The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe ( Lycan Romance )

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The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe ( Lycan Romance ) Page 5

by Briers, M L

  “I bet it did.” She accused, this time Darcy balked.

  “Not like that-“ She denied hotly as Nicole pouted her full lips.

  “If you say so-“

  “Well I suppose I could have said was it the drop dead gorgeous one or the drop dead gorgeous one.” Darcy spat out in disbelief as she dragged herself to her feet and started off for the kitchen.

  It took Nicole a moment to register that her friend had gone as she pulled herself back from her reverie of the sight of naked men standing in her garden and hoisted herself from the chair, her hands only slightly reluctant to release their grip on the armrests before she followed Darcy into the kitchen.

  “Jake- the one with the erection.” She informed Darcy with an air of sarcasm as she slipped up onto the kitchen stool at the counter and watched her friend pottering around making the tea.

  “Oh him.” There was way too much dreaminess in the way she said that for Nicole’s liking.

  Nicole rolled her eyes and sighed as she rested her elbow on the counter and her chin into the palm of her hand.

  “Yes- him.”

  “So what did he want?” Darcy added a touch of sarcasm to her voice as she dropped the spoon down on the side with a clatter that she instantly regretted at this time in the morning and turned on her heels with the mugs, closing the distance between them and sliding up onto the next stool as she placed her offering in front of Nicole- who looked a little disappointed.

  “Don’t we have wine?”

  “This from the girl who balked at that idea the other day- the answers no- drink your tea-“ She berated and saw Nicole practically deflate in front of her.”I’m guessing it’s a doozy from your request for wine alone?”

  “He wanted to know what I knew about Lycan Mating-“ Nicole watched the splatter of tea as it hit the counter top in front of her friend- who was now coughing and spluttering between gasps of air she was desperately trying to pull into her lungs and she reached out and patted her on the back, perhaps a little more firmly than was necessary.

  “Spine. Spine!” Darcy gasped trying to move away from Nicole’s pounding on her back.

  “Sorry.” Nicole offered before turning to stare into her own mug in front of her.

  “He actually said that to you?”

  “Yep.” Nicole confirmed- still partially shell shocked as she wrapped her fingers around the warmth of the cup and sighed.

  “That’s his idea of a come on line? Disappointing.” Darcy rolled her eyes before reaching for the kitchen paper and starting to mop up her spill.

  “Oh no- it gets better-“ Nicole spat out between clenched teeth and Darcy raised a curious brow.

  “How can it get better?” She asked not at all sure she wanted to know.

  “He wasn’t talking about him-“ Nicole spat out with disgust before rolling her eyes again, sinking her chin back into the palm of her hand.

  “Do I want to know?” Darcy shot back sarcastically.

  “The other one-“Nicole’s eyes flashed with disdain as Darcy frowned.

  “The guy who stole your ugly drobe?” Darcy felt the smile tugging at the corners of her lips but bit down on it as Nicole nodded.

  “That’s the one-“

  “The one who has been following you around like a lost puppy?” Darcy couldn’t help it as the smile tugged her lips in amusement and Nicole narrowed her eyes at her accusingly.

  “Yes- that one.”The anger edged her voice.

  “The one I dreamed was chasing you through the woods?” Darcy double raised her brows suggestively. Nicole balked- her back ramrod straight as she slapped her palm down onto the counter top.

  “Yeah Darc- him.” She snapped back and Darcy bit down on her amusement, her eyes twinkled with the laughter that she fought to hold inside as she pressed her lips together- while Nicole waited for her reply, anger rippling below the surface.

  “Oh.” Darcy managed in a non committal way before pressing her lips back together to keep her smirk at bay.

  “Damn it Darcy a little damned sympathy wouldn’t go a miss here-“ Nicole barked out, her brow furrowing in anger as the laughter escaped from Darcy, she was just unable to hold it in any longer.

  “That’s it? That’s what passes for sympathy and understanding in your head?” Nicole accused as Darcy dropped her face into the palm of her hands trying so desperately to contain the amusement that washed through her.

