Dominance and Deception

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Dominance and Deception Page 10

by Amy Valenti

  Damn it, I want to, though.

  Just as I opened my mouth, a sharp word for Santoro on my tongue, he stopped of his own accord. Rubbing away the sting he'd inflicted, he stroked Faye's hair and murmured words of encouragement to her.

  I made myself relax as he turned her over and pulled her into a sitting position in his lap, wrapping his arms around her and pulling off the blindfold. Faye clung to him, her face turned from me, and the intimate moment between them didn't bug me as much as I'd expected it would.

  When she'd calmed a little, she raised her head from Santoro's chest, and he kissed her provocatively, unclipping the cuffs and allowing her to put her arms around his neck. She met his hunger with her own, shifting against him in a calculated shimmy. Santoro forcefully broke off the kiss and with a voracious grin pulled back her head by the hair, looking over at me. “Starting to see why you call her ‘little tease'."

  "And you didn't before?” Faye looked from one of us to the other as I continued as if she wasn't even in the room. “It's not just an act, either. If you feel between those spread legs of hers, you'll see what I mean."

  Before Faye could correct her wanton pose by bringing her knees together, Santoro slipped his fingers down between her thighs, a soft groan escaping his throat when he encountered the slick heat I knew would be there. “Wow, she really has been getting off on this. Didn't think this actually happened outside porn movies."

  Faye whimpered, seeming torn between humiliation at the way we were discussing her and frustration at the slow strokes of Santoro's fingers. He pulled away, drawing a sigh from her throat, and reached for the clamps on the bedcovers beside him.

  "Okay, let's see if I can find somewhere for these."

  At his instruction, Faye slid off his lap to kneel beside him again, and he unhooked her bra without faltering—it seemed his Casanova reputation really was based in fact. When he pulled the garment away, he gave another trademark Santoro grin, then leaned in to turn his tongue to her nipples.

  I could tell the exact instant he bit down—Faye gave a sharp gasp, clutching his shoulders, and a second later he slipped the first clamp into place, licking his lips.

  "Too tight?"

  Faye tested the sensation with a deep breath, and nodded. “A little, Senior Detective."

  He loosened the clamp, looking into her face with a concern that reassured me. “How about now?"

  "Better, Senior Detective,” Faye said.

  Santoro repeated the process with the second clamp, learning from the experience. “Tighter?"

  Once they were both satisfied with the clamps, Santoro stood up and we watched him shed his pants, freeing his hard cock for a second time. Faye leant back on her elbows, watching him with appreciative eyes, and I admired the picture the pair of them made.

  Santoro sat between her legs, running his hands lightly over her skin. “How about you and I put on a little show for our Sir, girl?"

  Faye looked over at me with a smile, as if she knew just how much I'd enjoy the idea. “I think I can live with that, Senior Detective."

  With a glance my way, Santoro delivered his final instruction. “And you don't get to come until he says you do."

  The unexpected command intrigued us both, and I took up a better voyeuristic position, leaning against the wall by the bed.

  "Think you can obey that order, little tease?"

  She looked up at me through lust-veiled eyes. “I'll try, Sir."

  Santoro slipped his fingers between her legs again, and she laid back with a soft moan, tilting her hips up in encouragement. As he cuffed her wrists to the headboard, I decided on a final change to the rules.

  "As long as the senior detective's okay with it, you have permission to speak freely."

  Santoro moved over her, giving her a brief, hard kiss. “I'm liking that idea. Talk to me, girl."

  Faye tilted her head back while he nipped at her throat, and I could tell she was savouring every second of the attention. “What do you want me to say, Senior Detective?"

  "Tell me a story,” he said, and immediately Faye's eyes met mine above his head. Her wicked smile held a question, and I gave her a slight nod just as Santoro lifted his head from her neck.

  "Never thought I'd see you lost for words..."

  "Sorry, Senior Detective. I was thinking."

  He gave a light tug on the chain that connected her nipple clamps, and she gasped through the pain, wriggling a little. “Think out loud,” he ordered, and I eyed him with fresh appreciation. He had my little tease well in hand.

