Going All In

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Going All In Page 6

by Cassandra Carr

  “I want you again,” he whispered, and Annalise shivered. “But I need a little time. Maybe after dinner. Besides, it’s your turn to come. I’m getting addicted to watching you fly apart in my arms.”

  “I want that too.” She couldn’t believe she’d admitted that. What kind of woman was Marcus making her into?

  “Then lie back and let me take care of you.” He parted her legs and pulled her so he could kneel on the floor. “You’re so pretty.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. I love your body. There’s your long hair that I can tangle my hands in, your gorgeous breasts that I love sucking on, this beautiful little clit I’m about to drive wild, and best of all, your face. Man, I could kiss you for hours. I’d develop a lethal case of blue balls, but I swear it would be worth it.”

  Before she could make a retort he’d pushed his face between her slick thighs and her back bowed off the bed. Coherent thought was impossible as he began to nibble at her with his strong, sure lips before taking little slashing licks at her clit. All at once, the sensitivity she’d been feeling before came rushing back and she moaned.

  “That’s it, baby, you’re gonna come for me, aren’t you,” Marcus murmured, still busy between her legs. “Yeah, that’s my girl…”

  It should’ve sounded condescending, but she knew he didn’t mean it that way. Every word he said fed her desire more—she loved his deep voice, which grew huskier as his excitement level ratcheted up. She twisted on the bed, looking for that one little action that would send her over the edge, until he put his arms around her thighs and held her down for his relentless assault.

  The thrill of not being able to move while Marcus kept at her clit sent a frisson of a ecstasy down her spine. After a few minutes he moved one arm, leaving the other to anchor her, and entered her with two fingers. “That’s it, that’s what I want…so wet for me.”

  She gasped as the ends of his fingers rubbed over her G-spot. “Don’t stop.”

  “I’m not stopping. Not until you come for me.”

  “Oh God…”

  “Look at me.” She raised her head, which felt like a lead balloon, and saw his gorgeous face slick with her juices. A blush bloomed on her face. “Yeah, you can see what you do to me. I want you to say my name when you come, all right, honey? Say my name.”

  Her head lolled back onto the soft sheets. “Okay.”

  Marcus went back at her. It took a shockingly short time before her release rolled over her, and her fingernails scrabbled for purchase in the bed sheets. “Marcus!”

  He growled and continued his exquisite torment. When another wave hit she shouted his name and he pulled away from her long enough to say, “That’s it…” before returning to lavish more attention. Finally she had to practically kick him away with her one good foot as the sensations became too much for her to handle. He crawled up the bed to lie down beside her. “I loved hearing you scream my name.”

  “I bet,” was all she could manage to get out. Her brain felt like a huge plate of scrambled eggs and she was sure she’d never be the same again.

  They took both a few moments to collect themselves and then Annalise insisted she put her prosthesis back on for dinner. Marcus pulled the pot roast off the stove and set the table while it rested. It was delicious, as she knew it would be, and Marcus ate a ridiculous amount. She smiled a little to herself as she considered why he was so hungry.

  He insisted on doing the dishes and told her to just sit at the table and talk to him, but she couldn’t do that, so finally he relented and brought the wet pots and pans over for her to dry. As they finished, his cell phone rang and when he picked it up, he smiled. After a short conversation he put his hand over the phone. “A couple of the guys and their girlfriends are getting together at one of my teammates’ apartments. Do you want to go? It would be pretty casual. They had dinner and now they’re just hanging out.”

  She looked at him and could see he wanted to. He’d said he wasn’t much for going out anymore, but she reasoned this wasn’t really “out”, more like “in” at someone else’s house. Despite huge reservations, she wanted to make him happy, so she assented and he smiled. A few more words were said and he hung up the phone.

  “If you don’t want to go we don’t have to, but I’d kind of like to show you off.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Show me off?”

  Marcus stopped in front of her and stooped down to kiss her briefly. Standing to his full height again, he grinned. “Yeah, show you off.”