  “I’m sorry- sorry- sorry.” She spluttered between chuckles and through her fingers as Nicole dropped her head back on a long groan staring up at the ceiling in dismay.

  “I hate you.” Nicole whined and Darcy snorted as she lifted her head and reached for her friends hand, covering it with her own.

  “Nah, you don’t really.” She giggled.

  “No, I do. I hate you.”

  “Hate’s a little harsh-“

  “Fine. I really dislike you right now.” Nicole conceded causing Darcy to giggle again as Nicole rolled her head on her neck and regarded the amusement that Darcy was still trying to quell.

  “So- you and a wolf?” Darcy nodded her head back to impartial spectator in her friends anguish, but that didn’t last long and she was spluttering a chuckle or two as she pressed her lips together against the smile that twisted the corners of her lips upwards, her chin quivering.

  “Oh piss off.” Nicole hissed as she wrenched her hand from under Darcy’s, folding her arms across her chest defensively as she looked away from her in disbelief.

  “Come on Nic- if it was me you’d be cracking up-“ Darcy teased and Nicole shrugged.

  “Not so much-“ She offered using her best aloof manner and Darcy balked.


  “Ok. A little- but it’s not you it’s me and I don’t find it amusing.” Nicole admitted.

  “So what? This Lycan fancies you and he sent his friend to ask you out- or?”Darcy left the question hanging and Nicole flicked her eyes up from the counter top before dropping them again.

  “Oh- mating?”Darcy’s sudden realisation of the seriousness of the problem hit her like a ton of bricks and she gasped in a breath as her hand went to her chest in shock.

  “Now you get it.”

  “Oh wow- I mean- Whoa- that’s huge-“ Darcy stammered and Nicole flicked her eyes back to her friend.

  “If you’re making another reference to his penis I will-“ She warned between clenched teeth and Darcy’s eyes went wide, a grin spreading across her face.

  “Oh wow- they did seem really well endowed in that department-“ She hissed out unable to contain her excitement and Nicole sighed again.

  “Focus Darcy- the problem at hand- a witch and a Lycan as mates?”

  Darcy grimaced as she rolled it over in her own mind, “Well, to be honest- it’s not like you’re part of a coven- who’s to know?”

  “Err. Me.” Nicole waved her hand in the air and Darcy grinned again.

  “He is gorgeous-“ Darcy offered rationalising.

  “And a Lycan-“ Nicole shot back.

  “He’s got a huge-“

  “Can we move on from penis size- please.” Nicole groaned dropping her forehead down onto the counter top.

  “Wolves mate for life- you’ll never have to worry about him being unfaithful-“ Darcy offered cheerfully and Nicole rolled her forehead from side to side against the counter.

  “If I was worried about faithful I’d buy a dog- it would be a lot less trouble-“

  “If the world as we know it ended tomorrow you would have a guy who could hunt down food-“ Darcy was clutching at straws.

  “Poor helpless little bunnies-“ Nicole groaned and Darcy slapped her playfully on the arm.

  “You’re a meat eater- please- don’t even go there.”

  Nicole peeled her forehead from the table, lifting her elbow back to the counter with a thud as she dropped her chin into her palm.

  “I can’t mate with a wolf-“

  “Eww, that sounds wrong- very wrong.”

  “I can’t mate with a Lycan-“ Nicole corrected on a sigh as Darcy got up and walked over to the side, grabbing two glasses and a bottle of wine she shrugged.

  “If its Fate sweetie I don’t think you get a choice.” Darcy offered gently returning to her seat and yanking the cork out of the bottle.

  “Fate sucks.” Nicole watched Darcy pour the wine into the glass and motioned for her to continue pouring until it up to the lip.

  “Fate might just surprise you.”

  “Holy cow that’s the ugliest piece of wood I have ever laid eyes on- either you’ve had a taste transplant or you’ve gone suddenly blind- perhaps even demented!” Jake looked on in horror at the dark wood wardrobe that sat on the back of the pickup truck, strapped into place and surrounded in the blue tarpaulin that Ryan yanked from it as he stood up in the back of the truck and frowned down at his friend, a sigh on his lips.

