Heal Me, Daddy

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Heal Me, Daddy Page 24

by Roberts, Laylah

  It wasn’t a question.

  “Thank you for everything. I’m sure I’ll see you again sometime.” When he visited Caley and Issy. God, how was he going to do that?

  “Oh, I’m sure of that. You know, I could use someone with your skills working for me.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You need a psychiatrist?”

  “For everyone on the ranch. Have you ever thought of targeting your services to people in the lifestyle? A lot need some help, yet don’t want to go to a vanilla therapist. So to speak.”

  It had been something he’d toyed with.

  “Anyway, give it a thought. The offer is there.”

  “I can’t move to Sanctuary.”


  “Well…it’s in the middle of nowhere. I prefer the city.”

  Kent rubbed his chin with his finger. “Ahh, that’s the excuse you’re going with.”

  “It’s not an excuse.”

  “No? Is that really the reason? Or is it because you can’t be around Caley without letting your feelings for her show?”

  “Do you blame me? How torturous do you think it would be to see them every day? To always want what I can’t have?”

  “And I’m telling you maybe you can have it. If you’re brave enough to ask.”

  “It wouldn’t work. Even if Issy and Caley agreed to that, I’m not…I can’t give her what she needs.”

  “What? A man that loves and adores her? That would do anything for her?”

  “I’m not a Daddy Dom,” he hissed.

  Kent grinned. “You’re not? Huh, that’s not what I’ve seen.”

  “What are you talking about?” Archer asked, confused.

  “You don’t have to label it. But I think you could definitely give her what she needs.” He patted Archer’s back. “Good luck, man. Look after her.”

  Like he’d do anything else.

  * * *

  Her nightmare woke him. Not that he’d really been asleep. Just dozing in an armchair next to her bed. The nurses had tried to get rid of him, but he’d charmed them into letting him stay.

  Like he was going to leave her.

  She whimpered, her head thrashing back and forth. Shit. Poor darling. No wonder she was didn’t want to sleep. Every time she drifted off, she had a nightmare.

  “Easy, love. You’re safe.”

  She didn’t react to his words. In fact, her whimpers grew louder. He got out of the chair and sat next to her, clasping hold of her upper arm.

  “Poppet, I’m here. You’re safe.”

  “Issy. Daddy.”

  Maybe she didn’t want him. Maybe she needed Issy. And only Issy.

  Self-doubt ate at him.


  His eyes widened at the sound of his name coming from her lips. He leaned in, mindful of her hands.

  “I’m here, poppet. You’re safe.”

  Another whimper, quieter though. Working on instinct, he carefully moved her over then lay next to her on the bed, gathering her close. He’d be in trouble if he was caught by one of the nurses. But he’d do whatever it took to help her.

  Immediately, he felt the tension in her ease.

  “You’re safe, baby girl. My gorgeous little poppet. Your smile like sunshine. You’ve brought color to my cold world, did you know that? Thought I was happy with my life until you tripped your way into it.”

  “Archer,” she said on a breath. He knew she was still sleeping, but it was like she could hear him.

  “I made a big mistake, poppet. Walking away without at least trying to fight for you.” He sighed. But there was a lot to think about. “I love you, darling girl. All of me loves you. I’ll give you whatever you need. How you need it. What I can’t do is stay away from you indefinitely. I nearly lost you.” She let out a quiet noise. “Hush. You’re safe. I’m watching over you.”

  Another small whimper. He leaned in, his mouth against her ear.

  “Daddy’s here, poppet.” No, that wasn’t quite right. He wasn’t Daddy. “You’re safe. Papa won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  She fully relaxed, slipping into a big sleep. And a feeling of rightness came over him. Maybe he couldn’t be exactly what Issy was to her. But he’d have his own part in her life.

  If Issy didn’t kill him, that is.

  * * *

  Doc raced into the hospital, his heart pounding.

  She was hurt. There had been a fire.

  He hadn’t been there.

