Passion Overtime

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Passion Overtime Page 12

by Pamela Yaye

  The women erupted in laughter.

  “You guys, I really have to go,” Chloe said, standing.

  “You haven’t even been here for five minutes!” Pointing at Chloe’s full cocktail glass, Kyra frowned disapprovingly at her. “Chloe, reunion weekend is for you, too, you know. You’ve been running yourself ragged all weekend. Take a load off, girl!”

  “I will, later. There’s still a lot that needs to be done,” she explained. Smiling, Chloe waved and strode purposefully out of the VIP lounge.

  The familiar, bass-heavy beat of “Push It” filled the club. “The DJ’s playing my song!” Kyra shrieked, rocking from side to side. “This song takes me way back!”

  “I know, he went deep into the vault for this one,” Tamara joked, retrieving her cell phone and checking for missed calls.

  Curious to see which other Hollington alumni were in attendance, Kyra stepped out onto the private balcony and looked out the over the dance floor. Hands clapping, bodies swaying, dancers rocked to the infectious hip-hop beat.

  Her gaze panned the crowd, and landed on everyone’s favorite running back. Behind the shelter of the private balcony, she scoped the gorgeous ex-athlete out. In a three-button suit, vest and matching fedora tilted dangerously to the side, he was easily the best-looking man in the club. Terrence had amassed enormous wealth over the years, which made him an easy target for gold diggers, but tonight he wasn’t surrounded by a flock of beauties. He was talking to President Morrow and members of the student council, and though his restless gaze spoke of his boredom, he wore a gracious smile.

  Kyra would never admit it to anyone, but she loved having Terrence around. He had a wonderful sense of humor and was always up for a good time. Misplaced trust had been her downfall before, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d changed. He was the same fun, charismatic guy he’d been in university, but he was infinitely more considerate, more patient and more caring.

  Their eyes met through the jam-packed club. Caught staring, her face flushed with an oven-like heat. The man was every woman’s fantasy. A living, breathing, wet dream. The crowd went mad when R&B singer Justice Kane took the stage, but Kyra’s gaze was glued to Terrence. He lifted his glass in a silent toast, then drowned it in a smooth, fluid swig. He said something to President Morrow, then disappeared in the thick crowd.

  “Looking for me?”

  Kyra jumped as if she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Or in this case, with her eyes all over Terrence Franklin. Arranging her lips into a smile, she turned toward Charles, and greeted him. “Hi. You made it.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t stay long. I promised my parents we’d stop by the country club for drinks. They’re really anxious to meet you.”

  Meet his parents? Kyra wasn’t going to let him dictate when and where she went, and told him so. “Charles, it’s reunion weekend. I haven’t seen most of these people in ten years. And to be honest, I’m not ready to meet your parents. We’ve only known each other for a few—”

  He cut her off. “Let’s not worry about it now. We have plenty of time to socialize with your friends before we have to leave.”

  Didn’t he hear what I just said? Seething inwardly but determined not to let Charles ruin her night, she waved at her sorority sisters dancing down below. Beside her, Charles complained about the overpriced drinks.

  Wishing she was somewhere else, Kyra searched for a quick getaway. No emergency door, no fire extinguisher, no trap door. Where were her girlfriends when she needed them? Unfortunately for her, Beverly was the only person around, and she was sitting in a secluded corner with a striking dark-skinned man. Kyra hadn’t seen Tamara since she’d left in search of the washrooms ten minutes earlier, and Chloe was busy seeing to the items on her growing checklist.

  “Let’s get out of here. All this rap music is giving me a headache.”

  “It’s not rap. It’s R&B,” she told him.

  For weeks, Kyra had considered breaking things off with Charles, and as she listened to him reproach the waiter for taking too long with the bill, she scolded herself for not dumping him sooner. “I’m going to go check on my friend, Tamara. She’s been gone a really long time and I’m starting to get worried.”

  “We better get going. I told my parents we’d be at the country club by ten.”

  His breath could start a campfire. To create more space, she inched over to the left. Kyra fingered the stem of her cocktail glass to keep from wringing his neck. Charles must be more drunk than she thought, because he was getting more annoying by the minute.