  Maria walked out onto the porch and pulled back in mock horror at the piece in the back of her truck.

  “We don’t have enough firewood you decided to buy some?” Maria teased as Ryan growled low in his chest.

  Layla decided to join the fray, a giggle leaving her lips as she shook her head in dismay- “That better not be going into my room or I’m moving out.”

  “It’s not mine.” Ryan growled as he jumped down from the back of the truck and landed easily on his feet.

  “When you collected it- you didn’t notice you had a really ugly monster-“ Jake started and Ryan huffed again cutting him off.

  “I bought it because I knew the witch wanted it.” The annoyance rumbled through his voice as he regarded his Beta and Jake’s mouth formed an O.

  “Proves she’s your mate- she has no taste.” Layla mused on a chuckle as her mother gave her a sharp elbow to the ribs and she groaned out a breath.

  “So you decided that her being a witch wasn’t enough of a challenge you were going to steal something from her and make her hate you even more?” Maria shook her head in amusement. “What my son doesn’t know about women.” She teased and he growled again.

  “I didn’t know she was a witch then-“

  “But you did know she wanted this- this-“ Jake waved a hand towards the wardrobe as his Alpha planted his feet. His arms folded over his chest as he faced off against his brother.

  “Wardrobe and yes I did-“ Ryan annoyance had turned into mild anger.

  “And you thought you could win the woman by breaking her heart?” Jake gloated as the smirk lit up his face.

  Ryan uncrossed his arms from his chest and lifted his chin in defiance, “And you have a problem with this because?”

  Jake pouted his lips as he rolled that question around in his mind, rubbing a hand over his chin as in contemplation, “Well brother- it has to be said- you’re a damned idiot.” The chuckle of amusement came out on the last word and Ryan barrelled into him a second later, the force of the impact taking them both off their feet as Maria huffed a sigh and Layla shook her head in dismay.

  “I swear to you mother I will not be mated with a Lycan.” She pouted before turning on her heels and walking back into the house as the fistfight continued under Maria’s amused gaze.

  Nicole slammed the door to the cab and waved him off, swaying slightly on her feet with a drunken giggle as she watched the car disappear from view before turning unsteadily on her heels and starting towards her house, her eyes narrowing on the sight of her grandmothers wardrobe that sat on the back of a pickup truck in her driveway and she shook her head in disbelief, the action causing her to stumbled sideways as she refocused her gaze and found it still there.

  A wide smile broke across her face as she gasped her delight- her hands going to her chest as she sighed her happiness at the sight and then Ryan stepped out in front of her, his dark eyes glaring down at her with annoyance and she jumped back slightly on a gasp, a frown on her forehead as she stumbled and corrected herself before lifting her index finger at him accusingly.

  “Wardrobe thief.” She hissed out at him and he growled his anger low in his chest.

  “You’re drunk!” He accused- taking a step towards her and she raised her brows in surprise.

  “Tipsy and it’s none of your business-“ She slurred her words as she narrowed her eyes at him and wagged her finger.

  “And you got a lift home with a stranger-“

  “Cab driver.” She corrected sarcastically as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other to stop himself from shaking the sense into her.

  “A man who could have taken advantage of you.” He growled back and she snapped her head back on her neck and scrunched up her face in disbelief.

  “Mind your own damn business-“ She dismissed him with a wave of her hand- starting off towards the house on unsteady legs when Ryan stepped in front of her blocking her path causing her to stop and sway backwards on her heels.

  “You’re my mate- it is my damned business.” He spat out and she went to open her mouth to give him a mouthful- but lost her chain of thought- lifting her hand to cover her mouth she spat out a laugh.

  “You’re mate- that’s funny.” She chuckled and he growled again, the anger rife within him now as he closed the distance between them until he was standing toe to toe with her.

  “Give me your door key.” He demanded.

