So Happy Together (Bishop Family Book 4)

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So Happy Together (Bishop Family Book 4) Page 4

by Brooke St. James

  I was overwhelmed with love and emotion as I lay there. I couldn't see his face from my current position. All I could see without moving was his chest, chin, and neck. I marveled at the way his dark facial hair grew in patches along his jaw, and I found that it was nearly impossible to keep myself from kissing his skin. There was a glorious indention on the side of his neck, and I focused on it, realizing I could literally see his pulse. It was subtle, but I noticed the tiny jumping motion of his heart beating steadily.

  I was so caught up with love or desire or some mixture of the two that I did the unthinkable. I slowly moved forward and let my lips gently fall on his neck, right at the spot where I could see his heart beating. I felt the short stubble of his facial hair against my lips, and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that I never wanted to kiss another man.

  My heart wanted to explode.

  My lips were open just slightly when they fell on his skin, and a crashing wave of love and desire washed over me when I realized I could taste him.

  Heaven. That was the only way I could possibly describe how it felt—like I must have died and gone to Heaven. All was right with the world in that moment when my lips were on Daniel Bishop.

  Then suddenly, he began to move.

  In one quick motion he sat up, swiveling around and letting his feet hit the ground. Just like that, he was sitting at the edge of the bed with his back toward me. I watched him stretch, the muscles of his back creating ridges that were visible through the thin white T-shirt. It was all I could do to stop myself from reaching out to touch him. He turned to focus on me and smiled when he saw my eyes were barely open.

  "Good morning, Ms. Cole."

  My heart fell at the sound of him calling me by my last name. I gave him a little smile, but it was forced. "Morning," I said sleepily.

  "Sorry to wake you," he said. "I think you might have been dreaming."

  I wanted to insist that I had not been dreaming, but instead I just gave him another fake, sleepy smile.

  "I should probably be getting back to my room to check on Ivy. Denise is up. She's right out here in the living room, but if you need me for anything, just call."

  I gave him a thankful nod. "Thank you for staying in here," I said. "I know you didn't have to do that."

  He smiled. "My pleasure."

  He turned and started to stand up, but before he could, I instinctually reached out and grabbed his shirt. This made him turn around and look at me again.

  I was about to say, "I wasn't dreaming when I kissed you," but I was so stunned by his gorgeous dark-featured face when he turned that I couldn’t get the words to come out of my mouth. I stared at him, feeling too speechless to think of what to say. "Uh, what'd you decide?" I asked.

  "About what?"

  "About New Orleans."

  "I'll bring Eric over in a little bit," he said. "You can let me know how you're feeling after you meet him."

  I almost said I already knew how I'd feel, but instead I just smiled and nodded, letting him know I was satisfied with that answer.

  He stared at me for a few seconds and I thought he was about to standup, but instead he reached out and put his hand on my head. I knew enough about Daniel to know this type of maneuver was completely out of character for him, but he could probably tell that I was aching for his affection, and he went out of his comfort zone to give it to me.

  "Are you feeling better?" he asked sweetly.

  I nodded with a tiny reassuring grin.

  "Good," he said with a contemplative smile. "I'm glad. Maybe you can get some more rest."

  And just like that, he stood up, tucking the gun that was on the bedside into the waistline of his pants before heading for the door. I saw him interact with Denise for a moment, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

  I stayed in bed for half an hour or so, thinking about Daniel and Trevor and the fact that I only had two more shows to go. I had a lot of things on my mind, but I was so exhausted that sleep found me again.

  The next thing I knew, I was being woken up. I felt someone rubbing my arm, and I opened my eyes to find Denise sitting on the edge of my bed, smiling down at me.

  "Good morning, sleepy bones," she said.

  "Morning. What time is it?"

  I could've easily glanced at the clock, but I just let her tell me.

  "It's ten-thirty. I would've let you sleep, but Daniel is here with Trevor's new replacement, and he seems to think you would want to talk to him personally before he heads out."

