This World Bites (Cera Chronicles Book 1)

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This World Bites (Cera Chronicles Book 1) Page 3

by Loni Townsend

  Had I known the type of venue, I would have purchased a classier outfit than the strappy red top and black skirt I already owned. Choices were limited when your entire wardrobe had to fit into one bag.

  A smiling tray-bearer offered us champagne flutes filled with sparkling red liquid. Duke shook his head. “We are ordering from the bar,” he said, making the decision for both of us. Someone felt like an alpha male. I saw no harm in playing along. We never spent long on a single world anyway.

  The tray-bearer nodded and went on his way.

  The bar in question lounged on the other side of the room, fashioned from charcoal granite set in solid oak stained deep mahogany. Gilded lights added a warm glow to the edges, complementing it with a sensual touch.

  The bartender was equally gorgeous—a natural beauty with soft blonde waves and mischievous brown eyes. She wore a white top with laces up the sides and down the tops of her arms, molding to her curves. A hint of red glossed her lips and glistened in the low lighting. She smiled as we approached. “What may I get for you?”

  “I will have a Mary, hold the blood.” Duke’s gaze met mine. “Do you know what you want?”

  With as many worlds as I visited, I typically didn’t bother with learning the local written language. No exception here. I always had Michael, Rin, or Fues to translate for me when necessary. I made a show of studying the illegible menu. “How about you surprise me?”

  The bartender laughed, warm and rich. “Already testing you, I see.” She winked at my date, and then leaned toward me, cupping a hand to her mouth in a conspiratorial fashion. “Mr. Ross doesn’t often entertain female company. It may ease the experience if you allow me to make the drink suggestions.”

  She sounded like a woman who knew what she was talking about. “I will heed your wisdom.” Some of the tension drained from Duke’s body at my words. His hand slid over my hip to rest at the small of my back.

  The bartender studied me for a moment, pondering with narrowed eyes and pursed lips. “Do you drink blood?”

  Odd question. “No.”



  She nodded absently. “Sweet or tangy?”


  “Fruit or cream?”

  Tough choice. “Cream.”

  She proceeded down her mental checklist, concocting a taste profile as I voiced my answers. By the time she finished, she’d mixed a rainbow of liquids in a glass goblet. She set it down in front of me. “Try this.”

  Amazing. Liquefied sunsets wrapped in satin blossoms and an ocean breeze. The precise blend of flavors made my taste buds celebrate. I considered dancing on the bar.

  Duke smiled. “I’m glad you’re on staff tonight, Katherine, but I think we’d better go to our table before you seduce my date.”

  Katherine winked at me. “I have more where that came from.”

  Duke led me to our table. Fresh bread drizzled with melted butter waited for us. Violins and cellos played in graceful harmony, paced to entice patrons to the dance floor. They called to me. Traveling from world to world left little time to indulge in hobbies, but no matter where I went, I always had dancing. Style hardly mattered. Give me music and I was happy.

  “I didn’t want to bring it up before—” Duke settled into his seat. “—but since you have no way to escape, I think it might be safe to ask. What are you?”

  Straight to the chase, huh? I gave my best cryptic smile and toyed with the silver pendant hanging from my neck. “I am a woman.”

  His intent, hungry gaze traveled the visible length of my body, sending a shiver quivering down my spine. “I can see that. But I don’t think you’re human, not with those glowing pupil-less eyes. And if not human, then what are you?”

  As far as composition went, I was mostly human, but you wouldn’t know that by looking at me. Anyone with elemental ancestry inherited the physical elemental traits. My eyes reflected the water clan, and my hair blazed fire-clan-red. My skin, being a blend of both, came to a nice shade of tan.

  If tonight went well, Duke would be seeing all of it.

  I told myself not to get carried away with the seduction, as I often did too easily. Romantic relationships failed for a reason. Normal humans grow old and die. I was a visitor on this world. Nothing and no one would change that. Not when my dad needed me to find a cure. My dad and now Michael.

