Sin City Submission BN

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Sin City Submission BN Page 4

by Jenna Jacobjenna Jacob

  “I’m not topping from the bottom,” she argued with a disgruntled pout. “You always kiss me when I need it.”

  “Ah, but do you really need a kiss, or simply want one?” His cinnamon brows furrowed.

  All right, so she wanted one. When had that become a crime? “I’m not trying to be difficult. It’s just that…I’m struggling here…Sir.”

  “I know you are, but I’ve no intention of submitting to you while you try dictating my Dominance.”

  Though his words were spoken softly and filled with love, Quinn’s message came through loud and clear.

  “I know. I’m trying. I really am.”

  He pressed a feather-light kiss at the corner of her mouth. It technically wasn’t even a kiss. But it would have to suffice since she knew better than to ask for more.

  “Try harder for me, princess,” Quinn whispered before placing his palm on the top of her head and directing her to face the cross once more. “Trust me, Ava.”

  “I do. You know I do,” she murmured.

  “Prove it,” he challenged.

  Closing her eyes, she drew in a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, repeating the process over and over. She hoped it would calm the riotous anxiety spinning through her while giving him the level of trust he desired. Ava knew in her heart she had nothing to fear, but her brain wasn’t cooperating. While he’d dragged her outside the box of their usual D/s play, Quinn had long ago proven himself a capable Master. His command over her and the aftercare he bathed her in after each session completed her. His sublime affection made her heart constantly soar. Still, she struggled now to let the submissive inside hand over her staunch control.

  She’d been conditioned to lead. As senior vice-president of Fusion Productions, Ava juggled a tremendous amount of responsibility. Not only did she secure multimillion-dollar contracts, but Ava had earned a reputation as a cutthroat negotiator. Only Quinn knew which buttons to push to release the pressure her VP role created. And he was the only one she’d ever let put her in such a vulnerable position. His Dominance offered her freedom. Quinn could effortlessly remove the burdens from her shoulders while providing a net of safety in the process. Ava longed for that…longed to feel both small and treasured…ached for the revitalizing and invigorating rebirth he never failed to grant her. So why was she balking at that now?

  Hand it over to him, a little voice inside her pled. Let him take it all away.

  Inwardly repeating the words of her subconscious, Ava turned them into a mantra while Quinn compelled the same motivation with the flogger. It wasn’t long before the grip on her control lessened. The rhythmic falls landed harder against her flesh, lifting her higher off the floor with the force. A scrumptious burn warmed her ass as she slipped further and further into the familiar abyss of serenity. Her breathing turned shallow. Thick, feminine juice trickled from inside her and clung to her aching, swollen folds.

  “That’s my sweet slave,” Quinn crooned in a low, coaxing whisper. “Give me your control, princess. I’ll keep you safe.”

  Time and space seemed to slow. Even her thoughts processed like slow-churning molasses while the sounds of the flogger fell distant and muffled. The scent of her own spicy arousal hung in the air like a moist and heavy blanket of need. Suspended and floating like a rowboat lost at sea, Ava slowly realized the flogging had stopped. Forcing herself to rise up from the depths, she didn’t get far before Quinn’s capable fingers dipped between her legs, spreading her slickness over her pulsating clit. Ava rolled her head to the side with a mournful whimper.

  “Yes. This is this what you want, isn’t it, princess?” Quinn asked in a tempting whisper as he pressed a tender kiss beneath her ear.

  A shiver slithered up her spine, and the heat of his body enveloped her. “Yes,” she moaned, arching her back to rub against his crotch. He stood perfectly still…didn’t reward her with his thick, hard cock plunging deep inside her empty tunnel.

  “Such a needy little minx,” he softly chided before pulling away, taking his alluring heat, captivating lips, and enticing scent.

  Ava wanted to cry out in frustration, but before she could open her mouth to protest, a feather-soft kiss brushed the left cheek of her ass. Immediately another stroke whispered upon her other orb. Wading through the fog suffusing her brain, Ava realized the absence of his body heat told her Quinn’s lips weren’t anywhere near her. Some type of toy she’d never experienced was responsible for the wispy sensation. But she had no idea what. Surely the soft, soothing kisses weren’t coming from the whip…were they?