  “Because I like you and because as I told you before, far as I’m concerned, you’re my girlfriend. These guys are like family to me. I want them to meet you and you to meet them.”

  “All right, if you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure. I just want you to be sure. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”


  “What, baby?”

  “It’s just,” she wasn’t sure how to put this without calling negative attention to herself, but it had to be said, “those other girls are probably beautiful and put-together and I’m, well, this.” Her hand swept down her cheap outfit.

  “You’ll be the most beautiful girl there, at least to me.”

  “That’s sweet. Not true, but sweet.”

  “The only thing that’s important is I think you’re the most beautiful. But like I said, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He sat next to her and took her hands. “Look, we don’t have to be there for a bit. If you feel uncomfortable I can take you shopping for something to wear. I’ve got a couple of ideas.” He sent her an exaggerated leer, but she shook her head.

  “I can’t accept something like that from you. I already take way too much.”

  “Look, babe, here’s the deal. You’re my girlfriend. I want you to be happy. If it will make you happy to have a pretty outfit to meet my friends, then we’ll get you a pretty outfit. It doesn’t mean you owe me anything. I hope you know me enough by now that you realize I don’t operate that way.”

  Annalise nodded. “I know you don’t. I’m just not used to people throwing money around. It’s not something I’m used to and it makes me feel obligated.”

  “I give a lot to charity and save a ton more for when I’m done playing, but I’m paid an obscene amount to begin with. Even with my donations and saving for the future I have a lot left over. Being with you makes me happy, and I want you to be as happy as I am. Hell, if you let me I’d take you on a Pretty Woman-style shopping spree, but since I’m sure you won’t, let me at least do this for you.”

  She had to ask the question. “Are you ashamed of how I look now?”

  “God, no, honey! I could never be ashamed of you.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Positive.” He grinned like a little kid in a candy store and she said yes despite her reservations. How often did a guy offer to buy you a hot outfit? “Come on, let’s go.”

  He urged her up and together they made their way to a little boutique near his apartment. The saleswoman looked her up and down and put both of them in big, overstuffed chairs while she browsed the store looking for things to show them. Annalise sat, trying to look at ease and sophisticated and surely failing miserably as she twisted her hands in her lap and chewed the inside of her cheek. Marcus leaned over and whispered, “If you don’t stop playing with your mouth I’m gonna thrust my tongue in there to give you something better to do.” Her eyes went wide and he continued. “Oh, yeah, don’t think I won’t. I will totally make out with you right in the middle of this store.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you about that…”

  Marcus’ eyebrows drew down. “About what?”

  “Well, you’re pretty famous around here, right?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “So we’ve made out in public before. Aren’t you worried about your image?”

  Marcus snorted. “No, for several reasons.” He held his index finger up. “One—I�
�m known as one of the nicest guys in the NHL—true, by the way.” She groaned and he smiled. “Two—I’d gotten so sick of the dating scene in New York rumors were starting about me being gay.” Now she barked out a laugh. “I know, crazy, right? Anyway, people are probably thrilled to see me with a woman and are perfectly willing to let me sex her up within their view.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.”

  The saleswoman came over then and Annalise took a couple of outfits to try on. She had to admit it was a lot of fun to feel the luxurious fabrics and revel in the exquisite fits. Marcus stood right outside the dressing room, warning her not to even look at the price tags.

  She modeled each piece for him and after she finished, she gave him the pair of silky lounge pants and long tunic set she’d picked, along with a comfortable pair of flats, and he paid for the items before bringing them back to her. After dressing in her new outfit, she checked her hair and bemoaned the total lack of makeup on her face. She couldn’t afford to wear makeup and had given up on it years ago.

  Annalise opened the door and saw Marcus deep in discussion with the saleswoman. As she approached the pair she cleared her throat and they jumped apart like they’d been hit by shrapnel. Her eyes narrowed. What was going on? Was Marcus interested in the beautiful, thin, perky saleswoman? But then he grabbed her and kissed her right in front of the woman and Annalise calmed down a little. That hardly seemed like something a guy who was trying to pick up a girl would do. Still, she was suspicious about the conversation.