  Charles guzzled the rest of his drink. Up on his feet, he swayed slightly, before righting himself. “Go say goodbye to your friends, and I’ll bring the car around.”

  Stunned, her mouth ajar, she stared at him disbelievingly. The insurance sales rep was obviously off his rocker if he thought she was leaving with him. Charles might think he was invincible, but after chugging four drinks, he could hardly stand straight. “I’m not going anywhere with you. You’re so drunk you can barely stand.”

  “Shut your mouth,” he snarled. “Someone might hear you.”

  Kyra started to speak, but broke off when the music stopped. Standing, she peered out over the dance floor. When she saw Kevin Stayton holding the microphone with his free hand outstretched to Chloe, Kyra rushed over to the balcony. Her friend dazzled in a stunning pomegranate-red dress, but she looked as if she was about to faint.

  “I am delighted, thrilled, relieved and proud to introduce Chloe Jackson to everyone as my future wife.”

  Sighing deeply, Kyra wondered if she’d ever find a love so magical and real. Kevin’s voice was strong, his words convincing and his eyes filled with pure admiration. With all the passion and emotion of a man in love, he boldly declared his feelings for Chloe Jackson. It was a romantic, heartfelt moment, and though Kyra was thrilled for her friend, she couldn’t ignore the ache in her heart. She’d never thought of herself as inferior to anyone, but didn’t she deserve a relationship as loving as the one Chloe had?

  “I’m going to go get the car. Meet me out front in five minutes.”

  Mustering what little patience she had left, she faced him, saying, “Charles, this isn’t working. I think we’d be better off as friends.”

  Lips curled into a sneer, he stared right through her, as if he hadn’t heard a word she’d said. “We’re not going to discuss this here. It’s a party, right? Why would you ruin it by getting all emotional on me?”

  He tried to kiss her, but she turned her head. Chuckling, he glanced around the room, smiling at no one in particular. “You’re so drunk you probably won’t even remember this conversation in the morning.”

  Realizing he couldn’t be reasoned with, Kyra decided to save her breath. “I’ll call a cab to take you to the country club. You’re in no condition to drive.”

  Charles grabbed Kyra’s arm so hard, she winced.

  “No, we’re leaving together,” he spat through clenched teeth.

  Startled by his aberrant behavior, she smiled tightly, ignoring the knife-like pain in her arm. Kyra never imagined someone as proper as Charles Roberts would be capable of hurting her. His seeming gentility had obviously been an act, put on to impress her and make her believe he was an upstanding guy. “I’m only going to say this once,” Kyra said, controlling the tremor in her voice. “Let go of my arm, Charles, or you’ll be sorry.”

  Terrence was offering a toast to the class of ’99 when he spotted Kyra up on the second-floor balcony. He’d never been the type to fawn over a woman, but the PR director made his head spin. Tonight, she was a goddess in gold and he couldn’t help picturing her naked, in nothing but those black, ankle-tie pumps. Not only did she rev his engines, she challenged his way of thinking and made him hungry to settle down—with her.

  Needing a distraction, he turned to the bartender and ordered another drink. Kyra’s overall animosity toward all men—the good ones and the jerks—made it almost impossible for him to get clo
ser to her, but he wasn’t giving up.

  When Terrence spotted Charles, he shook his head. Letting Charles have Kyra wasn’t an option. She was his dream girl. The type of woman he could see himself marrying. And if the businessman thought he was going to ride off into the sunset with the stunning PR director, he was sadly mistaken because Terrence didn’t play to win, he played for keeps.

  Watching and waiting, he plotted his next move. The party was a hot bed of good-looking women, but Terrence only had eyes for Kyra. He was drinking champagne, planning the perfect date for her, when he saw Charles grab her arm. The lights were low, but he saw the startled expression that flashed across Kyra’s face. Slamming down his glass, he pushed his way through the crowd and bolted into the waiting elevator.

  Heart racing, adrenaline flowing, he shot across the hall, and didn’t stop running until he was inside the VIP room. Expecting to find Kyra in tears, or worse, fighting off Charles, he glanced around, searching the room anxiously for her.

