized craft had finally taken its toll on him. Gracus had always been more close to their planet than his space and adventure loving best friends Scaden, Ni
klosi and Amun. Where they had always dreamed of space, he had dreamed of the waterfalls and forests of their world where the peace was so absolute you could hear the true heartbeat of the planet all around you like a mother’s lullaby.

  Gracus had followed his friends into training and had excelled at it, finally becoming Scaden’s First Commander and leaving on the Adaria. It hadn’t been so bad at first, he thought. The artificial attempts at natural habitats and the constantly repeating Valendran planetary heartbeat being broadcast subtly around the ship, had staved off his needs for a long time.

  He snorted as he headed into the garage that was attached to the large cabin. Over fifty years was a “very” long time and he was actually a little surprised he had made it that long before he cracked. Although Gracus, knew that it most likely had more to do with the excitement of discovering the hybrids and nonstop activity since then, than anything else.

  He got in the large SUV and listened as the new EAT system responded to his entry.

  “Welcome, Gracus. I am EAT, your Earth Assistant Technology. To start the vehicle, please place the key into the ignition and turn it towards the windshield,” the dashboard mounted comm that looked no different than a human GPS, said as Gracus complied.

  Gracus sat back for a moment and listened to the basic instructions and rules of operating the vehicle in this location, before he started to pull out of the garage and promptly set off the alarms.

  “Proximity alarm, rear right bumper.”

  Gracus pressed the brake and looked in the vehicle’s mirrors to figure out what had set it off the alarm. Seeing nothing, he assumed it was just a standard warning and he let go of the brakes to resume backing out.

  “Proximity alarm, rear right bumper.”

  “Proximity alarm, right, rear passenger door.”

  Gracus slammed on the brakes again and this time he got out of the vehicle and moved to the passenger side to see what was so close to the vehicle that it was setting off the alarms. Seeing that there was plenty of room between the vehicle and the garage wall, he assumed the EAT system wasn’t working correctly and got back in the SUV.

  He was a pilot and commander of a city sized ship. He could damn sure back this tiny Earth vehicle out of the garage. Gracus put it back in reverse and tried again. This time he ignored the sensors and warnings and continued to back up out of the garage.

  Seconds later the vehicle jerked and a metallic scraping sound echoed loudly around the garage. Gracus slammed on the brakes and cursed as he opened the door and walked around to the side of the vehicle.

  His mouth dropped open at the large scratches that ran from the back bumper to the middle of the front passenger side door. How the hell did he hit the wall? He wondered as he ran his hands through his hair and growled in aggravation.

  Gracus stomped over to the door and got back inside. Well fuck it, he thought. It was already scratched. Once inside, the EAT system came back on.

  “Please specify desired location,” the annoying male computer voice said.

  “Food! Some damn breakfast! A fucking greasy spoon, can you understand that? Smart ass, damn machine,” Gracus muttered the last and was shocked when the vehicle began to correct itself and finish backing out of the garage.

  Gracus assumed that it would stop at some point so he could drive and when it began down the road, he tried to grab the wheel to control the vehicle.

  “Please do not touch the steering wheel. AutoDrive is now engaged,” the voice said to Gracus’s irritation.

  Gracus smacked the steering wheel with his palms. “Disengage AutoDrive!”

  Gracus considered ripping the steering wheel off when he heard the computer’s response. “I apologize for the inconvenience, due to the circumstances of your recent accident, it has been determined that you are too incapacitated to be in control of the vehicle. AutoDrive will ensure your safe arrival to your requested location. Estimated time of arrival is fifty five minutes.”

  “What?” Gracus erupted. “Incapacitated? It’s my first time driving this damn thing! Give me the damn wheel back!”

  The now seriously irritating voice came back. “I apologize for the inconvenience, due to the circumstances of your recent accident, it has been determined that you are too incapacitated to be in control of the vehicle. AutoDrive will ensure your safe arrival to your requested location. Estimated time of arrival is now fifty four minutes.”

  Gracus tried to regain control of the vehicle for another fifteen minutes before he finally gave up in a huff and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest as he pouted. Obviously, the EAT technology needed a lot more damn work, he thought, already formulating a scathing complaint to Grai in his mind.

  When he finally relaxed and began looking around at the view, he was actually grateful that he didn’t have to pay attention to driving. Although, he would never admit that. It was breathtaking and he found himself swinging his head and body from one side of the vehicle to another as he tried to take in the different views that were spread out around him.