  The thought of my guardian turning into a zombie cooled my rising temperature. “I think I count as my own species.” I felt disinclined to go into details on a first date. Most worlds thought they were alone in the existence of reality. The last thing I wanted was to ruin the night by having Duke think I was crazy.

  “What about where you are from? I noticed neither you nor any of your friends had heard of zombies before. That’s a rare occurrence.” He leaned closer, giving me a better view of his earnest blood-red eyes. Eyes that said he might believe me.

  I had to change the subject before I told him everything. “Do we have to talk about me? I am far more interested in you.”

  Duke laughed. “Alright, Miss Mystery. If I share a little, I might get a little. What do you want to know?”

  I wanted to know who this contact was who might be able to help Michael, and if whatever solution he proposed might also work for my father. But where flirting rule number one was showing interest, rule number two was not acting like you had an agenda. “Why do you wait tables?”

  He lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. “I enjoy it. Too many people in this town are afraid of me. Waiting tables lets them see I’m not all that scary. I’m there to serve.”

  Perhaps my powers of observation weren’t as keen as I’d thought. I hadn’t noticed any fear in his customers. I glanced around the room at the other diners. Huh. Well, what did you know? I’d learned to ignore avoidance since it was so common on the worlds we visited. I supposed it wasn’t only me they purposefully chose not to look at. “Why are people scared of you?”

  Duke smiled, the tip of a white fang peeking out from his lips. “You’re kidding, right?” I gave him a blank look and his eyebrows rose. “Now I know you’re definitely not from around here. I’ll explain the details if you join me for another date. Until then, next question.”

  I gazed longingly at the dance floor, the music too powerful to ignore. “Do you dance?”

  He took my hand in reply and pulled me to my feet.

  We spun and twirled, lost in the overwhelming need to mold our bodies to each other and move as one in time to the beat. Duke wasn’t a good dancer, but I was. When life continues forever, you learn to indulge your passions. Tonight was no exception and I felt a little naughty. I gripped him to me, letting skin touch skin, and released my hold on my Miasho power to flood every sense with pleasure. He sucked in a breath, and his body quivered against mine. His hold tightened. He bent his head, his lips caressing my neck. Oh yes, I could push him over the edge right here and now if I wanted to. The pleasant buzz of alcohol encouraged me to do so.

  And then it all came crashing down on us—in a very literal sense.

  Mirrors shattered and glass rained from the ceiling. Fixtures snapped, dropping to the floor and crushing those unfortunate enough to be standing below. The door burst into splinters, pelting people like needles into pincushions. Club-goers scattered with shrill screams.

  Leathery-skinned creatures poured into the room, blocking all exits and pushing back potential escapees. Shadows darkened their twisted, grotesque faces. Many had flapping bat wings while others bore horns and whipping tails. One larger and uglier than the others stepped toward the center of the room, and settled on its haunches to survey the crowd. “You are all now property of the demonic legion.” Its voice grated on my nerves like crunching gravel.

  “Demon slavers.” Duke’s voice came out a low hiss. He spun and positioned himself between me and the invaders. Gallant and chivalrous—my hero. Should I swoon?

  An uninhibited giggle slipped past my lips. “The monster thinks he can
own me.” Did I mention I have a low tolerance for alcohol?

  Duke’s grip tightened on my arm in warning, but that only made me more resistant. I didn’t know what a demon was, but I assumed—based on the nasty appearance and general sense of alarm—not human and unpleasant to be around.

  I scowled at the room, which refused to stop spinning and set the record straight. “Nobody will own me.” I think the words came out slurred.

  The head demon slaver focused on me, his maw parting, revealing broken, jagged teeth. “Silence.” His tail whipped faster than I’d anticipated and it struck my face. I put fingers to my cheek, stunned. They came away slicked with my blood.

  Tremors coursed through my limbs and the room stilled. My vision sharpened. Colors saturated. Whispers grew as my hearing amplified. The pungent stench of sulfur permeated the air.

  He wanted to fight me? Fool. All I had to do was not tip over.

