Gypsy: Sons of Sangue

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Gypsy: Sons of Sangue Page 10

by Patricia A. Rasey

  The Sons would all pay for following the Tepes brothers without question and thinking to hold her in contempt. She’d had the club’s best interest at heart, after all. It certainly wasn’t her fault Ion had got caught up in the pissing match she had started with the Mexican drug runners. The Devils had come into the Sons’ territory and they needed to be shown the Sons of Sangue weren’t to be taken lightly. Even knowing how horribly wrong her plan had gone, she wouldn’t have done things differently. There were always casualties of war, and unfortunately, that had been Ion. No one knew that better than her. She would one day take the kingpin’s head with her bare hands for daring to touch her son.

  Like Ion, Wheezer and Red Dot had been casualties of war as well—her war with the Tepes brothers. Though not her original target, two less Sons on any given day was a great day. Rosalee would eventually get to the Tepes brothers … when they let their guard down, and they would. Kane and Kaleb were far too arrogant to think she could ever best them. For now, she’d shift her focus to one of the scrawnier Sons, Grayson Gabor. Mostly because she could take him out and make the entire incident look like an accident. She wouldn’t have had to step one foot in Pleasant. All the while sitting by her stepfather’s side like a good little girl.

  Now, everything was completely fucked.

  People couldn’t be trusted.

  If she wanted something done right, then she needed to do it herself. She’d make excuses to Mircea for her absence over the upcoming week and head for the States to set things right. Jesus! Some people had to be taught a lesson not to fuck with a primordial. A deal was a deal, and Rosalee expected it to be carried through without question. Damn, how she hated insubordination.

  Grabbing her overstuffed suitcase, she headed for the rear of the house where Mircea’s pissant servant awaited. She’d inform her stepfather of her plans to go into the city for a week at the spa and a little pampering. He’d never question her trip. After all, her mother had been a creature of comfort. Some of Rosalee’s fondest memories with her mother had been their trips to the city. No extravagance spared, only the best for Mircea’s two favorite women.

  Too bad the woman hadn’t been made for vampirism.

  Her mother hadn’t been able stomach the idea of drinking another’s blood, and had begged Mircea to end her life. He had been far too weak to grant his wife’s wishes, leaving her only daughter to carry out her desire to end her immortality. Rosalee was now all Mircea had left.

  After handing the pink floral bag to her stepfather’s butler, she waltzed back inside, knowing exactly where she would find him. This time of day, Mircea always lounged in his sitting room drinking wine. God forbid if the man ever had to lift a finger to do any real work.

  “Stepfather?” she called out as she took the stone steps to the second floor.

  “In here, my dear.”

  She sashayed through the door, a false smile pasted upon her lips. Walking over to the old man, Rosalee kissed his lightly-weathered cheek. “If you don’t need me, I have plans to go into the city for a week of shopping and pampering.”

  “The city?” He raised a skeptical brow. Lazy he was, but never stupid.

  “Of course. Where else would I go? You’ve forbidden me to leave Italy.”

  Mircea rubbed a forefinger along his temple. “Do not think to cross me, dear. I can’t afford to have you disobeying me now.”

  “Why?” She laughed falsely. “Because of baby brother?”

  He harrumphed. “Trust me when I say, you don’t want to be on his bad side.”

  “I’ve already seen his bad side.” She indicated the scar on the underside of her chin. “He gave me this, remember?”

  “You’re lucky that’s all you received. What did you expect when you dared to touch his grandson?”

  “Kaleb deserved death for his sins against Alec and you know it.” Heat rose up from the base of her spine. “But for now, I promise to leave the fool alone.”

  “Be sure you do.” Mircea picked at a piece of fuzz from his white linen shirt. “I don’t want to have to explain away your actions to my brother.”

  Rosalee rolled her eyes. “I’m going to the spa.”

  “Make sure you do.”

  Kissing his cheek again, she turned and headed for the door, her smile going unseen. “Why, Daddy, I wouldn’t dream of crossing you.”

