Silverback Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 10)

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Silverback Bear (Return to Bear Creek Book 10) Page 10

by Harmony Raines

  “Wine?” Harlan asked as they went into the sitting room.

  “Please,” Suzie accepted a glass from Harlan. “But only one glass. I want a clear head for tomorrow.”

  “Same for me,” Elizabeth said as Harlan passed her a glass.

  “And soda for me, I’m the designated driver.” Dean accepted a glass from Ruby. “Thanks.”

  “Shall we make a toast?” Harlan asked.

  “Yes.” They all murmured in agreement.

  “To Suzie and Kit.” Harlan raised his glass. “And their special day.”

  “To Suzie and Kit,” they all agreed.

  “May their marriage be as happy as ours,” Harlan added, with a wink to Fiona, who smiled sweetly. Elizabeth could sense the slight tension between them.

  “You two are happy,” Ruby said firmly. “It’s just that sometimes you forget it.”

  Sapphi stifled a laugh, and Samuel, who was sitting on a playmat on the floor, squealed happily.

  “Have we come at a bad time?” Dean asked directly, which was met with a laugh from Harlan.

  “No, I’m teasing Fiona.” Harlan moved to stand next to his wife and put an arm around her shoulder. “It’s not something she’s used to.”

  “That’s because your idea of teasing is not funny. Not in this age, or any other.” But Fiona rested her head on his shoulder, and looked content.

  “One thing our marriage has taught me,” Harlan continued, “Is that you can’t teach an old dragon new tricks.”

  “That works both ways.” Fiona prodded Harlan. “I have yet to train Harlan to understand his jokes are not funny.”

  “Mom is right about your jokes,” Ruby agreed.

  Sapphi laughed. “They might have been funny a century or two ago.”

  “See?” Fiona told Harlan.

  “Everyone’s a critic.” Harlan laughed along with them, not upset at all about his family turning on him.

  “I think what my husband is trying to say, is that not only do we wish Suzie and Kit a wonderful happy life together, even if Kit isn’t here right now,” Fiona began, “but we also send Elizabeth and Dean all our best wishes. And wish our children health and happiness, and that they find their mates and have children of their own, so they can know exactly what their parents had to put up with.”

  Sapphi rolled her eyes. “Is this still about my phone?”

  “It might be,” Fiona nodded.

  “It is,” Harlan added.

  “OK, my turn,” Dean said, stepping forward. “My toast is to all of us, and that we all live long lives, in the presence of family and friends we love and treasure.”

  “To treasure,” Sapphi and Ruby chorused.

  Dean laughed. “Trust a couple of dragons to think of that kind of treasure.”

  “We know what you mean,” Sapphi said. “And seeing Louise so happy, makes me less hostile to finding my mate.”

  “Why would you be hostile?” Suzie was surprised.

  “Because I want a career. I want to go to college, and see the world before I have a mate and babies.” Sapphi looking older than her eighteen years.

  “The two are not exclusive,” Suzie told her gently.

  “Maybe not.”

  “Mr. Right is out there for you,” Fiona said maternally. “And if you do meet him, you can always make him stay home with the babies.”

  “OK, let’s eat!” Harlan said, trying to defuse the situation, and led them to the dining room. They all followed, with Fiona last, carrying young Samuel in her arms. Elizabeth was surprised to see the gentleness in Fiona’s face. If she had to guess what kind of shifter Fiona was, Elizabeth would never have guessed a dragon, because she looked like as soft as a pussycat.

  She caught Dean watching her, watching Fiona, and smiled. Maybe this was better than a mug of cocoa and a movie. After all, this was a slice of real life. Something she had not experienced too much before. But the more she did experience life, the more she craved it.

  Chapter Sixteen – Dean

  “Dinner was interesting,” Suzie commented as they drove back to her house.

  “They’re a hoot,” Dean replied. “I’ve known Fiona for years, but it’s only since she met Harlan and adopted the girls that I really got to know her.”

  “Yes, I thought she was as hard as nails, until she found love.” Suzie settled back in her seat. “Love changes us all.”