  “I’m not giving you jack.” Nicole had to tilt her head back to be able to look up at him, that motion sent her off balance and she started to fall backwards, she didn’t even feel herself go, her body was too relaxed to notice as he reached out for her, his palm flat against the bare skin of her back as he pulled her towards him, the low groan escaping his lips at the contact with her body.

  Nicole was looking at him one moment and then the sky and then she found his face flash back before her eyes, before she was staring at him chest, the feel of his warmth seeping into her body when his arms locked around her and she closed her eyes and sighed before relaxing against him, her body only too aware of his.

  “Damn it.” He growled against her ear, the feel of his hand brushing down her spine had her tingling from head to toe as she gasped with her womanhood bursting to life within her- heat flashing through every inch of her body like a hot flush that pooled between her thighs.

  “Let go of me-“ She whispered caught somewhere between wanting to push him away and wanting to press further into him- she chose the latter, her hips grinding against him, the feel of his arousal rock hard against her stomach.

  “Your mouth and body are saying two different things woman-“ He breathed into her hair- his hand fisting her hair as he eased her head back to glare down at her with dark eyes, the desire burning like fire within them as her breath caught in her chest when his lips came down on hers- teasingly at first, just a press- testing the waters of his ability to resist her.

  Nicole gasped at the feel of his lips, the warmth of his touch, the way her body tingled from head to toe, the jolt of excitement that hit her hard and when he growled against her parted lips, his tongue demanded entry, pushing inside and lapping over hers- his arm tightened around her as her own traitorous body responded to him and she pressed tightly against him, wanting more, needing more.

  Ryan tightened his grip on her hair, holding her mouth where he wanted it, needed it and he devoured her- taking what his whole body craved- her. Her taste excited him- her scent drove him wild with need and her body pressed to his pushed all other thoughts from his mind but claiming her- right there and then- lowering her to the earth, lifting her hips and thrusting to the hilt within her, over and over until she came hard with his name on her lips- his wolf more than eager to claim their mate.

  One big problem- she was drunk.

  Ryan gathered his wits about him, releasing her sweet mouth and easing her body back from his just enough that his skin didn’t burn with the heat of her touch- but not enough to release her from his arms- she was panting hard as he stared down into her beautiful face, his eyes burning the sight of her into his memory, especially t
hose cherry red lips, slightly swollen from his sensual assault on her mouth, something he would damn well repeat again and again when she was in her right mind.

  “Give me your house key.” His deep growl pulled her from her reverie and had her lashes fluttering upwards revealing those brown eyes that smouldered with desire and made him not want to give a damn that she was drunk.

  “You kissed me-“ She accused on a frown and he raised one dark brow, growling gently down at her.

  “And you kissed me right back- now give me the damned key before I do it again.”His words weren’t lost on her, even in her hazed state of being. Putting her palms against his chest she tried with all of her might to push him backwards away from her.

  “Good luck with that.” He smirked down at her, deciding it would be easier to go on a key search without her help- his hand slipping down into the back pocket of her jeans as he took the opportunity to cup a handful of her tight backside and she squeaked a protest.


  “Then tell me where the key is and I won’t touch you like that again-“ He breathed in her scent as he reached for the other back pocket, his low growl of desire against her ear. “ –Until you’re sober.”

  “I don’t have it!” She protested when his hand cupped her cheek through the fabric and he squeezed a handful of flesh.

  “Where is it Nicole?” He pulled back from her and stared down at her, his patience wearing thin.

  “Letter box- tied with string- der.” Nicole sarcasm only infuriated him more than the thought that this stupid female left her damn front door key in the door.

  “Are you insane?” He growled at her.

  “Well I just kissed you didn’t I ?” She blurted out on a chuckle as he reached for her and tossed her easily over one broad shoulder as she squealed in fear, but he didn’t give a damn, he just turned on his heels and skulked across her drive, stopping at the door, feeling inside the letter box until his fingers located the string and he pulled the length out until the key emerged, yanking hard he snapped the string and forced the key into the lock, kicking open the door.


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