  Guilt was flaying him along with the terror. He hadn’t been there, and she’d gotten hurt. Damn Zander anyway. The asshole had a jammer that had prevented him from using his phone.

  He should have just left him.

  He’d been gone less than four days. He didn’t think anything would happen in that time.

  He’d been wrong.

  He was never leaving her again. She was far too precious to him. He ignored a warning from a nurse to slow down and moved to the room number he’d been given, opening the door.

  And he froze at the sight that greeted him.

  He knew Archer was with her. It was the only thing that had kept him sane. When he’d talked to Archer, she’d been sleeping, but Archer had given him the lowdown. Her cabin had caught on fire, it and everything in it was completely gone. She’d run into a burning fucking building to grab a damn toy. He’d sworn long and loudly upon hearing that.

  Archer had to calm him down, reminding him that she hadn’t been thinking rationally. That she’d lost everything.

  She was in the hospital with second-degree burns to her hands and suffering from smoke inhalation. If she had someone to take care of her, they would likely release her tomorrow.

  Well, he’d see to that. She was coming home with him and she’d be lucky if she wasn’t grounded until she was fifty.

  Later. That could all come later. Once he’d ensured her health.

  But none of that was what made him pause in the doorway. He was struck still as Archer wiped Caley’s face gently with a napkin. Then he picked up a sandwich, feeding her.

  It was an innocent gesture. There was nothing untoward about any of it. But there was something so intimate in the way they stared at each other.

  Doc studied his brother, noticed the soft smile on his face. Then he looked to Caley. She stared up at Archer, happiness radiating from her.

  He frowned. Something stirred inside him. Jealousy? Suspicion?

  “What’s going on here?”


  She started choking on the sandwich that Archer had just fed her. He ended up leaning her forward and patting her back.

  “Spit it out, love. Spit it out!” He held his hand cupped under her mouth.

  Eww. Gross.

  “Caley, spit. Now.”

  She spat it out, her nose wrinkling in disgust. Archer didn’t look as though it bothered him in the slightest. He just grabbed a napkin and wiped up the mess.

  “Issy. Why did you have to yell like that? This is a hospital. She’s recovering.” Archer turned to glare at his brother.

  Issy was here.

  She smiled as she turned to look at him. Then she saw something hard on his face. Her smile dropped. Why was he so upset? Was it something she’d done? But how?

  Did he not want her anymore?

  Panic flooded her. Archer turned to her; his eyes filled with concern. “Don’t worry, love. He’s not angry at you.”

  “Don’t call her that.” Issy stepped forward, his hands curled into fists. “How long?”

  “What?” she asked. “How long what?”

  “Hush, love,” Archer said quietly. “He’s not talking to you.”

  Archer had been her rock since he arrived. He’d cajoled her into eating. Kept her entertained. Cheered her up when she’d fallen apart. She didn’t know what she would have done without him. And she didn’t understand why Issy was so angry.

  “How long have you wanted her?”

  She gasped in a breath. “Issy, what are you talking about?”<
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  “Love, I told you to hush.” Archer’s voice was firmer this time. A hint of steel.

  “Don’t give her orders. She’s not yours.”

  “I know she’s not mine,” Archer said in a low voice. “Issy, think before you say anything more.”

  “Think? Think about what? Are you trying to take her from me? Like Evelyn?”

  “That’s not fair. You know I had no interest in Evelyn. She fixated on me. And nothing has happened between me and Caley. And before you say another word, you might want to remember that your submissive is injured and in a very vulnerable place right now. You might also remember that you promised we wouldn’t argue in front of her.”

  They both turned to look at her and that was when Issy’s blurry image softened.

  “Baby doll, don’t cry. I’m not upset with you.”

  “I…I don’t u-understand why you’re m-mad. Archer’s been here, t-taking care of me. I…there’s…he’s not…” A sob broke free and Issy strode forward. He carefully drew her into his arms, rocking her back and forth.