  "Okay. Once upon a time, there was an incredibly hot detective named Zach Pierce..."

  Santoro glanced up at me, his hair mussed, his lips parted and a playful expression on his face. “Gotta say, I agree with you there."

  Faye giggled, and I gazed down at my senior detective, letting him see exactly how much I wanted him right then.

  "Better get on with your scene, Santoro, before I decide to distract you."

  He sat up, brows rising in a challenge. “You can decide anything you want, Sir."

  It was too tempting not to take the permission he offered to step into his scene. I sat on the edge of the bed, grabbed him by the hair and kissed him roughly, possessing what was mine. He sighed into my mouth, and beneath us, Faye gave a quiet moan.

  "Don't think he told you to stop, little tease,” I told her, as soon as we broke for air.

  "Sorry, Sir,” she said, a smile in her voice. “So the incredibly hot detective had a submissive."

  "Yeah?” Santoro asked, resting his head on my shoulder and trailing a finger down Faye's thigh. “What was she like?"

  "Smart. And obedient.” At my derisive snort, she revised her statement. “Sometimes."

  "This is a kinda boring story,” Santoro said. “When do we get to the sex scene?"

  Faye grinned. “Well...the hot detective and his submissive had an amazing time in bed. And in his living room. And her apartment. And the bathroom at work. And—” Her words faltered into a sigh, and I looked over Santoro's shoulder to see that he'd put his fingers into play between her legs again, gathering plenty of moisture to rub over her clit.

  She took a second to collect her thoughts, then managed to continue her tale, though Santoro's fingers didn't let up and her words were more hesitant. “And then the hot detective and his girl noticed their friend at work was hiding cuff-marks and cringing with the pain his bruises gave him when he sat down. And they started to wonder if he'd wanna play with—"

  Her train of thought derailed as she gave a cry of pleasure, and she arched her back against Santoro's fingers, taking everything he would give her. I watched him watching her, and waited until Faye's eyes opened before claiming his lips again, knowing she got off on seeing us together.

  "With...” she tried again, with no success. “Sir, I need..."

  "We both know you can take more than that, little tease,” I murmured against Santoro's shoulder.

  She bit her lip, trying not to writhe against Santoro's fingers, and nodded. I laid a hand over his, halting him for a second, and waited for her to continue.

  "They wondered if he'd wanna play with them, and they talked about it, and the submissive got so turned on that she climbed into the hot detective's lap and rode him until she came and came and—"

  Santoro pressed hard against her clit, and she moaned, arching her back then biting her lip as her nipple clamps pinched. The pain seemed to ground her a little, but there was a touch of desperation in her face as she begged me again for permission to come.

  I shook my head, and she whimpered, attempting to squeeze her thighs together. “Don't even think about it, girl,” Santoro warned her, and she stilled, breathing as deeply as she could.

  After taking a moment to contemplate her naked, trembling body, he looked up at me. “Wanna help out, Sir?"

  "What are you thinking?” I asked him, making sure he knew he was still in control of the scene.

  He leaned over to murmur in m
y ear, too low for Faye to hear, and once again he surprised me with his ingenuity. “One of us finger-fucks her while the other sucks on her clit?"

  I didn't bother to keep my voice down, knowing the tidbit of information would set her imagination racing. Nodding, I told him, “I'll need my mouth free to give her permission to come."

  Faye watched, squirming a little, while Santoro and I shifted positions. I took his place, and he sat by Faye's side, running a hand up and down her abdomen. “Okay. Enough story, but you can beg as much as you want, girl."

  Her eyes flitted from me to Santoro and back again, and anticipation quivered through her body. She was a lucky girl that night, and she knew it.

  "After you, Sir,” Santoro said, and I smoothed my hand up Faye's inner thigh, teasing her for a few seconds before taking up where my senior detective had left off.