  She let Marcus steer her into a cab before she turned to him. “Give it up.”

  “Give what up?”

  “You’re a terrible liar. What’s going on?”

  Marcus rubbed a hand over his bald head and then let out a loud breath. He turned briefly to gaze outside and then swiveled to fully face her. Taking her hands, he said, “Okay, first of all, please don’t get mad.”

  “That’s never a good way to start. Spill it.”

  He gave her hands a quick squeeze. “I bought everything.”

  “What do you mean, everything?”

  “Everything you tried on, plus some jewelry and lingerie and stuff.”

  Annalise felt her face pale. “You bought everything…” She feared if the cab kept moving she’d lose her dinner. Pulling away from Marcus, she put her hands on her stomach.

  Oh my God, what did he do? How much did it cost? What would he want from her now?

  “Yeah. Everything looked so good on you and you were so happy. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  Annalise took a breath and when she felt a little more confident she wasn’t going to throw up, spoke carefully. “I’m not mad.” He looked dubious and she shook he head. “Really. I’m not mad. I’m not sure how to explain this to you.”


  “I guess…” She bit her lip. “I guess I feel sort of like a kept woman.”

  “A kept woman? What does that mean?” He leaned back against the door, crossing his arms over his chest and Annalise wished he didn’t look so good when he did that. It made it very hard to keep her focus, and she needed to keep her focus about this.

  “How do I explain this? I feel like you’ll keep me around to look good on your arm and have sex with.”

  She’d never seen someone do a double-take, but that was the only word for the expression on Marcus’ face. “Are you serious?”

  Annalise held up a hand. “I don’t think that was your intention. In fact, I know it wasn’t your intention. But Marcus, you have to understand. People don’t just do stuff like this. Especially not for me. You know a little of my financial situation. This is all so out of my league, I can’t even comprehend this really.”

  “Well, people should do nice stuff for you,” he grumbled. “I intend to treat you like a princess as long as you’ll let me.”

  “I don’t want to be treated like a princess. I want to be treated like a woman.”

  He threw up his hands. “I thought that’s what I was doing.” The cab pulled to the curb and Marcus groaned. “Look, are we okay?”

  She felt horrible. Here they’d been having a great time, having spent practically the whole day together, her stump hadn’t seemed to bother him, and he does what he thinks is a nice thing and she shits all over him. When would she learn? “We’re fine, and thank you for my beautiful outfit and for all the other stuff you bought, even though you shouldn’t have.”

  “You’re welcome.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek before reaching for his wallet and paying the driver.

  They walked into the building and up to the apartment of his teammate hand in hand, and Marcus didn’t let her go until well after she’d been introduced to everyone. After a while, though, the men got up to get another round from the kitchen, leaving her alone with the women.

  “So,” one of them, a petite brunette with an absolutely perfect body from head to toe, who she thought someone had called Barb, asked Annalise, “What’s your deal?”

  “My deal?”

  “Yeah. Where did you meet Marcus?”

  Annalise cleared her throat. “At the Vegas Night event the team put on.”

  “Oh, were you there? I didn’t see you.”

  “I was there.” She picked at an imaginary piece of lint, feeling about two inches tall. It was clear from Barb’s tone that she didn’t think Annalise belonged here. And from what Annalise had seen so far, Barb was right. This was an entirely different world than the one she lived in and she had no idea how to behave, what to say or do.

  Barb tilted her head and Annalise vaguely wondered if she practiced doing that at home in front of a mirror. “Huh. Is he the first hockey player you’ve ever dated?”

  Annalise sighed. She glanced toward the kitchen. What was taking the guys so long? She made her best attempt to smile sweetly. “Yes. Why do you ask?”

  What’s with the third degree, chica?

  “You just don’t look much like the type to be going out with a hockey player.”