  Dean looked at Elizabeth who was sitting quietly beside him. Suzie was right, he’d changed in the last couple of days, and so had Elizabeth.

  “I’m ready for my bed,” Suzie said yawning. “I hadn’t planned to stay so late.

  “It was fun, though,” Elizabeth added.

  “You sound surprised.” Dean steered the truck down the steep road, taking extra care. He was not going to be the one to ruin the wedding by putting them all in the hospital.

  “I am.” Elizabeth shrugged. “Intimate family gatherings are not really my thing.”

  “You aren’t the only one who isn’t family,” Suzie said.

  Elizabeth turned to Suzie. “I think Fiona and her family see you and Dean as family.”

  “Really?” Suzie sounded pleased. “Maybe making Fiona my maid of honor was a good move.”

  “I thought she was a bridesmaid?” Dean asked.

  “Only because that’s what she wanted to be. She said maid of honor was misleading, since she is no longer a maid, and as a dragon, her honor might not be intact either.” Suzie giggled. “I have no idea what she’s talking about, and was not going to argue with her over it.”

  “Here we are ladies, home sweet home.” Dean pulled up outside Suzie’s house, and got out of the truck. He ran around to the passenger side and opened the door, helping first Suzie, and then Elizabeth, out of the truck.

  “Thank you so much, Dean.” Suzie flung her arms around him. “See you tomorrow.”

  “You have sweet dreams,” Dean told her.

  “I will.” Suzie walked across the gravel driveway to the house. “Take your time, Mom, I’ll make us some cocoa.” She swung back around. “Unless you want to come in, Dean?”

  “No, you two need to get some rest. Another time.” He took hold of Elizabeth’s hand and they stood together, watching Suzie mount the porch steps and open the front door.

  “I can’t believe my baby is going to get married tomorrow,” Elizabeth murmured quietly, almost to herself.

  “It’s going to be quite a day.” Dean threaded his fingers through her hair, pushing it back from her face. Then he lowered his head and kissed her lips. “I hope it will be our turn soon. To get married, so we can make jokes about my jokes.”

  She chuckled, resting her head on his chest. He smoothed her hair, not wanting to let her go. “One day. I just don’t think I’m ready to go through the stress of planning a wedding. Not so soon after Suzie’s.”

  “There’s no rush. I want you to be my wife, but I can wait, as long as you promise to move in with me as soon as possible.” He lifted his head, and continued, knowing what her argument would be. “I can wait until Louise and Zak tie the knot and move out. But after that…please?”


  His heart thumped in his chest, excitement filling him. “You mean it?”

  “I do…” She gasped. “I mean, I do, to moving in with you.”

  “That is a start.” He wrapped his large hand around her waist and pulled her close, his arousal evident as his cock hardened in his pants. When Elizabeth pressed her body closer, and moved her hips in a subtle circular motion, he wasn’t sure he was going to be strong enough to let her go.

  “Good night, Dean,” Elizabeth whispered in his ear, her breath a gentle caress on his skin, which sent shivers throughout his body.

  “I don’t want this to end.” He held her close and captured her lips once more; she didn’t fight him or pull away. Instead, she clung to him, hungry with a need that matched his own.

  But she was stronger than him, the need to be with her daughter winning.
“Suzie needs me.”

  He pecked her lips one last time before loosening his hold on her. “Good night.”

  “See you tomorrow.” Elizabeth turned and walked toward the house.

  “You most certainly will,” Dean replied, and placed his hand on his truck, willing his feet not to follow her as she walked away.

  Elizabeth stopped on the porch steps, and turned to wave at him. He waved back, the tightness of his pants, as they stretched across his bulging groin, telling him he would need to go for a run to work off his arousal, or sleep would evade him tonight.

  Getting back in the truck, he turned around and drove out to the road. There he turned left, and headed back up the mountain. He was going to head over to see Kit and Jacob, maybe share a beer and go for a run with them.

  The night was glorious, the moon full, and he wound down the window and breathed in the scent of the mountain. He wanted to holler and whoop, to tell the world how happy he was. He settled for the radio and an old song from his younger days. Singing as he drove, he figured he was probably one of the happiest bears alive right now. But when he arrived at Jacob’s cabin, and saw Kit’s face, he decided he might have to share that title.