  He spoke to her in a quiet, reassuring voice. “I’m sorry, baby doll. Shh, hush now before you make yourself ill. I’m so sorry I gave you a fright.”

  She drew back and looked up at him. “I’ve missed you so much. I’m glad you’re here. I love you, Issy.”

  He drew in a sharp breath but before he could say anything, she continued on. “You don’t have to say it back. But I realize now that I can continue to live my life, scared of what might happen, hiding away, keeping myself safe or I can actually be brave, take a risk and find true happiness. Even though I’m scared something will happen and I’ll lose you, I know that I would forever regret it if I didn’t tell you how I feel. If I didn’t take a chance. I’d take a few weeks of happiness with you over a lifetime of loneliness without you.”

  “Baby doll, fuck, I love you too.” He cupped her face between his hands. “I have never been so terrified as I was when I found out that you’d been injured. You are everything. And I plan on having forever with you, but even if I don’t, know that every moment I spend with you is the happiest of my life.”

  He kissed her. It was soft, gentle and exactly what she needed. When he drew back, he wiped the tears off her cheeks. “I should have been there, I’m so sorry I wasn’t. That’s never going to happen again, because you’re going to be grounded until you’re fifty.”

  “Grounded, why?”

  “For running back into a burning fucking building and taking thirty years off my life.”

  “Oh, that.”

  “Oh, that,” he repeated. “But we’ll talk about that later. Just suffice to say that I am not letting you out of my sight for a long time. How are you feeling? You look tired and as though you’ve lost weight.”

  “I’m all right. Archer has been looking after me.” She glanced around, worry filling her. “Where is he? Where did he go?”

  “He left soon after I pulled you in for a hug,” he told her calmly.

  “Issy, I don’t understand why you were so angry at him. What did you mean about how he wants me? Archer doesn’t feel anything towards me.”

  Doc wiped his hand over his face. He was tired, hungry, he’d spent the last few days thinking about his girl, wanting to be with her, torn with his need to do his job and be with the woman he loved. So when he’d stormed into the hospital room and seen his brother leaning over his girl, the look on his face one of love and worship…

  Well, yeah, he’d lost it.

  Fucking idiot.

  “Issy? You don’t think that I…that Archer and I…”

  “Baby doll, of course I don’t think that. I wasn’t thinking…I’ve been frantic these past twelve hours, trying to get to you, worried about you. I hate that I wasn’t here for you. Taking care of you. I’m angry at myself about that.”

  “But why? You had to leave. You had to go help Zander and you couldn’t have known something would happen.”

  “I left you in a cabin on your own, with no one around for miles, in a house that was damn well falling down around you.” He shook his head, berating himself.

  “Issy, you couldn’t have known there would be a fire. I’ve lived there for years on my own.”

  “Yeah, but you weren’t mine then. Christ, I’m not sure how I’m going to let you out of my sight from now on.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll be all right.” She licked her lips. “Is that offer to, uhh, to move in with you, is that still, uhh…”

  He interrupted her awkward question by putting his hand gently over her mouth. “You’re moving into my cabin on Sanctuary Ranch. No buts. No arguments.”

  He removed his hand as tears welled in her eyes. “That’s good. Since I now seem to be homeless.” Her eyes widened. “Not that that is the reason I want to move in with you. I’d already made my mind up that I wanted to come with you to Sanctuary, especially after talking to Archer and—”

  “What has my brother got to do with this?”

  “Oh, we had a talk, before I left the cabin to say goodbye to Dave, where Dave’s ashes are. That’s where I was when the cabin went on fire…”

  “Wait, baby, calm down. Why don’t you start from the beginning, tell me everything?”

  He was silent as she went through everything. The new appliances arriving, her talk with Archer, her trip to say goodbye to Dave, the fire, trying to get hold of him and Archer. Then Kent and Archer arriving.

  He sighed. Fuck. He owed his brother a big apology. “I need to talk to Archer.”