  I sprang forward and pressed my blood-tainted fingers against the demon’s skin. Miasho power flowed through the connection, flooding every sense the demon had and forcing each past the bursting point.

  Green liquid ran from the slaver’s orifices, frothing as the build-up continued. He choked, clawing at his throat, his mouth opening and closing without sound.

  I pressed further, finding every flicker of pleasure the demon possessed and stripped it away until he was left with only pain, despair, and emptiness. He dropped into a writhing mass of leather and goo before finally falling still. The room hung in silence, all eyes staring at me.

  Katherine broke the silence by smashing the bottle she held over a nearby demon’s head. I wobbled on my feet, both from intoxication and power expenditure. Duke caught me in one arm, using the other to slam a chair into a demon lunging at me. This close to him, I realized how much I liked the scent of his skin. It smelled like spices. I wondered if it tasted like spices too.

  “Did you just lick me?” Duke asked incredulously.

  He did taste good!

  Another demon grabbed for my arm, but Duke met the monster with a fist. The demon staggered in slow motion, his expression striking me as absolutely hilarious. Another giggle grew and morphed into a laugh of sidesplitting intensity.

  “Katherine, what did you put in her drink?”

  The bartender grunted, batting away another attacker with her glass weapons. “Just Zaja.”

  “But that’s only 2% alcohol!”

  “At least she’s a happy drunk.”

  Everyone in the club fought, though it was apparent a majority of them lacked any semblance of true skill or form. I examined them with clinical detachment. Upperclassmen of society, not warriors. What would slavers want with them? They’d make horrible workers.

  A clawed hand clutched my ankle. In reaction, I blasted the owner with enough water pressure to rip its body from the limb. Green blood sprayed up my calf and I had to kick my leg before the hand’s grip finally dislodged. Dead bodies and limbs were strewn across the club floor, most of which appeared to be some form of human. Screams from a woman in the corner echoed off the walls.

  “Cera,” Duke said in a voice as smooth as silk. I loved the sound of it. I wanted to wrap it around me like a blanket. Was that possible? Could I wear sound? How wonderful it would be to own a dress made from his voice. I liked dresses.

  He caught me as my knees gave out. “You seem to be the only one here capable of killing these demons. Do you think you could work with me to clear a path to the door?”

  I frowned and lifted my hand to examine the fingertips. I had all but exhausted my supply of Miasho power killing the leader. Nope, I wouldn’t be killing any more that way. I still had my elemental capabilities, but a transport seal was out of the question. Seals took focus, more focus than I had in my current inebriated capacity.

  Door. Duke wanted to get to the door. My gaze shifted across the room. We’d have to fight our way through dozens of demons. I may survive, but there was no telling if anyone else would.

  I let my gaze wander as I searched for other options. If we couldn’t use existing doors… I looked at the glass windows and beamed. Ah ha! An excellent idea! I ripped a fallen fixture chain free from the wreckage, still glowing with decorative lights, and headed for the newfound exit.

  “Cera?” Duke asked tentatively.

  I grabbed his hand and ran. He struggled to pull free, but there was no chance I’d let this scrumptious hunk of man get away from me. I focused my elemental manipulation, freezing the glass and heating it the next instant, forcing it to become brittle. Hot, Cold. Hot, Cold. It shattered as I rammed my shoulder into it. Duke and I fell. His scream dissipated into open air as the chain pulled taut.

  I focused on the window to the floor below ours. I wasn’t quick enough and failed to make it break on impact. We hit hard and I winced. My grasp slipped on the chain. The small lights popped and sent electrical sparks flying into the starry night. I took a moment to admire how pretty they were.

  Duke dangled from my other hand, twisting wildly as he tried to find a foothold on the outside wall. Bracing my feet on the window, I pushed off, using our momentum to beat the glass. I wished I’d worn my heels. The additional pressure point would’ve been useful right about now.

  When the window finally gave way, we hit a desk with breaking force. Chairs toppled as we slid across the floor until the far wall ended our violent advance. Duke knelt over me, a bleeding cut on his pale forehead. He was saying my name. I liked the way my name sounded when he said it. My vision tinged with a silver haze and grew rapidly darker as I passed out.