  I sat straight up. "Before who heads out?"

  "Daniel and his sister. I think they need to go ahead and leave for the airport. She's so cute. She was out at the beach this morning in her gymnastics leotard."

  I stood up, sliding clumsily into my fluffy white slippers. There was a matching white robe draped over the foot of my bed, and I shrugged into it. I absolutely never popped out of bed that quickly, and Denise glanced at me like she was surprised I was in such a hurry.

  "I told him not to leave," I said.

  "That's why he's here," she whispered, nodding.

  I headed into the living room, still feeling stiff, sleepy, and out-of-it. I didn't even care that I looked like a mess; all I cared about was catching Daniel before he left.

  The two men were sitting on the couch, and they both stood up when I came into the room.

  When it came to stature, they looked like they could have been twins. Their facial features were different, but they were both tall, confident, athletic-looking men with broad shoulders and dark hair. I thought of Trevor and how he would fit this same description, and I wondered if Alpha Security only hired this specific type of man.

  I glanced back and forth between the two of them, realizing that they were both smiling at me. "I apologize for waking you, Ms. Cole," Daniel said.

  "Courtney," I said, looking straight at Daniel. "And I'm glad you did."

  "I wanted you to meet Eric Matthews," he continued.

  I came to stand near the gentleman, smiling as I extended a hand to shake Eric's.

  "It's very nice to meet you," Eric said.

  "You too," I agreed.

  Daniel was right. I could see how he would have assumed that I would like Eric just as much as I liked him or Trevor. Physically, the three men could've almost been interchangeable. Eric's hair was slightly lighter and a little longer, but he had a handsome, inviting smile, and by everyone else's standards, I should have liked Eric just as much as Daniel. The problem was, Eric wasn't Daniel.

  "Eric's been with us for about a year," Daniel said. "And he had experience with the Secret Service before that, so I promise, you're in good hands."

  I wanted to be in no one's hands but Daniel's, and my gut clinched at the way he made things sound so final. He must have thought I was delirious when I asked him to stay last night.

  Denise walked across the living room and sat at the table, staring at her laptop and not paying any attention to us. During the next few seconds, I fought an internal battle. I could see that the wheels were set in motion for Eric to take Daniel's place. I knew that Daniel wasn't comfortable with life on the road, and I begged myself to just chill and stop being so selfish and go with the flow. I told myself that obviously Daniel did not want to be here with me, or he wouldn't be so adamant about leaving.

  I knew I should let Eric take over.

  I knew I should forget about Daniel Bishop.

  But in spite of knowing those things, I still looked straight at Daniel and said, "I thought you were just going to work for me until Trevor got back."

  I glanced at Eric and saw that his smile faded a little at my statement.

  "No offense," I said. "I'm sure you're really good. But I was under the impression that Daniel was doing the job. We already talked about it."

  I looked at Daniel who remained expressionless. I watched his chest rise and fall as he took a deep breath.

  "I think Daniel and his sister need to get to the airport," Denise interjected without lo
oking up from her work at the table.

  I tried not to be frustrated with her because she had no idea how important this was to me. "Thanks," I called sarcastically.

  I turned to focus on Daniel, feeling only slightly ashamed of myself for not being able to hide my annoyance.

  "Can I talk to you in here for a second?" I asked, pointing toward my bedroom with a thumb over my shoulder.

  "Sure," he said, following me.

  Maybe it was silly or selfish of me to feel this way, but I was so angry and torn up over the idea of Daniel leaving that silent tears began streaming down my face. I didn't want to be emotional about it, there was nothing I could do to stop the tears. Denise had opened the curtains in my bedroom, so it was light in there when we stepped inside. Daniel followed me in, and I made sure he was clear of the door before I closed it. I turned to face him and saw his expression change and soften when he noticed my tearstained cheeks.

  "What's the matter?" he asked quietly.

  "What do you think?" I asked incredulously.