  He was surprised when the time flew by and he found himself being driven into the heart of a small town, the vehicle slowing and pulling in at a small place with a sign that read, Blanche’s Diner.

  The EAT voice spoke when the vehicle turned itself off. “Destination achieved. Blanche’s Diner. Please remove the keys and retain them in a safe location on your person until your return to the vehicle.”

  Gracus, whose excitement had returned while he had been looking around, hopped out of the vehicle with a renewed spring in his step and entered the clean, but weathered looking building.

  His stomach growled at the wonderful scents coming from inside the building and he stood there for a moment taking it all in. There were only four people sitting at different tables around the large room and a small, slightly round, older woman called out to him, “Sit wherever you want honey, I’ll be with you in a minute!” Before she disappeared behind a door with her arms loaded down with empty plates.

  Gracus looked around again and noticing the curious stares of the other humans, he moved quickly to a seat near the back and sat facing the door. The one warning that Scaden drilled into his head was to remain vigilant at all times. Some humans could be just as dangerous as a Relian and he didn’t want to take any chances.

  He was slightly startled when the older woman appeared next to him. “What can I get you honey?” She asked as she set a coffee cup down in front of him and filled it to the brim.

  “Thank you, what would you recommend?” Gracus asked with a smile. Even though he hadn’t asked for the cup, he had intended to and was pleased that the woman had anticipated his request.

  Blanche laughed. “Well, the five guys that came through here last week that were your size, seemed to love the Hearty Mountain Breakfast,” Blanche said with a pleasant grin at the handsome man.

  Gracus smiled, assuming that she was referring to some of Grai’s people who had set the cabin up for him. That must be how the EAT knew to bring him here when he told it to take him to a greasy spoon.

  He looked up at Blanche and gave her a dazzling smile. “If it was good enough for them, then I will have that please.”

  Blanche smiled and patted his hand before walking towards the door in the back and yelling out, “Frank, another Hearty Breakfast for one of Grai’s guys!”

  Gracus looked around and although the curious stares were a little unnerving, he didn’t feel the least bit worried or in danger so he pulled out his comm and began retracing the route into the National Forest that he had chosen to take from the cabin.

  He was startled when Blanche appeared and set three plates in front of him. “That should hold you, but if you’re still hungry, my Frank can cook you up something else. I’m Blanche, so if you want anything else you just holler at me,” Blanche said with a smile before she refilled his coffee cup and walked away.

  The smell of the food was so good that Gracus leaned forward just to smell the steam coming
off of the plate before he dug in. He had eaten these same food items on the ship at least a few dozen times over the last two years, as did the rest of the crew after Cari had come to stay with them on the Adaria. But, the food items had never tasted nearly as good as they did right now. Scaden and the others had been right about eating at a greasy spoon. Whatever they did in their kitchen created magic in his mouth.

  In no time he had eaten every bite of the food placed in front of him and was actually considering asking to try something else, but changed his mind. He didn’t want to be weighed down when he left for the forest.

  Looking down at the small scrap of paper that Blanche had left on the table when she’d put the plates down, he pulled out the wallet Grai had given him and counted out the money and included a nice tip for Blanche. Scaden and Amun had explained tipping to him on the Adaria and it was one of the things he was determined not to forget to do.

  He left the restaurant and headed down the sidewalk, looking in the different stores and purchasing things that caught his fancy as he went. Mostly different images or statuary of the location. Things he wanted to take back with him to the Adaria so he could remember the beauty and peace he had already begun to find here.

  He’d purchased many odd things, including a few bags of candy from something called a novelty store and eventually ended up back at the SUV with half a dozen bags that he put in the back seat before he got in the driver’s seat.

  The EAT system automatically engaged. “Please specify your desired location,” the computer asked as Gracus growled in irritation.

  “I am capable of driving the vehicle,” Gracus muttered as he put the key in the ignition and turned the car on.

  He tried to move the gearshift, but it wouldn’t move. Then the EAT system again said. “Please specify your desired location.”

  Gracus smacked the steering wheel with his palms. “I can drive back to the damn cabin myself!”

  “I apologize for the inconvenience, due to the circumstances of your recent accident, it has been determined that you are too incapacitated to be in control of the vehicle. AutoDrive will ensure your safe arrival to your requested location. Estimated time of arrival to, ‘the damn cabin’, is fifty five minutes.”


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