  Chapter 5

  I AWOKE IN A SATIN-LINED BOX beneath a double layer of soft cotton blankets. It was as dark and silent as a tomb. When my eyes adjusted, I rolled onto my back and immediately regretted the decision. Sharp pain burned in my muscles.

  The lid opened easily with a push. I staggered as I climbed over the side and landed with bare feet onto shag carpet in a windowless room. Someone had chosen to dress me in a man’s button-up shirt. The scent lingering on the fabric smelled like Duke.

  I looked back at the box. Only built for one. Guess he didn’t have much of a love life.

  A dim light glowed at the end of the hall. Duke stood in the kitchen looking over a stack of papers. He glanced up when I entered, a wan smile on his lips. “Good morning. The demon raid on the club is all over the news.” He prepared a plate of fruit and toast. “Twelve dead, thirty-five missing. I think we’re counted among the missing. I have you to thank for getting us out of there. Those were some crazy, powerful stunts you pulled.” He set the plate on the table and motioned for me to eat.

  I studied his sunken eyes and hollow cheeks with a frown as I sat. His skin had gone beyond pale and looked downright clammy. Winged adhesive bandages held a gash on his forehead closed. Still handsome, but the worse for wear. “You look sick.”

  He let out a bitter chuckle. “It would seem my lifestyle is catching up to me. Without fresh blood, my body can’t repair itself.” He looked me over, a hungry expression flashing across his features. “I like the way my shirt looks on you.”

  Classic redirect. Since he never pushed me about my background, I figured it was only fair I didn’t pry about the blood. Besides, I had other questions on my mind. I bit into the food. “Did you and I have sex last night?”

  Duke laughed, nervous and abrupt. “I couldn’t wake you and I’m not the type of guy to take advantage of an unconscious woman.”

  I shrugged. I didn’t think we’d had sex, but it was one of those things I liked to confirm. My history with men was shaky at best. Not being fully human, unpleasant repercussions sometimes resulted from the relationship. Mostly compatibility issues. The consequences ranged anywhere from fanatic love slave to intense repulsion, with an occasional death thrown in. But when I’m drunk, I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about consequences.

  I stood and pulled off the shirt. Like Rin, I was of elemental blood and didn’t need clothing. I wore it because I lik
ed staying fashionable. And, usually, naked women tended to draw attention—not something I wanted to do.

  Duke sucked in a sharp breath. “Hey, I didn’t mean… Just because you’re conscious now…”

  Ah, such a gentleman. “I have glass embedded in my back. The skin healed over it. I need you to help me cut it out.”

  I walked to the wooden knife block on the counter and chose a paring knife. I offered it to him, the blade tip between my thumb and forefinger. Bits of glass stabbed into the muscle beneath my shoulder blade—that place fingers can’t quite reach when you have a horrible itch to scratch. “It’s an odd angle for me. Do you mind?”

  He looked at the knife with a dubious frown and made no move to take it. “Maybe I should take you to a hospital.”

  Sissy. “Pay a bill and have them hold me for experimentation? No, thank you.” I eyed his uneasy expression. Hard to tell if he was uneasy with the thought of cutting me, or if he was bad at handling knives. He ran a restaurant, so I assumed it was the former. I shifted as pain throbbed beneath my skin and added a whimper to my voice. “It hurts, but I can wait until Seth gets here, if you really want me to.”

  He muttered something about manipulative women and took the knife. I waited for him as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and then a little while longer when he decided to take the shirt off all together. Dang—nice body. He might have been a swimmer with his long, lean muscles.

  I turned away—otherwise, I’d ignore the pain and jump on the man. I used my fingers to prod my back until I found the first piece of glass.

  “Here,” I said, and then braced myself against the counter edge. I glanced over my shoulder at him. “I can dull my senses in that area while you work. Don’t be concerned about hurting me. I heal immediately.”

  There was a quiet pause before he asked, “What about your cheek?”


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