  "I'm sorry," he said. "I really thought you'd like Eric. His personality is a lot like Trevor's, and—"

  I cut him off. "I already told you I wanted you to stay," I said, drying my cheeks with the sleeve of my robe. "I thought you agreed to do it."

  "I did, and I still will if you want, I just thought that after you met Eric, you'd see that—"

  "See what? That you're both capable of protecting me from bad guys?"

  "Yes, and he's funny and nice, too."

  "So are you."

  Daniel tilted his head with a slightly skeptical expression. "I'm just saying… he's got a lot more experience in the field."

  "I don't care about training. I said I wanted you to stay, and you promised me you would. Are you going back on your promise?"


  "Then why is he here?"

  "Because I thought once you met him you would—"

  "I don't. I met him, and I don't want him to stay. I'm sure he's great. I know he's probably a wonderful security guard, but I don't want him. I want you. You promised you would stay if I wanted you to, and that's what I want."

  Daniel took a deep breath, looking at me like he was about to say something and then changed his mind. "Okay," he said simply.

  "Okay?" I asked.

  He nodded.

  "I'm sorry that we made him come down here for nothing. I already knew that I—"

  "That's fine," he said. "We took him off a job to bring him over here, so they'll be glad to have him back."

  "Thank you," I said. "And please tell Eric it has nothing to do with him. I'm just already so torn up over Trevor, and all the switching around was making me a little…" I hesitated, touching my stomach and hoping this vague explanation was enough to explain my tears.

  "I understand," Daniel said. "It's no problem. I'll take care of it." He sighed, contemplating whether or not we had addressed everything that needed to be addressed. "I know you've got the day off today," he said. "Denise mentioned you wanting to go to the beach."

  I nodded.

  "Would it be all right if I let Eric cover for a few hours while I take care of getting Ivy on her plane?"

  I nodded again. "But she's welcome to stay."

  He shook his head. "Thanks, but I need to get her back home. I'm not even gonna tell her you offered because she'd hate me for saying 'no'. I'll be back this afternoon. In the meantime, Eric will take you wherever you want to go."

  "Thank you," I said.

  He gave me a little smile. "I'm happy to do it," he said sweetly.

  I figured there was a possibility he was just saying that to be nice, but I really didn't care as long as he was staying.

  "I'll fill Eric in on what's going on. He'll be waiting out there whenever you're ready to go."

  Chapter 6

  I spent the next hour washing my hair and getting ready to go out. Jake was already on his way to New Orleans, but he had left several outfits in my closet, all of which were appropriate for a day at the beach. I had to smile when I saw a note on one of the swimsuits that said, "Please wear this one." He and Nina were on the road with the rest of the crew, but my bus wasn't scheduled to leave until that evening after dinner.

  I put on the swimsuit Jake had recommended, and over it, I wore a long, flowy dress. I added a hat and oversized sunglasses, not only because they helped me escape photographers, but also because I liked how they looked with the dress.

  I had been to Miami several times before, and I always went to the same stretch of beach. There was good shopping and restaurants nearby, and I never got hassled. Denise and Vick would both be riding on the bus with me to New Orleans, and they were excited to enjoy a day off as well.

  The two of them, along with Eric, were waiting in the living room for me when I finished getting dressed, and we got on the road right away. Denise wanted to do some shopping, so Vick went with her while Eric and I went to the beach. I attracted a couple of photographers, but it was an upscale section of the city, and for the most part, they kept their distance and remained respectful. I came really close to taking off my dress since I had Jake's recommended swimsuit underneath, but I considered what Daniel said about my gold stage outfit, and I opted to leave it on.

  Eric and I stayed at the beach for about an hour. We did some people watching and soaking in the sun before the other two came back and asked us if we wanted to grab some lunch.

  Eric was everything Daniel promised he would be. He was smart, funny, considerate, and extremely easy to get along with. He was such a gentleman—the perfect bodyguard and companion—the perfect replacement for Trevor. But never once during my time with Eric did I regret asking Daniel to come back. In fact, I couldn't wait for him to return.