  Terrence felt a tap on his shoulder and spun around. Kyra. His joy at seeing her was indescribable and in the space of a few seconds, his emotions vacillated from anger to relief. “Kyra, I’m so glad you’re okay! I was worried about you.”


  He’d obviously misread the situation, but couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. “I saw Charles grab your arm and thought…”

  Spreading her hands at her side in a dramatic gesture of helplessness, she lifted her head and batted her eyelashes at him, playing the role of the damsel in distress to the hilt. “What, you thought he was up here pushing me around? I told Charles if he didn’t let go of me, things would get real ugly, real quick, and he took off running. I might be petite, but I’m no wallflower,” she explained in a strong, confident voice. “I don’t need you charging in here to save me, Terrence. I can take care of myself.”

  Nodding, he impeded a smile. Nothing made Kyra angrier than being disrespected, and he should have known that the feisty PR director wouldn’t need his help.

  “I’m surprised you’re not out there dancing with your sorority sisters,” he said, gesturing with his head to the dance floor. “You used to love a good party and I remember having to drag you out of the club on more than one occasion.”

  Kyra laughed. “I’m going to get out there, don’t you worry!”

  “Good. I’ll buy you a cocktail and then you can show me what you’ve got.”

  They shared light, playful banter while they waited for their drinks to arrive. His easygoing personality made him a hit with the ladies, but when their former classmates asked him to dance, he said no. Wanting privacy, Terrence led Kyra over to the sofa loveseat positioned against the far wall.

  A scintillating conversation about relationships ensued. Kyra could have easily spent the rest of the night talking to Terrence. He was interested in what she had to say, made her laugh and complimented her outfit on more than one occasion. His words were genuine, heartfelt. Not rehearsed worn-out lines. Terrence made her feel incredibly special. It was more than just what he said. It was the concentrated expression on his face, the strength of his gaze, the way he lovingly caressed her hands. And when a sensual Motown ballad filled the air, Kyra stood and went willingly into his open arms.

  Chapter 14

  Kyra was laughing so hard, she couldn’t put the key into the lock.

  “It looks like somebody’s had one too many drinks!” Terrence teased, gripping her elbow to steady her shaky movements. Chuckling, he pushed open the door, stepped aside and waited for her to enter before clicking the lock.

  Kyra dropped her keys on the oak table. “Thanks for giving me a ride, Terrence. I’d still be waiting for a taxi if I hadn’t run into you and Kevin outside of Bollito’s.”

  “You said you were going to congratulate Chloe, but when you didn’t come back, I figured you were brushing me off.” Terrence stared at her, his gaze strong and penetrating. “What happened to that sweet, innocent girl I used to know? She never would have run off on me.”

  Realizing he was teasing, she laughed. “This whole weekend has been amazing, and I’m actually a little bummed that it’s coming to an end. I hope another ten years don’t go by before we all get together again.”

  “Whether or not I accept the head coaching position, I plan on seeing a lot more of you, Kyra. Even if it means flying in every weekend to play trivia with you at The Tavern.” Stepping forward, he closed his arms around her, gathering her tightly to his chest. “Do you know what my biggest regret in life is?”

  Kyra sucked in a breath. Tomorrow, she might regret letting Terrence hold her, but tonight she relished in the familiar touch of his hands. They hadn’t been this close in years, but being with Terrence felt right.

  “I should have married you when I had the chance. It’s not that I didn’t love you, Ky. I was scared. Scared that we wouldn’t make it.” Cupping her cheeks affectionately, he bathed her lips with his mouth. He kissed her with finesse, with ease, lightly licking the slope of her lips and tracing his hands along, over and down her bare shoulders.

  The deeply satisfying kiss whetted her appetite for more. His chest was a wall of muscle, and her nipples hardened against his muscular physique. Melting into the embrace, she curved her arms around him, praying he wouldn’t stop. Falling in love with Terrence was a recipe for disaster, but a few hours of passion were not only welcome, but needed.

  His soulful whispering was her undoing. At heart, she was the same young, whimsical girl who’d once lived for his kiss and his love. His voice was as sensual as a feather drawn across her back and sent shivers down to her toes.