  “Hi there, Dean,” Kit said, getting up from the porch where he and Jacob, plus their younger brother, Neil, were sat drinking beer.

  “Hi there, thought I’d come over and tell you that I have delivered your bride safely home. They’re going to have cocoa and go to bed.” Dean took the beer Jacob offered him. “Just the one, thanks.”

  “We are going for a run, want to come?” Jacob asked. “Let Kit have one last night of freedom.”

  Dean sipped his beer. “I will not say no. I have a few kinks to work out myself.”

  “Dean here has just found his mate,” Kit explained. “We are going to be related.”

  “That’s so cool,” Neil said. “Any advice on finding a mate?”

  “None that would help you, since I’m not exactly a spring chicken.” Dean looked at Kit’s brothers. Neil was the smaller of the two, but still a bundle of ripped muscle. He worked at the fire station. Jacob, on the other hand, was taller, long-limbed and sinewy, he was the local ranger.

  “You just have to wait for fate to step in,” Kit said honestly. “There’s no forcing it.”

  Jacob sighed. “I don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon for me. I spend too much time on the mountain.”

  “You should start running guided tours,” Neil suggested. “All those fit women hiking up the mountain.”

  “No thanks, there are enough of those already.” Jacob shook his head. “I like my solitude.”

  “Then you are likely going to stay a lonely bear,” Kit teased.

  “Thanks, bro’. Hey, maybe I’ll forget your rings tomorrow,” Jacob threatened.

  The two brothers launched into a wrestling match. “If either of you gets a black eye, Mom is going to kill you,” Neil called, which killed Dean. He was doubled up with laughter as they rolled over and over.

  In a blur of fur, they shifted, the two men replaced by two brawling bears. Neil got up, and shifted too, biting their legs to get their attention, before running off into the woods that bordered Jacob’s cabin.

  Dean gulped down his beer, stood up, and stretched before shifting midair to thunder after them on four paws. The thrill of running with other bears filled him with excitement. His heart beat fast and his breath came in short bursts as he followed them up the trail onto the mountain.

  Tomorrow was for weddings. Tonight was for bears to be bears.

  Chapter Seventeen – Elizabeth

  “Morning, Suzie.” Elizabeth set a tray of food down on the bed next to her daughter.

  “What time is it?” Suzie asked, sitting up in bed.

  “A little after seven.”

  Suzie looked around wildly. “I should be getting ready.”

  “Relax, have some coffee and something to eat. There is plenty of time.” Elizabeth had allowed Suzie to sleep longer than planned since she had heard her daughter tossing and turning during the night. Now she at least looked refreshed, if a little frazzled.

  “I need coffee, but I’m not so sure about eating anything.”

  “Mom’s orders.” Elizabeth spread some chocolate spread on a piece of toast, and handed it to her daughter. “Just one piece.”

  “Just for you.” Suzie ate slowly, chewing each mouthful thoroughly before swallowing it. “You were right, I do feel better.”

  “Good.” Elizabeth sipped her coffee. “Now, Fiona and the girls will be here at nine. The hair stylist is due to arrive at nine thirty. So we have plenty of time. You have a bath, or a shower, it’s up to you.”

  “A shower. I don’t think I could sit still in a bath.” Suzie took another bite of her toast, and the color came back to her cheeks. “I’ll call Karen and ask her if the caterers have arrived.”

  “I already did that. And they have. They’re setting everything up. So there is no need for you to worry.” Elizabeth talked to Suzie in the same soothing voice she had used on the day of any big event. Whether it was a sports competition, or her prom, Elizabeth had always known what to say.

  “What about you?” Suzie took Elizabeth’s hand. “Are you worried?”

  “Not yet.” She smiled and pushed Suzie’s hair back from her face. “You are going to make the most beautiful bride.”

  “And so will you, one day.” Suzie tilted her head to one side. “You will marry Dean, won’t you?”

  “He hasn’t even asked.” Elizabeth tried to brush off the question.