  Darting a daring glance over her shoulder, Ava’s heart clutched, then began to thunder in her chest as Quinn raised the long, braided leather into the air and flicked his wrist. The whip coiled like a slithering snake before the thin threaded end whisked over her flesh with barely a sigh. The indulgent sensation clashed with the sight of the wicked whip. Ava couldn’t wrap her head around the incongruent impressions warring within.

  Quinn pinned her with an unhappy expression before dropping his arm. Eating up the distance between them, he gripped her chin, forcing her gaze. “Were you instructed to watch me, princess?”

  “No Sir.”

  “Then why are you?”

  “I—I wanted to see what you were using on me.”

  “Should it matter?”

  With an inward curse, Ava shook her head. Dammit, why did she continue to challenge him? Why couldn’t she simply accept what he gave and float away once more? Her own hardheadedness irritated her. She could only imagine how annoyed Quinn must feel. How long would it be before he uncuffed her and called an end to their session? Probably not much longer. The thought filled her with dread.

  No. She wanted this…needed to prove to them both that she could give more than she had in the past. Needed to prove that she trusted him. Quinn’s warm breath at her ear drew her focus back where it belonged.

  “The whip is nothing like you expected, is it, princess?”

  “No, not at all.” She shook her head. “I was afraid it would rip my skin open.”

  “I have no desire to be a sadist, my love.”

  “Thank god,” she replied on a grateful sigh.

  “Now that you know how I intend to use the whip, do we need to discuss this further?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good. Then close your eyes and let me take care of you.”

  As she complied, Quinn landed a sharp slap over her ass. She arched back in surprise, and he plucked her nipple, twisting it with a low growl, sending a sensual burn to spread through her. The opposing stings collided in Ava’s midsection to throb in time with her aching clit. Quinn snaked his fingers between her legs and toyed with her sex once again. As he assuaged the sting, Ava felt the burn merge into a hungry quickening she wanted prolonged. Plunging two fingers inside her quivering tunnel, he rubbed her distended clit with his thumb while skimming tender kisses along her neck. As he nibbled on the lobe of her ear, Ava rocked against his hand, soaring high in a matter of seconds.

  “Yes…yes,” she moaned, hovering on release.

  “You don’t have permission,” Quinn warned with evil delight.

  “Please…I need…need to come,” she panted breathlessly.

  “Oh, you will, gorgeous. When I decide it’s time. Unfortunately that time isn’t now.”

  His denial echoed in her head as he removed his fingers. When he took a step back, irritation clawed through her. “No. No. No,” she whimpered only to have her pitiful sounds of despair met with Quinn’s soft chuckle.

  Ava frowned. He enjoyed the fact that she was suffering…enjoyed it far too much.

  Suck it up, cupcake. He can’t keep you cuffed here forever.

  The thought flittered through her mind, followed by a feeling of sadness that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. She wanted to please him, not brood and sulk because he wasn’t giving her exactly what she wanted. The cuffs might be chaining her body but not her mind. It was past time she set her inner submiss
ive free.

  When she felt the whip feathering over her backside once more, Ava’s eyes slid shut. Let go. You’re safe. Treasured. Loved. As she repeated the mantra in her head, she slid back into the peaceful darkness, lulled by the rhythmic whisper of the whip.


  Quinn felt frustrated that Ava fought her surrender, though it wasn’t a total surprise. Unlike him, she’d not had time to prepare for any of this. He’d purposely kept his plans a secret, wanting to both gauge and absorb her unguarded and honest reactions. He wanted to see just how far she was willing to go in order to grow.

  Ava didn’t like change all that much, hence her struggle now. But Quinn had an even bigger surprise in store for her, one he hoped she would ascertain at dinner. This session was but a precursor…a small stone on the road. She’d soon be scaling a mountain if all went as intended. But first he had to annihilate the barrier she slid between them before his grand plan was revealed.