  After lunch, we went back to the hotel. My suite came with access to a rooftop pool, and since I hadn't used it at all during my stay, I decided to go out there. Eric came with me, but Vick and Denise both decided to lay low in their respective rooms. We were all accustomed to giving each other space. It was something you got good at when you spent so much time on the road together.

  Eric and I had only been poolside for a little while when he got a text from Daniel saying that he had been delayed by stopping at the store to pick up some clothes and supplies for the trip, but that he was on his way.

  I got nervous at the thought of Daniel showing up while we were at the pool, and I actually wondered what I could be doing when he arrived that would get his attention. Should I be swimming in the pool, or would he like it better if I was stretched out in a lounge chair, reading a book? I had to laugh at myself for thinking such absurd thoughts. I had never in my life wanted so badly to impress a man.

  Eric and I had been in and out of the pool, but we were both standing in the shallow end with our backs against the wall when Daniel arrived. I watched him as he stepped outside taking in his surroundings.

  He had changed clothes since the last time I saw him. He had on khaki slacks and a light colored, short-sleeve shirt. His skin was tanned, his haircut was sharp, and he had on stylish sunglasses. He looked like Miami's most eligible bachelor. I was trying my best to contain a huge grin at the sight of him when I noticed his serious expression.

  Eric hopped out of the pool without using the stairs. His sudden movement made a splash that caused me to shift to the side and stare up at him. Water ran off of his perfect male body, and I realized I didn't even care. He was extremely attractive, and yet he might as well if been my brother with how indifferent I felt toward him.

  "Hey boss," Eric said.

  "Hey," Daniel returned, looking at him and then at me. "Where's Vick?" Daniel asked. "Is it just you two up here?"

  "Yep," Eric said, grabbing a towel and beginning to dry off. "We went to the beach earlier, but Court didn't get to swim, so she wanted to come up here."

  Daniel looked at me. He was standing up, and I was way down in the pool, so I had to really tilt my head to see him. It was bright, and I squinted in
to the sun. Daniel's expression remained serious, and my heart sped up as I wondered what he was thinking. I so badly wanted him to like me that his stoicism caused a yearning sensation in my chest.

  "We ate the best fish tacos I've ever had," Eric said, trying to make pleasant conversation about our day. "I might have to fly back to Miami just to eat them again."

  Daniel didn’t comment on the tacos. He came to stand a little closer to me, still looking like he was accessing the situation. I couldn't stand it any longer; I had to try to get his attention. I swam to the steps and slowly got out of the pool, doing my best to walk gracefully like a model without looking like I was trying too hard. Jake really knew what he was doing as a stylist, and I wanted so badly for Daniel to take a second to look at my swimsuit, but he barely glanced at me. I hardly had the chance to get my feet onto dry land when he picked up a towel and wrapped it around me.

  "No thanks," I said, feeling stubborn and handing the towel back to him. "I wanted to get a little sun while we're out here. I didn't get to lay out at the beach."

  Daniel's expression remained serious. "If you don't mind, Ms. Cole, Eric and I will talk for a few minutes so he can be on his way."

  "Not at all," I said. I reached out to give Eric a sideways hug. "Thank you," I said. "I had fun today."

  "Me too," he said sweetly. "And next time, I'm not taking it easy on you." (He was talking about the swimming race we had down and back the length of the pool. I was a good swimmer, but I knew he had let me win.)

  I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him.

  "Okay, so, we're gonna sit right over here and finish up," Daniel said, pointing to the nearby table as if he wanted Eric to take a seat in one of the chairs.

  "That's fine," I said casually. "I'm just going to read."

  My hat and sunglasses were sitting on a table, and I put them both on before stretching out on a lounge chair. I had already applied SPF 50 sunblock, so I was relatively sure I wasn't getting a tan, but it felt good to stretch out and relax next to the pool nonetheless. I had a few books downloaded onto my phone, and I scrolled to the one I had been meaning to start reading.


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