  “He will. Probably as soon as today is over.” She smiled wistfully. “Dean is such a gentleman, he would never dream of trying to take attention away from me and Kit.”

  “He is one of a kind,” Elizabeth confessed.

  “You love him.” Suzie didn’t phrase it as a question.

  “I do.” Elizabeth placed her cup down on the tray. “It’s a scary thing to admit. You are the only person I have ever said those words to.”

  “Mom.” Suzie stroked her mom’s cheek. “Don’t let me be the last person you say them to.”

  “I won’t. Like it or not, Dean is in my life.”

  “Don’t sound too excited.” Suzie dragged herself out from under the covers, shivered in the cool morning air, and then dove back under into the warmth of her bed again, just like she had as a child.

  “I don’t mean it like that. What I mean is, that I don’t have a choice, do I?” Elizabeth meant everything to Dean, just as Suzie meant everything to Kit. It would take a hard-hearted woman to ignore the mating bond.

  “You could walk away. No one is making you stay.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “You know that is not true. I couldn’t hurt Dean, and that is what I would do if I turned him down.”

  “So you will marry him?” Suzie’s eyes danced with happiness.

  “If he asks me.” Elizabeth got up and lifted the tray off the bed. Suzie had talked her into a corner.

  “Oh, he’ll ask you. If I’m not mistaken, he has an engagement ring burning a hole in his pocket as we speak,” Suzie teased.

  “You think he’s already got the ring?” Elizabeth asked from the doorway.

  Suzie swung her legs over the side of the bed and got up, grabbing a warm robe and wrapping herself up in it. “If I know Dean, he probably went out and bought one the day you met.”

  Elizabeth stood and contemplated that thought as Suzie went to the bathroom and switched on the shower. Suzie really did think a marriage proposal was imminent. When she turned and walked down the stairs, Elizabeth was smiling. Maybe it was all the talk of weddings, maybe it was because this was her daughter’s special day. Or maybe because she was imagining Dean going down on one knee and asking her to marry him.

  The more times she went over it in her head, the bigger her smile got. Of course, she would say yes. No matter how many times her subconscious told her it was not something she wanted, the part of her brain that
was responsible for self-preservation told it to shut up. She was going to marry Dean.

  By nine o’clock, Suzie and Elizabeth were more than ready for the day to begin. The sound of Fiona’s car sent them running to the front door. The girls were out of the car as soon as it stopped. “We’re here!”

  “I can see,” Suzie said, hugging Ruby.

  “Harlan will wrestle Samuel into his suit and meet us there,” Fiona said. “A toddler running around while we are trying to get dressed is just asking for trouble.”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Suzie said. “Come in, have you eaten?”

  “We have.” Sapphi and Ruby went to the sitting room. “Although my stomach is doing back-flips. Trying the dresses on in the store is one thing, wearing them in front of a load of people is another.”

  “They won’t be looking at you, Sapphi,” Ruby told her. “All eyes will be on the bride.”

  “Except Dean’s,” Fiona said dryly, but there was an air of mischief about her. “I’ve never seen a man so smitten in such a short space of time.”

  “Really?” Ruby asked. “You always say Harlan fell in love with you in seconds.”

  “He did.” Fiona sighed. “He did.”

  Suzie giggled. “Before you met Harlan, I would never have taken you for a romantic.”

  “Meeting your mate does that to you,” Fiona said, somewhat philosophically. “And speaking of mates, we need to get ready if we aren’t going to keep yours waiting.”

  “We should,” Elizabeth agreed. “Hair first, then makeup. Then dresses.” She looked at her watch. “We have a couple of hours before the cars arrive.”

  Suzie took a deep breath. “OK, this is it.”

  “You’ll be ready in time, and the day will be perfect,” Fiona assured Suzie. “Believe me, no one would dare upset you when I’m around.”

  “I knew there was a reason I asked you to be my maid of…bridesmaid.” Suzie smiled at Fiona. “Thank you for everything.”

  “None of that sentimental stuff. I’m sure there will be enough tears throughout the day, without us starting now.” Fiona hugged Suzie. “I always liked you, for a boss, you weren’t half bad.”


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