  Summoning all the patience he could muster, he remembered how she’d fought his Dominance in the beginning. Ava hadn’t been a member of Club Genesis long when he’d first met her. She hadn’t scened with any other Dominants, only gained an understanding of the lifestyle by watching others. It wasn’t until he’d managed to give her a taste of subspace that she’d finally handed over her control. And her power was a heady, delightful gift.

  He wanted to kick his own ass for not pushing her limits all along, but like a fool, he’d let work commitments rob him of his Dominant focus…Ava. He meant to fix that here and now.

  Though she obviously hadn’t yet grasped his design, Quinn held out hope that before the night was through, she’d comprehend the meaning of his strategy. He’d continue to reinforce his presence and command in order to show her how epic their journey could be together.

  Quinn didn’t give credence to the little voice inside his head warning this could all backfire in his face. Clenching his jaw in determination, he set the whip down and eased his chest firmly against her back. He felt a slight quiver ripple through her as he drank in the enticing heat pouring off her slender body. Quinn closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath. The scent of her spicy, slick cunt toyed with his senses. Parting his lips, he could almost taste her on his tongue…sweet, warm, delicious. He wanted to groan in frustration but instead pressed his lips against her shoulder as he reached between her legs. Liberally coating his fingers with her fiery essence, Quinn trailed fragile, soft kisses down her shoulder blades as he inched his way to his knees.

  Ava’s beguiling purrs and moans spurred him on even more. Mesmerized by the sight of her red-stained orbs, he dipped lower still. Peppering kisses over her crimson flesh, he paused and parted the cheeks of her ass with his thumbs. The sight of her tiny, puckered rosebud made his cock scream. Every fiber in his being shouted for him to release his dick and drive balls deep into her sinful, puckered passage. Denying himself the wicked pleasure of squeezing his throbbing crest through her gathered opening was sheer torture.

  But the poor bastard was at the mercy of Ava’s submission. A fact that had him briefly wondering who was submitting to whom.

  Leaning in closer, he extended his tongue before flicking the tip over her crinkled rim. Ava issued a mournful groan that morphed into a whimper of approval as she melted against the cross. Quinn issued an inward curse of frustration. Replacing his tongue with a thumb, he craned his neck, spreading open her slippery labia with his other hand before extending his tongue and lapping at her dripping nectar.

  With his thumb pressing through her tiny opening, Quinn felt the muscles in her legs tremble against his wide shoulders. And when he extended his tongue to focus on her clit before sliding two fingers into her quivering pussy, Ava cried out in ecstasy.


  The feel of his tongue, lips, fingers, and heated breath engulfing Ava’s sex set her ablaze. The conflagration of sensations lit her up brighter than all the lights in Vegas. Demand clamored up her spine and spread like lightning through her limbs. The decadent tingle splintered the ethereal clouds of subspace. But Ava didn’t mind…didn’t mind one damn bit. She tried not to focus too keenly on the overload of pleasure he capably gave, but the blistering need rising inside her was more than she could contain. She prayed Quinn would grant her permission. But the quickening buzzing inside flooded her system. The familiar numbness spread from her core and down her thighs.

  “I can’t… hold—”

  “Come for me, princess,” Quinn snarled against her pulsating pussy.

  The vibration of his words over her flesh combined with his luridly thrusting fingers and invading thumb ignited her toward the heavens like a rocket. Ava screamed out his name as ecstasy had her splintering into a million convulsing shards. Her cunt clutched and milked at his fingers as her cries echoed off the dungeon walls.

  Before she could begin to slide back to earth, Quinn stood and moved in close behind her. The metal teeth of his zipper sent a new wave of relief to spread through her.

  “Beg for it, baby,” Quinn demanded in a hoarse and needy tone.

  “Please…fuck me, Master,” she panted, breathlessly.

  “Louder,” he growled.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me hard,” she screamed. “I need your cock slamming deep inside me…please.”

  Quinn exhaled a curse. He gripped her hair roughly with one hand while he aligned the fat head of his cock against her quaking pussy with the other. With a feral, unmerciful thrust, he drove himself deep inside her. Pain fused with pleasure, and Ava cried out as she worked to accept his invading girth.