  She was already more than ready for my fingers inside her, but I took my time, enjoying her breathy cries of frustration. When I relented at last, she eagerly tilted up her hips to force me deeper, tugging at her wrist cuffs with a gasp.

  "That enough, little tease?” I already knew it wasn't—that it'd take at least one more finger to be anywhere near enough to satisfy her.

  She shook her head, silently pleading for more, and I slowly fucked her with one finger for a while before adding a second, curving up to hit her sweet spot.

  Faye cried out so loudly that Santoro gave a startled laugh, looking from her to me. “Wow. Think that did the trick."

  I stayed slow, drawing on experience and steering clear of the movements that would really put her in danger of losing control.

  "Ready when you are, Santoro."

  She wasn't entirely sure what to expect, so when he lowered his head close to my fingers and flicked his tongue over her clit, she tightened reflexively around my fingers, moaning his name. God, it made me wish it was my cock inside her instead, but I'd make up for that when this was all over.

  Santoro's tongue lapped at my fingers, then back to Faye's skin, and that moment decided exactly how I would get my pleasure tonight. For now, though, I continued to finger my girl, gradually increasing my pace and watching her beautiful reaction.

  "Sir, please...more, more, fuck me harder, let me come...” Her breathless torrent of pleas varied as Santoro switched from licking to sucking and back again, and I pushed her further and further towards the edge, watching for the tell-tale signs that she was about to climax.

  By the time I relented, she was almost in tears, reduced to one mindless thought—"Please, please, please, please—"

  She looked stunning—helpless, flushed and completely regressed to primal, hedonistic instinct. The only way she was managing to hold on was because I knew her triggers so well—if I gave her enough to push her over the edge she wouldn't even be capable of stopping herself. I could only imagine what the illusion felt like to her.

  "Come for us, little tease,” I finally told her, and gave her what she needed as Santoro did the same.

  She fell into fragments, her orgasm rippling against my fingers as she cried out over and over, aftershocks ebbing through her body until she sagged, gasping for breath, against the mattress. I withdrew my fingers slowly, then nodded at Santoro, who uncuffed her—not that she noticed.

  "C'mon, girl. You need water."

  He managed to coax her up on an elbow to drink, and she gave a grateful sigh when she'd finished, smiling. “Thank you, Senior Detective."

  "Want the clamps off?"

  She began to nod, then hesitated. “I thought you wanted..."

  He grinned at her. “I can still fuck you without them."

  While Santoro carefully removed the clamps, one at a time, and ensured she was comfortable, I got up from the bed again, clearing the space so he could finish. It wouldn't take long, then I could think about my own urges.

  "Now, where was I before I got sidetracked?” He glanced mischievously up at me before stretching out beside Faye. As if magnetised to his body, she pressed close, giving in to temptation.

  He kissed her, making no attempt to assert dominance, and Faye pushed her boundaries a little, nuzzling his neck before whispering something I couldn't make out into his ear.

  In response, he dragged her atop him, and she reached down between them to take him in hand, muffling his groan with another kiss.

  "Permission to fuck you, Senior Detective?” she asked innocently, kneeling and positioning the tip of his cock exactly where she wanted it.

  Santoro didn't bother to answer—instead, he grabbed her by the hips and bucked up into her hard. Faye purred appreciation, meeting him halfway, and when she began to teasingly draw back he rolled her over, grinding her into the mattress with another breathless kiss.

  She wrapped her arms around him and braced her feet against the mattress, his urgency seeming to ignite an answering response within her. Watching her arch up against his body, and the ripples of his arm and back muscles as he pounded into her, I shifted my weight, and the resulting friction of my pants against my cock almost tore a groan from my throat.

  Separately, they were each alluring in their own ways. Together, they were almost irresistible.

  In between husky cries of encouragement to Santoro, Faye gasped out, “Sir...?"

  I'd tormented her enough tonight. “Whenever you're ready, little tease."

  She gave me a brief yet dazzling smile before focussing on Santoro again, digging her fingernails into his back as he pushed her those final few steps towards her second orgasm of the night. Surging against him, she dragged him up to the brink with every shudder of her release, and it took him next to no time to follow her, smothering his groan against her neck as he pressed her into the bed.