  “And what type is that?” Another woman, who Annalise recalled had been introduced as Melanie, interjected loudly, glaring at the interrogator, who looked Annalise up and down before seeming to dismiss her.

  Another woman, this one about six feet tall with a mess of gorgeous wavy blond hair whose name escaped her, responded, “Marcus dates models and actresses. What did you say you do?”

  “I didn’t,” Annalise answered through clenched teeth. The woman just sat there, eyebrows raised. “I work for the caterer who did the event.”


  “Hey, ladies, we’re trying to have a good time. What’s with the inquisition?” Another woman, Nathalie, asked.

  Barb shrugged and said, “Just trying to find out more about our new friend.” She smiled at Annalise and she could swear she saw fangs. The first one who had defended her snorted, but Barb ignored her. “After all, Marcus is one of the stars of the Empires. He has a reputation to uphold.”

  “What reputation?” Annalise couldn’t stop herself from asking.

  “One that doesn’t include dating waitresses.” The two woman gave each other a significant look, and Annalise decided she’d had enough. She’d put up with enough bullying in school to know she shouldn’t let them get to her, but she’d wanted to make a good impression on Marcus’ friends. That was a joke.

  Chapter Nine

  Annalise fought back tears. She would not give these women the satisfaction of knowing they’d hurt her. Bless the girls who’d stood up for her, to no avail. She shot both of them a look that hopefully said without words how much she appreciated them coming to her defense.

  Then the ringleader of this circus from hell, Barb, spoke up again. With narrowed eyes she retorted, “You’ll never keep him. Never.”

  That was it. “Excuse me,” she mumbled as she fought her way to her feet from the soft cushions of the couch and lurched toward the hall. Where she was going, she had no idea, she just knew she couldn’t stay in that room anymore. A
s she walked past the kitchen as quickly as her prosthetic would allow, Marcus turned to her, but she waved him off and passed the door before he could say anything. The absolute last thing she wanted was to see the pity written all over his face if he saw her now tear-streaked cheeks.

  But Marcus followed.

  Damn him! Doesn’t he know I want to be alone?

  He reached out to grab her arm and she jerked out of his grip with a strength she didn’t know she possessed. Turning into the first room she came across, she realized this must be Ray’s bedroom and blushed.

  Keeping her back to him, she said, “Leave, Marcus. Go back to the kitchen.”

  He kicked the door closed and she winced. “No fucking way. Tell me what’s going on.” He forced her to turn to face him. “What did those girls say to you?”

  “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “Dammit, Annalise, it’s not nothing! You wouldn’t have gone flying out of the room if it was nothing. You wouldn’t be standing here crying if it was nothing.”

  “It’s just—” She sighed, rubbing her suddenly throbbing temples. “I don’t belong here.”

  “Like hell you don’t. You’re with me.”

  “I don’t belong here, Marcus, here in this world. I don’t belong with you—I don’t know why I ever thought I did. I guess I was just hoping—”

  “I’m gonna find out what those bitches said.” Marcus made for the door and Annalise dove for him, her face contorting as her stump shifted in her prosthesis. He instantly stopped and steadied her. “I’m sorry, baby. Did you hurt yourself? Let me look.”

  “No! I just want to leave.”

  “We can go back to my place.”

  “No.” She was finally able to continue in a stronger voice. “I want to go home. Alone.”

  “You don’t mean that. Don’t let those girls make you feel like you don’t deserve to be here. They’re petty, jealous, stupid women.”

  “But don’t you see?” Her voice was rising and she felt sure the entire apartment could probably hear, but at this point she didn’t know how to stop the tirade. She was tired and her stump hurt and her pride was trampled. She needed to get away from him before she completely lost herself. “It’s not just them. I’m going to encounter this again and again. What if I’m not wearing one of the outfits you got me? Are you going to replace my entire wardrobe? Are you that ashamed to be seen with me in my other clothes? Or were you trying to avoid this from happening?”


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