  Lost in wild delight, her body throbbing with desire, she rubbed his chest. Kyra started to unbutton his dress shirt, but Terrence covered her hands with his own. “Mind if I use your bathroom?” A wicked grin fell across his mouth. “I had this sexy PR director grinding on me at Bollito and she wouldn’t let me out of her sight!”

  “You’re such a liar!”

  Terrence chuckled when Kyra rolled her eyes. “Do you have any aspirin?”

  “Sure, there’s some in the cabinet. I’ll get you a glass of water.”

  “Make it a beer instead.”

  “Alcohol and aspirin don’t mix,” she told him, her tone matter-of-fact. “Go on, and I’ll meet you in the living room.” Kyra turned towards the kitchen, but Terrence grabbed her hand, pulling her to him for another kiss. Longing rushed through her, and his light kisses ignited her passion. “Hurry back,” she quipped, breaking away.

  After downing a couple of aspirin, Terrence washed his hands and opened the bathroom door. Sticking his head out into the hall, he cocked his ears and listened intently. He could hear Kyra moving around the kitchen and decided this was the perfect time to give himself a private tour of her condo. He’d been to the house twice since landscaping her yard, but she wouldn’t let him see inside the master bedroom. Curiosity had been gnawing at him ever since, and if he was quick, he could be in and out without her ever knowing.

  He glanced over his shoulder, gripped the handle and pushed open the door. He was instantly struck by the dizzying scent of vanilla. The bedroom, with its satin sheets, jumbo floor cushions and elevated sleigh bed, exuded charm and positive energy. Tall windows and rich saturated reds and browns reinforced the cozy feel of her home.

  The velvet love seat sure looked inviting. Lowering himself onto the couch, he picked up the remote laying on the glass table and hit the power button. Terrence was flipping channels when he heard Kyra calling his name.

  “Did you get lost on your way back to the living room?”

  Terrence laughed. “No, I’m just taking a load off. I wanted to catch the tail end of Lost and liked the idea of kicking it in here.” Winking, he draped his long arms around the couch. “Everything’s just so darn cute!”

  Her eyes gleamed and glowed, and he knew she was trying hard not to laugh. “There’s a TV out there,” she said, pointing down the hall.
/>   “I know, but I’m starving and it smells like tropical fruit in here!”

  They laughed.

  “All right. Let me get my rusty butt off your adorable little couch.” He started to stand, but Kyra put a hand on his shoulder. “Stay. Mi casa es su casa.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. Nice outfit,” he said, loving the sexy way her bottom filled out the cotton shorts. “All you need is a pair of pom-poms and you could join the cheerleading squad! Bet that would increase ticket sales!”

  Her giggles filled the room. Kyra went into the kitchen, and returned minutes later carrying a plate of turkey sandwiches. “I love this show,” she gushed, flopping down beside him on the couch. “Matthew Fox is so damn sexy it’s nauseating! If it wasn’t for him, I never would’ve started watching.”

  Caught up in the action-packed drama, they fell quiet. “That did the trick.” Terrence put down the plate. “Guess I can’t convince you to make me another one, huh?”

  “Terrence, you had three!” she criticized, poking him in the shoulder. “Don’t push it, buddy. You’re lucky I even let you eat in here. As soon as you leave, I’m going to bust out my handheld vacuum!”

  “All right, I can take a hint. I’m out of here.”

  He stood, but she gripped his arm. “Don’t go.”

  “All right. I guess I could hang out a while longer.”

  “No, I want you to spend the night.”

  His grin fell like porcelain on wood.

  “I want you, Terrence,” she whispered, reaching for his hands and placing them around her. Suddenly, thoughts of making love to him ruled Kyra’s loose mind. Her heart was beating loud and fast. Fast enough to require immediate medical attention, but instead of taking a moment to catch her breath, she went one step further. “We’ve been fighting this thing between us long enough. I’m attracted to you, and I know you feel the same way.”

  He lifted, then lowered his eyebrows. “I can’t stay here. It wouldn’t be right.”


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