  Breathing hard, they lay entwined, and I sat on the edge of the bed again, brushing a strand of hair away from Faye's lips. She opened her eyes to gaze contentedly up at me, murmuring her thanks.

  Santoro took a little longer to come around, though he did have the presence of mind to roll off Faye before his weight became too much for her. I didn't know if it was the sex, the exhibitionism or his newfound Dominant streak that had put the most strain on him—that was something I'd be able to gauge better with time.

  "How're you doing, senior detective?"

  He smiled without opening his eyes. “Never better, Sir."

  Faye giggled, pulling herself into a sitting position and reaching over his head to grab some water. “You sure I didn't just blow your mind, Senior Detective?"

  "Oh, I know you did,” Santoro told her. Then, looking up at me with a glimmer of post-coital insecurity, he joked, “Not that there's much there to blow, right, boss?"

  If he'd been a little more composed, he'd have avoided that particular turn of phrase. As it was, I just raised an eyebrow at him. “From where I was standing, seemed like there was plenty to blow. Right, little tease?"

  "Mm-hmm,” Faye agreed, aiming a wicked glance towards Santoro's lap and laughing as he preened a little. Then, looking down my fully-clothed body to my obvious arousal, she said, “He's not the only one, though, Sir."

  Before I could respond, Santoro drained his water glass and joined her at my side, agreeing, “He's still fully-clothed, Faye. Is that fair?"

  She returned his banter, risking the displeasure she knew I couldn't be bothered to aim at her for stepping out of line. “Personally, I don't think he should be allowed to wear clothes at all."

  "The Naked Detective,” Santoro deadpanned. “That'd make a great movie."


  "Nah. Maybe more James Bond. Only without the tuxedo."

  "Can I be a Bond girl?"

  "You'd make a great Bond girl."

  "Are you two done?” I interjected, before they got too carried away.

  They exchanged a glance, then Santoro kicked the evening into its final stage. “That depends, Sir. Do we have permission to get you out of those clothes?"

  I crooked a finger, granting them the permission they sought, and Faye
was the first to get to her feet, pulling me with her. I claimed a brief, hard kiss, and she pressed close for a few moments, warm and tempting.

  Behind me, I heard Santoro move, but Faye was tugging at my shirt, distracting me. I allowed her to strip it off, then she stepped in close for another kiss, her naked breasts brushing against me.

  I didn't need any encouragement—I'd been watching her with Santoro all night, and I couldn't hold back anymore. Faye sighed against my lips, digging her fingers into my back, and I tugged gently on her collar in response.

  It was then that Santoro reminded me of his presence, pressing his chest against my back as he slipped his hands in between my body and Faye's. She withdrew a fraction, letting him reach my belt buckle, and I half-turned in their combined embrace to give Santoro a heated kiss.

  He slid his hand inside my jeans, caressing me through my boxers just as Faye began to kiss and nip her way down the side of my neck, and the combination tore a growl from my throat. I didn't know which one of them I wanted more at that moment—my little tease knew exactly how to drive me crazy, but Santoro was getting more confident by the second.

  Faye tugged my jeans down over my hips. Santoro ensured that my boxers soon followed, then ran his fingers lightly up my cock. It was on the tip of my tongue to reprimand him for drawing out the encounter, but Faye's hand joined his, and they moved in unison, teasing me irresistibly.

  After a while, it became almost too intense—the feel of them both against me, their kisses and whispers and touches. I needed to change the scene.

  "Little tease, on the bed. Senior detective, kneel until I'm ready for you."

  They complied immediately, and I lay on the bed, pulling Faye atop me. She straddled me, and my cock jumped as I contemplated just fucking her now, taking what I needed.

  She whimpered and writhed against me, and I lost control a little, driving myself up into her and holding still with an effort.

  "I wasn't even planning on fucking you tonight, little tease. And I won't—not for long, anyway."


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