  * * *

  Tamera wrapped her arms around Anton’s lean middle. Her fingers splayed across the finely sculptured abs he hid beneath his black, form-fitting K&K Motorcycles T-shirt. She leaned into the curves. Gone was the scent of the ocean as they rode farther inland. Her stomach tightened the closer they came to the clubhouse, worried about how Grayson might react to Anton’s planned display of affection. Their hatched plan could certainly go horribly wrong. On one hand, Grayson, out of jealousy, might come up with his own scheme to get Tamera beneath him and into his bed. On the other, he might forever turn his back. She hoped Anton was correct or Tamera could kiss any chance of ever being with Grayson good-bye.

  She needed this plan to work in the worst way.

  Failing was not an option.

  Strands of hair tickled her cheeks as the wind blew escaped tendrils from her ponytail, which was tucked beneath Anton’s spare skull cap. The warm breeze and the heat of the sun caressed the exposed flesh of her arms. Bikers hated riding in cages, their term for cars. On days like today, she understood why. There was nothing like riding on the back of a bike with her arms wrapped about a hot as sin vampire, though she’d still prefer to ride on the back of Grayson’s bike.

  Hell, who was she fooling? She much rather ride Grayson.

  And yet she had turned down her one opportunity. When she had told Grayson no, she hadn’t thought it would force him into making a split second decision. Who would have thought, after nine months of turning her away, her one denial would cause him to throw her out of his bed? Technically, though, the room still belonged to Grayson.

  Anton turned his head to the side and said, “Hang on,” just as he pulled back on the throttle as they hit the straightaway. Trees, road and gravel became all but a blur. The needle to the speedometer buried at 120. A few miles down the road, rounding a sharp right curve, the bike handling it like a champ, the clubhouse came into view. Tamera noted the lack of vehicles in the parking lot. Their plan would have to be put on hold as Grayson’s bike was nowhere to be seen. Disappointment wound its way up her spine. Tamera hadn’t realized how much she actually looked forward to seeing him again, until faced with the possibility of holding off for another day. Just this morning, the clubhouse was put on lockdown and now it seemed the only two present were Suzi and, by the looks of the lone motorcycle, Alexander. Dread took up residence in the pit of her stomach. Something didn’t add up.

  Tamera leaned into Anton, her chin just over his left shoulder. “Where is everyone? It’s odd that after declaring a lockdown, no one is here. You know anything about where the crew might be?”

  “I’ve been with you all day, doll. Check your phone.” He slowed the bike to a stop beside Alexander’s. “Anyone leave you a message?”

  One text jumped out at her from the screen. It had nothing to do with the topic at hand, and everything to do with the dread gnawing at her. She whispered, “Shit,” just as Anton cut the engine.

  He took off his helmet. He looked back at her, concern evident in his blue gaze. “Everything okay?”

  She quickly slipped the cell back in her pocket. “Sure. Just curious where Gypsy’s taken off to. Since he fed this morning, I’m sure his absence doesn’t bode well for me.”

  In more ways than one.

  Tamera needed to start acting with her head and not her heart. As her heart was about to get her in a heap of trouble, trouble which might just cost her everything.

  “I sure hope this plan of yours works, Blondy.”

  His smile widened. “Of course, it will. Trust me?”

  Tamera pulled off her helmet, placed her hand on Anton’s sho
ulder, and slipped off the seat. “Don’t take this wrong. I have no choice but to trust you. You’re my only hope.”

  Anton winked at her, then stepped over the bike. He placed the helmets on the seat, before grabbing the duffle bag carrying Grayson’s belongings. Lacing his fingers through hers, he gave her hand a quick squeeze right before he leaned down and lightly kissed her lips.

  “It will work out, you’ll see.” Then he turned and headed for the door, pulling her behind him. She sure in the hell hoped Anton was correct, because right about now she’d do just about anything to get Grayson back.

  Clearing the entrance, Tamera’s gaze widened at the scene before her. Alexander sat on his knees between Suzi’s spread thighs, his wide back covering the rest from view. The biker Grayson had brought home earlier that morning stood behind the bar, hands braced on the surface, looking anything but comfortable.

  “What the hell?” Anton was the first to speak up.

  Alexander looked over his shoulder. “Thank goodness. Stop your damn gawking and go grab some fresh towels. I don’t have time to explain. Doesn’t look like this baby is waiting for Hawk’s return.”