  She nodded. “He’s been taking good care of me. Coaxing me into eating and sleeping.”

  His gaze narrowed. “You haven’t been doing either of those?”

  She shrugged. “Hard to eat with my hands bandaged. Plus, I haven’t had much appetite. I lost all my stuff, Issy. Everything I had of Dave.”

  “I know, baby doll. I know there were things that are irreplaceable and I’m sorry you lost them. But what’s really important is that you’re all right.”

  She sniffled, nodding. He drew her close, rocking her back and forth. “Everything is okay, baby doll. I’m here. I’ll take good care of you.”

  “You owe Archer an apology. All he’s done is been here for me. He’s a good brother.”

  Issy nodded. He agreed. He’d been an ass to think Archer would ever make a play for Caley. He trusted his brother.

  He’d make it up to him. He just hoped Archer understood.

  * * *

  Isaac walked out of her room fifteen minutes later, telling her he was going to go find something for her to eat. He didn’t like how drawn she was.

  He was reaching for his phone as soon as the door to her room shut behind him. He found his brother’s name and called him.

  “I’m in the waiting room on this floor. It’s empty,” Archer greeted him.

  He hung up without a word and headed down to the waiting room. He walked in and looked over at his brother, freezing in shock.

  Archer looked…defeated.

  He’d never seen him like that. His older brother might be a pain in his ass at times, but he was always a calm in the middle of a storm.

  A rock.

  “I’m sorry for the way I reacted,” Isaac told him. He felt ashamed of his behavior. Archer had been here taking care of his girl and he’d jumped down his throat. All because of his own insecurities.

  Archer let out a humorless bark of laughter. “Don’t. Don’t apologize when it’s me that should say sorry to you.”

  “Why? Look, I’m tired, hungry and stressed. I read something into what I saw that I shouldn’t have. I know you didn’t want Evelyn’s attention and I know —”

  “I love her, Issy.”

  Doc took a step back, feeling like he’d been sucker-punched. He what?

  “She doesn’t know any of this, so don’t blame her. But I can’t keep quiet. I love Caley. I think I have since the moment she asked me those ridiculous questions about whether I was a serial killer. Or at least tha
t was the start of it. I didn’t mean to. God, my life would be so much easier if I didn’t feel this way.”

  Issy gaped at him, barely able to breathe. This was not the conversation he’d thought he would have. “You never said anything.”

  Archer grimaced. “Because I thought I could leave without it hurting. I was fucking wrong. It hurts every fucking day I’m away from her. I didn’t think I could give her what she needs. What you can give her. I thought you were better for her.”

  “And now you don’t think that?” Was he going to try to take her?

  “No. God, no. Issy, I don’t want to take her from you. I don’t think I could. She loves you.”

  “Then what the fuck do you want?” Issy demanded.

  Archer ran his hand over his face. “I nearly lost her, Issy. We nearly did. I can’t live my life without at least knowing that I tried to…that I did everything possible to…”

  “Archer, fucking tell me.”

  “I want to share her.”

  Doc stared at him. A million emotions ran through him and he struggled to grab onto one. The one he managed to grasp hold of probably wasn’t the best one.


  “Share her? Share her? She’s not some freaking toy you pass around, Archer!”

  Archer flinched. “I know that. I would never disrespect her like that.”

  “You think this is respectful?”

  “It is if it’s what she needs, Issy. What she desires. What if what she wants is both of us? Are you going to deny her that? Do you really find it so objectionable to share her with me?”

  What she wanted?

  “Have you talked to her about this?”

  “No. Of course not. She’s not in a position to hear this. She needs time to heal, to get over the loss of her home.”

  “Then you’re going to leave now. And we’re both going to forget you ever said this.”

  Archer flinched. “Issy—”

  “Don’t call me that. Leave, Archer. And just don’t call me for a while.” He turned away.

  “I’ll leave, but I’m not giving up.”


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