  “How hard do you want it, princess?” he whispered in an animalistic tone. His warm breath cascading over her ear and down her neck sent a shiver through her. “You feel so goddamn perfect…so hot and silky. I could stay inside your tight little cunt forever.”

  “I don’t care,” she panted, needing him to move…needing to feel the friction of his shaft sliding in and out of her sweltering core. “I just want to please you, Master. Take me any way you’d like, but please…I need it now.”

  Though he’d pinned her whole body against the cross, Ava rocked her hips, bumping her pelvic bones against the unyielding wood. She’d probably be wearing bruises by morning, but she didn’t care. The only thing she wanted…no, needed, was for Quinn to drive his delicious hard cock in and out of her and relieve the blinding pressure burning inside.

  “You need it? Need what?” he taunted, nipping at the fluttering pulse point at the crook of her neck.

  Ava issued a mournful groan as she rocked her ass against his steely abs.

  “That’s not an answer, princess. Do I need to get the whip back out?”

  “No,” she cried. “Oh, god. Help me, Master. I’m dying here.”

  “Help you with what?”

  His derisive tone and maddening mind games were driving her insane. “Fuck me, goddamnit,” she barked. “Move.”

  “Who makes the rules here, girl?” he asked, sinking his teeth into the tender flesh below her earlobe.

  The frustration of the moment tried to yank her from where she wanted to be, but Ava clawed her way and held on. “You do, Master,” she whimpered as a tear trickled down her cheek.

  “Then tell me what you need…the right way, slave.”

  His whiskey-rich inveigling tone dripped over her flesh like thick, warm honey. Ava closed her eyes as a needful whimper rolled over her tongue. “Please…fuck me, slow and deep. The burn is too much. I’m going up in flames. I need you to put this fire out. Please. No one can make it better except you.”

  His satisfied hum tickled the rim of her ear as he eased, inch after agonizing inch, from inside her. Ava issued a sigh of relief only to suck in a gasp as Quinn drove himself deep once again. Mewling, she met his thrusts as a new kind of burn enveloped her. A magical, mystical heat that melted her bones and engulfed her in a fiery blaze.

  Ava’s head swam. Her body sang. And Quinn pumped past her quivering muscles with a tantalizing and demandi
ng rhythm. He claimed more than her body…he claimed her soul. And she was more than happy to give him that…give him her all. Gone were her reservations, insecurities, and doubts. They’d been replaced by a glorious completeness—a euphoria that only Quinn could give.

  “Yes. Oh, god…yes,” she gasped, gripping the edges of the cross.

  Ava held on tight as he drove her back up with each rhythmic, feral thrust. His hot breath spilled over her neck. Quinn’s woodsy cologne mingled with the heady tang of sex in the air, driving her need high and hard. Even the fact that Quinn was still fully clothed and the metal of his zipper that chaffed her enflamed orbs didn’t distract from the euphoria suffusing her. The symbolism of her being stripped bare didn’t escape her, either, and understanding seeped into her lust-filled haze.

  Quinn wasn’t making love to her, at least not in his usual way. No, he had a purpose for this raw, animalistic act of sex. She simply didn’t know what it could be. Ava’s body began to tense. God, she didn’t want to fail him…not again. Sensing the change in her, Quinn drove deep inside her, then stilled. He burrowed his face against the slope of her neck, dragging his whiskers over her flesh, before trailing his tongue up the side of throat close to her ear.

  “Come back to me, princess. Get out of your head. Follow where I lead you,” he murmured in a patient and loving tone.

  Lifting her chest from the cross, Quinn wrapped both arms around her and pulled her tight against his rugged body. Surrounded in his decadent heat, she was disappointed by the barrier of clothing separating them. Still, Ava took refuge in his strong arms. He silently held her for several minutes before reaching up and releasing the metal carbine that bound her to the cross. Quinn then clasped each of her wrists and drew her arms down to her sides. Slowly withdrawing himself from inside her, he bent and released the cuffs at her ankles. A wave of panic crested through her. She’d done it…failed to surrender her all to him. Tears stung the backs of her eyes, and Ava desperately tried to blink them away.


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