  Suzi emitted a small cry, then grit her teeth. “I will cross my legs, damn it. Hawk will be here to see his baby born.”

  Tamera snapped her mouth shut, realizing she was still gapping at Alexander’s broad back. Holy hell! “You’re not due yet.”

  “Tell that to Hawk’s baby boy. Looks like he’s already a lot like his daddy. He has a mind of his own.” Suzi stopped talking for a few seconds, took in a sharp breath, then exhaled slowly. “I do hope Gypsy and Wolf find him quick like. I don’t think junior is going to wait much longer.”

  “You naming him Kaleb?”

  Suzi laughed. “Hell no. One Kaleb is more than enough. Junior was just an expression. We haven’t decided on a name. Oh hell”—she sucked in air and quickly puffed it back out—“we thought we had time. Guess we thought wrong.”

  Tamera dropped her tight hold on Anton’s hand and headed for the bathroom. She opened the cabinets and pulled out several white towels and a few washcloths. She returned to the living area and placed the towels next to Alexander, before going to the bar sink and wetting the washcloths. She filled a bowl with warm water. Back at Suzi’s side, she placed the basin next to Alexander’s knees, then a cool cloth across her friend’s forehead.

  “You need to breathe, honey,” Alexander instructed her. “Stop holding your breath.”

  Suzi did as she was told, her gaze holding Alexander’s. “You can handle this, right?”

  He smiled. “I got this. Can’t have the baby being born in a hospital. They do tests on his blood and the gig will be up. No worries. With our fast healing, you and the baby will be fine.”

  Tears slipped from Suzi’s lashes. “I wanted Hawk here. Where the hell is he anyway?”

  “Right here, babe.” Kaleb strode through the opened door, bypassed everyone, and rushed to Suzi’s side. His eyes looked wild, and his hair was in a complete disarray. He leaned down and kissed Suzi on the lips, then held her chin up so her gaze stayed on his. “You ready?”

  Suzi slapped his hand away. “I’ve been ready for the past couple months, you jerk. It hasn’t been easy carrying around this load.”

  Tamera stepped back, her gaze leaving the pair when it landed on the other two men who had followed Kaleb through the door. Grayson hadn’t moved, nor were his eyes on the pregnant mom about to give birth. It was all Tamera could do to keep her feet planted as his gaze traveled her length. Regardless of the circumstances before them, she needed to play the part of the happy couple with Anton.

  Breaking eye contact, she sought out Anton. He sat on a stool with his back to the bar, his thighs spread just enough she could stand between them, which she did. Anton used two fingers to tip her jaw, then leaned down and placed his lips over hers. Tamera could feel Grayson’s glare as if it burned twin holes right through her shirt. Knowing it was now or never to convince Grayson of their plan, she smoothed her hands up Anton’s chest, over his broad shoulders and around his neck, leaning into the big vampire. She returned Anton’s kiss, hoping like hell they put on a good display. She had indeed convinced one vampire, as Anton’s reaction to her kiss lay trapped between them.

  Anton broke the connection and put a sliver of space between them, though still concealing his reaction to their kiss. His blue gaze stayed on hers a bit longer than comfortable, making her heart pang. Tamera hadn’t for once considered how their little display might affect him. She detected the scent of Anton’s desire, which meant Grayson would note it as well. Of course, he would be able to detect Tamera’s rising desire as well, but Grayson wouldn’t know the cause had been his presence behind her.

  All part of the plan.

  Anton was a good man … too good. And yet, she returned the favor by being malicious to Kimber, someone he seemed interested in, even if he hadn’t admitted as much. When the hell had she become such a bitch?

  Tamera sighed. She knew exactly when.

  Anton leaned down and whispered into her ear, his breath fanning the shell. “You okay?”

  She nodded, but said nothing, not wanting Grayson to overhear. If this scheme didn’t work, Tamera would become Anton’s mate. And if it did work, Anton would lose Tamera to the man he once considered his best friend. She was just about to tell Anton she couldn’t follow through with their plan, not if it meant Anton getting hurt in the process, when Suzi’s scream filled the room, followed by the soft cry of an infant.

  Tamera turned in Anton’s embrace to find Kaleb grinning like a fool. Alexander held the crying baby boy, as he cooed softly at the newborn. Where the hell had the man learned to deliver a child? Alexander hadn’t hung at the clubhouse much in the nine months she had been there. Tamera couldn’t help wondering if the man stayed away because of the addition of women in what used to be an all-male sanctuary. She walked to his side and held out her arms. Alexander handed her the baby so she could bathe him. Suzi’s eyes drifted closed. Kaleb gathered her into his arms and pulled her onto his lap.

  Making quick work of washing the crying infant, Tamera then wrapped him in a white Chanel blanket. She smiled down at the adorable newborn as he scrunched his pert little nose. He was perfect from his pouty lips and blue eyes, right down to his ten fingers and toes. She gathered him to her breast and kissed his soft dark hair before returning him to the living area.

  Suzi opened her arms and Tamera placed the baby into them. Tears glistened in Suzi’s eyes as she looked up at Kaleb. Tamera knew true jealousy in that one moment, envious of the relationship her friend had. One she had hoped to have with Grayson. Now the idea seemed more of a pipe tunnel dream.

  “What shall we call him?” Suzi looked to Kaleb for the answer.

  Kaleb smiled wide. “Stefan. It means crowned in Romania.”

  Suzi kissed the top of the baby’s head. “Then you shall be called Stefan, little one.” She handed the baby to Kaleb.

  The Sons of Sangue’s president held his son in the crook of his arm, placing a brief kiss on his forehead. “Stefan, great grandson many times over of Vlad III … true blood and born leader.”

  Chapter 10

  Grayson watched Tamera from the other side of the bar, whiskey bottle in hand. Hell, he wasn’t even bothering with a glass. His only regret was that he barely felt the buzz, his vampire blood regenerating far too fast for him to even get a good drunk on. Which he could certainly use at the moment. Who was he fooling? He could use comatose. Because it was the only way he could continue watching the scene before him, and not smash someone’s fucking head against the scarred bar top. He grit his teeth, reminding himself he was the cause.

  How had he thought he’d ever be okay with her belonging to someone else?

  His best friend—ex-friend—sat on the sofa, arm wrapped around Tamera’s shoulder, kissing her neck and whispering only God knew what into her ear, sending her into a fit of giggles. Even with his acute hearing, he
couldn’t pick up on the sweet nothings, which further agitated his ass. Suzi and Kaleb had retired with Stefan about fifteen minutes ago, probably to get some much needed rest. Alexander and Grigore headed for K&K Motorcycles, leaving Ryder with him. Grayson would soon have to teach the young vamp to feed. For now, though, Ryder sat on a stool, elbows propped on the bar, face in his hands. Grayson supposed he had a headache like no other, remembering his own change. The only cure would be the human blood he’d get from his first donor. Grayson planned to head out for the Blood ‘n’ Rave come nightfall. Maybe while Ryder got his first taste of blood, he’d find a brunette or blonde’s arms to fall into and forget his perfectly sucky-ass day.

  He scrubbed a hand down his face and grumbled beneath his breath. By the looks of the two cozying up on the couch, there wouldn’t be any going back on his decision now even if he wanted. Anton had no doubt taken full advantage of him throwing Tamera’s ass out of the house and taken her directly to his bed, claiming what he had never denied wanting. Vlad would declare Tamera as Anton’s mate while Grayson quietly cursed his stubborn ass for not taking his right much sooner. Sure, he had hated her for taking away his freedom.

  But hadn’t it been a huge mistake? Not entirely her fault.

  Funny, now that he had his freedom back, he was wishing he hadn’t been so damn hasty. The one woman, who had him tripping over himself and swearing off other females for nine months, he had just given away.

  He really was an ass.

  Grayson couldn’t get the image of Tamera cradling the infant in her arms out of his head. Or the look on her face as she watched Stefan sleep. His mate—Grayson took another swig from the bottle of Jack. Anton’s mate seemed to be a natural at handling babies. Which was just fine with him. Let Anton be the next one of the Sons to father a child. Good enough for his traitorous ass. Grayson, on the other hand, planned never to enter into fatherhood. Only one woman for eternity and too much fucking responsibility. Yeah. He shook his head. Exactly what he didn’t need.


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